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 Betmen (Batman)
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delboj suradnik

Bosnia and Herzegovina
17064 Posts

Member since 01/03/2004

Posted - 21/11/2014 : 17:42:44  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send delboj a Private Message  Reply with Quote

1. Batman adventures: Pingvinova velika pljačka - The Batman Adventures 1 Penguin's Big Score
2. Batman adventures: Ubojite pljačke žene-mačke! - The Batman Adventures 2 Catwoman's Killer Caper
3. Batman adventures: Jockerovo cjelovečernje mahnitanje! - The Batman Adventures 3 Joker's Late-Night Lunacy!
4. Batman adventures: Zakon nereda I dio - The Batman Adventures 4 Panic in the streets
5. Batman adventures: Zakon nereda II dio - The Batman Adventures 5 Riot Act II
6. Batman adventures: Treća vrata - The Batman Adventures 6 The third door
7. Batman adventures: Razbješnjeli gušter - The Batman Adventures 7 Raging Lizard!
8. Batman adventures: Krađa, dragi moj - The Batman Adventures 8 Larceny My Sweet (Act One)
9. Batman adventures: Crvena knjižica - The Batman Adventures 9 The Little Red Book
10. Batman adventures: Posljednja priča o zagonetaču - The Batman Adventures 10 The Last Riddler Story
11. Batman adventures: Skrivena zvijer - The Batman Adventures 11 The Beast Within!
12. Batgirl: Prvi dan - The Batman Adventures 12 Batgirl: Day One


1. Napad sintetiziranog čudovišta - The Brave and the Bold (Kids) 1 The Panic of The Composite Creature
2. Napad virtualnih zlikovaca - The Brave and the Bold (Kids) 2 The Attack Of The Virtual Villains


2. Betmen: Povratak mračnog viteza - The Dark Knight Returns
12. Betmen: Odmazda mračnog viteza - The Dark Knight Strikes Again


1. Batman: Strašan vic - The Killing Joke


5. Ludnica Arkam - Arkham Asylum


3. U senci slepog miša - The Shadow of the Bat


9. Konačni smak II - Batman 682 The Butler Did It + Batman 683 What the Butler Saw (kao dio izdanja Final Crisis)
15. Čovek koji se smeje - The Man Who Laughs
16.Šta li se zbilo sa mračnim vitezom? - Batman 686 Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? Part 1: The Beginning of the End + DC 853 Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? Part 2 + Batman Black and White 2 + Secret Origins Special V2 1 + Secret Origins V2 36
18. Saga o sovama - The Court of Owls Saga
19. Smrt porodice - Death of the Family
20. Zlo doba - Graveyard Shift
21. Godina nulta - Zero Year
22. Kraj igre - Endgame + Superheavy
23. Epilog - Epilogue + Bloom
24. Beli vitez - White Knight
25. Kletva Belog viteza - Curse of the White Knight
26. Smrt u porodici - A Death in the Family
29-30. Ispod crvene kacige - Under the Red Hood
33. Mračni Princ na belom konju - The Dark Prince Charming
34. Posle Belog Viteza - The Dark Prince Charming
35. Njihovi mračni planovi - Their Dark Designs
36. Džokerov rat - The Joker War
--- Priče o duhovima - Ghost Stories
37. Strahovlada - Fear State


6. Poslednji vitez na Zemlji - Last Knight on Earth 1-3
10. Tri Džokera - Three Jokers
13. Imitator - The Imposter
14. Noć mračnog viteza - One Dark Knight
15. Vreme smrti - Killing Time
16. Đavolji Neža - The Devil Nezha
17. Betmen protiv Robina - Batman vs. Robin
18. Ubitačni duo - The Deadly Duo
20. Neobični posetilac - Strange Visitor
23. Grad ludila - City of Madness


