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5042 Posts

Member since 17/08/2013

Posted - 05/06/2020 : 16:11:31  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send vukozec a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by KOMIKO

Davno je to kod nas objavljeno, još pre dve godine.

Originally posted by Poli

Upravo taj strip od Nine je trenutno izasao kod nas u Sloveniji:

Znači vidi se koji su od SHS ekipe najveće konzerve :)

Znam za izdanje od System Comics. Moja želja za objavljivanjem nije toliko iz osobnih pobuda, meni su savršeno čitljiva i izdanja na engleskom ili srpskom jeziku. Više sa mislio na to da bi bilo kulturološki značajno takav strip objaviti na hrvatskom tržištu. Ovo izdanje od SC nisam vidio da je dostupno u ijednoj hrvatskoj knjižari niti knjižnici, ne bi trebali takve stripove tražiti svijećom po webu.
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3515 Posts

Member since 21/07/2004

Posted - 05/06/2020 : 16:17:12  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Vlaadisha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by vukozec

Originally posted by Vlaadisha

Kakva PC cenzura?

Pa upravo ona koju si ti u matičnom topicu spomenuo :)

Originally posted by Vlaadisha

U međuvremenu se desio metoo i sad, ko što rekoh u prvom postu, izgleda niko neće ni štapom to da takne.

Pod "prešutnom PC cenzurom" sam mislio na "nećemo talasat da se ne bi kogod uvrijedio".

konacni rezultat je drugaciji, da li zbog epiloga, pogovora, ili metoo - ili svega pomalo - izaberite sami. strip definitivno nije rape fantasy na prvo citanje, iako je u osnovi mozda bio. tragovi toga se vide najpre u vizuelnoj komponenti. kako je autorka stigla do konacne forme, to moze samo ona da odgovori... to su zanimljiva ali teska i u krajnjem slucaju, neukusna pitanja.

Edited by - Vlaadisha on 23/06/2020 17:56:23
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3515 Posts

Member since 21/07/2004

Posted - 23/06/2020 : 17:52:56  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Vlaadisha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
ovo je recimo potpuno drugaciji tretman teme

nina je vise akcentovala pitanje granice stvarnosti i fantazije, dok se una bavila traumom vrlo licno, otvoreno, direktno. znam samo da ja ne bih nikad smeo da napravim ovako nesto.

stripcina koja je nepravedno skrajnuta sa ovakvih lista, mozda zbog crteza koji nije dopadljiv na prvi pogled (sto je potpuno nebitno jer savrseno nosi pricu)
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3515 Posts

Member since 21/07/2004

Posted - 23/06/2020 : 18:09:47  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Vlaadisha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Vlaadisha

hvala, vuče. potpis na spisak, to su i neki od mojih favorita.

nego, nismo pričali o eleanor davis, a ona je blago.

zvuči ko self help knjiga, ali je sušta suprotnost (ima čak i simpatičan disclaimer zbog naslova). zapravo je zbirka, i zajedno sa why art, jedan od stripova koje svako malo prelistavam.

davis je majstor kratke forme ali bih voleo da proba nešto ambicioznije... čekamo the hard tomorrow.

otvorila se biblioteka pa sam se konacno dokopao primerka

na zalost, nije mi ovo njen najbolji rad. radovao sam se dugoj formi no ovo je opet samo kratka prica ("koja se stvarno oduzila", kaze autorka). sve je ovde kako bog zapoveda ali prvi put nekako udzbenicki, iz glave a ne srca. kao da je konacno prerasla SPX, dobila avans za - ako ne americki - a ono svoj veliki roman, i onda sela i napisala ovo. sve je tu, ekologija, LGBT, alt right, BLM (godinu dana pre roka!)... a fali eleanor davis. a mozda se radi samo o tome da smo se na drugim, opstijim idejama lakse nasli, slicno ko sto sam se lakse identifikovao sa likovima dok ih je vise stilizovala.

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3515 Posts

Member since 21/07/2004

Posted - 23/06/2020 : 18:26:29  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Vlaadisha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
btw izdanje je stampano u bosni. zna neko ko je to radio?
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3515 Posts

Member since 21/07/2004

Posted - 06/08/2020 : 18:56:22  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Vlaadisha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Vlaadisha

Originally posted by Macon

Tomine mi je ko lošiji Clowes. Bez humora i likovno predvidljiviji i dosadniji. Na sve načine dosadniji.

Ok, on prepliće neku osetljivu psihologiju i duboke povrede ali baš me boli briga za njegove karaktere sa punim dupetom materialnih dobara koji se prevrču u svojoj bezkarakternosti, pasivnosti i jadu, kvazihipersenzibilnosti koja je po mome isforsirana (rezultat permisije i zlatne kašike).

najavljen je njegov novi strip, koji ce izgleda biti licniji nego dosadasnji:

bas se radujem ovome

evo, izasao je

izdavac se izborio da, uprkos milion problema zbog korone, izdanje bude bas kakvo je autor zamislio: A5 hardcover sa bookmarkom i "na kocke", znaci poput plannera ili dnevnika. poenta je da forma savrseno odgovara sadrzaju, a dobili smo adrianove najintimnije ispovesti, iz srca i bez zadrske. nema vise arty farty clowesovog klona, sve je ovde ogoljeno do kraja. ne znam koliko ce se ovo svideti sekti njegovih obozavalaca, ali meni je bilo osvezenje.

