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tex2 suradnik

32106 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 31/08/2018 : 22:01:38  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Danas su izvučeni parovi za Europa league, a s tim dolazi i tradicionalno natjecanje na, pa primaju se prijave!

kratka pravila:

Tipuje se za:

5 bonus bodova: pobjednik Europa league i najbolji strijelac,

zatim tko će biti 1. i 2. u skupini, 1 bod je pogodak ekipe koja će proći, a 2 boda točno mjesto u skupini, primjer: ja tipujem u skupini A 1. Chelsea, 2. Marseille, i tako i bude, to je 4 boda, da je recimo 1. Chelsea, a 2. Zenit, to je onda 2 boda, a recimo 1. Zenit, 2. Chelsea, onda je to 1 bod, točnije točna pozicija kluba na kraju donosi 2 boda, a ako klub prođe, a nije na točno tipovanoj poziciji, onda je to 1 bod,

i tipuju se sve utakmice točan rezultat, ako se pogodi točan rezultat onda je to 2 boda, a točan tip je 1 bod, recimo tipuje se 1:0, a bude 2:0, onda je to 1 bod, a 2:0 je 2 boda.

- ako netko tipuje pobjednika prije prvog kola, i taj klub osvoji EL, da taj prognozer dobije 8 bodova po završetku natjecanja

- ako netko tipuje pobjednika nakon grupne faze, odnosno kad se priključe klubovi iz LP-a i taj klub osvoji EL, da taj prognozer dobije 5 bodova po završetku natjecanja

- ako netko promjeni prvobitno tipovanje sa samoga početka natjecanja i tipuje nakon grupne faze i taj klub osvoji EL, da taj prognozer dobije 5 bodova po završetku natjecanja

Europa league prvaci

2012/13 Kit Carson 82+52 (24) 158 bodova
2013/14 Beren 77+54 (27) 158 bodova
2014/15 tex2 90+52 (28) 170 bodova
2015/16 Beren 90+44 (25) 159 bodova
2016/17 Dwayne_Looney 85+40 155 bodova (25) (Manchester United)
2017/18 Kit Carson 76+66 173 boda (26) (Atletico Madrid)

Konačna tablica 2017/18 Carson rekordanbroj bodova!!!

1. Kit Carson 76+66 173 boda (26) (Atletico Madrid)

2. Dwayne_Looney 69+54 158 bodova (30)(Atletico Madrid)

3. ROJ RENK 78+42 156 bodova (31)(Immobile)

tex2 74+44 156 bodova (28) (Atletico Madrid, Aduriz)

5. Martin 77+48 151 bod (26) (-)

6. Beren 77+46 148 bodova (25)(-)

7. King Warrior 73+36 146 bodova (32) (Aduriz)

8. nemanja93 62+44 135 bodova (29) (-)

9. Oki 77+26 132 boda (29) (-)

10. Tutta 68+34 128 bodova (26) (-)

11. mpavin 15+2 46 bodova (29) (-)

12. Golub 12+2 38 bodova (24) (-)

Konačna tablica 2016/17:

1. Dwayne_Looney 85+40 155 bodova (25) (Manchester United)

2. Oki 71+48 152 boda (25)(Manchester United)

3. Martin 75+40 152 boda (24)(Manchester United, Džeko)

4. Kit Carson 69+42 145 bodova (27)(Manchester United)

5. Beren 77+30 142 boda (27)(Manchester United)

6. mpavin 73+44 141 bod (24)

7. ROJ RENK 76+34 138 bodova (23)(Manchester United)

8. tex2 73+30 127 bodova (24)

9. Tutta 60+36 96 bodova

10. split85 33+24 83 boda (26)

konačna tablica 2015/16

1. Beren 90+44 159 bodova (25)

2. Dwayne_Looney 76+54 157 bodova (27)

3. tex2 73+58 155 bodova (24)

4. split85 68+54147 bodova (25)

5. mpavin 68+58 145 bodova (19)

