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Senior Member

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Member since 08/01/2011

Posted - 27/06/2016 : 19:32:02  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send senokute a Private Message
Izvinjenje učitelju,,,
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Posted - 27/06/2016 : 20:11:18  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Dranki a Private Message
Kažu ne treba politizovati pobjedu Ukrajine na ESC. Pogledajte koji kanal objavljuje ovaj video.

I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote.
I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts.
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Member since 03/06/2007

Posted - 28/06/2016 : 06:29:43  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Dranki a Private Message

Kakva lijepa simbolika, NATO = SS

I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote.
I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts.
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igor 12 suradnik

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Member since 24/01/2013

Posted - 28/06/2016 : 08:16:49  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send igor 12 a Private Message
meni to više liči na 4s,tj. cccc

Vamos a la playa tralalalala
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Member since 09/12/2005

Posted - 28/06/2016 : 08:48:19  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send lwood a Private Message
meni izgleda totalno bezveze

depresivni iskompleksirani primitivac i nadrkana budala kojeg financira stari i koji sa skoro 50 godina nema ni žene ni posla.Pa naravno da je ljut na sve, a narocito na one koji su uspješni.
Jbga Lwoode nisam ti ja kriv kaj nisi uspio u životu
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Posted - 28/06/2016 : 10:14:05  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send wolf a Private Message
Osjeti se da nema Polija...

Predsjednik nešto ne voli beštek
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Member since 25/07/2003

Posted - 28/06/2016 : 11:25:15  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send izivko a Private Message
Originally posted by senokute

Izvinjenje učitelju,,,

Istina. Erdogan se u pismu ispričao Putinu i ruskom narodu.
Poslao je i pismo obitelji ubijenog ruskog vojnika i izrazio sućut...

Ipak se zna ko je Babo.
S obe strane dolaze pomirljivi tonovi. Za očekivati je zatopljene odnosa između ove dvije prijateljske zemlje.

Have mercy
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Posted - 28/06/2016 : 18:09:17  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send wolf a Private Message
Jasko od Bosne se baš uživio...
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Posted - 28/06/2016 : 22:33:02  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send lwood a Private Message

depresivni iskompleksirani primitivac i nadrkana budala kojeg financira stari i koji sa skoro 50 godina nema ni žene ni posla.Pa naravno da je ljut na sve, a narocito na one koji su uspješni.
Jbga Lwoode nisam ti ja kriv kaj nisi uspio u životu
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Member since 03/06/2007

Posted - 28/06/2016 : 22:41:53  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Dranki a Private Message

I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote.
I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts.
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37769 Posts

Member since 26/10/2007

Posted - 30/06/2016 : 19:15:56  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

vrati se Sime jucer ... strepite!

da vidimo gdje smo i kako to brzo rezimirati ... pocnimo sa sjeverom i Manbijom

dok SAA negdje dobija drugdje gubi, SDF ide samo naprijed (osim onih par sela, i prema Ayn Issi, ali koja ce ubrzo povratiti)

ideja je podjeliti IS borce na crtu sjever-jug, u sredini grada

zadnja vijest je da su osvojili predgrađe Assadiyat, i sada se usmeravaju na Hazawni

Western-backed Syrian Democratic Forces seize over 10,000 ISIS documents

ostale vijesti:

prije toga 29. 6.:

28. 6.:

27. 6.:

23. 6.:

22. 6. (jos malo o tome kako prozapadno protezirani "umjereni" teroristi prosljeduju oruzje al Qaidi:

21. 6.:

Kurdish intelligence and US-led coalition increase coordination to destroy ISIS leadership

Cracks show inside Islamic State's shrinking caliphate

jos malo o "pobunjenicima" na istoku Ukrajine i oruzju

te americkim nosacima aviona i gdje se trenutno nalaze:

Anything is possible dec d uej
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Edited by - Poli on 30/06/2016 19:24:56
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Member since 26/10/2007

Posted - 30/06/2016 : 19:34:50  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

drukcije SAA je izgubila punktove koje su osvojili na putu prema Tabqi zracni luki i povlace se prema Ithriyji ... onu kazu da "takticki", ali tu je i problem dovoljno brze zracne podrske, posto avoni lete iz Latakije, a ne iz neke blize vojne baze ... ocigledno Kweires istocno od Aleppa nije u mogucnosti, a ni neka od centralnih baza u Siriji