Edited by - Vlaadisha on 16/08/2020 01:51:28
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Paka01 suradnik

11449 Posts

Member since 14/02/2009

Posted - 06/08/2020 : 19:01:00  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Paka01 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Naslov je vjerojatno posveta Maidenima i njihovoj pjesmi The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner.

Would a new flood please finally come? A real rain and an assortment of plagues
And when all is said and done, even the Devil won't care enough to spit in the mud
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Advanced Member

3515 Posts

Member since 21/07/2004

Posted - 06/08/2020 : 19:07:04  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Vlaadisha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
nego, nismo komentarisali dobitnike ajznera

ovo je izlazilo prosle godine i dobilo nagradu za reprint

ne volim kad je sf (samo) alegorija a u prvom broju ima malo toga pored rasizma.

u prvom planu nevolje afroamerikanaca, u drugom vlaadisha na pasoskoj kontroli

ima i jedna scena sa biafrom, a nisam siguran sa cim se sprdaju a nije za sprdnju. i tako.

Edited by - Vlaadisha on 06/08/2020 19:18:30
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Advanced Member

3515 Posts

Member since 21/07/2004

Posted - 06/08/2020 : 19:14:30  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Vlaadisha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
od ostalih dobitnika sam citao jos hot comb, kratku pricu iz istoimene antologije, i to je ko najgrdji underground iz osamdesetih. pre 25 godina sam citao slicnu pricu o conku, znaci ni tema nije nova ali je tajming savrsen.

bitter root je ostavio gorak ukus iz istog razloga ko ovaj afrofuturizam gore, ali se barem secam o cemu se radilo; iz invisible kingdom pamtim samo neke svemirske opatice. little bird je... lepo crtana?

fried rice je ovde:

na wishlisti mi je ostalo jos are you listening te laura dean keeps breaking up with me, i tome se bas radujem.

Edited by - Vlaadisha on 06/08/2020 19:22:00
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Advanced Member

12825 Posts

Member since 25/07/2003

Posted - 06/08/2020 : 20:51:14  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send izivko a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Moram priznati da mi nije jasan ovaj Bitter Root, nikad ga ne bih svrstao u te visine. Kad on dobi Eisnera.

Have mercy
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29534 Posts

Member since 27/08/2001

Posted - 06/08/2020 : 21:10:19  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Markos's Homepage  Send Markos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by vukozec

Originally posted by KOMIKO

Davno je to kod nas objavljeno, još pre dve godine.

Originally posted by Poli

Upravo taj strip od Nine je trenutno izasao kod nas u Sloveniji:

Znači vidi se koji su od SHS ekipe najveće konzerve :)

Znam za izdanje od System Comics. Moja želja za objavljivanjem nije toliko iz osobnih pobuda, meni su savršeno čitljiva i izdanja na engleskom ili srpskom jeziku. Više sa mislio na to da bi bilo kulturološki značajno takav strip objaviti na hrvatskom tržištu. Ovo izdanje od SC nisam vidio da je dostupno u ijednoj hrvatskoj knjižari niti knjižnici, ne bi trebali takve stripove tražiti svijećom po webu.

Objavit će Fibra.

Trouble will find me
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Advanced Member

12825 Posts

Member since 25/07/2003

Posted - 06/08/2020 : 21:13:22  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send izivko a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Da prebacim ovdje radi lakšeg pregleda.

BY WES GREER on July 24, 2020

2020 Eisner Award Winners

Best Short Story
WINNER: "Hot Comb," by Ebony Flowers, in Hot Comb (Drawn & Quarterly)


"Hot Comb," by Ebony Flowers, in Hot Comb (Drawn & Quarterly)
"How to Draw a Horse," by Emma Hunsinger, The New Yorker,
"The Menopause," by Mira Jacob, The Believer,
"Who Gets Called an 'Unfit' Mother?" by Miriam Libicki, The Nib,
"You're Not Going to Believe What I'm About to Tell You," by Matthew Inman, The Oatmeal,

Best Single Issue/One-Shot
WINNER: Our Favorite Thing Is My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, by Emil Ferris (Fantagraphics)


Coin-Op No. 8: Infatuation, by Peter and Maria Hoey (Coin-Op Books)
The Freak, by Matt Lesniewski (AdHouse)
Minotäar, by Lissa Treiman (Shortbox)
Our Favorite Thing Is My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, by Emil Ferris (Fantagraphics)
Sobek, by James Stokoe (Shortbox)

Best Continuing Series
WINNER: Bitter Root, by David Walker, Chuck Brown, and Sanford Greene (Image)


