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Posted - 30/07/2019 : 17:48:36
Report from the advanced north of the province of Hama: Tel Mallah - night attack "Tigers" (gugltranslejted)
Report from the advanced north of the province of Hama: Tel Mallah - night attack "Tigers"
Some photos from Tal Malah after the Syrian Army retook the area. The battlefield is filled with destroyed vehicles.
Ruski helikopteri pomadu u mrvljenju terena oko Kabanija u planinama, tu je alkajdovcima najjaci "bunker" uz prirodni zaklon, do sada je bilo prelito vec previse krvi na tom djelu, time to get fukkin serious, let the specnas in ( znam, znam, pusti snovi, ali da ih pustu sa lanca za 3 dana )
"Kabani front heats up once again after resumption of SAA ground assault on 28/29 July; today SyAAF/RuAF targeted hostile positions in the strategic region w/ eruption of heavy clashes b/n SAA & TIP/HTS/AAK in forested mountains. Today SyAAF/RuAF carried out a rare attack on strategic ICARDA fortress & surrounding villages of Barqoum & Bawabiyah along Aleppo - Hama M5 🛣 on the NE/E front."
Od propelerskih bombardera do aviona 5-te generacije: Suhoj slavi 80-tu godišnjicu postojanja
“Tko je na strani Izraela, mi smo protiv njega”: Erdogan zadaje udarac Netanyahuu i SAD-u zbog palestinskih ubojstava
Iran's vice president Eshaq Jahangiri urges China, friendly countries to buy more oil
Rivals Iran and UAE to hold maritime security talks
Iranian ship Bavand sets sail from Brazil, second vessel following...
Indian captain of seized tanker condemns UK troops who ‘unnecessarily and dangerously’ boarded his ship and terrorised his crew
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Posted - 31/07/2019 : 13:05:17
Map: Syrian Army Advances in Northwest of Hama Syrian Army liberated Wadi Hasmin and gained more grounds in Jaish Al Izzah territory on northwest of Hama!
Evo ga, ipak se ide dalje u lomljenju islamofasista!
Sutra bi trebao biti oslobođen i Zakah... da vidimo nase heroje.
Military Situation In Syria On July 31, 2019 (Map Update)
"Russkies delivered new weapons to Hmeimim airbase, rumors say there is a Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile system among them. Meanwhile Turkey is preparing military operation in N. Syria"
July, 2019. The Coalition | CJTFOIR, lacking motivation for self purpose, demonstrates the airstrike of USAF on the Daesh | ISIS concealed weapons storage site in the desert of Anbar Province, Iraq.
Publishing Stolen Material: WikiLeaks, the DNC and Freedom of Speech
Nearly 100 Chinese servicemen complete training with S-400
Military Situation In Afghanistan On July 31, 2019 (Map Update)
Military Situation In Yemen On July 31, 2019 (Map Update)
In Video: Houthis Abmush Saudi-led Forces, Burn Their Equipment In Al-Dood Mountain Area
Israel unveils railway project connecting Occupied Palestine w/ Gulf countries.
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Posted - 31/07/2019 : 19:51:50
ovaj fantasticni video treba svoj sopstveni post (postavio sam ga vec danas), cekao se sve od srijede, pa da ga momci pripreme, a ovaj drugi da sredi engleske titlove, jos jedan odlican posao ANNA NESW tima
izgleda da je Tigrovcima sada preslo na default da napadaju okriljem noci, ono, jesu vec i prije, ali u posljenjim mjesecima to je skoro pa stalnica... cudno da ih Rusi nisu vec prije (pa od jeseni 2015 su tu) bolje opremili i naucili koristiti u napadu, u videu je i T-72 opremljen za nocne napade
valjda to do sada znaju i teroristi, ali sta mogu, plus dosta dugo se cekalo za ovaj "push", teren se sada pomnije pripremao, nesto od toga se moze vidjeti i u videu, a ostalo po drustvenim mrezama, prica se da su teroristi pretrpjeli teske gubice, prebacili dio ljudi sa fronte gore kod Alepa, a neki od njih vec beze i sa ostalih sela koje Tigrovci napadaju ove dane... treba iskoristiti momentum, i pokusati sa vecim prodorom, a isto tako se moze ocekivati i kontra napad terorista sada, ali na nekom drugom djelu fronta, barem do sada su uvijek tako djelovali, pitanje je samo kakve su im rezerve (naravno, na podrucju Iblibstana ima jos vise tisuca, desetaka tisuca bradonja, ali ovih sedmica su stvarno pretrpjeli teske gubice u ljudstvu i tehniki)
+18 | Battles for Syria | July 29th 2019 | Liberation of Tall Malah and Jibeen
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Posted - 31/07/2019 : 20:11:59
A teroristi zato danas ponovno granatirali Aleppo, jedno dijete umrlo. Opet, o tome nece pisati u Zapadnim medijima.
