New Member
135 Posts
Member since 18/08/2004 |
Posted - 26/11/2015 : 16:54:13
Bok! Na predbilježbi je druga knjiga Zagora na engleskom!
Pa kaže:
ZAGOR: THE RED SAND GN Piše: Guido Nolitta, crta Gallieno Ferri In a desperate attempt to prevent an all-out war, with Zagor, the King of Darkwood, stand on the "wrong" side and raise his weapon against those he usually protects? At the end of the line there may be time only for only final sacrifice. 6x9 inča, 440 str. u boji, 150 kn.
Primam predbilježbe, javite se što prije!! (ako ste propustili prvi album, imam još par primjeraka!)
Jasno, ima tu još hrpetina novih stvari - pa provjerite kataloge na www.hgc.logossun.com!
Cheers! d.
Denis Pajtak, 0981320580, logossun@gmail.com |