6. Kit Carson 68+52 142 boda (22)

7. Tutta 77+40 137 bodova (20)

8. Oki 74+32 127 bodova (21)

9. Martin 61+28 112 bodova (23)

10. osmo 59+14 96 bodova (23)

11. bjelolasica 43+26 90 bodova (21)

12. raic1922 15+8 45 bodova (22)

Konačna tablica 2014/15

1. tex2 90+52 170 bodova (28)

2. split85 81+38 150 bodova (31)

3. Kit Carson 77+38 145 bodova (30)

4. Tutta 73+44 144 boda (27)

5. cercil 64+48 142 boda (30)

6. Martin 87+32 137 bodova (18) javi 1/8F

7. Oki 77+34 135 bodova (24) javi 1/8F

8. manhunter 79+32 134 boda (24)

9. Space Marine 70+24 124 boda (30)

10. mpavin 49+28 106 bodova (29)

11. Beren 13+12 55 bodova (30)

12. Zagor12 9+6 45 bodova (30)

13. sergej773 10+4 36 bodova (22)

Konačna tablica 2013/14

1. Beren 77+54 158 bodova (27)

2. gombi 82+46 156 bodova (28)

3. Kit Carson 71+54 152 boda (27)

4. tex2 65+54 145 bodova (26)

5. split85 80+38 142 boda (24)

6. mpavin 68+44 142 boda (30)

7. Oki 71+44 141 bod (26)

8. Martin 70+42 139 bodova (27)

9. cercil 68+44 137 bodova (25)

10. bjelolasica 55+38 124 boda (31)

11. izivko 65+26 118 bodova (27)

12. maddox031 43+36 107 bodova (23) +5

13. osmo 43+16 91 bod (27) +5

14. Zagor12 17+14 57 bodova (26)


1. Kit Carson 757 bodova (361+252) (Extra 142) (3,3,6,4,1)

2. tex2 753 boda (375+238) (Extra 140) (4,1,3,8,3)

3. Martin 691 bod (370+184) (Extra 128) (8,6,9,2,5)

4. Oki 687 bodova (370+184) (Extra 130) (7,8,8,2,9)

5. Beren 662 boda (334+186) (Extra 139) (1,11,1,5,6)

6. mpavin 580 bodova (273+176) (Extra 131) (6,10,5,6,11)

7. split85 522 boda (261+154) (Extra 106) (5,2,4,10)

8. Tutta 505 bodova (278+154) (Extra 73) (4,7,9,10)

9. Dwayne_Looney 470 bodova (230+148) (Extra 92) (2,1,2)

10. ROJ RENK 294 boda (154+76) (Extra 64) (7,3)

11. cercil 279 bodova (132+92) (Extra 55) (9,5)

12. bjelolasica 214 bodova (98+64) (Extra 52) (10,11)

13. osmo 187 bodova (102+30) (Extra 55) (13,10)

14. gombi 156 bodova (82+46) (Extra 28) (2)

15. King Warrior 146 bodova (73+36) (Extra 37) (7)

16. nemanja93 135 bodova (62+44) (Extra 29) (8)

17. manhunter 134 boda (79+32) (Extra 24) (8)

18. Space Marine 124 boda (70+24) (Extra 30) (9)

19. izivko 118 bodova (65+26) (Extra 27) (11)

20. maddox031 107 bodova (43+36) (Extra 28) (12)

21. Zagor12 102 boda (26+20) (Extra 56) (14,12)

22. raic1922 45 bodova (15+8) (Extra 22) (12)

23. Golub 38 bodova (12+2) (Extra24) (12)

24. sergej773 36 bodova (10+4) (Extra 27) (13)

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game

Edited by - tex2 on 29/05/2019 23:12:04

tex2 suradnik

32106 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 31/08/2018 : 22:02:19  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Grupa A: Bayer, AEK Larnaca, Zurich, Ludogorec

