Hm, mislim da sam prije par dana procitao da je USA vec ukljucila u napada i Apache helikoptere pa me samo zanima iz koje baze polecu? Kao i svi ovi zrakoplovi. Ono, Turki ne daju previse bombardovat IS ako se nece napasti i Asad (u slobodnom prijevodu, ispod crte), pa me tako zanima polijecu li ovi zrakoplovi sada iz baza u Turskoj ili ne? Od tamo bi im bilo najlakse (a i najjeftinije), pogotovo ako ce stvarno ukljuciti i helikoptere (ili su ih vec).
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Originally posted by Poli Hm, mislim da sam prije par dana procitao da je USA vec ukljucila u napada i Apache helikoptere pa me samo zanima iz koje baze polecu? Kao i svi ovi zrakoplovi. Ono, Turki ne daju previse bombardovat IS ako se nece napasti i Asad (u slobodnom prijevodu, ispod crte), pa me tako zanima polijecu li ovi zrakoplovi sada iz baza u Turskoj ili ne? Od tamo bi im bilo najlakse (a i najjeftinije), pogotovo ako ce stvarno ukljuciti i helikoptere (ili su ih vec).
Hm, izgleda da i nisu (jos) djelovali u Siriji. Barem sada ne mogu naci podatak o tome. Ali pise se vise manje svasta ovih dana (prije 24h pisalo je negdje da je IS osvojio vec 3/4 Kobanija).
Nekako ne vjerujem da bi letjeli iznad IS podrucja, pogotovo ne iz Iraka. Ali dobro bi dosli u Kobaniju, ako bi mogli uzletjeti iz Turske.
""Adkins rushed through intense enemy fire and manned a mortar position defending the camp," the Army report says. "He continued to mount a defense even while incurring wounds from several direct hits from enemy mortars. Upon learning that several soldiers were wounded near the center of camp, he temporarily turned the mortar over to another soldier, ran through exploding mortar rounds and dragged several comrades to safety. As the hostile fire subsided, Adkins exposed himself to sporadic sniper fire and carried his wounded comrades to a more secure position."
Later, under enemy fire, some of it coming from South Vietnamese allies who had defected to the North during the battle, Adkins took wounded troops to an airstrip outside the camp for evacuation and drew enemy fire away from the evacuation aircraft. He went outside the camp again to retrieve supplies from an airdrop that fell into a minefield. And that was just day one.
"The bottom line is that it was just not my day to go," Adkins said in an Army interview at Fort Benning, Georgia, last week."
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Uzvici „Allahu Ekber“ (Allah je najveći), „Smrt nevjernicima“ te džihadističke pjesme koje preko razglasa odjekuju u gradu Kobaniju dopiru do turske granice. Unatoč žestokim zračnim udarima na položaje ISIL-a u silovitoj ofenzivi džihadisti su ušli u grad Kobani. Usprkos nijekanju kurdskih boraca i turske vojske, borci Islamske države, prema tvrdnjama svjedoka, ušli su do samog centra Kobanija gdje vode ulične borbe s pripadnicima kurdske teritorijalne obrane, pešmergama, dok se crni gusti dim nadvio nad čitavim gradom. Topništvo ISIL-a utihnulo je i više na gađa grad već se samo čuju sporadične pucnjave što je dokaz da su pripadnici ISIL-a već duboko u gradu.
Militanti Islamske države (IS) koriste drevne spise, ili hadise na arapskom, kako bi privukli nove regrute. Hadis star više od 1.300 godina, zapis o onome što je Muhamed rekao, napravio ili vidio, u jednom dijelu spominje 'hordu koja vijori 80 zastava dok se sprema napasti muslimansku vojsku u sirijskom gradu Dabiqu'. Spis upozorava i na 'malahim', islamsku verziju Armagedona, koji će uslijediti nakon velike bitke kod Dabiqa.
Staff Writer, Al Arabiya News Friday, 10 October 2014 Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) fighters made new gains on Friday in the Syrian town of Kobane, taking control now of about 40 percent of it, a monitoring group said.
The Syrian Observatory for Human rights said ISIS has seized areas including Kurdish administrative buildings in the “security quarter.
At least 31 people have been killed and 360 others wounded in four days of violent protests in Turkey by Kurdish demonstrators angry at the government's lack of action to save the Syrian town of Kobane from a jihadist militant takeover, the interior minister said Friday.
Associated Press, Washington Friday, 10 October 2014 The barrage of U.S. cruise missiles aimed at a cell of al-Qaeda militants in Syria last month failed to stop ongoing terror plots to blow up airplanes over Europe and the United States, American intelligence officials say.
The strikes on a facility near Aleppo killed only one or two key members of what is referred to as the Khorasan Group, officials said, because many of the militants had scattered amid news reports highlighting their activities.
Among those who survived is a French-born jihadist who fought in Afghanistan with a military prowess that is of great concern to U.S. intelligence officials. The group is believed to be continuing its plans to attack the West, officials say.
AFP, Jerusalem Friday, 10 October 2014 A priest and 20 other Christians kidnapped by Al-Qaeda-linked rebels in Syria this week were released Thursday, the Franciscan order said.
“Father Hanna Jallouf has been released this morning... He is under house arrest at the convent of Qunyeh,” the order said, without providing further details.
A Franciscan spokeswoman later confirmed to AFP that the other captives were also released.
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"To je savršen rat za tvrtke koje se bave oružjem i one koji žele povećanje sredstava odobrenih za obranu", rekao je Richard Aboulafia, potpredsjednik konzultantske tvrtke Teal Group.
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'Foreign country' behind Iran military center blast Kuwaiti report says that blast at Iran's Parchin military complex – rumored to be connected to Iran's alleged nuclear program – was perpetrated by a foreign country.
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