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Member since 07/12/2002

Posted - 20/10/2003 : 23:54:50  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send byoman a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dado

Originally posted by byoman

E, Dado, vatas se i ti na svaki parangal:-)))))

IT is a fascinating novel.

Pa nije valjda da se tebi da procitati toliko dugacko...

Ma ja ti citam sve i svasta:-)
Stono je Macan reka: "Oce to kad si pismen"

IT is a fascinating novel.
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Member since 07/12/2002

Posted - 21/10/2003 : 00:04:12  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send byoman a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A popis i naslovnice bi bile moguce kad bi netko imao kompletnu stripoteku.
A nju ima Kruger, rajt?

IT is a fascinating novel.
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Member since 25/10/2001

Posted - 22/10/2003 : 16:42:49  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Kruger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Cuj Dado
reci netocan i nepotpun popis je reci dvije razlicite stvari ( slazem se )
ja sam utvrdio neke netocnosti i nenadopunjenosti popisa i prije kad sam se zakacio s romelom i sad poslje te rasprave/ svadje
renda je utvrdio samo neke nedopunjenosti ili je i on utvrdio nesto sto se neslaze ( nezelim ulaziti u detalje )
posto je osjetljiva tema rekao sam da nisam siguran
naveo sam argument
niti taj moj argument ne mora zanciti da sam potvrdio svoju konstataciju ili optuzbu da je ne tocan popis
dakle ocito drugacije tumacimo neke rijeci
u tom je uvjek problem
sve sto sam rekao je logicki
pa tako naprimjer nema nikave kontradiktornosti u tome sto sam prvo optuzio Romelov popis
a onda naveo da nisam siguran
zato jer to sam ne mogu utvrditi
ja sam samo uocio nesto sto je drugacije
mozda sam trebao napisati :
izgleda da Romelov popis ima nekih sitnih nepravilnosti
mozda ovako bolje i diplomatskije zvuci

e sad o poslu
bilo bi dobro da se i ti ukljucis , posto seinfild bas i nije neki ljubitelj T Toma , no on ipak zivi u Belgiji gdje postoji veca vjerovatnost da dodjemo do nekih podataka
tako da sve ostane otvoreno , nicija pomoc se ne odbija , volio ili ne volio T Toma
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Member since 25/10/2001

Posted - 22/10/2003 : 16:45:26  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Kruger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
pa djelomicno si upravu
no fale mi 4 stripoteke
jednu koja meni nedostaje ima VJ
tako da je problem samo za 3 stripoteke
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Posted - 22/10/2003 : 19:02:12  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send dsormaz1 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nije ni meni jasno sto je to netocno u Rommelovom popisu? Ako doista postoji neka 'netocnost' ili 'nepravilnost' trebalo bi na nju konkretno ukazati npr. ne valja to, to i to, trebalo bi ovako i ovako...Lako ce se onda provjeriti tko je u pravu. Sto se tice onog Rommelovog popisa vidi se koliko je tu truda ulozeno, ne samo kod popisa epizoda iz Stripoteke i usporedbe epizoda koje se u tom izdanju preklapaju, vec i kod onog velikog usporednog popisa s originalnim naslovima. Ja sumnjam da bi netko ovdje mogao napravti bolji popis. Rommel je ostavljao dojam pedantnosti i temeljitosti, ako mu se i potkrala koja greska (ja to ne mogu tvrditi, jer premda skupljam Talicnog Toma, nemam jos sve epizode, a i nisam takav strucnjak za taj strip kao sto su npr. Rommel i Kruger), neka se ukaze konkretno gdje.
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Posted - 23/10/2003 : 09:51:58  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Kruger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
pa ja svakako ne bi napravio taj uporedni pois s francuskim naslovima
trebalo je svakako velikog truda
to je neosporno

no ima nekih sitnih pojednosti koje se nepoklapaju
ili nekih stvari kojih nema

to cemo morati zajedno utvrditi
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Member since 25/10/2001