No, zato SAA tenkovi ne posustaju ni danas, vec nekoliko ljudi se "smeska" i ceka da moze objaviti vise vijesti... u posljednje vrijeme i vrh vojske krije nove zadatke i pocetke ofanzive od oficira i zapovjednika. Valjda sutra dobre vijesti za dobro jutro.
jedna karta za pokusinu:
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Edited by - Poli on 31/07/2019 20:56:47 |
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Posted - 01/08/2019 : 09:58:52
Tulsi Gabbard: "Our President is supporting al Qaeda"
Hamza bin Laden, son of Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda heir apparent, believed to be killed in military operation
The Trump administration recently approved a Turkish shipment of US-made anti-tank missiles to al-Qaeda-linked Islamist rebels fighting against a Russian-backed offensive in Syria’s Idlib province
In one week, more than 10 kids in Aleppo were killed by rockets fired at the city by al-Qaeda terrorists occupying Idlib! Of course, CNN, BBC, and the rest of the media gang never saw nor heard of such crimes committed by their beloved "rebels"..!
Northern Hama, Syria. Jihadists having a "good time" 🤪
"Today, August 1st, is the 74th anniversary of the foundation of the Syrian Army. Happy Anniversary, our legendary Army!"
Powerful pic. The inscription on the poster reads: “let's rebuild her (country) together”
After liberating Tal Malah and Jibbeen, the Syrian Army liberates Hasraya, Wadi-Hathmin, Zakat bakeries north of Hama and it is still advancing. Good news soon.
jos jedan pogled na situaciju - By this achievement, army units established foothold on vital high grounds in W Lataminah for first time.
velika karta:
In Video: Syrian Army Showcases Destroyed Militant Equipment In Jibeen
Abu Kamal: Heavy clashes and shelling can be heard from Baghuz Fawqani in Abu-Kamal, ISIS is launching heavy attacks on SAA positions in Abu-Kamal.
+18 | Mosul, Iraq 2 years after combat operations, much of the city still lies in ruins and in some places the corpses still visible from under the rubble
Iran preparing to build new production facilities in Syria
Inside the "capsule" of the T-14 Armata. (T-14's crew of three is protected by an internal armored capsule)
ISIS posted video of an IED attack on armored vehicle in Egypt
Ukrainian Armed Forces Falling Apart. Poroshenko-linked TV Channel Praises Nazi “Patriotic” Children’s Camp
German media reported that in Germany they began to teach refugees sexual behavior. This program is aimed at migrants from countries where public displays of love are prohibited, and marital rape is not considered a crime. according to "TVJihad", it look like this 🤪
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Posted - 01/08/2019 : 11:38:55
"I wrote an extensive report for @MEI_CTE on the designs and tactics of the SVBIEDs used by IS, and how these have evolved & adapted since 2014. A lot of fascinating details, so be sure to check it out!"
situacija na fronti na podrucju Hame-Idliba:
trenutno napredovanje... al Arbeen i Zakah su pred padom, put prema Kafr Ziti i Latamini je otvoren prva karta:
sljedeca karta :
navodno je Arbeen vec pao, a vojska je pred ulaskom u Zaku, ali pricekajmo kraj dana, navodno zracni napadi i dalje traju, pa je ovo mozda malo preuranjeno
Reconnaissance units are in Zakat. Demining follows.
ovako ih se mrvi iz zraka
SAA found a large cave inside the village Hasraya in the northern Hama countryside The cave was heavily fortified and was home to armed groups, where military equipment, equipment and communication equipment were found inside.
a izgleda da se napreduje i malo sjevernije karta:
11 members of Suqour Al-Sham were killed in an ambush last night at the southern Idlib town of ‘Ejaz. Some opposition pages claim it was Russian special forces, but it was likely the Syrian Army.