IS je isto kontraofanzivama otjerao SAA istocno od Palmire iz Araka i T-3 vojne zracne luke

Islamic State fighters capture airbase eastern Syria

a IS zarobila i podrucja zapadno od Palmire, juzno od al-Qaryatayna

a i "zeleni pobunjenici" su vec povratili dio izgubljenog teritorija sjeverno od Aleppa, kod Mallah, gdje su vladine sile umalo zatvorile liniju snabdevanja istocnog Aleppa ... mada je ovaj dio od prevelikog znacenja pa ce SAA sigurno u kontru, plus imaju blisku zracnu podrsku

veca karta:

a ovdje je karta situacije istocno od Damaska:

Anything is possible dec d uej
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Posted - 30/06/2016 : 20:00:33  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

a "najzanimljivija" mi se cinila ova akcija, tkz. "Nove Sirijske vojske" (opet sa Americke strane financirana vojne frakcija, koju snabdijevaju i neke ostale arapske zemlje, a govori se i o Norveski koja bi trebala poslati nekih 60 specijalaca) koja je isla duz sirijsko-iracke granice prema gradu al-Bukamalu odnosno Abu Kamal, gradu jugoistocno od Deir Ezzora skoro kod Iracke granice

"USA Trained New Syrian Army is defeated by ISIS around albu Qamal & pulls out from al-Hamadan airport leaving many dead & wounded."

IS ih je ubrzo pomela, te pokupila vecinu oruzja (nekoliko kamiona punih oruzja! *bruka*), a kasnije su se izgovarali, da je bila to samo brza akcija "IN and OUT", i da nisu mislili ostati tamo ... naravno kad ih je vise desetak palo, a na drugom mjestu se izgovaraju na to, da iracke snage nisu dosle u podrsku (New Syrian Army - attack on ISIS in Abukamal failed because Iraq forces did not support)

no i takve akcije govore o tome, da je pocela utrka tko ce dobiti/uzeti vise teritorije od IS, a ova crta je bila skoro nezamisljiva - da bi uspjeli i nesto zadrzati bi trebalo puno vece snage + oklopne jedinice

a ovdje je njihova izjava

Islamic State routs Pentagon-backed Syrian rebels in fresh setback for U.S. strategy

Islamic State Repels Attack by US-Supported Force

"ISIS arrested dozens of young people in Abu Kamal and surroundings"

samo za kratak cas je bilo ovako

First planned US offensive in Deir Ezzor flops | Al-Masdar News

kod Deir Ezzora

Breathtaking VIDEO: ISIS Losing More Members, Military Vehicles in Syria’s Deir Ezzor

no zato su iracke zracne snage pomele sa pacovima u okolini Falluje (koje je btw, potpuno ociscena pacova, barem sto se strogih granica grada tice), 127 vozila unisteno i preko 750 stakora zgnjeceno i sprzeno

a pocelo je i sjeverno od Aleppa gdje su u toku snazne borbe, a tu su i Tigrovci

Syrian Army recaptures all lost points at Al-Malaah Farms in northern Aleppo | Al-Masdar News

ISIS celebrates 2 year anniversary | Al-Masdar News

Hezbollah ambushes ISIS near Al-Qa’a | Al-Masdar News

u međuvremenu u zapadnom Iranu

ISIS celebrates 2 year anniversary

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37769 Posts

Member since 26/10/2007

Posted - 01/07/2016 : 10:45:05  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

i u Latakiji je bilo nekih pomaka gore dole

Rebels capture Kinsibba in Lattakia province | Al-Masdar News

Syrian Army seizes hilltop village near Turkish border | Al-Masdar News

a sjeverno od Aleppa

Islamist rebels walk directly into Tiger Forces trap in northern Aleppo | Al-Masdar News


At least 40 rebels killed in Mallah in the past 24 hours, SOHR reports | Al-Masdar News

ah da, i ovo nisam jucer ukljucio
ISIS captures final checkpoints near Talilah Crossroad in east Palmyra | Al-Masdar News

tss tss tss
Weapons supplied to moderates in Syria used by ISIS in Iraq | Al-Masdar News

