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Average Member
Bosnia and Herzegovina
766 Posts
Member since 24/08/2010 |
Posted - 22/05/2013 : 17:06:22
Brutalno! Avengersi mi nisu loši, ali samo radi Iron Mana i Roberta Downey Jr.-a, ali često susrećem komentare kako će Avangersi na kraju ipak biti puno bolji, gledajući sve ove kadrove nekako sumnjam, ovo baš djeluje - BRUTALNO DOBRO! |
Senior Member
1314 Posts
Member since 01/11/2011 |
Posted - 22/05/2013 : 22:03:00
Kako je ovo dobro. Ne da jedva čekam, nego jedva čekam. Nakon zadnjeg jadnog supermena nisam više mislio da će ikad krenuti novi film/ovi o njemu koji će biti dobri, odlični. Ovaj trejler otkriva jebeni film. |
Sve što zna za smrt, može se ponovo roditi! |
Mr. Bushido suradnik
12924 Posts
Member since 23/09/2005 |
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Johnny Difool
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Posted - 23/05/2013 : 15:48:02
Zašto su postarali prekrasnu Diane Lane? Ovako se neću igrati! |
Ja necu imati s kim ostati mlad ako svi ostarite, i ta ce mi mladost teško pasti... |
Edited by - Johnny Difool on 23/05/2013 15:48:24 |
going going
Advanced Member
11867 Posts
Member since 24/04/2012 |
Luca_Torelli suradnik
1379 Posts
Member since 05/03/2011 |
Posted - 24/05/2013 : 06:16:14
quote: Originally posted by Johnny Difool
Zašto su postarali prekrasnu Diane Lane? Ovako se neću igrati!
Da Clark ne bi zgriješio bludno. ;) |
nebesa nisu humana... (Hrabal)
Mr. Bushido suradnik
12924 Posts
Member since 23/09/2005 |
DeeCay suradnik
21661 Posts
Member since 24/09/2002 |
Posted - 27/05/2013 : 17:14:07
Moglo bi biti super, ekipa koja ga radi, radi dobre filmove... I Goyer i Nolan i Snyder. A bome i traje film - 143 minute. I djetinjstvo i porijeklo i fajt protiv generala Zoda, sve u jednom filmu. |
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies; the man who never reads lives only one." |
Advanced Member
10816 Posts
Member since 18/01/2010 |
Posted - 27/05/2013 : 18:07:26
quote: Originally posted by DeeCay
I djetinjstvo i porijeklo i fajt protiv generala Zoda, sve u jednom filmu.
U sustini i ja volim kad se sve u jednom filmu objedini,da se ne razvuce u nastavke bespotrebno... |
"Kompromisi u kolekcionarstvu su one stvari koje ce ti omoguciti da dozivis starost sa pozamasnom ustedjevinom!" |
Senior Member
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PijaniPatak suradnik
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DeeCay suradnik
21661 Posts
Member since 24/09/2002 |
Posted - 29/05/2013 : 21:43:23
quote: Originally posted by Windwalker
Kaj ak ih na kraju sve spojimo, dobijemo cijeli film?
Dobijemo samo one najbolje scene, ostatak je manje važan.
