Skoro sam zaboravio - Slipshine - više na indy stranu ali ima svega i svačega, par odličnih stvari (Chiba!!) - toliko, da se isplati biti član. Ili Google za alternativu ;-)
Artist/s: Bill Messner-Loebs,Guy Colwell,John Pound...
depresivni iskompleksirani primitivac i nadrkana budala kojeg financira stari i koji sa skoro 50 godina nema ni žene ni posla.Pa naravno da je ljut na sve, a narocito na one koji su uspješni. Jbga Lwoode nisam ti ja kriv kaj nisi uspio u životu
Jürgen Funke is a German artist, who was drawing erotic comics in the 1980s. One of his best known works is the sexually explicit detective comic 'Mona C.', that was published by Kai Stellmann in 1980. In the following year, he contributed to both issues of the Stellmann magazine Blender. Under the label of Blender he then published two more erotic Krimi's: 'Kim L.' in 1984 and 'Liv R.' in 1989. 'Lola' followed in 1994, published in Denmark by Bogfabrikken.
The main characters are Clara (the Betty Page lookalike) and her son Max. But this is anything but a simple humor strip about a working class single mother; Clara is a real "working girl". I think you'll see what I mean pretty quickly.
I've deliberately chosen not too post any of the more hardcore episodes from the book, but if you're easily offended, or if adult situations make you uneasy, you'd be best if you click away from this NOW.