Bitter Root, by David Walker, Chuck Brown, and Sanford Greene (Image)
Criminal, by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips (Image)
Crowded, by Christopher Sebela, Ro Stein, and Ted Brandt (Image)
Daredevil, by Chip Zdarsky and Marco Checchetto (Marvel)
The Dreaming, by Simon Spurrier, Bilquis Evely et al. (DC)
Immortal Hulk, by Al Ewing, Joe Bennett, and Ruy José et al. (Marvel)

Best Limited Series
WINNER: Little Bird by Darcy Van Poelgeest and Ian Bertram (Image)


Ascender, by Jeff Lemire and Dustin Nguyen (Image)
Ghost Tree, by Bobby Curnow and Simon Gane (IDW)
Little Bird by Darcy Van Poelgeest and Ian Bertram (Image)
Naomi by Brian Michael Bendis, David Walker, and Jamal Campbell (DC)
Sentient, by Jeff Lemire and Gabriel Walta (TKO)

Best New Series

Invisible Kingdom, by G. Willow Wilson and Christian Ward (Berger Books/Dark Horse)

Doctor Doom, by Christopher Cantwell and Salvador Larocca (Marvel)
Invisible Kingdom, by G. Willow Wilson and Christian Ward (Berger Books/Dark Horse)
Once & Future, by Kieron Gillen and Dan Mora (BOOM! Studios)
Something Is Killing the Children, by James Tynion IV and Werther Dell'Edera (BOOM! Studios)
Undiscovered Country, by Scott Snyder, Charles Soule, Giuseppe Camuncoli, and Daniele Orlandini (Image)

Best Publication for Early Readers
WINNER: Comics: Easy as ABC, by Ivan Brunetti (TOON)


Comics: Easy as ABC, by Ivan Brunetti (TOON)
Kitten Construction Company: A Bridge Too Fur, by John Patrick Green (First Second/Macmillan)
The Pigeon HAS to Go to School! by Mo Willems (Hyperion Books)
A Trip to the Top of the Volcano with Mouse, by Frank Viva (TOON)
¡Vamos! Let's Go to the Market, by Raúl the Third (Versify/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
Who Wet My Pants? by Bob Shea and Zachariah Ohora (Little, Brown)

Best Publication for Kids
WINNER: Guts, by Raina Telgemeier (Scholastic Graphix)


Akissi: More Tales of Mischief, by Marguerite Abouet and Mathieu Sapin (Flying Eye/Nobrow)
Dog Man: For Whom the Ball Rolls, by Dav Pilkey (Scholastic Graphix)
Guts, by Raina Telgemeier (Scholastic Graphix)
New Kid, by Jerry Craft (Quill Tree/HarperCollins)
This Was Our Pact, by Ryan Andrews (First Second/Macmillan)
The Wolf in Underpants, by Wilfrid Lupano, Mayana Itoïz, and Paul Cauuet (Graphic Universe/Lerner Publishing Group)

Best Publication for Teens
WINNER: Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me, by Mariko Tamaki and Rosemary Valero-O'Connell (First Second/Macmillan)


Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass, by Mariko Tamaki and Steve Pugh (DC)
Hot Comb, by Ebony Flowers (Drawn & Quarterly)
Kiss Number 8, by Colleen AF Venable and Ellen T. Crenshaw (First Second/Macmillan)
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me, by Mariko Tamaki and Rosemary Valero-O'Connell (First Second/Macmillan)
Penny Nichols, by MK Reed, Greg Means, and Matt Wiegle (Top Shelf)

Best Humor Publication
WINNER: The Way of the Househusband, vol. 1, by Kousuke Oono, translation by Sheldon Drzka (VIZ Media)


Anatomy of Authors, by Dave Kellett (
Death Wins a Goldfish, by Brian Rea (Chronicle Books)
Minotäar, by Lissa Treiman (Shortbox)
Sobek, by James Stokoe (Shortbox)
The Way of the Househusband, vol. 1, by Kousuke Oono, translation by Sheldon Drzka (VIZ Media)
Wondermark: Friends You Can Ride On, by David Malki (Wondermark)

Best Anthology
WINNER: Drawing Power: Women's Stories of Sexual Violence, Harassment, and Survival, edited by Diane Noomin (Abrams)


ABC of Typography, by David Rault (SelfMade Hero)
Baltic Comics Anthology š! #34-37, edited by David Schilter, Sanita Muižniece et al. (kuš!)
Drawing Power: Women's Stories of Sexual Violence, Harassment, and Survival, edited by Diane Noomin (Abrams)
Kramer's Ergot #10, edited by Sammy Harkham (Fantagraphics)
The Nib #2–4, edited by Matt Bors (Nib)

Best Reality-Based Work
WINNER: They Called Us Enemy, by George Takei, Justin Eisinger, Steven Scott, and Harmony Becker (Top Shelf)