Grupa B: Red Bull Salzburg, Celtic, Leipzig, Rosenborg

Grupa C: Slavia Prag, Bordeaux, Copenhagen, Zenit

Grupa D: ANderlecht, Spartak Trnava, Dinamo Zagreb, Fenerbahce

Grupa E: Arsenal, Sporting Lisboa, Vorskla, Qarabag

Grupa F: Milan, Betis, Olympiakos, Dudelange

Grupa G: Rapid Vienna, Spartak Moscow, Rangers, Villarreal

Grupa H: Marseille, Eintracht, Lazio, Apollon

Grupa I: Genk, Malmoe, Besiktas, Sarpsborg

Grupa J: Standard Liege, Sevilla, Akhisar, Krasnodar

Grupa K: Jablonec, Dynamo Kyiv, Astana, Rennes

Grupa: L: Chelsea, PAOK, MOL Vidi, BATE Borisov

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game

Edited by - tex2 on 03/09/2018 14:27:34
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tex2 suradnik

32106 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 31/08/2018 : 22:02:51  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
1. kolo

20.09. 18:55 Akhisar Belediye -Krasnodar
20.09. 18:55 Besiktas - Sarpsborg 08
20.09. 18:55 Dynamo Kyiv - FC Astana
20.09. 18:55 Genk - Malmo FF
20.09. 18:55 Lazio - Apollon
20.09. 18:55 Marseille -Eintracht Frankfurt
20.09. 18:55 MOL Vidi - BATE
20.09. 18:55 PAOK - Chelsea
20.09. 18:55 Rapid Vienna - Spartak Moscow
20.09. 18:55 Rennes - Jablonec
20.09. 18:55 Sevilla - Standard Liege
20.09. 18:55 Villarreal - Rangers

20.09. 21:00 AEK Larnaca - Zurich
20.09. 21:00 Arsenal - Vorskla
20.09. 21:00 Celtic - Rosenborg
20.09. 21:00 Dinamo Zagreb - Fenerbahce
20.09. 21:00 Dudelange - AC Milan
20.09. 21:00 FC Kopenhagen - Zenit Petersburg
20.09. 21:00 Ludogorets - Bayer Leverkusen
20.09. 21:00 Olympiakos - Betis
20.09. 21:00 RB Leipzig - RB Salzburg
20.09. 21:00 Slavia Prag - Bordeaux
20.09. 21:00 Sporting Lisboa - Qarabag
20.09. 21:00 Spartak Trnava - Anderlecht

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game

Edited by - tex2 on 07/09/2018 20:50:47
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tex2 suradnik

32106 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 31/08/2018 : 22:03:25  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
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Advanced Member

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Member since 19/02/2010

Posted - 31/08/2018 : 22:33:38  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote


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tex2 suradnik

32106 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 31/08/2018 : 22:42:08  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote

1. tex2
2. Tutta
3. Dwayne_Looney
4. Oki
5. don_draper
6. sonor
7. ReemCP
8. King Warrior (Chelsea, Hazard)
9. Hercule Poirot (Chelsea, Aubameyang)
10. Beren
11. Markotamara
13. Kit Carson
14. kiradh

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game

Edited by - tex2 on 07/09/2018 20:54:03
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Advanced Member

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Member since 15/10/2014

Posted - 31/08/2018 : 23:29:35  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Dwayne_Looney a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Prijava (i najava pobjednika )

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Posted - 01/09/2018 : 06:59:06  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Oki a Private Message  Reply with Quote
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Posted - 01/09/2018 : 07:04:40  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Oki a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Da mi je netko pred mjesec dana rekao da će klub iz Luksemburga nastupati u Europa League, pretpostavio bih da se isti najeo ludih gljiva pa bunca...
Prije bih povjerovao u priču da će Hajduk ove godine osvojiti prvenstvo;)
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Member since 08/06/2018

Posted - 01/09/2018 : 09:15:12  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send don_draper a Private Message  Reply with Quote

I sell the fact that I can't be bought
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tex2 suradnik

32106 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 01/09/2018 : 10:22:24  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ovo je uvijek najslabije po broju natjecatelja natjecanje, 14 je rekord, a lani bilo 12 natjecatelja. Čekamo branitelja naslova za prijavu, kao i neke standardne natjecatelje!