3. Povratak mračnog viteza - The Dark Knight Returns
4. Strašan vic - The Killing Joke
6. Godina prva - Batman: Year One


???-33/1968 (?) Betmen i Robin: Čudesni dečak - Batman Combined Sunday and Daily strips 1968-04-08 to 1968-08-12: Superman's Missing Powers (dailies only)
33/1968 (?)-49/1968 (?) Betmen i Robin: Čudesni dečak - Batman Combined Sunday and Daily strips 1968-08-14 to 1968-12-16: Aqua-Batman (dailies only)
49/1968 (?)-22/1969 (?) Betmen i Robin: Čudesni dečak - Batman Combined Sunday and Daily strips 1968-12-17 to 1969-03-30: Plastic Surgery (dailies only)
23/1969 (?)-51/1969 (?) Betmen i Robin: Čudesni dečak - Batman Combined Sunday and Daily strips 1968-03-31 to 1969-12-25: Revenge of the Spurned Suitress (dailies only)
1/1970 (?)-11/1970 (?) Betmen i Robin: Čudesni dečak - Batman Daily strips 1969-12-26 to 1970-03-19: Broken Bat
12/1970 (?)-35/1970 Betmen i Robin: Čudesni dečak - Batman Daily strips 1970-03-20 to 1970-09-07: The Circus Take-Over
36/1970-52/1970 Betmen i Robin: Čudesni dečak - Batman Daily strips 1970-09-08 to 1971-01-02: The VIP Program
1/1971-15/1971 (?) Betmen i Robin: Čudesni dečak - Batman Daily strips 1970-01-04 to 1971-04-14: The Man-Bat
16/1971 (?)-??? Betmen i Robin: Čudesni dečak - Batman Daily strips 1971-04-15 to 1971-10-06: The Lewis Carroll Capers
???-??? Betmen i Robin: Čudesni dečak - Batman Daily strips 1971-11-05 to 1972-01-29: Son of the Killer
???-??? Betmen i Robin: Čudesni dečak - Batman Daily strips 1972-01-31 to 1972-03-09: The Kidnapping of Dick Grayson
???-??? Betmen i Robin: Čudesni dečak - Batman Daily strips 1972-03-10 to 1972-04-11: The Sky-Jacker and The End


1. Kult - The Cult
2. Crno i belo 1 - Black and White 1
3. Crno i belo 2 - Black and White 2
4. Vampir - Vampire
5. Džoker - Joker
6. Crno i belo 3 - Black and White 3
7. Duga Noć veštica - The Long Halloween
8. Muk - Hush
9. Luda ljubav - Mad Love
10. Dvor sova - Court of Owls