EU to work with top Iran diplomat despite US sanctions: spokesman
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Edited by - Poli on 01/08/2019 13:37:11 |
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Posted - 01/08/2019 : 21:28:55
a u pizdu mile matere!!! koja kretencina to namjerno sabotira!? jebeni Rusi!? Damask reze sopstevnu nogu!? pa dokle vise pizda vam materina glupa retardi!? kretencine su PONOVNO potpisale primirje a svi znamo da to samo pomaze teroristima da se pregrupisu i dovedu pojacanja i novu vojnu opremu na ratiste gdje gube
mislim, pa tko to moze toliko pritisnuti na Assada da on to MORA napraviti... samo Rusi
a u kurac!!!!!!!!!!!
i opet ce sve down the toilet
bezveze!!! a nusrici ionako kazu da ih primirje ne zanima i nece ga se drzati, za koje je to uopste potpisano, pa valjda se zna da oni kolo vodo, a umjerenih budala nema vise
"Cease fire in deescalation zone. "Rebels" have to withdraw 30 km. The truce means the military and the army will complete progress if the terrorists do not retreat 30 kilometers and hand over their heavy weapons."
No, do ponoci se moze vec sve promijeniti, da ne pricam o noc i jutru... Rusija tako (valjda) prikaze da pokusava rijesiti situaciju na miran nacin, sa primirjem za civilno pucanstvo, a na kraju... kao uvijek do sada.
a zohari su veceras vec presli u kontri (ne zna se jos koliko jaku) na Hasrayu, prvi val sa SVBIED-jem - taj je vec unisten (gledaj fotku u linku) u teroristi vec pisu kako su tu povratili polozaje... pricekajmo da se lazi osuse
gore u Latakiji SAA i dalje napada na fronti Kabani, ne znam zasto konacno ne daju nekome pametnome proste ruke tamo i dovoljno vojne opreme, ovi mali napadi samo ruse moral SAA i vojnici bespotrebno gube zivot; ovo je vec 4. odbijeni "napad" u 5 dana
Game Changer: What’s Behind US-Turkish Conflict Over S-400 Deal
Palestinian Gunman Injures Three Israeli Service Members Around Gaza In “Lone Wolf Attack”
ovi govnari i dalje arlaucu
The so called wilayahs (provinces) of Daesh | ISIS renewed their pledge of allegiance (bay'ah) to Abu Bakr al Baghdadi in 2019. See the time-chart below.ž
Meanwhile puberty ISIS propaganda crew continue to intimidate residents of New York | NY and London via homemade leaflets made out in Hollywood movie poster style.
iz Jemna, video:
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Posted - 02/08/2019 : 13:09:28
vidi ovog mongoloida, ko iz planete majmuna
evo ga jos jedan
fresh meat for the meatgrinder, keep 'em cumming
i eto, vec je pocelo
Breaking: Jihadists launch attack on eastern Latakia city despite ceasefire announcement
keep 'em panzers rolling, rawhide! go SAA!
Syrian army is firing missiles at the northern Hama towns of Latmeen and Zakah. Both sides have been trading attacks along the demilitarized zone.
Complete absence of Russian and Syrian military aircraft since midnight.
Syria accuses Turkey of having 10,000 soldiers and 166 tanks inside country
Indian Army, Air Force put on high operational alert by government...
Srinangar: In view of the ongoing situation in Kashmir valley, Government has put the Air Force and the Army on high operational alert.
Trump moze samo odprdjeti
Indija ne treba ni s kim razgovarati o Kašmiru osim s Pakistanom
Ubrzo nakon što je Donald Trump ponudio svoje usluge posrednika, za rješavanje kašmirskog sukoba, indijski ministar vanjskih poslova dao je do znanja Mikeu Pompeu da je Pakistan jedini sugovornik s kojim New Delhi mora razgovarati o tom pitanju.
ovi kreteni i dalje nasrljuju, a vide da im nije poslo rukom, kako se vec zvao toboznji "novi" predsjednik, anyone?
Trump razmatra blokadu ili karantenu Venezuele
ovaj nije bio samo na rizu?
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Posted - 02/08/2019 : 14:30:43
Turci se ovih dana vec intenzivno pripremaju na novu okupaciju Sirije (vidjeli da ih sa dzihadistima nece proci, pa ce ici na Kurde, ponovno). Po drustvenim se mrezama isto sve vise pise o novoj akciji "samo sto nije".....
