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 EU primanje izbjeglica i migranata
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12553 Posts

Member since 21/02/2012

Posted - 28/11/2016 : 17:26:17  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send nagor a Private Message

This amateur footage, taken by a Tunisian crewman of a fishing ship, shows the disastrous consequences of the EU's open border policy that permits and encourages the continued scam of illegal African immigrants that deliberately sink their own boats near coast guard vessels to receive a shuttle service to Europe under the disguise of so-called "Syrian refugees". As the African males approach the ship, they capsize their own boats, pretending to be in distress at sea because they assume the ship is equipped to pick up refugees. Is it only after they realize the crew atop the fishing boat is physically unable to provide help that the situation escalates and the Africans start screaming for their life as they drown.

The sailor repeatedly shouts "calma" (stay calm) in Italian in the hope that the immigrants heading for Italy prepared with some basic Italian and understand him. The crew were reluctant to help since letting them on board would have been a serious security risk as it would have them outnumbered 10 to 1. There is also the risk of piracy with hijackers posing as refugees as camouflage. They also appear to only have two lifeboats, so throwing one down just so the migrants would sink it would have made no sense for the crew.

The only way to help would be individuals of the crew rappelling down to to the sea line, which would most likely result in their own death as the immigrants would drag them down.

The EU politicians and all the Leftists supporting the human traffickers and mass invasion of African males by sea are directly responsible for every single death by drowning. If the EU were to pursue a "NO WAY" policy that denies citizenship to anybody illegally approaching the country b boat, such as Australia has done, Europe could successfully reduce the total amount of illegal immigrants coming by sea to zero.
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2549 Posts

Member since 03/06/2007

Posted - 03/12/2016 : 17:35:03  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Dranki a Private Message
Polovinom oktobra je u Njemačkoj jedna 19-godišnja studentica silovana, ubijena i bačena u rijeku. Na slučaju je radilo 68 službenika policije, 1400 osoba je saslušano. Juče su uhvatili počinioca, 17-godišnji Afganistanac koji je prošle godine došao kao izbjeglica. Pratite vijesti narednih dana, biće burno.

I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote.
I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts.

Edited by - Dranki on 03/12/2016 17:36:26
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12588 Posts

Member since 25/07/2003

Posted - 03/12/2016 : 18:15:15  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send izivko a Private Message
Ovaj spada u onu skupinu što ih zovu djeca

Have mercy
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47235 Posts

Member since 09/12/2005

Posted - 03/12/2016 : 18:19:42  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send lwood a Private Message

depresivni iskompleksirani primitivac i nadrkana budala kojeg financira stari i koji sa skoro 50 godina nema ni žene ni posla.Pa naravno da je ljut na sve, a narocito na one koji su uspješni.
Jbga Lwoode nisam ti ja kriv kaj nisi uspio u životu
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3077 Posts

Member since 09/12/2009

Posted - 04/12/2016 : 01:33:31  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send andjusticeforall a Private Message
Originally posted by nagor

This amateur footage, taken by a Tunisian crewman of a fishing ship, shows the disastrous consequences of the EU's open border policy that permits and encourages the continued scam of illegal African immigrants that deliberately sink their own boats near coast guard vessels to receive a shuttle service to Europe under the disguise of so-called "Syrian refugees". As the African males approach the ship, they capsize their own boats, pretending to be in distress at sea because they assume the ship is equipped to pick up refugees. Is it only after they realize the crew atop the fishing boat is physically unable to provide help that the situation escalates and the Africans start screaming for their life as they drown.

The sailor repeatedly shouts "calma" (stay calm) in Italian in the hope that the immigrants heading for Italy prepared with some basic Italian and understand him. The crew were reluctant to help since letting them on board would have been a serious security risk as it would have them outnumbered 10 to 1. There is also the risk of piracy with hijackers posing as refugees as camouflage. They also appear to only have two lifeboats, so throwing one down just so the migrants would sink it would have made no sense for the crew.

The only way to help would be individuals of the crew rappelling down to to the sea line, which would most likely result in their own death as the immigrants would drag them down.