Batman zauvijek: (Adaptacija filma) - Batman Forever movie adaptation


37. Betmen: Tajna zaključane sobe - Batman 261 The Mystery That Never Was!
46. Betmen: (bez naslova) - DC 345 Block-buster invasion of Gotham city
50. Betmen: Eksplozivni duet - DC 369 Batgirl Breaks Up the Dynamic Duo!
71. Betmen: Čovek dva lica - Batman 234 Half an Evil
72. Betmen: Čovekoliki moljci - DC 359 The Million Dollar Debut of Batgirl
77. Betmen: Kružna ubistva - DC 367 Where There's A Will -- There's A Slay!
78. Betmen: Betma - DC 359 The Million Dollar Debut of Batgirl
81. Betmen: Protiv Strašila - Batman 200 The Man Who Radiated Fear!
92. Betmen: Kepecov tunel užasa i strave - Batman 288 The Little Men's Hall of Fame!
94. Betmen: Poziv na ubistvo - Batman 267 Invitation To A Murder!
100. Betmen: Samrtni poljubac - DC 456 Death-Kiss
105. Betmen: Protiv Ridlera - Batman 279 Riddler on the rampage
107. Betmen: Igralište strave - Batman 286 The Joker's Playground of Peril!
122. Betmen: Svakodnevna smrt Teri Tremejn - Batman 269 The Daily Terror Of Terry Tremayne
209. Betmen: Ostrvo purpurne magle - Batman 299 The Island of Purple Mist
217. Betmen: Crna kanarinka - The Brave and the Bold 141 Pay Or Die
239. Supermen i Betmen: Nevini koji su se mrzeli - World’s Finest Comics 257 The Innocent Who Hated!
245. Betmen i Crveni Tornado: Mašine ubice - The Brave and the Bold 153 Menace of the Murder Machines
250. Robin, čudesni dečak: Tajanstveni leš - DC 485 The Case of the Cavorting Corpse!
264. Robin: Povratak letećih Grejsonovih - DC 484 The return of the flying Graysons
266. Bet devojka: Trka sa ubistvom - DC 484 The race against murder
274. Betmen: Dvostruki - Batman 314 Once Beaten, Twice Sly!
286. Betmen: Dvojica za novac - Batman 313 Two for the Money!
287. Betmen: Danas Gotam... Sutra ceo svet - The Brave and the Bold 150
322. Betmen: Galileovo rešenje - DC 484 Gallileo solution
327. Bet devojka: Slučaj službenika ambasade - DC 485 The Case of the Untouchable Crook!
334. Betmen i Crna munja: Nafta niotkud! - The Brave and the Bold 163 Oil, Oil...Nowhere
338. Betmen i Jastreb: Misterija pokretnog muzeja - The Brave and the Bold 164 The Mystery of the Mobile Museum
341. Betmen: Poslednja priča o Betmenu 1. deo - Batman 300 The Last Batman Story--?
342. Betmen: Poslednja priča o Betmenu 2. deo - Batman 300 The Last Batman Story--?
343. Betmen: Poslednja priča o Betmenu 3. deo - Batman 300 The Last Batman Story--?
345. Betmen: Recept za tragediju - The Brave and the Bold 165 Prescription For Tragedy
358. Betmen: Mačak koji bi da bude kralj - Batman 324 The Cat Who Would Be King!
361. Betmen: Meta! ...a na nišanu je Betmen - Batman 330 Target!
369. Betmen: Rekvijem za 4 kanarinke - The Brave and the Bold 166 Requiem For Four Canaries
370. Betmen: Prica o prošlosti - Batman 328 A tale of time past
376. Betmen: Srce vampira - DC 455 Heart of a Vampire
379. Betmen: Smrt... dvadeset spratova visoka - Batman 325 Death -- Twenty Stories High
381. Betmen: Obračun mašina koje misle - DC 468 The Battle of the Thinking Machines
394. Čudovište iz močvare: Noć Betmena - Swamp thing V1 07 Night of the bat
418. Betmen: Kuća koja je uplašila Betmena - DC 477 The House That Haunted Batman
420. Betmen: Čovek koji je ubio madmoazel Mari 1. deo - DC 501 The Man Who Killed Mlle. Marie!
422. Betmen: Čovek koji je ubio madmoazel Mari 2. deo - DC 502 Who Shot Mlle. Marie?
424. Betmen: Šest dana strašila - DC 503 The 6 Days Of The Scarecrow
429. Betmen: Džokerova osveta - DC 504 The Joker's Rumpus Room Revenge!
433. Betmen: Povratak vukodlaka! - DC 505 Werewolf Moon
444. Bet devojka: Osveta dr Vudua - DC 501 The Five-Fold Revenge of Dr. Voodoo
---- Bet devojka: Živeti u strahu - DC 502 To Live A Nightmare!
467. Betmen: Ruševine - Batman 365 Ruins
468. Betmen: Smej se, ubico, smej! - DC 532 Laugh, Killer, Laugh!
469. Betmen: Džoker je podivljao - Batman 366 The Joker is Wild!
470. Betmen: Osveta duginih boja - Batman 368 A Revenge of Rainbows
471. Betmen: Rupa u ogrtaču ludila - DC 535 One Hole in a Quilt of Madness
472. Betmen i Karate Kid: Smrtonosni metak - The Brave and the Bold 198 Terrorists of the Heart!
473. Betmen i Supermen: Trenutak između... noći i dana - World’s Finest Comics 308 Night and Day


99/1. Supermen i Betmen: Super ključ za Supermenovo utvrđenje - World's Finest Comic 173 The Super-Key To Fort Superman
125/1. Betmen: Dr Fosforus - DC 470 The Master Plan of Dr. Phosphorus!
147/1. Betmen: Mrtvi ponovo žive! - DC 471 The Dead Yet Live
------ Betmen: Ja sam... Betmen! - DC 472 I Am THE Batman!
254/1. Betmen: Radioaktivni doktor - Batman 311 Dr. Phosphorus Is Back
------ Betmen: Napad na Olimpu! - DC 484 Assault on Olympus!
------ Betmen i Atom: Smrt ima zlatan grob - The Brave and the Bold 152 Death Has a Golden Grab!
------ Supermen i Betmen: Prokletstvo Kriptona - World’s Finest Comics 258 The Curse of Krypton
------ Betmen i Fleš: Disko smrti - The Brave and the Bold 151 Disco of Death


