Ima li ekipe koja sluša podcaste? Što imate na svojim playjerima zanimljivo? Koje aplikacije koristite za slušanje? Nedavno sam prešla na iOs i njegovu Podcast aplikacija me je jako razočarala pa sada tražim alternativu.
Ja sam se navukla na podcaste preko Dan Carlinga i njegovog Hard Core Historyja te Seriala. A onda čekajući nove epizode sam počela pratiti još par njih: The American Life, Radiolab, Revisionist History, Freakonomics Radio i zadnje na što sam se navukla je Crimetown (ako ste voljeli Sopranose ovo bi vam se moglo svidjeti).
In one incident the Harps striped the man naked, tied him to a horse and chased him off a cliff:
„So, what you guys do today?“
„We played Horse and Man“
„We love to do, it’s just like, it’s like, it’s called Horse and Man, it’s like a funny thing, we say: “Hey, you wanna free trip to the bottom of the canyon?””
“And the guy’s like: “gnnghhh, ghnnnhhh”
“nnnhhh, nnhhhh”
“We tie him to a horse and we just kick the horse of the top of the canyon”
What happens if human beings can’t handle the power of their own weaponry? This show examines the dangerous early years of the Nuclear Age and humankind’s efforts to avoid self-destruction at the hands of its own creation.
Da, Carlin je genijalan. Pogodio je kako će Trump doći na vlast 4 godine prije Trumpa. Doduše, ne spominje Trumpa, ali pogodio je bit izbora - između dva zla, biraš karizmatičnije zlo.
Inače, ako vam je do audio znanja, velika preporuka za The Teaching company. Ukucajte u znate već što pojmove TTC ili The Teaching company i dobit će riznicu znanja iz mnoštva različitih područja. Naučio sam više iz ovih predavanja nego na faksu.
The best of the best' college-level courses on CD, DVD, and Digital formats. Over 500 expertly-produced courses by professors chosen for their ability to teach.
Ja imam već godinu dana zamisao napraviti neki stripovski sleš superherojski sleš movie podcast, ali nemam s kime. :( Inače pratim neke podcaste tu i tamo, većinom na YT-u i smatram ih općenito korisnima i zanimljivima.
In this episode of the Waking Up podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Douglas Murray about identity politics, the rise of white nationalism, the events in Charlottesville, guilt by association, the sources of western values, the problem of finding meaning in a secular world, and other topics.