Posted - 24/10/2003 : 11:54:03  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Kruger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Evo nekih nepodudaranosti

Romelov popis

1.Arizona / La mine d or de Digck Digger - 1947

Drugi popis

1.La mine d or de Dick Digger - ( engleski - Dick Digger s gold mine )- 1949
3.Arizona - 1951

Seinfild nemogu otvoriti one linkove
bilo bi dobro kad bi mi poslao na mail popis u dokumentu
nije hitno
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Member since 17/10/2003

Posted - 24/10/2003 : 14:43:11  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit johnhartson's Homepage  Send johnhartson a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ljudi, bilo bi dobro kad bi neko updateovao one talijanske naslovnice. U zaostatku ste vec godinu dana.
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29189 Posts

Member since 27/08/2001

Posted - 24/10/2003 : 14:51:12  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Markos's Homepage  Send Markos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Zavisi kako gdje. Kod nekih junaka da, kod nekih ne. Ali to ionako radim najvise dvaput godisnje:-) Nije mi toliko bitno da taj popis uvijek bude azuran.

Kicking Squeeling Gucci Little Piggy
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Posted - 27/10/2003 : 10:52:59  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send ---dp--- a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Njih je dovoljno i jednom godisnje azurirati... ionako ih ima na netu gde god hoces...
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Posted - 27/10/2003 : 11:56:04  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send seinfeld a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ovi linkovi ti rade !!

Jedino onaj prvi ne radi ali njega cu sada postaviti ovdje

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Lucky Luke
Great westren comic starring the lonesome cowboy Lucky Luke, his horse Jolly Jumper, the four evil Dalton brothers Joe, Jack, William and Averell, and Rataplan, the most stupid dog of the universe. The stories feature many other westren heroes like Calamity Jane, Billy the Kid, judge Roy Bean and Jesse James. Lucky Luke, the man that fires a gun faster than his shadow, fights crime and injustice, and succeeds. This parody on the Wild West was drawn by Belgian Morris (Maurice the Bevere, 1923-2001) while the scripts of the earlier (but not the earlieast) books were written by Frenchman René Goscinny (1926-1977). After Goscinny's death many tried to fill the gap. But after this tragical loss only one book reached the old level...
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Later on Rantanplan received his own series of comic books. You can also view a page with subtitles of Lucky Luke (4x70kB inline images).