Good Talk: A Memoir in Conversations, by Mira Jacob (One World/Random House)
Grass, by Keum Suk Gendry-Kim, translation by Janet Hong (Drawn & Quarterly)
Kid Gloves: Nine Months of Careful Chaos, by Lucy Knisley (First Second/Macmillan)
Moonbound: Apollo 11 and the Dream of Spaceflight, by Jonathan Fetter-Vorm (Hill & Wang)
My Solo Exchange Diary, vol. 2 (sequel to My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness), by Nagata Kabi, translation by Jocelyne Allen (Seven Seas)
They Called Us Enemy, by George Takei, Justin Eisinger, Steven Scott, and Harmony Becker (Top Shelf)

Best Graphic Album—New
WINNER: Are You Listening? by Tillie Walden (First Second/Macmillan)


Are You Listening? by Tillie Walden (First Second/Macmillan)
Bezimena, by Nina Bunjevac (Fantagraphics)
BTTM FDRS, by Ezra Claytan Daniels and Ben Passmore (Fantagraphics)
Life on the Moon, by Robert Grossman (Yoe Books/IDW)
New World, by David Jesus Vignolli (Archaia/BOOM!)
Reincarnation Stories, by Kim Deitch (Fantagraphics)

Best Graphic Album—Reprint
WINNER: LaGuardia, by Nnedi Okorafor and Tana Ford (Berger Books/Dark Horse)


Bad Weekend by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips (Image)
Clyde Fans, by Seth (Drawn & Quarterly)
Cover, vol. 1, by Brian Michael Bendis and David Mack (DC/Jinxworld)
Glenn Ganges: The River at Night, by Kevin Huizenga (Drawn & Quarterly)
LaGuardia, by Nnedi Okorafor and Tana Ford (Berger Books/Dark Horse)
Rusty Brown, by Chris Ware (Pantheon)

Best Adaptation from Another Medium
WINNER: Snow, Glass, Apples, by Neil Gaiman and Colleen Doran (Dark Horse Books)


Giraffes on Horseback Salad: Salvador Dali, the Marx Brothers, and the Strangest Movie Never Made, by Josh Frank, Tim Hedecker, and Manuela Pertega (Quirk Books)
The Giver, by Lois Lowry and P. Craig Russell, (HMH Books for Young Readers)
The Handmaid's Tale: The Graphic Novel, by Margaret Atwood, adapted by Renee Nault (Nan A. Talese)
HP Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness, vols. 1–2, adapted by Gou Tanabe, translation by Zack Davisson (Dark Horse Manga)
The Seventh Voyage, by Stanislaw Lem, adapted by Jon Muth, translation by Michael Kandel (Scholastic Graphix)
Snow, Glass, Apples, by Neil Gaiman and Colleen Doran (Dark Horse Books)

Best U.S. Edition of International Material
WINNER: The House, by Paco Roca, translation by Andrea Rosenberg (Fantagraphics)


Diabolical Summer, by Thierry Smolderen and Alexandre Clerisse, translation by Edward Gauvin (IDW)
Gramercy Park, by Timothée de Fombelle and Christian Cailleaux, translation by Edward Gauvin (EuroComics/IDW)
The House, by Paco Roca, translation by Andrea Rosenberg (Fantagraphics)
Maggy Garrisson, by Lewis Trondheim and Stéphane Oiry, translation by Emma Wilson (SelfMadeHero)
Stay, by Lewis Trondheim and Hubert Chevillard, translation by Mike Kennedy (Magnetic Press)
Wrath of Fantômas, by Olivier Bouquet and Julie Rocheleau, translation by Edward Gauvin (Titan)

Best U.S. Edition of International Material—Asia
WINNERS: Cats of the Louvre, by Taiyo Matsumoto, translation by Michael Arias (VIZ Media) and Witch Hat Atelier, by Kamome Shirahama, translation by Stephen Kohler (Kodansha)


BEASTARS, by Paru Itagaki, translation by Tomo Kimura (VIZ Media)
Cats of the Louvre, by Taiyo Matsumoto, translation by Michael Arias (VIZ Media)
Grass, by Keum Suk Gendry-Kim, translation by Janet Hong (Drawn & Quarterly)
Magic Knight Rayearth 25th Anniversary Edition, by CLAMP, translation by Melissa Tanaka (Kodansha)
The Poe Clan, by Moto Hagio, translation by Rachel Thorn (Fantagraphics)
Witch Hat Atelier, by Kamome Shirahama, translation by Stephen Kohler (Kodansha)

Best Archival Collection/Project—Strips
WINNER: Krazy Kat: The Complete Color Sundays, by George Herriman, edited by Alexander Braun (TASCHEN)