Kad gledam ove sličice, mogu reći da je ekipa impresivna. |
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies; the man who never reads lives only one." |
21432 Posts
Member since 16/03/2004 |
Posted - 04/06/2013 : 00:56:26
Goyer objašnjava kako su on i Nolan došli na ideju da urade Supermena: quote: Question: What was your vision for "Superman" that got this rolling? David Goyer: Chris (Nolan) and I were working on "The Dark Knight Rises" and we reached writers' block. Chris said, "Let's break for a week and just clear our palettes and then come back." I was tooling around in my office and I just picked up some old "Superman" comic books, started reading them. For about an afternoon I just had this notion for a "Superman" story. At this point, I think they were developing another version with someone else anyway, so I just randomly wrote a couple of pages, maybe three or four pages of a "Superman" movie. Without giving too many spoilers away, it just occurred to me that the story that I was interested in seeing was the story that was about—we knew Kal was an alien, but what made him actually assume this Superman identity and put on a costume? What made him decide, "Oh, I'm going to actually present myself to the world and be a superhero"? I realized that if the world became aware that Kal existed, it would be a first contact story, and in many ways, it would be the biggest thing that ever happened in human history. It would change the world forever, just the sheer fact that he existed on the planet and then subsequently, the knowledge of what he could do, it would force the religions of the world to respond. There would be fear. There would be awe, just the sheer fact that he existed would be the biggest story that ever happened in human history. I realized at least cinematically they'd always just kinda jumped over that, you know? I loved the Donner film, but in the Donner film, he sorta walks up into the north and he throws a crystal and then he comes out of the fortress and he's in his costume. Then it's like, "Oh, there's a guy." There's just no—everyone just is like, "Oh, that's cool. This guy can do all this. Fine." Then, "Superman Returns" just assumed that you knew all the Donner films as well, and they just jumped over what I thought to me would literally—like I said—be the single most important event in human history. So I had more of the idea worked out, but that was the initial starting point. So I came back to Chris and he said, "So did you crack....?" We were having a problem with the third act in "The Dark Knight Rises." He said, "Did you figure it out?" I said, "No, but I have this idea for ‘Superman.'" He said, "Oh, all right, fine, what is it?" So, I spent about 20 minutes telling him this story and he said, "Wow! That's really cool. Do you want me to produce it?" I said, "Oh, I don't even know that they're doing something else." He said, "Well, let's call ‘em up." He literally called Jeff Robinov up and said, "Goyer just pitched me a take for ‘Superman.' We have to do this. I want to produce it. He wants to write it. We need to come in and tell you it." We came in in a couple of days. I told Robinov and Alan Horn at the time what I told Chris. The next day they scuttled all the other plans that they were doing and made me a deal and I started slowly writing. From that point onward, Chris and I then started doing what we did on—what we do on the "Batman" films. We use index cards for the movie. So that's about a two month process. Chris and I do really extensive index cards and we meet usually three times a week and we just do board after board after board of index cards where Chris and I beat everything out. Then I went and wrote a treatment and then I started writing and that was the movie. Again, I don't want to give too much away, but it was really about—this story centers around the fact that the world finds out that Superman exists and he then has to - when we refer to him as an alien, we refer to him as Kal, and when we refer to him as a human, we refer to him as Clark. He then has to grapple with, in effect, does he want to be Kal or does he want to be Clark? That's his sort of cross to bear in this story. It's the story of two fathers, Jor-El and Jonathan.
Mr. Bushido suradnik
12924 Posts
Member since 23/09/2005 |
Advanced Member
10434 Posts
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Posted - 07/06/2013 : 13:09:42
Prema ovim trejlerima izgleda izgleda je i Batman pa je ispalo da je Nolan snimia ono dosadno sranje.. |
"Clark Kent je Supermanova kritika covjecanstva" |
Edited by - brni on 07/06/2013 13:11:19 |
Advanced Member
10434 Posts
Member since 18/06/2009 |
Posted - 07/06/2013 : 13:24:45
I vidim da se islo na Silver Age shemu Zod-Faora (pretpostavljam da bi triba biti i Jax-Ur) umisto Donnerove verzije koju je Johns ubacia u strip Zod-Ursa-Non..svida mi se sta je ubacen Dr. Emil Hamilton meni jako drag lik iz Modern Age prica..dakle biti ce nekakav miks svega sto je dobro..
Ono sto je katastrofa jest izostavljanje ikone stripa Jimmya Olsena.. |
"Clark Kent je Supermanova kritika covjecanstva" |
Edited by - brni on 07/06/2013 13:25:18 |
supermark suradnik
29619 Posts
Member since 06/02/2007 |
Posted - 07/06/2013 : 14:41:56
quote: Originally posted by brni
Ono sto je katastrofa jest izostavljanje ikone stripa Jimmya Olsena..
meni inače ide na živce ubacivanje previše likova u film, na silu samo zato da ih se spomene čak kad i pogledam ovaj gore trailer čini mi se kao da je previše toga nabacano u priču |
Advanced Member
10434 Posts
Member since 18/06/2009 |
Posted - 07/06/2013 : 15:46:03
quote: Originally posted by supermark
quote: Originally posted by brni
Ono sto je katastrofa jest izostavljanje ikone stripa Jimmya Olsena..
