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27242 Posts
Member since 13/03/2004 |
Posted - 06/01/2017 : 18:46:53
quote: Originally posted by Peyo
Čitao sam prva 2 na engleskom.
Možeš li procijeniti kvalitetu nastavaka u odnosu na te početne epizode? Da li je scenarij na višoj razini ili tu negdje?
tu negdje.(po meni). menije to ok strip kojeg volim kupiti jer mi odgovara izdanje,tema,crtež (cijena manje ali i ona je probavljiva). |
Ja sam fetišist papira! |
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10516 Posts
Member since 28/10/2005 |
Posted - 06/01/2017 : 20:55:38
Thnx, i ja volim ovaj žanr.
Prve 2 knjige su mi bile nekako zaokružena cjelina pa me zanimalo da li je napravljen iskorak, tapkanje u mjestu ili pad.
Cijenim tvoje i trolovo mišljenje, to mi je dovoljan orijentir. |
Advanced Member

27242 Posts
Member since 13/03/2004 |
Posted - 06/01/2017 : 21:00:06
dva albuma su po jedna priča ali se proteže kroz sve albume središnja tema. volim valerijana pa onda i volim orbital. |
Ja sam fetišist papira! |
Edited by - jaki on 06/01/2017 21:00:36 |
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53 Posts
Member since 15/09/2015 |
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3277 Posts
Member since 14/09/2010 |
Posted - 09/01/2017 : 10:16:31
Blake & Mortimer 24 Juillard & Sente The Testament of William S.

Lucky Luke 62 Morris & Léturgie, Fauche and Guylouis The Cursed Ranch

Insiders 6 The Dragons of Beijing

Lucky Luke 63 Sarah Bernhardt

Valerian & Laureline 15 The Circles of Power

Billy & Buddy 6 Buddy's Gang

SAM 3 A Million Winters

Valerian 14 The Living Weapons

Wayne Shelton 4 The Survivor
Advanced Member

6381 Posts
Member since 05/12/2016 |
Posted - 09/01/2017 : 10:30:01
Neke od naslovnica izgledaju predobro i bas primamljivo....samo je pitanje kakav je sadrzaj ? ;) |
-Hi Honey, did you miss me? -With every bullet so far... |
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10516 Posts
Member since 28/10/2005 |
going going
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Member since 24/04/2012 |
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53 Posts
Member since 15/09/2015 |
Posted - 09/01/2017 : 23:45:52
Hvala na infu. Vidio sam već, no poznavajući njihov tempo i način izdavanja, drugi nastavak možda izađe 2022. Izbacili su i 3/6 Dorisonovog WESTa i na upit kad će ostatak, rekli su da će završit serijal, samo ne znaju kad točno. No da se vratimo na temu BD , pročitao sam ovaj topic dva puta i strašno dobrih naslovnica/stripova se ovdje može naći. Svaka čast ekipi koja ovo prati! |
Advanced Member
3277 Posts
Member since 14/09/2010 |
Posted - 15/01/2017 : 12:16:06
Avanturistični strip. TOULET slikar skuša spet najti navdih na poti v Istanbul se vkrca na Odiseja, skrivnostno ladjo z nič manj skrivnostnim kapitanom Salome.....

Sauvage tome 2 - le spectre de Chapultepec YANN (SCÉNARIO) FÉLIX MEYNET (DESSIN, COULEURS)
Avanturistični strip, ki se dogaja v nam znanih časih leta 1864, v vročih puščavskih prostranstvih Mehike, ko je Napoleon III poslal svoje ekspedicijske sile v Ameriko reševat mehiško monarhijo. Viva Benito Juarez.

Trolls de Troy tome 22 - À l'école des Trolls (kdaj bo tole vsaj v angleščini...bnti se bom samo zaradi tegale začel učit francoščino?) SCOTCH ARLESTON (SCÉNARIO) JEAN-LOUIS MOURIER (DESSIN) DENIS LECLÈRE (COULEURS)

Lanfeust odyssey tome 8 - Tseu-Hi La Gardienne (kdaj bo tole vsaj v angleščini...bnti se bom samo zaradi tegale začel učit francoščino? vol2) SCOTCH ARLESTON (SCENARIo) DIDIER TARQUIN (DESSIN) LUC PERDRISET (COULEURS)
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10516 Posts
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10516 Posts
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Member since 29/06/2008 |
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19149 Posts
Member since 02/06/2008 |
Posted - 15/02/2017 : 16:15:42
ima prekrasnih stvari unutra...čak se bi dosta našlo i za mene. |
Advanced Member