Album titles
Here is a list of books that have appeared in the Lucky Luke sequence. The titles of the albums are in Dutch but an English translation has been added whenever it was necessary:
Dupuis sequence
1. Dick Digger's goudmijn (Dick Digger's gold mine)
2. Rodeo
3. Arizona
4. Avonturen in het westen (Adventures in the West)
5. Lucky Luke tegen Pat Poker (Lucky Luke against Pat Poker)
6. Vogelvrij (With a price on their head)
7. Dr. Doxey's elixer
8. Phil IJzerdraad (Phil Iron-wire)
9. Spoorweg door de prairie (Rail track trough the prairie)
10. De blauwvoeten op oorlogspad (The Blue Feets declare war)
11. De bende van Joss Jamon (The gang of Joss Jamon)
12. De neven Dalton (The cousins Dalton)
13. De rechter (The judge)
14. De trek naar Oklahoma (The rush for Oklahoma)
15. De Daltons breken uit (The Daltons escape)
16. Bootrace op de Mississippi (Race on the Mississippi)
17. In het spoor van de Daltons (On the track of the Daltons)
18. In de schaduw van de boortorens (In the shadow of the derricks)
19. Naijver in Painful Gulch (Envy in Painful Gulch)
20. Billy the Kid
21. De zwarte heuvels (The black hills)
22. De Daltons in de blizzard (The Daltons in the blizzard)
23. De Daltons op vrije voeten (The Daltons freed)
24. De karavaan (The caravan)
25. De spookstad (Ghost town)
26. De Daltons kopen zich vrij (The Daltons on parool)
27. Het 20ste cavalerie (The 20th cavalry)
28. Het escorte (The escort)
29. Prikkeldraad in de prairie (Iron-wire in the prairie)
30. Calamity Jane
31. Tortillas voor de Daltons (Tortillas for the Daltons)
Dargaud sequence
1. De postkoets (The mail-coach)
2. Tenderfoot
3. Dalton City
4. Jesse James
5. Westren circus
6. Apache Canyon
7. Ma Dalton
8. De rijstoorlog (The rice war)
9. De premiejager (The premium-hunter)
10. De grootvorst (The Tsar)
11. De erfenis van Rataplan (The inheritance of Rataplan)
12. De witte ridder (The white knight)
13. De genezing van de Daltons (The recovery of the Daltons)
14. Zijne koninklijke hoogheid Smith (His majesty Smith)
15. Vijftien korte verhalen (Fifteen short stories)
16. De zingende draad (The singing wire)
17. De ballade van de Daltons (The ballad of the Daltons)
18. De schat van de Daltons (The treasure of the Daltons)
19. De strop van de gehangene (The prisoner's halter)
20. De ččnarmige bandiet (The one-armed bandit)
21. Sarah Bernard
22. Daisy Town
23. Fingers
24. The Daily Star
25. De verloofde van Lucky Luke (Lucky Luke's fiancee)
26. De duivelsranch (The haunted ranch)
27. Nitroglycerine
28. Het alibi (The alibi)
29. De pony express (The pony express)
Lucky Productions sequence
1. De Daltons verliezen hun geheugen (The Daltons loose their memory)
2. Spokenjacht (Ghost hunt)
3. De brug over de Mississippi (The bridge over the Mississippi)
4. De Daltons op de bruiloft (The Daltons on the wedding)
5. Belle Star
6. O.K. Corral
7. Klondike
8. Marcel Dalton
9. Oklahoma Jim
10. De profeet (The prophet)
11. De kunstschilder (The painter)
12. De legende van het Westen (The Legend of the West)
The main spinoff series of Lucky Luke is the Rantanplan series. Several albums have been issued in this series. Apart from that a single book about the early years of Lucky Luke was published. The title of this album was Kid Lucky.
The books that have been issued in the Rataplan series are:
Dargaud sequence
1. De mascotte (The mascot)
2. De peetvader (The gotfather)
Lucky Productions sequence
1. De clown (The clown)
2. Blunders van Rataplan 1 (Blunders of Rataplan 1)
3. Blunders van Rataplan 2 (Blunders of Rataplan 2)
4. De vluchteling (The fugitive)
5. De bode (The Messenger)
6. Blunders van Rataplan 3 (Blunders of Rataplan 3, to appear)
Willy De Groof has supplied the names of the three most recent Lucky Luke books and the data for the Rantanplan series. Yann Vincent has supplied a recent Lucky Luke title.