meni inače ide na živce ubacivanje previše likova u film, na silu samo zato da ih se spomene čak kad i pogledam ovaj gore trailer čini mi se kao da je previše toga nabacano u priču
Jimmy Olsen je u Supermanovoj mitologiji koliko i sam Superman tj. pod ovim imenom Jimmy od 1941. tako da se njega nema sta na silu ubacivat..da ne govorim koliko je bitan kotacic u odnosu Clark-Superman, sta je najgore stavit ce umisto njega njegov zenski pandan Jenny Olsen.. |
"Clark Kent je Supermanova kritika covjecanstva" |
Edited by - brni on 07/06/2013 16:01:30 |
King Warrior suradnik
22322 Posts
Member since 10/11/2007 |
Posted - 08/06/2013 : 11:36:27
Jimmy mi je jedan od najodvratnijih likova u svijetu stripa, ali slazem se, trebali su ga staviti u manjoj ulozi, nesto slicno kao u Returns. Jedino sto mi za sada u vecoj mjeri smeta je babac Lois, trebali i morali su naci neku mladju glumicu za ovu ulogu. Amy je ne samo devet godina starija od Henryja, vec ima skoro 40 god., sto je previse ukoliko racunaju sa njom u eventualnim nastavcima koji se snimaju u razmaku od nekoliko godina. Ukoliko je vec u narednom nastavku sahrane, onda je ok. To bi inace bila dobra ideja, nema te price koja u filmovima ili serijama nije ispricana kada su Lois i Clark u pitanju. Zaista postaje vise dosadno gledati njih dvoje u ljubavnoj semi. |
Ernie Pike
Senior Member
2849 Posts
Member since 06/03/2012 |
Posted - 09/06/2013 : 15:15:09
LA Times je prije nekoliko dana objavio kratki razgovor s Zackom Snyderom i Nolanom o mogucem Justice League filmu. Iako nije nista gotovo, Snyder je rekao da u Univerzumu njegovog filma postoje i drugi DC superheroji. Ako Man of Steel bude uspjesan, a sva predvidjanja govor da ce biti, mislim da je JL odgovor Avengersima neizbjezan. |
Average Member
872 Posts
Member since 01/10/2010 |
Posted - 09/06/2013 : 23:43:51
quote: Originally posted by Ernie Pike
LA Times je prije nekoliko dana objavio kratki razgovor s Zackom Snyderom i Nolanom o mogucem Justice League filmu. Iako nije nista gotovo, Snyder je rekao da u Univerzumu njegovog filma postoje i drugi DC superheroji. Ako Man of Steel bude uspjesan, a sva predvidjanja govor da ce biti, mislim da je JL odgovor Avengersima neizbjezan.
Pa najavljen je JL za 2015-u, a koliko sam vidio glavni neprijatelj bi trebao biti : |
Sve je relativno (E = mc^2) |
Edited by - Felagund on 09/06/2013 23:45:24 |
Mr. Bushido suradnik
12924 Posts
Member since 23/09/2005 |
Posted - 10/06/2013 : 00:18:58
quote: Originally posted by Felagund
quote: Originally posted by Ernie Pike
LA Times je prije nekoliko dana objavio kratki razgovor s Zackom Snyderom i Nolanom o mogucem Justice League filmu. Iako nije nista gotovo, Snyder je rekao da u Univerzumu njegovog filma postoje i drugi DC superheroji. Ako Man of Steel bude uspjesan, a sva predvidjanja govor da ce biti, mislim da je JL odgovor Avengersima neizbjezan.
Pa najavljen je JL za 2015-u, a koliko sam vidio glavni neprijatelj bi trebao biti :
To su samo glasine i nagađanja, ništa još nije najavljeno.
Štoviše, ako sam dobro vidio, Snyder bi čak želio snimiti još koji film o Supermanu prije nego li on ili netko drugi snime film o Justice League. |
Comics is any art you can read. -- Sean T. Collins |
Mr. Bushido suradnik
12924 Posts
Member since 23/09/2005 |
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