Ali pitanje je da li je MRP? Cak i da je, prodavac ce te operusiti i nabiti ti taksu jer im je to u krvi tamo. Samo jednom sam pokusao da mu dokazem da cijena vec sadrzi sve takse, onda mi se nije dalo vise natezati s njima.
Anything is possible dec d uej Be the Change You Want to See
Bit će pokoja riječ i o Gandhiju. Pokoja i o vedskoj filozofiji života. Itd.
Sigurno se pitate kak je sad tamo. Kako je milione moguće udaljit jedne od drugih. Pa, Bill, Elon i slični "brižnici" uspjeli su i u Indiji oduzet pokret i svijest.
Ma nebitno. Ovo je fora tekst od jednog indijskog farmaceuta iz 1977.
Gurukṛpā: What they do now is... What they've been doing is they have all these pills, and they give them to people to experiment, to see what the reaction is.
Prabhupāda: Hm. That is going on. Big, big patent medicine, they will explain scientifically and give to the doctor and make experiment, and they will go on making experiment. I know this. This is their business. They'll write, they will call for the medical students—they have learned new, new words—and they'll pay to make a literature with bombastic scientific word, and they'll prepare literature. This literature will be distributed and give their medicine, and they may pay them for false propaganda. This is going on to introduce new patent medicine. I know that. Simply water they will inject to get money. The patients have come, innocent, illiterate—"How want to be...? Do you want to be cured very quickly or little less?" He's a laborer. He says, "Yes, sir, if you cure me." "So then injection will be required." He has no disease, and they'll give some water injection, yes, and take fee. Because as soon as there is question injection, he'll charge at least four rupees, five rupees. He has no disease. They will inject water and take four, five rupees. In India I have seen.