Cham: The Best Comic Strips and Graphic Novelettes, 1839–1862, by David Kunzle (University Press of Mississippi)
Ed Leffingwell's Little Joe, by Harold Gray, edited by Peter Maresca and Sammy Harkham (Sunday Press Books)
The George Herriman Library: Krazy & Ignatz 1916–1918, edited by R.J. Casey (Fantagraphics)
Krazy Kat: The Complete Color Sundays, by George Herriman, edited by Alexander Braun (TASCHEN)
Madness in Crowds: The Teeming Mind of Harrison Cady, by Violet and Denis Kitchen (Beehive Books)
Pogo, Vol. 6: Clean as a Weasel, by Walt Kelly, edited by Mark Evanier and Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics)

Best Archival Collection/Project—Comic Books
WINNER: Stan Sakai's Usagi Yojimbo: The Complete Grasscutter Artist Select, by Stan Sakai, edited by Scott Dunbier (IDW)


Alay-Oop, by William Gropper (New York Review Comics)
The Complete Crepax, vol. 5: American Stories, edited by Kristy Valenti (Fantagraphics)
Jack Kirby's Dingbat Love, edited by John Morrow (TwoMorrows)
Moonshadow: The Definitive Edition, by J. M. DeMatteis, Jon J Muth, George Pratt, Kent Williams, and others (Dark Horse Books)
Stan Sakai's Usagi Yojimbo: The Complete Grasscutter Artist Select, by Stan Sakai, edited by Scott Dunbier (IDW)
That Miyoko Asagaya Feeling, by Shinichi Abe, translation by Ryan Holmberg, edited by Mitsuhiro Asakawa (Black Hook Press)

Best Writer
WINNER: Mariko Tamaki, Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass (DC); Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me (First Second/Macmillan); Archie (Archie)


Bobby Curnow, Ghost Tree (IDW)
MK Reed and Greg Means, Penny Nichols (Top Shelf)
Mariko Tamaki, Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass (DC); Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me (First Second/Macmillan); Archie (Archie)
Lewis Trondheim, Stay (Magnetic Press); Maggy Garrisson (SelfMadeHero)
G. Willow Wilson, Invisible Kingdom (Berger Books/Dark Horse); Ms. Marvel (Marvel)
Chip Zdarsky, White Trees (Image); Daredevil, Spider-Man: Life Story (Marvel); Afterlift (comiXology Originals)

Best Writer/Artist
WINNER: Raina Telgemeier, Guts (Scholastic Graphix)


Nina Bunjevac, Bezimena (Fantagraphics)
Mira Jacob, Good Talk (Random House); "The Menopause" in The Believer (June 1, 2019)
Keum Suk Gendry-Kim, Grass (Drawn & Quarterly)
James Stokoe, Sobek (Shortbox)
Raina Telgemeier, Guts (Scholastic Graphix)
Tillie Walden, Are You Listening? (First Second/Macmillan)

Best Penciller/Inker or Penciller/Inker Team
WINNER: Rosemary Valero-O'Connell, Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me (First Second/Macmillan)


Ian Bertram, Little Bird (Image)
Colleen Doran, Snow, Glass, Apples (Dark Horse)
Bilquis Evely, The Dreaming (DC)
Simon Gane, Ghost Tree (IDW)
Steve Pugh, Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass (DC)
Rosemary Valero-O'Connell, Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me (First Second/Macmillan)

Best Painter/Digital Artist
WINNER: Christian Ward, Invisible Kingdom (Berger Books/Dark Horse)


Didier Cassegrain, Black Water Lilies (Europe Comics)
Alexandre Clarisse, Diabolical Summer (IDW)
David Mack, Cover (DC)
Léa Mazé, Elma, A Bear's Life, vol. 1: The Great Journey (Europe Comics)
Julie Rocheleau, Wrath of Fantômas (Titan)
Christian Ward, Invisible Kingdom (Berger Books/Dark Horse)

Best Cover Artist
WINNER: Emma Rios, Pretty Deadly (Image)


Jen Bartel, Blackbird (Image Comics)
Francesco Francavilla, Archie, Archie 1955, Archie Vs. Predator II, Cosmo (Archie)
David Mack, American Gods, Fight Club 3 (Dark Horse); Cover (DC)
Emma Rios, Pretty Deadly (Image)
Julian Totino Tedesco, Daredevil (Marvel)
Christian Ward, Machine Gun Wizards (Dark Horse), Invisible Kingdom (Berger Books/Dark Horse)

Best Coloring
WINNER: Dave Stewart, Black Hammer, B.P.R.D.: The Devil You Know, Hellboy and the BPRD (Dark Horse); Gideon Falls (Image); Silver Surfer Black, Spider-Man (Marvel)


Lorena Alvarez, Hicotea (Nobrow)
Jean-Francois Beaulieu, Middlewest, Outpost Zero (Image)
Matt Hollingsworth, Batman: Curse of the White Knight, Batman White Knight Presents Von Freeze (DC); Little Bird, November (Image)
Molly Mendoza, Skip (Nobrow)
Dave Stewart, Black Hammer, B.P.R.D.: The Devil You Know, Hellboy and the BPRD (Dark Horse); Gideon Falls (Image); Silver Surfer Black, Spider-Man (Marvel)