SouthFront: ISIS crushes insurgent opposition in southern Deir Ezzor | Al-Masdar News

Syrian Army launches a new offensive in eastern Ghouta | Al-Masdar News

Syrian Army presses Darayya offensive as rebels refuse to surrender | Al-Masdar News

410 Syrians arrested as Lebanese Army continues security operation | Al-Masdar News

ISIS claims responsibility for shooting dead Egypt priest | Al-Masdar News

odlican prikaz napredovanja po danima na Manbij frontu
Animated map: Manbij offensive June 2016

Today (jucer) YPG/SDF units took control of a factory in Manbij where ISIS terrorists produced mortars.

YPG/SDF seized tools to create IEDs from ISIS terrorists in Manbij. Among the tools seized were packs of explosives that are used as suicide vests by the ISIS terrorists.

SDF find the home of a Russian ISIS fighter inside the city.

ISIS has captured Zangura town west of Ramadi

300 ISIL Militants Killed in West of Ramadi

Chechen Islamic State fighter named as one of Istanbul airport suicide bombers

Anything is possible dec d uej
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37769 Posts

Member since 26/10/2007

Posted - 01/07/2016 : 20:14:40  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

vijesti iz Sirije

zanimljivo, Assad optuzuje zapadne mocnike da se iza njegovog hrpta (ispod mize) dogovaraju sa njegovom vladom, dok sa druge strane javno pljuju po njemu i kao da nema pregovaranja s njim

Syrian President Bashar Assad accused western government of following a policy of double standards toward his country by secretly dealing with his while publicly trying to topple his government.

Referring to the West’s remarks against him, Assad openly stated that western countries say and do what they are being told to by the United States.

“They don’t want to upset the United States. Actually most of the western officials they only repeat what the United States wants them to say. This is the reality”, he declared.

“Our army is fighting terrorists, our government is against terrorists, the whole institutions are against terrorists. If you call fighting terrorism butchery, that’s another issue”, he added.

Addressing Australians who consider coming to Syria to fight, he said: “If there are foreigners coming without the permission of the government they are illegal, whether they want to fight terrorists or want to fight any other one, it’s the same. It’s illegal, we can call it.”

stakori su jutros ponovno srusili sirijski zrakoplov, ovaj put je u pitanju SU-22 (ili je MIG-23 - nove informacije), u istocnom Qalamounu, a jedan clan al Nusre je vec ubio pilota

In Video: jihadi rebels shoot down Syrian fighter jet, capture pilot | Al-Masdar News

Breaking: Jihadists execute captured pilot | Al-Masdar News

pad zrakoplova i pilot


stakori su u naleti i u Latakiji, Kinsabba je ponovno u njihovim rukama, a pogoji cija zastava vijori na dzamiji, na sliki: (gdje ste sada "umjerene" pickice?)
unistili i zarobili su i nekoliko SAA tenkova i oklopnih transportera

Saudi activists fear more suppression after Bin Salman met Zuckerburg | Al-Masdar News

FSA First Coastal Division with JN in Kinsabba, Latakia

u Falluju i okolinu dolaze nove oklopne snage

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2549 Posts

Member since 03/06/2007

Posted - 01/07/2016 : 22:44:46  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Dranki a Private Message
Washington prvi put objavio izvještaj o civilnim žrtvama uslijed napada dronovima.


U zadnjih 7 godina je uslijed dronovskih napada ubijeno navodno između 64 i 116 civila.

I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote.
I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts.

Edited by - Dranki on 01/07/2016 22:45:31
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37769 Posts

Member since 26/10/2007

Posted - 01/07/2016 : 22:54:08  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

SyAAF Su-22M-3 Crashed (2016-07-01)

A European country communicates with a Syrian head of security away from media attention | Al-Masdar News

Syrian Army continues advance in eastern Ghouta | Al-Masdar News

Libyan unity government says four ministers sacked | Al-Masdar News

Russian Air Force reemerges in northern Latakia to strike jihadists near Turkish border | Al-Masdar News

Footage: SAA captures farms between Al-Bahariyah and Maydaa in East Ghouta

SAA Drone footage shows Nusra/Zinki/JAF corpses & burned vehicles scattered in Al Mallah farms (sjeverno od Aleppa)

Turski skotovi
AKP Parliament member on Facebook in Turkey:
"Thank god u exist ISIS, may god provide u with limitless bullets"

Iraqi, U.S. aircraft bomb convoy of Islamic State fighters fleeing Fallujah with their families


He said that such a large convoy would not have attempted to escape without assurances and that only tribal fighters, not the army, had fought them as the fled.

