Поштовани читаоци, у години на размеђи два велика јубилеја - 100 година од рођења Туве Јансон и 70 година од објављивања прве књиге о Мумину, Комико, у оквиру едиције "Меридијани", објављује своју прву колекцију стрипова о вероватно најпознатијем лику скандинавске фикције.
Књига "Мумун: велике и мале пустоловине" садржи 6 класичних прича о Мумину, премијерно објављених на српском језику, хронолошки како су настајале.
Књига има 200 страна, формата је 21,5 x 23 cm, меког повеза са клапнама, а тираж је 1000 примерака. Превела је феноменална Славица Агатоновић, а за ликовну опрему заслужан је Вук Попадић.
Moomin Moomin is a young and sensitive male and the son of the family. Like all Moomins, he is kind, well-meaning, and open to new ideas. Likes: adventures, climbing, his mother Moominmamma Dislikes: skiing and ice swimming
Moominpappa The Moomin father is self-focused and often shown in an ironic light. He is often busy writing; sometimes it is his memoirs, sometimes a novel or a dissertation.
Likes: adventures, sailing and storms Dislikes: life that is too peaceful
Moominmamma The Moomin mother is relaxed, loving and enjoys her life. She grows roses, she paints and she takes care of everyone, cooking and makeing jam. She also finds solution to most problems, but she is not perfect. Likes: surprises, parties, decorative details Dislikes: rules
Little My Little My is tiny. She is always in control of the situation and able to speak unpleasant truths, or bite the ankles of monsters who threaten her friends. Likes: unaccepted situations, anarchy. Dislikes: rules, people that are fake.
Snufkin Snufkin is an artist, a composer and a wanderer. He is Moomintroll's friend. Snufkin needs more privacy than anyone else and often leaves the valley to go away on his trips. Likes: freedom, desolate landscapes Dislikes: rules, people that admire him too much
Mymble (female) Mymbles never worry about anything. They fall in love easily and forget easily. Hemulens (usually male but wear a dress) Hemulens are clumsy and they have no sense of humour. They love rules and like activities such as ice swimming, blowing the trombone or collecting stamps.
Fillyjonks (female) Fillyjonks are slim, long-limbed and nervous. They love cleaning and hate worms. Complex figures, they are afraid of storms, but simultaneously long for them.
Groke (female) Groke is a mysterious monster that looks like a big and icy rock. She is a symbol of loneliness and coldness, and nobody knows much about her. If she stays in one place for some time, the ground freezes and nothing ever grows on that spot again.
Muminove "Velike i male pustolovine" su u prodaji. Prijem na festivalu u Kragujevcu je bio odličan, te bi se reklo da ipak nismo pogrešili sa tiražom od 1000 primeraka.
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