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Posted - 01/02/2020 : 01:34:39
Syrian Army Offensive In Greater Idlib: Results Of January 27-31, 2020
A former spokesman for Jais al-Islam, Islam Allush, was arrested in Paris on charges of war crimes, terrorism, kidnapping and torture of Syrians. I wonder what he forgot in Paris? Why would stay in Turkey like all normal, "moderate", terrorists?
Meanwhile, while jihadis being bombed to shits in Idlib, another Jaish-al-Islam leader, Muhammad Allush (was also a Syrian opposition rep in Astana) opened a restaurant in Istanbul worth several million dollars. As they say, he switched from selling jihad to selling kebab😉
slike iz Maarat al Numana
Unprecedented if true: "Turkish F-16s allegedly tried to cross into Syrian airspace last night in support of jihadists in Idlib and were intercepted by Russian Su-35S which forced them back."
Jihadist counter-offensive in Aleppo ends in disaster
ovi proturski glavosjece Zenkiji koji su dosli na pomoc, nisu vidjeti nesto previse zadovoljni
napredovanje se nastavlja
Aleppo: SAA liberated Rujm Judran, Hazmar hill, Khirbat Khirs, Qarassi & Qalaajiyah.
Idlib: - Maarrat al-Numan axis: SAA Tiger forces liberated Tabaysh, Jabala Sharqiya, Kafr Mazadat, Hish & Armanaya. Rebels retreated from Maar Hattat. - Saraqib axis: SAA recaptured Kursiyan & liberated Tall Dibs & Kanayis
Israeli Army started attacking targets in Gaza
razbezali se saudijci i ostavili sve za sobom... eh, da su imali captagon ko ovi bradonje sjevernije
Part 1 of my battle recap series of "Operation Bonyan Marsous", which took place a few weeks ago. The Yemeni Army was able to liberate the entirety of Nihm district from Coalition forces, and is heading straight towards strategically important Ma'rib.
Here's part 2, showing Yemeni Armed Forces entering the Heaquarters of the 7th Military District in Nihm district of Sana'a Governorate, + confiscated enemy ordnance.
Yemeni forces (Ansar Allah) a few days ago completely destroyed the front of pro-Saudi mercenaries in the vast territory of central Yemen. Dozens of units of largely operational armored vehicles fell into the hands of the Houtis
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Posted - 01/02/2020 : 13:23:20
Nove Erdoganove neootomanske ambicije i realne mogućnosti njihove provedbe
Misterij pada zrakoplova E-11A u Afganistanu: Žrtva je ubojica generala Sulejmanija?
Misterija pada zrakoplova „Bombardier E-11A“ u Afganistanu postaje sve intenzivnija. Vijesti koje dolaze iz provincije Ghazni, teritorija kojeg kontroliraju talibani i na kojem se srušio avion američke obavještajne službe, vrlo su oprečne i niti jedan izvor nije u stanju dati dokaze za svoje tvrdnje.
Ono što je sigurno je da se američki zrakoplov srušio i da ima mrtvih. Ono što nije sigurno je da je među mrtvima jedan vrhunski američki obavještajac koji je igrao ulogu u likvidaciji generala Sulejmanija. S obzirom na to da i u ovom slučaju propagandni rat zamjenjuje stvarne podatke sve treba uzeti s rezervom. ... .. .
Oliver Stone: „Moja je zemlja sila zla, a carstva zla propadaju“.
“Silu zla”, koju SAD sada šire svijetom, “vratit će na se kao bumerang”, govoreći u intervjuu za kanal RT s bivšim predsjednikom Ekvadora Rafaelom Correom rekao je američki režiser Oliver Stone. „Moram sa žaljenjem reći, jer volim svoju zemlju, da smo postali sila zla. Postali smo sila zla za ljude, za one koji žele reforme, za one koji žele promijeniti stvari. Za ljude, za narode. Za obične ljude. I od toga ništa nemamo. Znam da neće uspjeti. To će nam se vratiti kao bumerang. U svijetu postoji određena povijesna sila”, rekao je Oliver Stone, koji je dodao kako Sjedinjene Države izjeda snažna korupcija.
Govorio je i o Hollywoodu, koji od 2001. trpi najveću cenzuru u modernoj povijesti, jer se ne može objaviti nijedan film koji kritizira vojsku i Središnju obavještajnu agenciju (CIA). ... .. .