Best Lettering
WINNER: Stan Sakai, Usagi Yojimbo (IDW)


Deron Bennett, Batgirl, Green Arrow, Justice League, Martian Manhunter (DC); Canto (IDW); Assassin Nation, Excellence (Skybound/Image); To Drink and To Eat, vol. 1 (Lion Forge); Resonant (Vault)
Jim Campbell, Black Badge, Coda (BOOM Studios); Giant Days, Lumberjanes: The Shape of Friendship (BOOM Box!); Rocko's Modern Afterlife (KaBOOM!); At the End of Your Tether (Lion Forge); Blade Runner 2019 (Titan); Mall, The Plot, Wasted Space (Vault)
Clayton Cowles, Aquaman, Batman, Batman and the Outsiders, Heroes in Crisis, Superman: Up in the Sky, Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (DC); Bitter Root, Pretty Deadly, Moonstruck, Redlands, The Wicked + The Divine (Image); Reaver (Skybound/Image); Daredevil, Ghost-Spider, Silver Surfer Black, Superior Spider-Man, Venom (Marvel)
Emilie Plateau, Colored: The Unsung Life of Claudette Colvin (Europe Comics)
Stan Sakai, Usagi Yojimbo (IDW)
Tillie Walden, Are You Listening? (First Second/Macmillan)

Best Comics-Related Periodical/Journalism
WINNER: Women Write About Comics, edited by Nola Pfau and Wendy Browne,


Comic Riffs blog, by Michael Cavna,
The Comics Journal, edited by Gary Groth, RJ Casey, and Kristy Valenti (Fantagraphics)
Hogan's Alley, edited by Tom Heintjes (Hogan's Alley)
Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society, edited by Qiana Whitted (Ohio State University Press)
LAAB Magazine, vol. 4: This Was Your Life, edited by Ronald Wimberly and Josh O'Neill (Beehive Books)
Women Write About Comics, edited by Nola Pfau and Wendy Browne,

Best Comics-Related Book
WINNER: Making Comics, by Lynda Barry (Drawn & Quarterly)


The Art of Nothing: 25 Years of Mutts and the Art of Patrick McDonnell (Abrams)
The Book of Weirdo, by Jon B. Cooke (Last Gasp)
Grunt: The Art and Unpublished Comics of James Stokoe (Dark Horse)
Logo a Gogo: Branding Pop Culture, by Rian Hughes (Korero Press)
Making Comics, by Lynda Barry (Drawn & Quarterly)
Screwball! The Cartoonists Who Made the Funnies Funny, by Paul Tumey (Library of American Comics/IDW)

Best Academic/Scholarly Work
WINNER: EC Comics: Race, Shock, and Social Protest, by Qiana Whitted (Rutgers University Press)


The Art of Pere Joan: Space, Landscape, and Comics Form, by Benjamin Fraser (University of Texas Press)
The Comics of Rutu Modan: War, Love, and Secrets, by Kevin Haworth (University Press of Mississippi)
EC Comics: Race, Shock, and Social Protest, by Qiana Whitted (Rutgers University Press)
The Peanuts Papers: Writers and Cartoonists on Charlie Brown, Snoopy & the Gang, and the Meaning of Life, edited by Andrew Blauner (Library of America)
Producing Mass Entertainment: The Serial Life of the Yellow Kid, by Christina Meyer (Ohio State University Press)

Women's Manga in Asia and Beyond: Uniting Different Cultures and Identities, edited by Fusami Ogi et al. (Palgrave Macmillan)
Best Publication Design
WINNER: Making Comics, designed by Lynda Barry (Drawn & Quarterly)


Grunt: The Art and Unpublished Comics of James Stokoe, designed by Ethan Kimberling (Dark Horse)
Krazy Kat: The Complete Color Sundays, by George Herriman, designed by Anna-Tina Kessler (TASCHEN)
Logo a Gogo, designed by Rian Hughes (Korero Press)
Madness in Crowds: The Teeming Mind of Harrison Cady, designed by Paul Kopple and Alex Bruce (Beehive Books)
Making Comics, designed by Lynda Barry (Drawn & Quarterly)
Rusty Brown, designed by Chris Ware (Pantheon)

Best Digital Comic
WINNER: Afterlift, by Chip Zdarsky and Jason Loo (comiXology Originals)


Afterlift, by Chip Zdarsky and Jason Loo (comiXology Originals)
Black Water Lilies, by Michel Bussi, adapted by Frédéric Duval and Didier Cassegrain, translated by Edward Gauvin (Europe Comics)
Colored: The Unsung Life of Claudette Colvin, by Tania de Montaigne, adapted by Emilie Plateau, translated by Montana Kane (Europe Comics)
Elma, A Bear's Life, vol. 1: The Great Journey, by Ingrid Chabbert and Léa Mazé, translated by Jenny Aufiery (Europe Comics)
Mare Internum, by Der-shing Helmer (comiXology;
Tales from Behind the Window, by Edanur Kuntman, translated by Cem Ulgen (Europe Comics)

Best Webcomic
WINNER: Fried Rice Comic, by Erica Eng,


Cabramatta, by Matt Huynh
Chuckwagon at the End of the World, by Erik Lundy,
The Eyes, by Javi de Castro,
Fried Rice Comic, by Erica Eng,
reMIND, by Jason Brubaker,
Third Shift Society, by Meredith Moriarty

Have mercy
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Member since 24/09/2012

Posted - 06/08/2020 : 21:35:32  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Shaner a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Markos

Originally posted by vukozec

Originally posted by KOMIKO

Davno je to kod nas objavljeno, još pre dve godine.

