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Ivan Liverpool suradnik
2345 Posts
Member since 10/04/2021 |
Posted - 29/11/2021 : 16:34:34
quote: Originally posted by tex2
Rezultati 13. kolo
7+2 mpavin, wesskowaz
5+4 Ivan Liverpool, strip25
6+2 tex2, tihomirduras, _Luka
4+4 Hercule Poirot, split85
5+2 bluefield, manhunter, don_draper, Dwayne_Looney
4+2 Beren, Oki, kiradh
4+0 Kojot
Konacno da sam neko kolo dobro odigrao . Vec me bilo sram kako svako kolo budem pri dnu. Srecom pa se ne kladim hahaha. Ali volim se tako takmiciti, svidaju mi se ova tipovanja koja imamo tu na forumu, pogotovo ovo jer najvise i volim gledati nacionalna prvenstva (pogotovo englesko, ali volim i njemacko, a talijanska liga mi je tek u zadnje 2-3 sezone postala zanimljiva). Bio sam tako pred 2 godine (ona sezona kad je Liverpool osvojio ligu) cijelu sezonu pogadao rezultate svih utakmica Premier lige i bila mi se jedna frendica pridruzila u tome. Zanimljivo je bilo, ja kako pratim naveliko englesku ligu, znam tko je u kakvoj formi i slicne stvari, redovno bi imao manje pogodaka od nje koja uopce nije pratila te je za neke klubove po prvi puta tad i cula te je prakicki bezveze i upisivala rezultate hahaha |
"Losing is not my enemy. Fear of losing is my enemy." |
tex2 suradnik
31206 Posts
Member since 17/09/2006 |
Posted - 03/12/2021 : 10:22:58
14. kolo
ENGLESKA 04.12. West Ham - Chelsea 1:3 04.12. Newcastle - Burnley 2:1
FRANCUSKA 05.12. Montpeiller - Clermont 1:0 05.12. Reims - Angers 1:0
ITALIJA 04.12. Roma - Inter 1:2 04.12. Napoli - Atalanta 2:1
NJEMAČKA 04.12. B.Dortmund - Bayern 1:2 05.12. Stuttgart - Hertha 2:1
ŠPANJOLSKA 04.12. Sevilla - Villarreal 1:0 04.12. Real Sociedad - Real Madrid 0:2
EKSTRA 05.12. AEK - Panathiaikos 1:0 05.12. Cracovia - Legia 1:2 |
"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati." "The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
Advanced Member
6902 Posts
Member since 15/10/2014 |
Posted - 03/12/2021 : 14:20:47
14. kolo
ENGLESKA 04.12. West Ham - Chelsea 0-2 04.12. Newcastle - Burnley 2-1
FRANCUSKA 05.12. Montpeiller - Clermont 2-0 05.12. Reims - Angers 1-1
ITALIJA 04.12. Roma - Inter 1-1 04.12. Napoli - Atalanta 2-1
NJEMAČKA 04.12. B.Dortmund - Bayern 1-3 05.12. Stuttgart - Hertha 2-1
ŠPANJOLSKA 04.12. Sevilla - Villarreal 2-0 04.12. Real Sociedad - Real Madrid 1-1
EKSTRA 05.12. AEK - Panathiaikos 1-1 05.12. Cracovia - Legia 1-2 |
25449 Posts
Member since 17/09/2004 |
Posted - 03/12/2021 : 14:56:12
14. kolo
ENGLESKA 04.12. West Ham - Chelsea 2:2 04.12. Newcastle - Burnley 1:1
FRANCUSKA 05.12. Montpeiller - Clermont 3:1 05.12. Reims - Angers 1:0
ITALIJA 04.12. Roma - Inter 1:1 04.12. Napoli - Atalanta 2:1
NJEMAČKA 04.12. B.Dortmund - Bayern 2:2 05.12. Stuttgart - Herta 3:1
ŠPANJOLSKA 04.12. Sevilla - Villarreal 2:1 04.12. Real Sociedad - Real Madrid 1:2
EKSTRA 05.12. AEK - Panathiaikos 2:1 05.12. Cracovia - Legia 1:0 |
I am legion. I do not forget. I do not forgive.