“They wouldn’t take such a risk unless they had a deal with some side,” he said. “Why would they drive more than 500 cars in an exposed agricultural area?”

In the past, Iraqi forces have left open escape routes for militants fighting in urban areas to flee into the desert.

The Attack on an Islamic State Convoy Is a Tactic as Old as War - analiza
Killing retreating soldiers has a long — and totally legal — history

U.S. and Iraqi officials cited by the Washington Post claim more than 150 vehicles were destroyed in attacks on two separate parts of the convoy.

It’s unclear how many people died, although one estimate from U.S. officials places the number at 250 Islamic State fighters. Some fighters, according to eyewitnesses, stripped off their clothes and fled into the desert.
An Iraqi Mi-28 Havoc gunship, Cessna Caravan ground-attack planes and U.S. warplanes joined in the attack. A video released by the U.S.-led coalition shows bombs hitting one convoy, which strikes in different sections before more bombs and explosive rounds strafe the highway.

Military history is replete with examples of armies being attacked on the run. Historically, routing is when a military organization experiences its heaviest losses — and advancing armies will often exploit retreats to inflict as much damage as possible.

During the Persian Gulf War, U.S. and Canadian warplanes killed hundreds of retreating Iraqi troops as they fled Kuwait on the Highway of Death. Some 1,800 to 2,700 vehicles were destroyed during 10 hours of bombing.

After the Normandy invasion, Allied armies surrounded and annihilated the German Seventh Army and the Fifth Panzer Army around the French town of Falaise. While German troops attempted to break out, Allied aircraft bombed their convoys.

i tako dalje i dalje ... u clanku

The Human Desire Behind Terror Attacks
A sense of purpose can be intoxicating

The U.S. Air Force Tried Turning Nuclear Rockets Into Cluster Bombs
Hill-Genies could have helped pilots blast anti-aircraft gunners

U.S. offers to share Syria intelligence on terrorists with Russia

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37769 Posts

Member since 26/10/2007

Posted - 01/07/2016 : 22:57:00  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message
Originally posted by Dranki

Washington prvi put objavio izvještaj o civilnim žrtvama uslijed napada dronovima.


U zadnjih 7 godina je uslijed dronovskih napada ubijeno navodno između 64 i 116 civila.

hmmm, da mi netko kaze da ima na nisanu stakore koji se povlace sa ratista zajedno sa svojim familijama i da me pita da li da ih skine ili ne ... vjerojatno bih rekao "samo rokaj brate, rokaj"

Anything is possible dec d uej
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2549 Posts

Member since 03/06/2007

Posted - 02/07/2016 : 02:17:47  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Dranki a Private Message
Amerikanci kažu u izvještaju da je ubijeno 2500 terorista i 64-126 civila. Organizacije za ljudska prava nemaju ništa protiv tih brojki, jedina zamjerka je da se trebaju zamijeniti, i broj civilnih žrtava barem udvostručiti.
Ovaj izvještaj će im poslužiti kao opravdanje za nastavak dronskog rata, i ne shvatam zašto sve te organizacije ne objave svoje izvještaje nego čekaju da ubica sam objavi koliko krvi na rukama ima.

I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote.
I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts.
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37769 Posts

Member since 26/10/2007

Posted - 02/07/2016 : 18:00:01  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

bitka sjeverno od Aleppa

jos malo o zauzimanju Falluje:

Syrian Armed Forces advance at key jihadist area in northern Aleppo | Al-Masdar News

VIDEO: Islamist tanks wiped out during Syrian Army attack in northern Aleppo | Al-Masdar News

Syrian Arab Army vows to avenge executed Syrian pilot | Al-Masdar News

Syrian Army avenges slain pilot, kills 31 jihadists in Qalamoun | Al-Masdar News

Rebel forces retake three villages from ISIS near the Turkish border | Al-Masdar News