Addresses of publishers
Here are addresses of publishers of international issues of Lucky Luke. Please note that some of these addresses are quite old and I cannot guarantee that they are still correct.
Catalan Grijalbo/Dargaud, Arags 385, E-08013 Barcelona, Spain.
Chinese Monks, Hong Kong.
Croatian by Izvori, Trnjanska 47, 41000 Zagreb, tel. 01-612-576 or 01-617-714.
Danish by A/S Interpresse, Krogshřjvej 32, 2880 Bagsvćrd, Danmark.
Dutch by Dargaud Benelux, 3 rue Kindermans, 1050 Bruxels, Belgium.
English (Australia) Hodder Dargaud, 2 Apollo Place, Lane Cove, New South Walers 2066, Australia.
English (New Zealand) Hodder Dargaud, PO Box 3858 Aukland 1, New Zealand.
English (UK) by Hodder Dargaud, Mill Road, Dunton Green, Sevenoaks, Kent TN 13 2XX, England.
English (USA) by Fantasy Flight, 201 McAndrews Road West, Suite 204, Burnsville, MN 55337, USA. Phone: (612) 898-4065. Fax: (612) 898-1672.
English (USA) Dargaud International Publishing Inc., c/o Merchandising Workshop. 304 East 45th Street. New York NY 10017
Estonian Egmont Estonia Ltd, Hobujaama 1, EE 0001 Tallinn, Estonia
Finnish by Otava, Uudenmaankatu 8-12, Helsingfors, Finland.
French by Dargaud Benelux, 3 rue Kindermans, 1050 Bruxels, Belgium.
German Delta Verlag, Postfach 1215, 7 Stuttgart 1, Germany.
Greek by Mamouth Comix Ltd., Solonos 130, Athens 10681, Greece. Phone: +01 3825055, Fax: +01 3825054.
Icelandic Fjolvi HF, Njorvasund 15a, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Italian Dargaud Italia, Piazza Velasca 5. 20112 Milano, Italy.
Korean by Cosmos Editions, 19-16 Shin An-dong, Jin-ju, Gyung Nam-do, Republic of Korea.
Lebanese by Dar al Maaref, Esseily Bldg, Riad el Solh Square, Beirut, Lebanon.
Norwegian by Semic Norway, Thv. Meyersgt. 72, Oslo 5, Norway.
Portuguese Meriberica, Rua D. Filipa de Vilhena 4-5, Lissabon 1, Portugal.
Serbian Politika
Serbocroatian NIP Decje Novine, Gornji Milanovac, Tihomira Matijevica 4, Yugoslavia.
Slovenian by Didakta, Radovljica, Kranjska cesta 13, 64240 Radovljica, Slovenia.
Spanish by Grijalbo-Dargaud S.A. Den y Mata 98, Barcelona 14, Spain.
Swedish Bonniers Juniorförlag AB, Kammakargatan 9 A, 103 63 Stockholm, Sweden.
Turkish Milliyet Gazetecilik A.S., Dogan Medya Center, Bagcilar 34554 Istanbul, Turkey.
Furthermore Lucky Luke is also being printed in Canada by Dargaud Canada, 307 Benjamin-Hudon, St-Laurent, Montreal PQ H4N 1J1, Canada and in Switzerland by Interpresse Dargaud A.S. En Budron B, 1052 Lernont s/Lausanne, Switzerland.
Irene has provided the address of the Greek publisher and Bojan Kerze has supplied the address of the Servian and the Slovenian publisher. Abdurrahman Ildeniz has supplied the addresses of the publishers in Turkey, South Africa, Australia, Austria, the USA, Hong Kong, Italy and New Zealand. Emmanuel Faure has provided the Catalan data. Yann Vincent corrected four entries and supplied the data for Estonian, Kroatian and Serbian.