1. Mračni vitez - The Dark Knight Returns + The Dark Knight Strikes Again
2. Duga Noć vještica - The Long Halloween
3. Mračna pobjeda - Dark Victory
4. Godina prva - Batman: Year One
5. Strašan vic - The Killing Joke
6. Muk - Hush
7. Joker - Joker
8. Crno zrcalo - The Black Mirror
9. Zemlja jedan - Earth One
10. Što se dogodilo s Maskiranim zaštitnikom - Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?
11. Bijeli vitez - White Knight
12. Prokleti - Damned
13. Sanatorij Arkham - Arkham Asylum
14. Čovjek koji se smije - The Man Who Laughs
15. Godina stota - Year 100
16. Mračni princ na bijelom konju - The Dark Prince Charming
17. Sud sova - The Court of Owls Saga
18. Smrt obitelji - Death of the Family
19. Nulta godina - Zero Year
20. Završnica - Endgame
21. Supertežak - Superheavy + Bloom
22. Epilog - Graveyard Shift + Epilogue
23. Plinska svjetla Gothama - Gotham by Gaslight + Master of the Future
24. Prokletstvo Bijelog Viteza - Curse of the White Knight
25. Ukleti vitez - Haunted Knight
26. Tri Jokera - Three Jokers
27. Zemlja jedan: knjiga druga - Earth One
28. Crno i bijelo - Black and White 1-2
29. Crno i bijelo: knjiga druga - Black and White 3-4
30. Stvorenje noći - Creature of the Night
31. Grad zločina - City of Crime
32. Batman i sin - Batman and Son
33. Batman R.I.P. - Batman R.I.P.
34. Batman i Robin - Batman and Robin
35. Povratak Brucea Waynea - The Return of Bruce Wayne
36. Batman korporacija - Batman Incorporated
37. Demonska zvijezda - Demon Star
38. Otrov - Venom
39. Imitator - The Imposter
40. Slomljeni grad - Broken City
41. Ponovno rođenje - Rebirth
42. Ja sam Bane - I Am Bane
43. Superprijatelji - Super Friends
44. Vjenčanje - The Wedding
45. Košmari - Knightmares
46. Baneov grad - City of Bane
47. Šišmiševa sjena - The Shadow of the Bat
48. Ego - Ego
49. Licem u lice - Face to Face
50. Pod crvenom krinkom - Under the Red Hood
51. Gotika - Gothic


1. Hitman - The Batman Chronicles 4 Hitman


Batman & Robin: Zvanična strip adaptacija "Warner bros." filma - Batman & Robin movie adaptation


1. Batman: najljepše priče: Dvostruko lice - Batman 234 Half an Evil
-- Pet načina za osvetu - Batman 251 The Joker's Five-Way Revenge!
2. Batman: Kuća koja je uplašila Batmana - DC 477 The House That Haunted Batman
-- Batman i Crveni tornado: Strojevi ubojice - The Brave and the Bold 153 Menace of the Murder Machines


1. Ubistveni vic - The Killing Joke
2. Betmen: Godina prva - Batman: Year One
3. Gotika - Gothic


BATMAN: BLACK & WHITE - Black and White (četvrta sveska)
Betmen: Crno i bijelo - Black and White (cijeli trejd s dodatnim tekstovima i ilustracijama)


981. Betmen: Postanak - Gotham Knigts 1 To Become the Bat


1000 Betmen i Robin: Betmen u negativu - DC 284 The Negative Batman
1004 Betmen i Robin: Glineno lice - DC 298 The menace of Clayface
1011 Betmen: Nestali pergament - Batman 196 The purloined parchment puzzle
1017 Betmen: Tajna nasmešene maske - DC 327 Mystery of the menacing mask
1056 Betmen i Robin: Avet iz detinjstva - DC 370 The Nemesis from Batman's Boyhood!
1071 Betmen i Robin: Pali idol - DC 330 The Fallen Idol of Gotham City!
1120 Betmen i Robin: Betmenka - DC 286 The Doomed Batwoman
1981-2034 Betmen i Robin: U borbi protiv zločina - Daily strips 25-10-1943 to 3-6-1944
2071 Betmen: (bez naslova) - DC 421 Blind Justice...Blind Fear!
2077 Betmen: Planirano ubistvo - DC 420 Forecast For Tonight - Murder
2121 Betmen: Sve zavisi od vas - DC 416 Man-Bat Madness!