FBI istražuje izraelsku tvrtku koja je mogla isporučiti alate za špijuniranje Jeffa Bezosa
Pomeo i Esper bi jurišali na Kinu, ali s kojim novcem?
Američko zrakoplovstvo pokazalo novu fotografiju B-21 Raider Stealth bombardera
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Posted - 01/02/2020 : 13:26:28
Battles for Syria | January 31st 2020 | Images and updates from Southwestern Aleppo
Syrian War Diary - December 2015
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Posted - 01/02/2020 : 19:07:01
Jugozapadno od Alepa bi se teroristi mogli naci opkoljeni ako se ne povuku dovoljno brzo.
opet rovovi pronađeni
Progress Of Syrian Army Offensive In Southern Idlib On Febriary 1, 2020 (Map Update)
"The offensive operations will pick up their intensity tonight. They were scaled down for two days due to the fact that the artillery and other fire support equipment became too far from the new front lines because of the huge advances."
ali su zato napali na sjevernom djelu grada (Alepa) i na kratko zazeli neke rusko-sirijske polozaje u az Zahri, opet nece ostati tu za dugo, za proboj su upotrijebili (ponovno) cak 3 SVBIED-je, samo sto im je ovdje uspijelo, a dole juznije dan-dva prije nije
no, kako kaze nisu nista ostvarili, hvale se da su zauzeli ovu moseju, ali ona je i prije bila njihova, na crti razgranicenja sa njihove strane
pa su se tako teroristi izneli nad ruskom zastavom
a i Joulani se javlja svojim alkajdocima, prpa brate, prpa!
No, nesto se prica da bi ovo podrucje anadanske visoravni sjeverno-sjeverozapadno od Alepa mogli zajedno napasti i ocistiti SAA+YPG/SDF snage, sto bi vec bilo nesto, ali za sada jos nema nikakvih potrvrdi za takvo nesto. Ali realno, to bi Kurdima dalo neki kredibilitet u ocima Damaska, politicni bodovi, a i dalje ce se morati ocistiti Afrin od turskih krmka, pa... na karti:
Ha ha ha, a dole u Idlibstanu bi Turci na svaki nacin htjeli prikazati da podupiru svoje mongoloide, pa su kao napravili 3 nova OP okolo Saraqiba. Vec vidim kako SAA brine, a Putin se smjeska. na karti:
u međuvremenu... "Syrian Army Besieges Third Turkish Observation Post In Southern Greater Idlib"
No, Turci sa svojim dzihadistima su zato otvorili novi front, ili ce biti u pitanju samo ovaj napad da bi SAA dovukla pojacanja, i to zapadno od al Baba, gdje je bilo sada mjesecima i mjesecima mirno, navodno ruski avioni vec lete iznad podrucja, a sigurno se debata odvija i između sultana i Putina edit: SAA/YPG su vec zauzeli sva 3 sela koja su bila par sati okuzena prljavim vehabijama
istovremeno su poceli sa granatiranjem i sjeverozapadno od Ayn Isse, i to ne samo Kurdske polozaje nego i SAA, tu me bas zanima hoce li imat muda nastaviti... 5. korpus je vec poslan tamo kao pojacanje, i to je to, nema predaha za teroriste u Idlibstanu ili kod Alepa zbog toga
Work is underway to reopen the M5 road between Khan Sheykhun and Maarat al Numan after the army has secured it.
jebote, a sta se ovom Turcinu (M60T "Sabra") desilo?
iz Jemna:
Yemen equipment lost to the Houthis from Saudi-backed forces. T-62, BMP-2, T-55 and T-72B... D-30, BM-21 Grad and 2S1 Gvozdika among a lot of lost equipment.
Ansar Allah forces close in on major city in northern Yemen
Yemeny Armed Forces spokesman: "More than 300 tanks and armored vehicles were seized and destroyed in Naham".