International names
Here are some of the main character names found in the international issues of Lucky Luke. If you know these character names in other languages then please mail them to
French: Lucky Luke Rantanplan Les Dalton
Argentinian: Lucky Luke Rataplán Los Dalton
Catalan: Lucky Luke Ran-tan-plan Els Dalton
Croatian: Lucky Luke Braca Daltona
Czech: Stastný Luk
Danish: Lucky Luke Ratata Dalton-brřdrene
Dutch: Lucky Luke Rataplan De gebroeders Dalton
English: Lucky Luke Rin Tin Can The Dalton Brothers
Finnish: Lucky Luke Rantanplan Daltonin veljekset
German: Lucky Luke Rantanplan Die Daltons
Greek: Luki Luk Rantanplan I Daltons
Hungarian: Villam Vili
Icelandic: Lukku Láki Rattati Dalton brćđur
Italian: Lucky Luke Rataplan I Fratelli Dalton
Norwegian: Lucky Luke Rattata Brřdrene Dalton
Portuguese: Lucky Luke Ran-tan-plan Os Daltons
Serbocroatian: Talicni Tom
Spanish: Lucky Luke Ran-Tan-Plan Los Dalton
Slovenian: Srecni Luka
Swedish: Lucky Luke Ratata Bröderna Dalton
Turkish: Red Kit Rin Tin Tin Dalton Kardesler
· There is no separate language Argentinian but there is a separate Argentinian edition. The language used in this edition is Spanish.
· In the German edition issued in Austria the names are Lucky Luke, Rantaplen and Die Daltons.
Bojan Kerze has supplied the Croatian, English, Serbocroatian and Slovenian names and these were later on updated by an anonymous person. Ozan S. Yigit has provided the Turkish names and Rahm Vladimir came forward with the Czech name. Emmanuel Faure provided the names in Catalan, German and Portuguese and Siv Bergit Pedersen contributed the Norwegian names and Yann Vincent supplied the Danish names and corrected three names. Marco Antonio came forward with the Spanish and the Argentinian names and Gudmundur Magnus Hermannsson provided the Icelandic names and Marko Kovacic has supplied the Hungarian name and corrected a Croatian name. Gianmaria Bozzellini has contributed the Italian names, Aysegul Aksoy came forward with one Turkish name and P. Koursos supplied the Austrian names. DjMissy supplied the Finnish names. George C. Christodoulou supplied the Greek names He also wrote them with the Greek alphabet:
Lucky Luke:


Les Daltons:

Here are some links to information about Lucky Luke. If you know a Lucky Luke related page that was not mentioned here then please mail its address to
The numeric code before each item represents month in which the item was added to the list. Example: 9701 means January 1997.
Ehapa has some information about the latest Lucky Luke edition: The Prophet (in German).
· 0002 Anas Jzayrli's Lucky Luke page.
· 9709 Anthony Lindholm's Lucky Luke page (in Swedish).
· 9905 Antoine Lefeuvre's Lucky Luke page (in French).
· 9905 Auke Jansma's Lucky Luke page (in Dutch).
· 0002 Berre's Kid Lucky page (in French).
· 9905 C. Reno Ediciones's Lucky Luke page (in Spanish).
· 9905 Christian Rusch's Lucky Luke page (in German).
· 9905 Christian Schloßer's Lucky Luke page (in German).
· 9708 Dargaud's Lucky Luke page (in French).
· 9708 Dik Winter's Lucky Luke Quiz (in Dutch).
· 9905 Ehapa's Lucky Luke page (in German).
· 9701 Els Groesens's interview with Morris (in Dutch).
· 9504 Erik Tjong Kim Sang's Lucky Luke page.
· 9708 Etienne Borgers's Lucky Luke page
· 9905 Giesbert Damaschke's Lucky Luke page (in German).
· 9905 Guđmundur Guđbergsson's Lucky Luke page (in Icelandic).
· 9803 Glo'Worms's Lucky Luke page (offers English albums).
· 9701 Floris Wiesman's Lucky Luke in Eppo page (in Dutch).
· 9708 Irene Banning's Lucky Luke page (in German).
· 9708 Izvori's Lucky Luke page (in Croatian).
· 9701 Jacob Sparre Andersen's Lucky Luke page (in Danish).
· 9910 Jan-Erik Nilsen's Lucky Luke page.
· 9805 Jérôme Arnould's Lucky Luke page (in French).
· 9701 Kimmo Lakoma's Lucky Luke page (in Finnish).
· 9709 Marco Antonio's Lucky Luke page (in Spanish, with Lucky Luke Webring)
· 9905 NN's Lucky Luke page (in Portuguese).
· 9903 Pedro Cravo's Lucky Luke page (in Portuguese).
· 9910 Pierre Côté's Lucky Luke page (in French).
· 0009 Piet Bakker's Lucky Luke page (in Dutch).
· 9504 Stéphane Rivičre's Goscinny page (in French).
· 9504 Teemu Mäkinen's Morris page.
· 0004 Terence Hill's Lucky Luke tv series page (in Italian).
· 9910 Thomas Gmür and Sascha Kiesgen's Lucky Luke movie page (in German).
· 9905's Lucky Luke page (in German).
· 9701 Willy de Groof's Lucky Luke page.
At this moment the list contains 35 items. Even more Lucky Luke links can be found on the links page of Marco Antonio Checa Funcke

Back to European Comics on the Web.