The EU politicians and all the Leftists supporting the human traffickers and mass invasion of African males by sea are directly responsible for every single death by drowning. If the EU were to pursue a "NO WAY" policy that denies citizenship to anybody illegally approaching the country b boat, such as Australia has done, Europe could successfully reduce the total amount of illegal immigrants coming by sea to zero.

Čisto ovako pitanja radi, obzirom na citirano, kako ti nagore staješ na kraj lijevom teroru, koji nas vodi u krasni kurac & pizdu mile materine?
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Average Member

679 Posts

Member since 05/10/2014

Posted - 04/12/2016 : 07:39:02  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send MD72 a Private Message
Originally posted by lwood

Najljepsi bozicni sajam (Weihnachtsmarkt) koji sam vidio.
Malo mjestasce na Rheini,idilicna atmosfera.
Ovi sajmovi po metropolama nisu ni blizu tako atraktivni.
Idemo svake godine najmanje jednom,a upravo danas smo planirali.
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Advanced Member

12588 Posts

Member since 25/07/2003

Posted - 04/12/2016 : 17:02:55  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send izivko a Private Message
Originally posted by Dranki

Polovinom oktobra je u Njemačkoj jedna 19-godišnja studentica silovana, ubijena i bačena u rijeku. Na slučaju je radilo 68 službenika policije, 1400 osoba je saslušano. Juče su uhvatili počinioca, 17-godišnji Afganistanac koji je prošle godine došao kao izbjeglica. Pratite vijesti narednih dana, biće burno.

Vijest je stvarno vruća, grad Freiburg je još u šoku.
Nijedno ubojstvo nije uzdrmalo ovaj studentski grad i njegove stanovnike kao ovaj slučaj silovane i ubijene studentice.

Građani su ostali zatečeni i reakcijom državne televizije (ARD) koja u svojim vijestima uopće nije izvjestila o ovom ubojstvu.

Svoje postupke su kasnije pojasnili na Facebooku:
- ovaj slučaj ima regionalni karakter a oni (ARD) izvještaju prije svega iznad regionalno.
- kako je osumnjičeni maloljetnik, moraju voditi računa o njegovoj zaštiti.

Koje izrugivanje žrtvi, njenoj obitelji i njemačkim građanima.
Građani će na izborima reći što misle o svemu.

Have mercy
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Senior Member

2549 Posts

Member since 03/06/2007

Posted - 04/12/2016 : 17:42:22  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Dranki a Private Message
Pre nekih 20-ak dana je silovana i ubijena još jedna djevojka dok je džogirala, ali počinioc nije uhvaćen, isključili su mogućnost da je taj Afganistanac i u tom slučaju počinilac.

Kad radiš vizu za Njemačku traže ti potvrdu da nisi kažnjavan, a ovamo pustili 800.000 muškaraca u zemlju bez kontrole, nemaju pojma ko im je ušao u zemlju, 200.000 su nestali bez traga, zna se samo da su u negdje Njemačkoj. A kad ukažeš na to kažu da si neonaci.

I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote.
I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts.
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Senior Member

2549 Posts

Member since 03/06/2007

Posted - 04/12/2016 : 18:35:47  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Dranki a Private Message

I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote.
I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts.
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Advanced Member

12553 Posts

Member since 21/02/2012

Posted - 05/12/2016 : 19:48:54  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send nagor a Private Message
Originally posted by andjusticeforall

Originally posted by nagor

This amateur footage, taken by a Tunisian crewman of a fishing ship, shows the disastrous consequences of the EU's open border policy that permits and encourages the continued scam of illegal African immigrants that deliberately sink their own boats near coast guard vessels to receive a shuttle service to Europe under the disguise of so-called "Syrian refugees". As the African males approach the ship, they capsize their own boats, pretending to be in distress at sea because they assume the ship is equipped to pick up refugees. Is it only after they realize the crew atop the fishing boat is physically unable to provide help that the situation escalates and the Africans start screaming for their life as they drown.

The sailor repeatedly shouts "calma" (stay calm) in Italian in the hope that the immigrants heading for Italy prepared with some basic Italian and understand him. The crew were reluctant to help since letting them on board would have been a serious security risk as it would have them outnumbered 10 to 1. There is also the risk of piracy with hijackers posing as refugees as camouflage. They also appear to only have two lifeboats, so throwing one down just so the migrants would sink it would have made no sense for the crew.

