Crusade is a Franco-Belgian comics series written by Jean Dufaux, illustrated by Philippe Xavier and published by Le Lombard in French,Cinebook in English and Splitter Verlag in German.
Volume Description
The war threatens to erupt again in the Holy Land. Led by Gregory of Arcos and the disturbing Duke of Tarentum, Christians are preparing to recapture Jerusalem and wrest from the hands of Sultan Ab'dul Razim. The knights of Flanders Gauthier opposes this new campaign that he considers to be foolish. All but ignore it in the dark, the acting Qua'dj, a demon determined to reap his harvest of souls warriors. Faced with its dark intentions will rise soon Gauthier and lovely, but dangerous, Syria Arcos.
Summary album: Gauthier of Flanders won Saint-Jean d'Acre and met up with his sister Sybil. But he has not forgotten his promise to a dying young woman: to find his sister captured by fanatics who call themselves the Flagellants.