Urgent Armed Forces spokesman: According to information, the number of the wounded was 1.830, and there are hundreds of prisoners. In view of the large number of deaths, the leadership directed the formation of committees for humanitarian and documentary treatment of all bodies. More than 3,500 dead, injured and captive, among them 1500 dead, and most of the bodies are still in the area of operations. Liberating areas in Ma'rib and Al-Jawf governorates, in addition to an estimated area of 2,500 square kilometers Securing the entire Naham area was the major achievement of our forces during the first days of the operation. Our forces reached Al-Jouf Junction, advanced in Al-Jouf Governorate, and joined the advanced forces to the same area. Operation Bunyan al-Marsous resulted in a major breakdown in the ranks of the enemy forces and the flight of hundreds of mercenaries. More than 41 operations of the Air Force March. 21 missile force operations. On targets at home and abroad from 25 to 30 January. Continued strikes hit Aramco's economic target with two sensitive targets deep into the enemy. The armed forces' directives were to hit Saudi military installations and bases. Missile power and the conducting air force destroyed several enemy airports used for military purposes. The strikes hit airports in Najran and Jizan, in addition to destroying the Khamis Mushait missile base.
Žestoki napadi Huti boraca potisnuli saudijsku ratnu mašineriju istočno od Sane
Jemenski borci su na svojim internetskim stranicama objavili snimke i fotografije svojih najnovijih operacija s raketama i dronovima protiv saudijskih ciljeva u kojima je poginulo 1500 neprijateljskih vojnika. Najveći napad je proveden na bazu „Maas“ prosaudijskih militanata, nakon čega su jemenski borci snimili štetu i snimke objavili na internetu.
Talibani sa svojim "komandosima"
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Posted - 02/02/2020 : 00:03:27
jebote, a sta se ovom Turcinu (M60T "Sabra") desilo?
vjerovatno explodirala cijev? |
narocito na one koji su uspješni.
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Posted - 02/02/2020 : 10:01:44
i ovi su se lose proveli
In Photos: Militants’ Equipment Losses In Battle Of Ma`arat al-Nu`man
moguce da su Rusi ipak kasnije odgovorili onim proturskim psetama koja su napala polozaja između al Baba i Alepa
Saraqib Front: Some reports about SAA took 2 more positions and secured Luf - but no visual confirmation so far
zapravo je SAA trenutno jednako udaljena od Saraqiba koliko i od Arihe, sto znaci da su vraski blizu
Syrian Army Makes Gains In Aleppo Countryside Despite Militants’ Attacks
situacija na podrucju Zahre u Alepu se poslije jucerasnjeg napada terorista nije promjenila, uspijeli su dobiti nekoliko opreme, ubiti nekoliko vojnika, i povukli se, toliko to tome da u dobili cjelu Zahru kako su vec jucer tvrdili
You can’t make this up Jeish al-Islam spokesman, Islam Alloush’ s letter to université de Provence asking for EU-funded erasmus scholarship He boasts about his 50k followers on Twitter Presents himself as Researcher Specialized in Syria ‘s conflict
Pentagon povećava broj vojnika i jača ratnu mašineriju na Bliskom istoku
Pakistani terrorism continues. Indian police recovered AK-47 rifles, magazines, 6 Chinese grenades, 3 detonators, RDX, Pakistan-manufactured morphine injection, IEDs and armour piercing bullets from the slain Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammad terrorists.
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Posted - 03/02/2020 : 11:03:11
Kampanja sirijske vojske ne staje – SAD i Turska „očajni zbog 700 000 izbjeglica“
đaba vam Turci, đaba mozete samo da pokupite prnje ili da i dalje boravite na sirijskom tlu, pri cemu se nadate da ce vam Rusi dovoljno brzo dostavljati burek... ili borsc
Turkish military attempts to block the Syrian Army’s path to Saraqib | February 2nd 2020 | Syria video:
Jihadists using Anti-Tank Guided Missiles | Second half of January of 2020 | Syria video:
prikaz napada alkajdovaca sa 3 SVBIED-ja kod Zahre u Alepu
Hayat Tahrir al-Sham & Allies Captured T-90 Battle Tank From Syrian Army In Southwestern Aleppo
4 Russian Service Members Were Reportedly Killed In Militants’ Attack In Western Aleppo
4 Turkish Troops Killed, 9 Others Injured In Syrian Army's Ongoing Offensive In Idlib Zone
Odogovor Turske na napad: Ubijeno preko 30 sirijskih vojnika Turska je ubila više vojnika sirijske vlade, kao odgovor na njihov artiljerijski napad na severozapadu Sirije u kome su ubijena četiri turska vojnika.
"Turkish troops did not notify Russia of movements in the Idlib zone when they came under fire from government forces of the SAR, the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria said."