Jihadists capture key mountaintop near Turkish border | Al-Masdar News

Hezbollah kills senior ISIS commander in bordering town (+ video) | Al-Masdar News

Israeli Air Force strikes Gaza | Al-Masdar News

Saudi Arabia vows to disarm anti-Israeli groups in Gaza Strip | Al-Masdar News

Saudi FM calls on to dissolve Iraqi PMF | Al-Masdar News

Anything is possible dec d uej
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Posted - 02/07/2016 : 18:20:24  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

ISIS jihadists who escaped the convoy massacre were hunted down in the desert. They stood no chance, Fallujah ... odlicno!

SAA soldier beheaded alive by US backed Ahrar Sham in Kansaba

🎵Take a look to the sky just before you die, It's the last time you will🎵
Metallica song goes well w/ Daesh hunting malo nize ima cjeli video - vidi ih samo kako se sakrivaju u rupice u pustinji, ko neki gusteri i prave se ... kamene ... ili stave suvo grmlje na glavu i izigravaju ... grmlje sa kalasem?

Large ISIS rocket factory discovered in Fallujah by ISF

Manbij - SDF view from Manbij Silos

Rojava's Constitution declares Qamişlo as the Capital city of the Federation of Nothern Syria - Rojava.

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Posted - 02/07/2016 : 20:27:35  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

danas su na vise strana javljali da su pacovi pokusali probiti obruc oko Manbija u smjeri prema sjeveru, pema Jarabulusu, ali sam radije pricekao jos malo da vidim koliko istine ima na tome ...

ISIS launches surprise offensive to break Manbij siege – several sites captured | Al-Masdar News

dok Kurdi javljaju: "All points around Manbij under our full control, we advanced in S & W fronts.
We never entered Awn-Dadat in order to lose it."
i "SDF are reportedly only 700 metres away from Manbij city centrum."

SDF finds 2 ISIS tunnels, 800m long, linking the #Manbij Silos to Hazawni Neighborhood.

Syria: SDF snipers continue offensive against IS in Manbij

a jugoistocno od Palmire "IS takes full control of Talilah 15km south-east of Tadmor after taking the Kasarat checkpoint."

Holey Artisan Bakery: Bangladesh forces rescue hostages in Dhaka cafe

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Posted - 02/07/2016 : 21:35:06  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send KRAS a Private Message
Rusija ispada jedina sa stilom.i obrazom u celom.ovom sranju
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Posted - 03/07/2016 : 01:38:44  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Russia to use Mediterranean aircraft carrier for airstrikes on Islamists in Syria | Al-Masdar News

Hezbollah ambushes Nusra near the Syrian border | Al-Masdar News

Battle map of the Syrian Army’s upcoming northern Latakia offensive | Al-Masdar News

Pentagon says two senior ISIL commanders killed in strike | Al-Masdar News

ISIS captures new checkpoint in east Palmyra | Al-Masdar News

A Kurdish female anti terror team joining Manbij offensive against ISIS

ISIS Fighters - sest kratkih djelova

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Posted - 03/07/2016 : 12:40:30  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

e turcetine ...

istina o IS ... bas su drugari, bratstvo i jedinstvo ...

Hezbollah releases first image of top ISIS commander killed in east Lebanon | Al-Masdar News

ISIS suicide bomber strikes rebel meeting in Daraa, seven commanders killed | Al-Masdar News

ISIS sleeper cells activate at town in Daraa following massive suicide bombing | Al-Masdar News

FSA and their allies from Nusra/Al Qaeda recaptured Kinsibba and sev. other villages in Latakia.

i jos jedna karta:

Battle for Syria's Manbij may redraw local alliances

Reports of heavy Coalition airstrikes killed some IS top commanders in Manbij. Amid ongoing heavy battles with SDF there.

IS Claims Regain Of 8 Villages In South Of Manbij.

Turkish military open fire and brutally kills a Syrian-Kurdish civilian at borders near Kobani yesterday. Moslem Othman, 23 yo.

ne znam koliko je ovo tacno ... "Syria Regime continues (payed) mass evacuation of loyalist people from Deir Ezzor city toward Qamishli by helicopters. ~200/day."

IS o napadima u Daki, Banglades

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