The owls are not what they seem.
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Member since 19/10/2001

Posted - 29/10/2003 : 12:09:10  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit VJ's Homepage  Send VJ an ICQ Message  Send VJ a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Seinfeld, ovo ti "salje" Kruger da ispitas iz kojih su epizoda te stranice...

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Posted - 29/10/2003 : 15:32:18  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send seinfeld a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Po crtezima se vidi da su to starije epizode :-)).
OK,pogledat cu pa cu vam javiti!

The owls are not what they seem.
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Posted - 29/10/2003 : 15:45:50  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit VJ's Homepage  Send VJ an ICQ Message  Send VJ a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by seinfeld

Po crtezima se vidi da su to starije epizode :-)).

Bravo Sherloce! :) A da ti jos malo pomognem... radi se o jednom poznatom strip junaku. ;)

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Posted - 29/10/2003 : 16:51:02  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send seinfeld a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jel tex jel tex :-)!?

The owls are not what they seem.
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Posted - 01/11/2003 : 20:49:39  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send seinfeld a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Zlatna groznica je iz La mine d'or de Dick Digger iz 1949
Pogledaj jel imas ovu stranicu u zlatnoj groznici onda smo 100% sigurni :-)

A rodeo i desperado city su obe iz albuma "Rodeo" iz 1949
Pogledaj jel imas ovu stranicu u rodeo ili desperado city onda smo 100% sigurni :-)

The owls are not what they seem.
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Posted - 04/11/2003 : 18:03:40  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Kruger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
ok sad cemo malo proucavati

hvalati za ovo
nadam se da ces nam opet pomoci ako nam zatreba usluga takve vrste
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Member since 28/04/2002

Posted - 05/11/2003 : 18:30:09  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send dsormaz1 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Kvragu, na sto je Lucky Luke licio u tim prvim epizodama.
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Posted - 06/11/2003 : 08:10:54  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send ---dp--- a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Posebno u "Zlatnoj groznici"... bas je ruzan, jepsi je Dzoli od njega...
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Posted - 19/11/2003 : 23:45:14  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Kruger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
VJ malo spava
ja jos nista nemogu uciniti jer su neki stripovi kod VJ -a
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Posted - 20/11/2003 : 09:01:42  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit VJ's Homepage  Send VJ an ICQ Message  Send VJ a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ah, zaboravio sam totalno na ovo... ne zalazim u ovaj dio foruma cesto. :) Krug, sjeti me mailom preko vikenda pa cu pogledati.

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Posted - 20/11/2003 : 19:48:09  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Kruger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
VJ mozda necu imati vremena
u najgorem slucaju vidjecemo to poslje CRS
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Posted - 20/11/2003 : 20:15:13  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit VJ's Homepage  Send VJ an ICQ Message  Send VJ a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Evo, provjerio sam. Ova druga stranica je u Denisu 121 ali prve nema. To je vjerojatno neka od prvih kod nas nigdje objavljenih stranica.

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Posted - 20/11/2003 : 20:32:30  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send seinfeld a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ma kupicu ovaj LL pa cu staviti scan neke druge stranice,vjerovatno se radi o istom stripu samo su ovi nasi to naravno morali izbaciti...

The owls are not what they seem.
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Posted - 24/11/2003 : 18:35:30  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Kruger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
ne moras kupiti

ako ikako mozes doci do informacija iz neke knjiznice ( ako je moguce )

a volio bi da nam predocis informaciju kojiko kosta taj strip

mozda se i ja odlucim za kupovinu tog stripa
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