(Adaptacija filma) - The Comic Adaption of the Warner bros Motion Picture


1139 Betmen: Povratak mračnog viteza: Poslednji pohod - Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade
1148 Betmen: Šta li se zbilo sa mračnim vitezom? 1. deo: Početak kraja - Batman 686 Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? Part 1: The Beginning of the End
1148 Betmen: Šta li se zbilo sa mračnim vitezom? 2. deo - DC 853 Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? Part 2
1152 Betmen: Opaki ples - Secret Origins V2 36 Poison Ivy: Pavane
1157 Betmen: Prvobitni gresi - Secret Origins Special V2 1 Original Sins
------ Kada su vrata. Tajno poreklo zagonetača... ????????????? - Secret Origins Special V2 1 When is a Door. The Secret Origin of the Riddler... ?????????????
1163-1165 + 1167 + 1170 Betmen: Beli vitez - Batman: White Knight


8. Supermen: Betmen protiv Supermena - Superman Daily strips 1981-10-26 to 1982-27-07
11. Betmen: Betmen protiv terorista - Batman Daily strips 1943-10-25 to 1944-10-28
12. Betmen: Lica sa poternice - Batman Daily strips 1944-10-30 to 1945-11-24
13. Betmen: Dodir smrti - Batman Daily strips 1945-11-26 to 1946-11-02


Batman & Tarzan: U kandžama žene-mačke - Batman & Tarzan: Claws of the Cat-Woman

VERTIGO (Piratsko izdanje)

Betmen: Godina prva - Batman: Year one (Batman 404-407)


1. Batman: Batman i Pingvin - Batman Sunday strips 1946-02-10 to 1946-03-10
-- Batman: U jazbini ubojica - DC 411 Into the Den of the Death-Dealers!
-- Batman: Demonova kćerka - Batman 232 Daughter of the Demon
2. Batman: Smrt se zadnja nasmijala - The Brave and the Bold 111 Death Has the Last Laugh
-- Batman: Crni vitez (1. dio) - The Dark Knight Returns (prva polovina prvog dijela)


4 - Zemlja Jedan - Earth One

Postoje neka nagađanja da je Betmen objavljivan u časopisu Radio TV revija, ali to nismo uspjeli da dokažemo.

Edited by - delboj on 16/11/2024 16:29:08

Starting Member

75 Posts

Member since 26/08/2013

Posted - 17/09/2017 : 09:23:04  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send benny31 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Detaljan popis za Strip Zabavnik Alamanah:

SZA 7 - Supermen: Veštačka plima
Superman (The World's Greatest Superheroes) Daily Strips
(11) Gigi and the Motion Picture - 12.14.1980. - 06.27.1981.
(12) Sports with Steve Lombard - 06.28.1981. - 10.25.1981.

SZA 8 - Betmen protiv Supermena
Superman (The World's Greatest Superheroes) Daily Strips
(13) The Joke is on Superman - 10.26.1981. - 01.10.1982.
(14) Lady Steel - 01.11.1982. - 04.21.1982.
(15) The Joker Again - 04.22.1982. - 07.28.1982.

SZA 9 - Supermen: Magični omotač
Superman (The World's Greatest Superheroes) Daily Strips
(16) The Stalker - 07.29.1982. - 11.13.1982.
(17) Luthor and the Aliens - 11.14.1982. - 03.23.1983.

SZA 10 - Supermen: Krunski svedok
Superman (The World's Greatest Superheroes) Daily Strips
(18) Mtzyplick - 03.24.1983. - 07.17.1983.
(19) Bal-Ga from New Krypton - 07.18.1983. - 10.29.1983.

SZA 11 - Betmen: Betmen protiv terorista
Batman & Robin Daily Strips
(0) Who Are They? (Introduction) - 10.25.1943. - 10.30.1943.
(1) What a Sweet Racket! - 11.01.1943. - 01.08.1944.
(2) The Phantom Terrorist - 01.10.1944. - 03.18.1944.
(3) The Joker`s Symbol Crimes - 03.20.1944. - 06.03.1944.
(4) The Secret of Triangle Farm - 06.05.1944. - 08.12.1944.
(5) The Missing Heir Dillema - 08.14.1944. - 10.28.1944.