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
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sonor suradnik

Vatican City
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Member since 18/02/2006

Posted - 01/09/2018 : 12:04:14  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send sonor a Private Message  Reply with Quote

There's a time to live and a time to die
When it's time to meet the maker!
There's a time to live but isn't it strange
That as soon as you're born you're dying!
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ReemCP suradnik

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Member since 03/01/2018

Posted - 01/09/2018 : 14:56:42  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send ReemCP a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Pisi i mene Tex, prijava..

Never leave it in the hands of the judges
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King Warrior suradnik

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Member since 10/11/2007

Posted - 01/09/2018 : 15:23:07  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send King Warrior a Private Message  Reply with Quote
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Hercule Poirot suradnik

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Member since 28/11/2017

Posted - 01/09/2018 : 18:06:41  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Hercule Poirot a Private Message  Reply with Quote
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Posted - 01/09/2018 : 21:03:35  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Beren a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Moja domovina je mene dala ovu koru bijelog hleba, sretne ljude, srecnu mladost, velik komad vedrog neba...
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Posted - 02/09/2018 : 19:44:40  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send markotamara a Private Message  Reply with Quote

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556 Posts

Member since 03/03/2011

Posted - 03/09/2018 : 10:59:55  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send ROJ RENK a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Evo jednog, moglo bi se vec reci, standardnog.
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Average Member

556 Posts

Member since 03/03/2011

Posted - 03/09/2018 : 13:06:44  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send ROJ RENK a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Dok sam pregledao grupe primetio sam jednu greskicu.
Rosenborg je svrstan u dve grupe i to nalazi se u grupama B i I.
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Advanced Member

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Member since 15/10/2014

Posted - 03/09/2018 : 13:21:05  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Dwayne_Looney a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ROJ RENK

Dok sam pregledao grupe primetio sam jednu greskicu.
Rosenborg je svrstan u dve grupe i to nalazi se u grupama B i I.

Da, u grupi B je Rosenborg a u I ga treba zamijeniti Sarpsborgom.

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tex2 suradnik

32106 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 03/09/2018 : 14:29:00  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ispravio, hvala!

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
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Kit Carson
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Member since 19/11/2008

Posted - 03/09/2018 : 16:15:53  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Kit Carson a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Ubrzajte Texa u koloru na 2 mesecno!
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tex2 suradnik

32106 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 03/09/2018 : 18:01:55  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sretni 13 prijavljeni!

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
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King Warrior suradnik

22346 Posts

Member since 10/11/2007

Posted - 04/09/2018 : 10:27:38  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send King Warrior a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Grupa A: Bayer, AEK Larnaca

Grupa B: Red Bull Salzburg, Leipzig

Grupa C: Zenit, Bordeaux

Grupa D: Fenerbahce, Dinamo Zagreb

Grupa E: Arsenal, Sporting Lisboa

Grupa F: Betis, Milan

Grupa G: Villarreal, Spartak Moscow

Grupa H: Marseille, Lazio

Grupa I: Besiktas, Malmoe

Grupa J: Sevilla, Krasnodar

Grupa K: Dynamo Kyiv, Astana

Grupa: L: Chelsea, BATE Borisov

Prvak: Chelsea
Najbolji strijelac: Hazard
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Hercule Poirot suradnik

14220 Posts

Member since 28/11/2017

Posted - 04/09/2018 : 11:57:42  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Hercule Poirot a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Grupa A: Zurich, Bayer
Grupa B: Leipzig, Salzburg
Grupa C: Zenit, Slavia
Grupa D: Fenerbahce, Spartak Trnava
Grupa E: Sporting, Arsenal
Grupa F: Olympiakos, Milan
Grupa G: Villareal, Spartak
Grupa H: Marseille, Lazio
Grupa I: Besiktas, Genk
Grupa J: Sevilla, Akhisar
Grupa K: Rennes, Dynamo Kyiv
Grupa L: Chelsea, Bate

Prvak: Chelsea
Najbolji strijelac: Abumeyang
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Average Member

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Posted - 04/09/2018 : 20:53:24  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send kiradh a Private Message  Reply with Quote
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