Originally posted by Poli

Upravo taj strip od Nine je trenutno izasao kod nas u Sloveniji:

Znači vidi se koji su od SHS ekipe najveće konzerve :)

Znam za izdanje od System Comics. Moja želja za objavljivanjem nije toliko iz osobnih pobuda, meni su savršeno čitljiva i izdanja na engleskom ili srpskom jeziku. Više sa mislio na to da bi bilo kulturološki značajno takav strip objaviti na hrvatskom tržištu. Ovo izdanje od SC nisam vidio da je dostupno u ijednoj hrvatskoj knjižari niti knjižnici, ne bi trebali takve stripove tražiti svijećom po webu.

Objavit će Fibra.

Opa! Svaka čast!
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Average Member

572 Posts

Member since 21/08/2011

Posted - 06/08/2020 : 21:43:12  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Manny a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Paka01

Naslov je vjerojatno posveta Maidenima i njihovoj pjesmi The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner.

Možda ipak posveta i referenca na roman Alana Silitoua "Usamljenost trkača na duge staze" iz pedeset i neke, te na istoimeni film iz šezdeset i neke? :)
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Mr. Bushido suradnik

12957 Posts

Member since 23/09/2005

Posted - 06/08/2020 : 22:01:23  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Mr. Bushido a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by izivko

Daredevil, by Chip Zdarsky and Marco Checchetto (Marvel)

Zdarskyjev Daredevil je seks.

Comics is any art you can read. -- Sean T. Collins
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Paka01 suradnik

11449 Posts

Member since 14/02/2009

Posted - 07/08/2020 : 01:04:47  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Paka01 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Manny

Originally posted by Paka01

Naslov je vjerojatno posveta Maidenima i njihovoj pjesmi The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner.

Možda ipak posveta i referenca na roman Alana Silitoua "Usamljenost trkača na duge staze" iz pedeset i neke, te na istoimeni film iz šezdeset i neke? :)

Moja verzija mi se više sviđa

Would a new flood please finally come? A real rain and an assortment of plagues
And when all is said and done, even the Devil won't care enough to spit in the mud
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Member since 05/06/2020

Posted - 07/08/2020 : 20:13:05  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send naker a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tomine i ja se baš i ne volimo, ali ako je u ovom novom delu utisnuo neki svoj lični pečat onda sam voljan da mu dam još jednu šansu

Pomaže što je dizajn izdanja vrhunski odrađen

Uvek cenim autore koji u kombinaciji sa izdavačem idu korak dalje i ne samo što izbacuju strip već ga i pakuju u unikatnu ambalažu što samo produbljuje užitak čitanja
Kao što smo već doživeli kod Mazzucchellija ili Warea

Naručuje se ovo prvom prilikom, hvala za info da je izašlo!

Edited by - naker on 07/08/2020 20:18:26
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Posted - 16/08/2020 : 01:50:53  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Vlaadisha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by izivko

Moram priznati da mi nije jasan ovaj Bitter Root, nikad ga ne bih svrstao u te visine. Kad on dobi Eisnera.

generalno cudan izbor ove godine, ali takva je i godina
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Posted - 16/08/2020 : 02:05:25  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Vlaadisha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by izivko

Da prebacim ovdje radi lakšeg pregleda.

thanks. sad sam shvatio da sam citao i takeijev they called us enemy, ali to bih preporucio sam onima koje zanima tema (americki logor za japance u drugom svetskom). jedino sto sam zapamtio je scena kad se japanski decaci igraju "amerikanaca i japanaca" a niko nece da bude japanac.

u medjuvremenu sam sa spiska procitao i drawing power, i to je antologija kako i podnaslov kaze (women's stories of sexual violence, harassment, and survival). sve kratke price od po par strana od starih znanaca poput gregory i kominsky-crumb, preko une i ferris koje smo ovde pominjali, do nekih novih imena o kojima ce se tek cuti.

are you listening je graficka novela koja se bavi slicnom temom. kome se svideo spinning svidece mu se i ovo. meni je bilo dovoljno da posle 35 godina citanja stripova vidim poneko novo resenje u crtezu.

nisam pronasao strip paca roce, ali bas citam njegov twists of fate i to je solidno.