Turkish Foreign Ministry Spox Hami Aksoy:
On Safe Zone "Turkish demands are; safe zone should be 32 km deep, the regions should be under Turkish control, the PYD/YPG should be removed from the area. If we cannot reach a deal with the US on this issue, we will create it alone. By next week a US military delegation will visit Turkey to discuss safe zone. These talks won’t last forever. When we understand that our expectations are not met, we’ll take the necessary steps. New offers are welcome.
On INF treaty It's a concern for our security. We don't want a new armament in Europe to begin. We continue to discuss how we will survive in this period, and we can share the details with you later.
On F35s Turkey has been removed from the programme. We said that we will not do our requirements until 2026. This includes our remaining payment of 1.5 billion dollars. We will not pay this. We have told them to find new places for the productions site which increases the per jet cost by approximately 7-8 millon dollars. They haven't accepted our offer to create a working group."
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Posted - 03/08/2019 : 18:16:39
SAA has intensified their hits on the Northern areas of #Hama Province last night after the #militants there failed to withdraw their forces from the demilitarized zone. SAA fired artillery and rockets towards Jaysh Al Izza and #HTS in Zakah, Al Latamnah, and Kafr Zita.
Militants attack Aleppo from outskirts of city
looks like the operation in Idlib / Hama will resume tomorrow morning...
Syrian War Report – August 2, 2019: Idlib Militants Rescued By Another Ceasefire
bivsi nogometas se raznio sa SVBIED-jem
In Video: Russian Aerospace Forces Destroy Military Equipment And Weapons Depots In Greater Idlib
Over 20 Syrian Soldiers & Officers Killed In Airbase Explosion
New Damascus IED Attack Targets Pro-Government Businessman (Photos)
F-22 Raptor ponovo na nebu iznad Sirije
he he he, obeta se novi video, samo da pricekamo na titlove... za sada na ruski
Foreign jihadists from Malhama Tactical AKA 1st Islamic PMC have been spotted in Northern Hama. As usual they avoid combating, but advise a lot. That, by the way, proves to earlier reports, that almost 25 percent of around 10,000 militants in Greater Idlib are muhajireen.
In Video: Kurdish Forces Target Turkish Military Positions, Equipment In Afrin With Guided Missiles
u Libiji:
In Photos: GNA Shoots Down Wing Loong II Combat Drone Over Misrata
u Jemnu:
Houthi Tactical Ballistic Missile Hit Saudi Army Camp In Najran (razdalja 1.200 km)
Venecuela “spremna za bitku” ukoliko Tramp uvede blokadu
na podrucju Kasmira i dalje napeto
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Posted - 04/08/2019 : 11:46:18
Battles for Syria | August 3rd 2019 | the Bloody truce in Northern Hama
How no normal this world is.The Al-Qaeda terrorist has a press conference and follows for 50 world media. Joulani during a press conference in Idlib Syria, Idlib: HTS commander-in-chief known as "Abu Muhammad Al-Joulani" during a press conference in the presence of about 50 media.
After Jolani's statement that he will not respect the ceasefire, that he will not withdraw the militants, that he will continue the fight .... HTS sends a hundred militants to the front Hama.
The army is targeting terrorists with artillery in Morek and Latamina.
Militants in the outskirts of #Aleppo opened mortar fire at the city’s residential areas leaving several people injured, the Syrian state television reported.
A series of explosions rock the areas of control of the Nusra terrorist front in Idlib and its countryside.
Leaders of the Turkistan Islamic Party, an illegal armed group, are recruiting children aged 10 to 17 in a training camp near the settlement of Armala (near Idlib). Among underage children, there are many orphaned teenagers, without a certain place of residence.
"Revolutionary Guard: arrest of seven sailors carrying foreign nationalities were aboard the ship.
Iranian Revolutionary Guard stops foreign ship in the Gulf waters smuggling 700,000 liters of fuel."
Military Situation In Yemen On August 4, 2019 (Map Update)
Evidence of secret Emirati weapons deliveries to Saudi-led forces in Taiz
At least 319 Saudi-led forces killed in Hajjah province in July alone
Yemen halts retaliation attacks on United Arab Emirates in response to reports on possible UAE withdrawal from war
Can The People's Liberation Army Really "Intervene" in Hong Kong?
India says it thwarted ‘infiltration’ attempt by Pakistani army in latest Kashmir flare-up
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