"Russian statement is tacit confirmation that it has closed Syrian airspace over Idlib to Turkish aircraft. Turkey earlier confirmed 4 Turkish troops killed, 9 injured by SAA shelling in Saraqeb. Erdogan using his soldiers as human shields to protect Al-Qaeda."
Erdogan Says F-16 warplanes and T-155 Howitzers Involved In Strikes On Syrian Army
Turkish-backed forces artillery target the positions of SDF in the village of Khalidiya and the vicinity of Ain Issa area north of Raqqa (izvor - proteroristicni)
Turski krmki danas granatirju podrucje Ayn Isse sjeverno od Rake jebiga, smari se moraju iskaljati kad im bradonje gube
SAA i Rusi im uzvracaju kod Saraqiba (gdje su Turcetine postavile jos par svojih "osmatracnica" ovih dana) sa snaznim zracnim napadima, nece ovo ici Turcinama i dzihadistima, Saraqiba ce pasti, to je garant!
Drukcije je SAA vec skoro blokirala M4 autoput iz Latakije preko Saraqiba do M5 i Aleppa, na zapadnoj strani Saraqiba
jos jednom, prikaz kako Turci ukradu sve sto im se nađe pri ruci (vec od pocetka rata kradu svu masineriju, zeljeznicke sipke itd.), a ovdje vidimo sjecnu oljki u Afrinu
uffff... "For the first time in many years ... Saudi Airlines opens its offices in Damascus"
iz Egipta:
Militants Blew Up Egypt-Israel Pipeline in Northern Sinai: Reports
Houthis Showcase Devastating Losses Of Saudi-backed Forces In Yemen
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Posted - 03/02/2020 : 14:42:50
Eh, da vidimo i to cudo , hoce li biti kruha iz tog brasna... ili mozda neki burek, krompirusa, zeljanica...
navodno su alkajdovci poveli napad na Maarat al Numan...
"Democracy is the religion of the West" Moderate opposition
Exclusive: No Syrian Army Soldiers Were Harmed In The Turkish Army Shelling – Military Source
"Russia says Turkey didn't give any info about troop movement so how could we know it was them, Erdogan's spox says, they knew, we gave them all the info they needed. I think Turks didn't notify & sneakily moved the commando unit around trying to outplay/outsmart Russia/SAA."
Russian Military Reveals The Details Of The Mutual Shelling Between The Syrian And The Turkish Army In Idlib
turski ministar odbrane doletio do sirijske granice
For the second day in a row, there is an American presence over Idlib. Today, the amount of drones increased to two MQ-9E Reapers. They’re looking for someone. Someone who was uprooted by the recent fighting in the area.
ISIS terrorist - Sudesh Amman - attacked innocent people today and was shot dead. My enormous respect to the brave police that reacted quickly. Amman was only released from prison a week ago. If we had stricter sentences for terrorism, today wouldn't have happened..
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Posted - 03/02/2020 : 17:46:28
SAA je vec presjekla A4 autoput kod Saraqiba, a polako okruzuje grad, uprkos novim turskim "posmatracnicama" koje nicu kao gljive heh heh heh, SAA ima samo jos 8 km do Idliba (grada)
jos jedan prikaz fronte, detaljniji, a ako je sve tacno, onda... masala! ima Saraqib da padne za 2 dana, max 3, ako ne vec sutra
i prikaz cjelog Idlibstana, krci se krci
turski vojnici koji su umrli u Idlibstanu stiteci teroriste
a teroristi ponovno pokusali sa dronovima nad rusku bazu, dzaba vehabije, dzaba "The air defense system at Hmeimim Airport crashes two mini-planes in the vicinity of the airport."
Sarab Active Protection System (Syria) There are currently 3 variations of the Sarab system. The Sarab-1 (Mirage) was introduced in early 2016, used on T-62 tanks. At the end of 2016, the Sarab-2 entered service which used multiple emitters. The Sarab-3 was introduced in 2017.