Edited by - Vlaadisha on 16/08/2020 02:07:00
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Posted - 16/08/2020 : 02:10:11  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Vlaadisha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Mr. Bushido

Originally posted by izivko

Daredevil, by Chip Zdarsky and Marco Checchetto (Marvel)

Zdarskyjev Daredevil je seks.

ali mu je ovaj afterlift ko pitch za netflix: cela prva epizoda se desava u automobilu! kad je vec tako, onda cu sacekati seriju
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Posted - 16/08/2020 : 02:12:20  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Vlaadisha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Paka01

Originally posted by Manny

Originally posted by Paka01

Naslov je vjerojatno posveta Maidenima i njihovoj pjesmi The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner.

Možda ipak posveta i referenca na roman Alana Silitoua "Usamljenost trkača na duge staze" iz pedeset i neke, te na istoimeni film iz šezdeset i neke? :)

Moja verzija mi se više sviđa

“It was hard to understand, and all I knew was that you had to run, run, run without knowing why you were running, but on you went through fields you didn't understand and into woods that made you afraid, over hills without knowing you'd been up and down, and shooting across streams that would have cut the heart out of you had you fallen into them. And the winning post was no end to it, even though crowds might be cheering you in, because on you had to go before you got your breath back, and the only time you stopped really was when you tripped over a tree trunk and broke your neck or fell into a disused well and stayed dead in the darkness forever.”

to ti je zivot strip autora
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Posted - 16/08/2020 : 02:13:29  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Vlaadisha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
evo i seth je napravio svoju listu

Seth’s top 75 graphic novels of the colloquial decade (2010 - 2019)
1) Duncan the Wonder Dog
2) Cross Game
3) The Nao of Brown
4) Hellboy in Hell
5) Daytripper
6) Berlin
7) Children of the Sea
8) Building Stories
9) No One Is Safe
10) Dorohedoro
11) Alpha: Directions
12) Equinoxes
13) Yotsuba
14) Sunny
15) Motherless Oven
16) Come Prima
17) Aya
18) The Property
19) Ooku
20) The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye
21) Russian Olive to Red King
22) Pope Hats
23) Here
24) Vinland Saga
25) The Hunting Accident
26) In This Corner of the World
27) On a Sunbeam
28) Girl on the Shore
29) Goddamn This War!
30) Everything We Miss
31) Sacred Heart
32) Glen Gould
33) Canopy
34) The Encyclopedia of Early Earth
35) The Wrenchies
36) A Bride’s Story
37) Mind MGMT
38) Boxers & Saints
39) Dead Dead Demon’s Dededede Destruction
40) Stray Bullets: Killers
41) Flowers of Evil
42) Eartha
43) Big Questions
44) End of Summer
45) Beauty
46) Girls’ Last Tour
47) Any Empire
48) Invitation from a Crab
49) Stand Still Stay Silent
50) A Silent Voice
51) Upgrade Soul
52) Twist of Fate
53) 5000 km per Second
54) Aama
55) Habibi
56) Gigantic Beard That Was Evil
57) Portugal
58) Bad Machinery
59) Celeste
60) March
61) Idle Days
62) Uncomfortably Happily
63) O Maidens in Your Savage Season
64) Out in the Open
65) Land of Sons
66) Delicious in Dungeon
67) Emanon
68) 5 cms per Second
69) Land of the Lustrous
70) Lastman
71) Usagi Yojimbo
72) Sandcastle
73) Cats of the Louvre
74) Monk!
75) House of Penance
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Member since 11/06/2008

Posted - 04/09/2020 : 16:07:49  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send ridiculus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Dosta japanskog na gornjoj listi, što je meni uvek kul.

Ali ne vidim da je neko pomenuo, pa ću ja: najveći strip koji je "Grant Morrison (TM)" ikada napisao (ali sa kojim Grant Morrison nije imao nikakve veze), i jedan od najboljih korporativnih krosovera u istoriji stripa, i sigurno jedan od najzabavnijih stripova protekle decenije... Transformers vs. G.I.Joe by Tom Scioli & John Barber, za IDW.

Thought's the slave of life, and life Time's fool.
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Mr. Bushido suradnik

12957 Posts

Member since 23/09/2005

Posted - 04/09/2020 : 16:41:38  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Mr. Bushido a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ridiculus

Dosta japanskog na gornjoj listi, što je meni uvek kul.

Ali ne vidim da je neko pomenuo, pa ću ja: najveći strip koji je "Grant Morrison (TM)" ikada napisao (ali sa kojim Grant Morrison nije imao nikakve veze), i jedan od najboljih korporativnih krosovera u istoriji stripa, i sigurno jedan od najzabavnijih stripova protekle decenije... Transformers vs. G.I.Joe by Tom Scioli & John Barber, za IDW.

Transformers vs. G.I.Joe je nešto najbolje što postoji.

Comics is any art you can read. -- Sean T. Collins
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Posted - 04/09/2020 : 17:07:33  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send pcoro a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Zvuci kao nesto totalno opskurno, nesto a la "moj najbolji bend je nepoznatiji od tvog".
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