The only way to help would be individuals of the crew rappelling down to to the sea line, which would most likely result in their own death as the immigrants would drag them down.

The EU politicians and all the Leftists supporting the human traffickers and mass invasion of African males by sea are directly responsible for every single death by drowning. If the EU were to pursue a "NO WAY" policy that denies citizenship to anybody illegally approaching the country b boat, such as Australia has done, Europe could successfully reduce the total amount of illegal immigrants coming by sea to zero.

Čisto ovako pitanja radi, obzirom na citirano, kako ti nagore staješ na kraj lijevom teroru, koji nas vodi u krasni kurac & pizdu mile materine?

Za početak, ne davati pozornost ljudima koji se uvrijede na svaki kurac & pizdu mile materine...
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Advanced Member

11679 Posts

Member since 05/05/2008

Posted - 06/12/2016 : 00:33:31  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Risar_69 a Private Message
samo još ova srednja da se makne i biče bolje što se emigrantske krize tiče...

Kad pocneš crtati, uvek moraš imati na kraju olovke, srce, ruku i misli!

Edited by - Risar_69 on 06/12/2016 00:36:00
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Advanced Member

38181 Posts

Member since 26/10/2007

Posted - 06/12/2016 : 19:42:02  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

ovo cudo se pojavilo u Austriji na posljednjim izborima

Anything is possible dec d uej
Be the Change You Want to See
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Senior Member

2549 Posts

Member since 03/06/2007

Posted - 06/12/2016 : 20:45:39  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Dranki a Private Message

I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote.
I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts.
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Advanced Member

7774 Posts

Member since 18/05/2003

Posted - 06/12/2016 : 20:55:24  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send KRAS a Private Message
Originally posted by Poli

ovo cudo se pojavilo u Austriji na posljednjim izborima

Nerazumem jezik gospodara..jedino ovo frauen.ako to znaci isto sto i frau kom.onda mi je sve jasno
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Advanced Member

7774 Posts

Member since 18/05/2003

Posted - 06/12/2016 : 21:06:41  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send KRAS a Private Message
Originally posted by Dranki

Pre nekih 20-ak dana je silovana i ubijena još jedna djevojka dok je džogirala, ali počinioc nije uhvaćen, isključili su mogućnost da je taj Afganistanac i u tom slučaju počinilac.

Kad radiš vizu za Njemačku traže ti potvrdu da nisi kažnjavan, a ovamo pustili 800.000 muškaraca u zemlju bez kontrole, nemaju pojma ko im je ušao u zemlju, 200.000 su nestali bez traga, zna se samo da su u negdje Njemačkoj. A kad ukažeš na to kažu da si neonaci.

Pa realno.i.jesu naciji..vas koji sluzite germanskog gospodara naravnone racunam.
Prenosite vase tegobe ovde k nama.ti kad postavis ili komentiras neku vijest.predstavis to kao da se to i nas tice...znas kolko me briga sto majmuni siluju svabice.ili sto ce tramp maltretirat indijance...
Mi ovde nosimo svoj komuniaticki krst na ledjima.koji je doduse sve tezi ali opet dobro drzi na distanci pustinjske pogani..
Tesko se nositi sa tim da svabe hoce svoje probleme prenijeti na EU samim tim i na sve nas...
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Advanced Member

12553 Posts

Member since 21/02/2012

Posted - 06/12/2016 : 21:55:08  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send nagor a Private Message
Ah, Kras, ti bi vjerojatno i 41e govorio: ah, ti Nijemci, zavadiše svijet, ali boli mene klinac, mene se to ne tiče u Jugoslaviji.
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Advanced Member

12588 Posts

Member since 25/07/2003

Posted - 07/12/2016 : 21:13:16  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send izivko a Private Message
Prošli mjesec u Berlinu, snimak objavljen tek danas. Žena teško ozlijeđena.
Policija bezuspješno traga za stručnjacima iz Afrike.