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Edited by - Poli on 03/02/2020 18:02:03 |
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Posted - 04/02/2020 : 15:41:17
Syrian Army Kicks Off Offensive West Of Abu al-Duhur, Makes First Gains (Map Update)
Terrorists still prevent citizens from getting out to safe areas in Aleppo, Idleb countryside
Military Situation In Western Aleppo On February 4, 2020 (Map Update)
In Video: Turkish Observation Post South Of Maarat al-Numan Is Besieged By Syrian Army
Erdogan je bijesan zbog mrtvih vojnika u Siriji, ali ga Moskva demantira
Incident s granatiranjem turske vojske u Siriji u kojem je Ankara priopćila da je ubijeno šest turskih vojnika, ne četiri, kako je prvo izviješteno, vjerojatno je posljedica neuspjeha turske strane da upozori sirijski stranu na kretanje svog konvoja, priopćila je ruska vojska. “Jedinice turske vojske su se tijekom noći od 2. do 3. veljače kretale unutar zone deeskalacije Idlib, bez obavještavanja ruske strane, te su se našle pod vatrom sirijskih vladinih trupa, koje su ciljale teroriste zapadno od Saraqiba”, službeno je priopćio ruski Centar za pomirenje zaraćenih strana sa sjedištem u bazi Hmeymim u Latakiji.
U priopćenju se ističe da su uspostavljene linije komunikacije između ruskih snaga u Siriji i turskog zapovjedništva. Dodaje se i da turski zrakoplovi nisu ušli u sirijski zračni prostor nakon incidenta, suprotno nekim izvješćima turskih medija u kojima se navodi da je Ankara, u znak odmazde za granatiranje, naredila zračne udare na sirijske položaje.
Idlib je prema sporazumima postignutim između Rusije, Turske i Irana označen kao “zona deeskalacije”. Očekivalo se da će Ankara upotrijebiti svoj utjecaj među proturskim islamističkim militantima u sirijskoj provinciji kako bi se spriječila neprijateljstva s vladinim trupama, što bi na kraju dovelo do mirnog rješenja. Međutim, to se nije dogodilo i vladine snage su bile prisiljene posegnuti za vojnim rješenjem situacije u Idlibu.
Teroristi iz Idliba su nastavljali napade na dijelove Sirije koji drže vladine snage, a više puta su proveli i napade bespilotnim letjelicama na rusku zračnu bazu u Latakiji.
Prethodni sličan incident dogodio se u Idlibu u kolovozu 2019. Tada je poginulo troje ljudi koji su putovali s turskim vojnim konvojem na sirijskom teritoriju, a desetak ih je ranjeno u sirijskom zračnom napadu, koji je razljutio Ankaru.
Damask je tada rekao kako vjeruje da je konvoj prevozio oružje i streljivo teroristima u Khan Shaykunu, grada kojeg su naknadno oslobodile sirijske vladine snage. Turska je tada insistirala da su u vojnom konvoju bili civili i također prijetila odmazdom.
Turkish army published photos of seven troops who were killed due to Syrian army bombing west of Saraqeb, Idlib province.
a Turci ce sigurno odgovarati za ovo, mozda im pogine jos koji vojnik koji se ilegalno nalazi u Siriji "An SAA soldier has been killed by a TFSA sniper on the Al Tukhar front, near Manbij."
Turkey’s “Recruitment Policy” For Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham
Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham militants, detained in Syria’s Idlib, described the scope of Turkish role in the Syrian conflict, and the current opposition against the Syrian Arab Army and Russian Armed Forces operation in the Idlib province.
“We were detained by Turkish policemen and said that if I don’t work for them and fight on the side of Jebhat al-Nusra (HTS), they will kill or arrest my family <…> They gave me a salary of $ 100,” the native, named Mahmoud al-Najim, (callsign is Abu Abdullah) said.
He said that his relatives “the Turks sent to a refugee camp and held hostage.”
“They said that while I work with Jebhat al-Nusra, the family is safe,” said al-Najim. He also said that the entire supply of the group comes from Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
In the ranks of the terrorists al-Najim received a machine gunner training. In this capacity, he had a chance to fight throughout Syria. When asked why fighters fired on the city of Aleppo, he replied: “Our commander said that this would lead to civil hatred for the Syrian and Russian military.” The second militant, a native of Deir Hafir, named Hussein Abdel Aziz (callsign is Abu Uday), said he was captured when his unit retreated to the Turkish observation post in the Rashidin-5 area of Aleppo city. The militants hoped to hide behind the backs of Turkish observers.
“My family did not have enough money for food. And this detachment was gaining men and giving money. I signed up. Then I fought in different groups – Ahrar al-Sham, Syrian Free Army, Kharakat Nur al-Din al-Zinki. All these groups were part of the Jebhat al-Nusra (HTS),” said Abdel Aziz.