10516 Posts
Member since 28/10/2005 |
Mr. Bushido suradnik

12957 Posts
Member since 23/09/2005 |
Posted - 17/02/2017 : 00:56:31
quote: Originally posted by Peyo
Nije novo, ali je u najavi prvi put na engleskom besmrtni Gaston, Gaša:
Ovo bi zapravo bilo njegovo treće izdanje na engleskom. Prva dva pokušaja nisu bila pretjerano opsežna. Sveukupno je riječ o desetak prevedenih gegova. U prvom izdanju dobio je ime Cranky Franky, a u drugom Gomer Goof. Ovo posljednje je Cinebook očito odlučio zadržati. |
Comics is any art you can read. -- Sean T. Collins |
Senior Member
1255 Posts
Member since 07/10/2004 |
Posted - 17/02/2017 : 17:18:56
Nadam se, da neče biti potrebe za kupovanjem Cinebook izdanja te, da če Zagrebačka naklada ili Beli put to kompletirati. |
Advanced Member

10516 Posts
Member since 28/10/2005 |
Ernie Pike
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2896 Posts
Member since 06/03/2012 |
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27242 Posts
Member since 13/03/2004 |
Posted - 25/03/2017 : 19:29:37
Hermann-Planovi: We also have other news about Duke ? WELL, YES. There are provisionally three albums. "Then we'll see," dixit Hermann. He recalled his publisher out that he's been eighty years in eighteen months. Writer Yves H. see it bigger. It provides an array of seven or eight albums which like Jeremiah year will see a new album. Another story of Jeremiah , where Hermann recently finalizing have laid, about Kurdy Malloy before he met Jeremiah. Hermann is currently working on part two of Duke . And apparently there is still room for additional albums alongside Jeremiah and Duke , because Hermann is already thinking about a new Schemerwoude with Napoleon Bonaparte's defeat in Spain in the background. He knew all enthusiasm to tell the following about "Napoleon faced in Spain with the guerrillas, a type of warfare that did not exist, the massacres, the revenge attacks on villages, which was awful as I know that yet.. no stripping been treated. " |
Ja sam fetišist papira! |
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27242 Posts
Member since 13/03/2004 |
Posted - 25/03/2017 : 19:36:42
Griffo: At Vents d'Ouest , a label of the French Glénat , published last month, the first part of the diptych Dickens and Dickens by Griffo and Rodolphe . The sequel is scheduled for August. Meanwhile, the new composite breeds duo Griffo and Rodolphe - it is their first collaboration - all on a similar diptych also a famous writer in the lead, but the contrast will play in the late nineteenth-century New York. For Griffo it starts, he has to flog some other kittens. First he puts the finishing touches on the final album in the series The Oracle of the Moon . He must also draw two short stories for the first album in the second trilogy of SOS Happiness , now scripted by Stephen Desberg instead of Jean Van Hamme . For the second trilogy is the concept of the first repeated: the first two records each consist of three separate short stories in which the closing part flow together in a long story.
We zoudne still like to finish with the idea that Griffo us about Dickens and Dickens wrote: "London 1852 Charles Dickens , England's most celebrated writer, is honored in the highest and lowest echelons of the Victorian British Empire, the author of, among others. Oliver Twist , Nicolas Nickelby , Bleak House and a Christmas Carol doing his inspiration during his long nocturnal walks through the streets and alleys of London. his daily routine is interrupted when he finds a mysterious individual seems to follow him everywhere. It keeps him out his concentration if it is too much for him, he decides to turn the detective bureau Wyatt & Jones to unmask the man this company ends dramatically:.. the two detectives are found dead in a particularly gruesome manner in an alley abandoned one. night brings the inevitable fate Charles Dickens face to face with his pursuer. to his great surprise, turns the husband to physically own image, but without the trail of clever the author. The doppelganger appears to be an underworld figure who does not shun violence and moves in circles of prostitution, opium dealers and gamblers. His name is Charlie. Dickens is intrigued by this character and he gets to know him better, show that they have lived a similar experience during their early childhood. A kind of duplication. Their personalities join together or rather, they are the two sides of the same personality. For our famous writer is aware, he is drawn into Charlie's world with all its consequences ... "
Ja sam fetišist papira! |
Advanced Member

27242 Posts
Member since 13/03/2004 |
Posted - 25/03/2017 : 19:43:08

n June appears XIII Mystery 11: Jonathan Fly by Olivier TaDuc and Olivier Brunschwig . TaDuc currently draws besides a 120-page one-shot scripts by Serge Le Tendre for the collection Libre of Dupuis . It claims to be related to Chinaman . It has for years talked about a possible comeback of their western range. But we were talking about XIII Mystery have.
Above you can see a preview of XIII Mystery 12 , for the last part of the spin-offreeks of XIII . Click on it to enlarge. The service is auteursduo Philippe Buchet ( Convoy ) and Daniel Pecqueur ( Golden City ). They tell the story of perhaps the most absent character in the series XIII : Alan, son of Abe and Sally Smith of XIII Part 1.
Then one part, still appears written by Jean Van Hamme , which joins forces with Olivier Grenson ( Niklos Koda ). Their farewell to the series focuses on Judith Warner and Jessica Martin |
Ja sam fetišist papira! |
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