Have mercy
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Advanced Member

7774 Posts

Member since 18/05/2003

Posted - 07/12/2016 : 21:19:35  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send KRAS a Private Message
Originally posted by nagor

Ah, Kras, ti bi vjerojatno i 41e govorio: ah, ti Nijemci, zavadiše svijet, ali boli mene klinac, mene se to ne tiče u Jugoslaviji.

Vozio sam ove pustinjare.i jedno je sigurno.oni se nas balkanaca boje ko đavo krsta.logika im je prosta.kad smo mogli klat jedni druge a braca smo.sta bi tek njima radiii.daj da ih koljemo.daj da ih deremo.daj da ih solimo i razanj mecemo...

A to sto siluju nemice.nebi trebalo da se opterecujemo sa tim.boktepitaj kolko je danas na svetu silovanih zena..zasto se bavimo nemicama.
Kad je moja drzava gorila svabu je bas bilo tako i mene danas bas briga..
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Senior Member

2549 Posts

Member since 03/06/2007

Posted - 07/12/2016 : 21:28:43  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Dranki a Private Message
Originally posted by izivko

Prošli mjesec u Berlinu, snimak objavljen tek danas. Žena teško ozlijeđena.
Policija bezuspješno traga za stručnjacima iz Afrike.

Kao što je neko već u komentaru napisao, Merkelica je rekla da "moramo prihvatiti da je stopa kriminala kod mladih migranata naročito visoka".

Dakle jednostavno prihvati i biće ti bolje. A ako tebi pokušaju nešto slično da urade, digneš ruku i kažeš "STOP!", kao što nam preporučuje gradonačelnica Kelna, i vidjećeš kako će se razbježati.

I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote.
I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts.

Edited by - Dranki on 07/12/2016 21:31:12
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Advanced Member

12588 Posts

Member since 25/07/2003

Posted - 07/12/2016 : 21:40:43  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send izivko a Private Message
Koja brutalnost prema ženama.

Neki dan Turčin, ako se ne varam, vezao svoju ženu oko vrata i za kuku od auta pa je "provozao" po pločniku i asfaltu.
Na sreću konopac ili sajla pukao, žena još leži u komi.

Danas afrikanac zapalio svoju ženu na sred ulice, prolaznici i policija je uspjeli ugasiti ali jadna žena preminula od ozljeda.

Have mercy
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Senior Member

2549 Posts

Member since 03/06/2007

Posted - 07/12/2016 : 21:43:34  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Dranki a Private Message
Čuo sam za to, ali nisam znao da je migrant. Kao što rekoh, meni je žao Njemaca.

I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote.
I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts.
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Advanced Member

47235 Posts

Member since 09/12/2005

Posted - 07/12/2016 : 21:48:35  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send lwood a Private Message
Originally posted by izivko

Koja brutalnost prema ženama.

Neki dan Turčin, ako se ne varam, vezao svoju ženu oko vrata i za kuku od auta pa je "provozao" po pločniku i asfaltu.
Na sreću konopac ili sajla pukao, žena još leži u komi.

Danas afrikanac zapalio svoju ženu na sred ulice, prolaznici i policija je uspjeli ugasiti ali jadna žena preminula od ozljeda.

ček malo zar to nisu sve akademici?

depresivni iskompleksirani primitivac i nadrkana budala kojeg financira stari i koji sa skoro 50 godina nema ni žene ni posla.Pa naravno da je ljut na sve, a narocito na one koji su uspješni.
Jbga Lwoode nisam ti ja kriv kaj nisi uspio u životu
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Advanced Member

12588 Posts

Member since 25/07/2003

Posted - 07/12/2016 : 21:54:44  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send izivko a Private Message
Uglavnom akademici

Have mercy
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Advanced Member

12553 Posts

Member since 21/02/2012

Posted - 07/12/2016 : 22:02:04  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send nagor a Private Message
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25368 Posts

Member since 17/09/2004

Posted - 07/12/2016 : 22:30:36  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send manhunter a Private Message
Originally posted by Poli

ovo cudo se pojavilo u Austriji na posljednjim izborima

Kakve veze ovo ima sa Slovenijom?

I am legion. I do not forget. I do not forgive.

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