According to him, militants from Pakistan and Afghanistan are now fighting on the side of the extremists.
White Helmets Preparing A False Flag Chemical Attack Near Aleppo: Russian Reconciliation Center
ovako Amerokenjski teroristi i dalje zajebavaju Ruse u Siriji, kao i sve zitelje tih podrucja u Siriji kada se sve zacepi i ceka satima
Modernised Tu-160M Strategic Bomber Performs 1st Test Flight
Ansar Allah missile attack to Saudi coalition positions in Marib and Jawf
Ansar Allah attacked Saudi coalition base in Sahn al-Jinn area, north of Marib and another position in Hazm town, center of Jawf province with missile.
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Posted - 05/02/2020 : 08:06:53
Obrni okreni, ali sasvim je jasno tko napreduje, a tko gubi. Gubici među SAA redovima su i na racun Amerokenjaca, Turaka i svih ostalih demokKkratskim drzava koje su tako darezljivo slala oruzje svim vrstama terorista (TOW sustava imaju koliko hoces).
A koliko imaju nusrici gubitaka, o tome sute kao zaliveni. Kad je i sam hefe Joulani morao doc na prve redove kod Alepa, onda znas koliko je sati... travanj '45 u Berlinu.
SAA je trenutno na vratima Idliba, a kad Idlib padne, to je kraj za teroriste. Povuci ce se u planine, i tamo ce trebati jos mjeseci (ako ne godinu uz politicke prepreke) da ih se iskoreni. Naravno, SAA nece ici direktno na Idlib, prvo ce prosiriti koridor, i kako kaze do kraja "osloboditi" M5 autoput, no ako se pokaze prilika - posto trenutno napreduju kao kroz maslac - mozda i Idlib padne brze nego se planiralo. Prije toga jos Ariha i naravno Saraqib.
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Posted - 05/02/2020 : 08:41:55
Assad Is Destroying Last Seedlings Of Idlib Democracy
velika karta podrucja oko Saraqiba i jucerasnje oslobođeno podrucje:
pogled na Saraqib
Jucer: Today, SAA took control over 25 new places in Idlib as rebels start the withdrawal from the area until their positions N. Abu Dhuhur-Saraqib road. 41% of Idlib province under SAA control. 5th Turkish outpost about to be encircled by Syrian soldiers.
Saraqib battle is expected to begin in the next days. SAA will try to encircle the town by cutting most of supply rebel routes forcing militants to withdraw towards Aleppo & Idlib cities. However, Turkish presence may force rebels to put some resistance inside Saraqib.
With the liberation of Nayrab SAA officially reentered in Idlib plains, where army will advance relatively faster due to the lack of mountainous zones there. But above all, SAA crucial objetive will be the Saraqib-Idlib-Ariha triangle, considered the hearth of greater Idlib.
The liberation of the triangle will mean the end of rebel presence in the most populated areas, backing out to the last villages near the border with Turkey. Also it gives SAA the control of M5-M4 crossroad, which will be a serious blow to rebel supply & mobility in the province.
no zato alkajdovci napreduju na podrucju juzno od Alepa, gdje se SAA i Hezbolah povukli sa par sela
Turkistani terrorists of Tahrir al-Sham also launched attacks on the positions of resistance forces in al-Hamira.Currently, heavy clashes between Tharir al-Sham terrorists and Resistance forces/Syrian Army continue in the villages of #Khalsah & al-Hamira.
Turkistani terrorists of Tahrir al-Sham also launched attacks on the positions of resistance forces in al-Hamira.Currently, heavy clashes between Tharir al-Sham terrorists and Resistance forces/Syrian Army continue in the villages of #Khalsah & al-Hamira.
Al-Qaeda’s Air Force? Erdogan Protecting HTS in Idlib, Threatens to Attack Advancing Syrian Army
Government Forces Liberated 110km2 In Southeastern Idlib Since February 4 Morning
Russian military may have shot down US drones off the Syrian coast: media
Iran To Execute Alleged CIA Spy For Passing Nuclear Secrets
Iran reveals what was in Qassem Soleimani's letter the night he was assassinated
SAD moraju zaustaviti ruske hipersonične rakete i kažu da će uspjeti
Complete map of Libyan Civil War: February update
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