SZA 12 - Betmen: Lica s poternica
Batman & Robin Daily Strips
(6) The Two-Bit Dictator of Twin Mills - 10.30.1944. - 01.27.1945.
(7) Bliss House Ain't the Same - 01.29.1945. - 04.28.1945.
(8) The Karen Drew Mystery - 04.30.1945. - 07.07.1945.
(9) Their Toughest Assignment - 07.09.1945. - 09.01.1945.
(10) The Warning of the Lamp! - 09.03.1945. - 11.24.1945.

SZA 13 - Betmen: Dodir smrti
Batman & Robin Daily Strips
(11) An Affair of Death - 11.26.1945. - 02.09.1946.
(12) A Change of Costume - 02.11.1946. - 03.23.1946.
(13) The News That Makes the News - 03.25.1946. - 06.01.1946.
(14) Ten Days to Live! - 06.03.1946. - 08.03.1946.
(15) Acquitted by Iceberg - 08.05.1946. - 09.21.1946.
(16) Deadly Professor Radium - 09.23.1946. - 11.02.1946.

Obuhvatio sam i Supermena, s obzirom da ne postoji poseban topic za njega.
Prva priča Supermena nije cela, nedostaje početak, ako je verovati Wikipediji.
Što se tiče Betmena, ono što je objavljeno u Strip Zabavnik Almanahu su ustvari prvi dnevni kaiševi, objavljeni u Batman The Dailies 1943-1946.

Edited by - benny31 on 17/09/2017 09:36:02
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Starting Member

75 Posts

Member since 26/08/2013

Posted - 12/07/2019 : 20:53:42  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send benny31 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sitna dopuna:
U EKS Almanahu br. 444 je i objavljena i treća priča iz Betmen porodice, iako se pojavljuju samo inspektor Gordon i GCPD. U pitanju je kratka priča Tales of Gotham City: A Day in the Life of a Cop, koja je objavljena u Detective Comics 504, kao druga, sporedna priča.

Edited by - benny31 on 12/07/2019 20:54:58
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Paka01 suradnik

11446 Posts

Member since 14/02/2009

Posted - 28/08/2022 : 18:21:12  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Paka01 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Čovjek koji se smije - DC 784-786 The Man Who Laughs

Ne znam jesam li ja to krivo shvatio, ali mislim da ovo nisi dobro posložio. The Man Who Laughs je samostalna one-shot priča, a Detective Comics 784-786 čine priču Made of Wood koja je kao "bonus" priča u ovom izdanju.

Would a new flood please finally come? A real rain and an assortment of plagues
And when all is said and done, even the Devil won't care enough to spit in the mud
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Paka01 suradnik

11446 Posts

Member since 14/02/2009

Posted - 28/08/2022 : 19:28:37  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Paka01 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Pa eto ti tu dokaz

Odijeljeno je zarezom. To su dvije odvojene cjeline.
The Man Who Laughs je ovo:
Detective Comics 784 je ovo:

Znam šta govorim

Would a new flood please finally come? A real rain and an assortment of plagues
And when all is said and done, even the Devil won't care enough to spit in the mud
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Paka01 suradnik

11446 Posts

Member since 14/02/2009

Posted - 28/08/2022 : 20:10:14  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Paka01 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ne razumin šta mi oćeš reć.
Znači priča The Man Who Laughs je izašla kao samostalna sveska 2005. godine, a Detective Comics brojevi 784, 785 i 786 (koji tvore priču Made of Wood) su izašli kao samostalne sveske 2003. godine. Nakon toga je sve to zajedno skupljeno (reprintano) unutar jednih korica u izdanju koje se zove The Man Who Laughs. Fibrino i ČK izdanje su istovjetna tom "novom", reprintanom izdanju DC Comicsa koje sadrži obje priče.

Would a new flood please finally come? A real rain and an assortment of plagues
And when all is said and done, even the Devil won't care enough to spit in the mud
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delboj suradnik

Bosnia and Herzegovina
17064 Posts

Member since 01/03/2004

Posted - 28/08/2022 : 20:27:15  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send delboj a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ne znam više ni ja.

Najbolje je da izbrišemo ove poruke ovdje.
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