Hercule Poirot suradnik
14032 Posts
Member since 28/11/2017 |
Posted - 03/12/2021 : 14:58:16
14. kolo
ENGLESKA 04.12. West Ham - Chelsea 1-2 04.12. Newcastle - Burnley 2-0
FRANCUSKA 05.12. Montpeiller - Clermont 2-1 05.12. Reims - Angers 1-1
ITALIJA 04.12. Roma - Inter 1-1 04.12. Napoli - Atalanta 1-1
NJEMAČKA 04.12. B.Dortmund - Bayern 2-4 05.12. Stuttgart - Herta 1-2 ŠPANJOLSKA 04.12. Sevilla - Villarreal 1-1 04.12. Real Sociedad - Real Madrid 1-1
EKSTRA 05.12. AEK - Panathiaikos 1-1 05.12. Cracovia - Legia 0-1 |
Ivan Liverpool suradnik
2345 Posts
Member since 10/04/2021 |
Posted - 03/12/2021 : 16:42:22
14. kolo
ENGLESKA 04.12. West Ham - Chelsea 2:1 04.12. Newcastle - Burnley 1:1
FRANCUSKA 05.12. Montpeiller - Clermont 2-1 05.12. Reims - Angers 2:0
ITALIJA 04.12. Roma - Inter 1-2 04.12. Napoli - Atalanta 3-2
NJEMAČKA 04.12. B.Dortmund - Bayern 2-3 05.12. Stuttgart - Herta 2-0 ŠPANJOLSKA 04.12. Sevilla - Villarreal 2-1 04.12. Real Sociedad - Real Madrid 1-3
EKSTRA 05.12. AEK - Panathiaikos 1-1 05.12. Cracovia - Legia 1-1 |
"Losing is not my enemy. Fear of losing is my enemy." |
Advanced Member
7842 Posts
Member since 02/09/2005 |
Posted - 03/12/2021 : 17:11:25
14. kolo
ENGLESKA 04.12. West Ham - Chelsea 1-2 04.12. Newcastle - Burnley 2-1
FRANCUSKA 05.12. Montpeiller - Clermont 2-0 05.12. Reims - Angers 1-0
ITALIJA 04.12. Roma - Inter 1-2 04.12. Napoli - Atalanta 2-1
NJEMAČKA 04.12. B.Dortmund - Bayern 1-3 05.12. Stuttgart - Hertha 1-1 ŠPANJOLSKA 04.12. Sevilla - Villarreal 1-1 04.12. Real Sociedad - Real Madrid 1-2
EKSTRA 05.12. AEK - Panathiaikos 1-0 05.12. Cracovia - Legia 0-1 |
Advanced Member
8268 Posts
Member since 25/01/2010 |
Posted - 03/12/2021 : 19:06:28
14. kolo
ENGLESKA 04.12. West Ham - Chelsea 1:1 04.12. Newcastle - Burnley 1:0
FRANCUSKA 05.12. Montpeiller - Clermont 2:0 05.12. Reims - Angers 0:0
ITALIJA 04.12. Roma - Inter 0:0 04.12. Napoli - Atalanta 1:1
NJEMAČKA 04.12. B.Dortmund - Bayern 2:1 05.12. Stuttgart - Herta 1:0
ŠPANJOLSKA 04.12. Sevilla - Villarreal 0:0 04.12. Real Sociedad - Real Madrid 1:0
EKSTRA 05.12. AEK - Panathiaikos 2:1 05.12. Cracovia - Legia 0:1
Sorare pozivnica: |
Advanced Member
11565 Posts
Member since 10/07/2007 |
Posted - 03/12/2021 : 19:08:34
14. kolo
ENGLESKA 04.12. West Ham - Chelsea 1:2 04.12. Newcastle - Burnley 2:1
FRANCUSKA 05.12. Montpeiller - Clermont 2:0 05.12. Reims - Angers 1:0
ITALIJA 04.12. Roma - Inter 0:1 04.12. Napoli - Atalanta 2:1
NJEMAČKA 04.12. B.Dortmund - Bayern 1:2 05.12. Stuttgart - Hertha 2:1
ŠPANJOLSKA 04.12. Sevilla - Villarreal 1:0 04.12. Real Sociedad - Real Madrid 0:1
EKSTRA 05.12. AEK - Panathiaikos 1:0 05.12. Cracovia - Legia 1:2 |
Advanced Member
3793 Posts
Member since 03/02/2010 |
Posted - 03/12/2021 : 21:09:16
14. kolo
ENGLESKA 04.12. West Ham - Chelsea 1:2 04.12. Newcastle - Burnley 1:1
FRANCUSKA 05.12. Montpeiller - Clermont 1:0 05.12. Reims - Angers 1:0
ITALIJA 04.12. Roma - Inter 1:2 04.12. Napoli - Atalanta 2:1
NJEMAČKA 04.12. B.Dortmund - Bayern 1:3 05.12. Stuttgart - Hertha 2:1
ŠPANJOLSKA 04.12. Sevilla - Villarreal 2:1 04.12. Real Sociedad - Real Madrid 0:1
EKSTRA 05.12. AEK - Panathiaikos 1:0 05.12. Cracovia - Legia 1:2 |
Moja domovina je mene dala ovu koru bijelog hleba, sretne ljude, srecnu mladost, velik komad vedrog neba... |
New Member
225 Posts
Member since 17/11/2019 |
Posted - 03/12/2021 : 21:18:05
14. kolo
ENGLESKA 04.12. West Ham - Chelsea 1:2 04.12. Newcastle - Burnley 1:1
FRANCUSKA 05.12. Montpeiller - Clermont 1:0 05.12. Reims - Angers 1:0
ITALIJA 04.12. Roma - Inter 1:2 04.12. Napoli - Atalanta 2:2
NJEMAČKA 04.12. B.Dortmund - Bayern 2:3 05.12. Stuttgart - Herta 1:0
ŠPANJOLSKA 04.12. Sevilla - Villarreal 2:1 04.12. Real Sociedad - Real Madrid 1:2
EKSTRA 05.12. AEK - Panathiaikos 3:1 05.12. Cracovia - Legia 1:0 |
Average Member
584 Posts
Member since 21/08/2013 |
Posted - 03/12/2021 : 21:31:47
14. kolo
ENGLESKA 04.12. West Ham - Chelsea 1:2 04.12. Newcastle - Burnley 2:1
FRANCUSKA 05.12. Montpeiller - Clermont 1:1 05.12. Reims - Angers 1:1
ITALIJA 04.12. Roma - Inter 1:2 04.12. Napoli - Atalanta 2:3
NJEMAČKA 04.12. B.Dortmund - Bayern 1:4 05.12. Stuttgart - Herta 2:2
ŠPANJOLSKA 04.12. Sevilla - Villarreal 1:1 04.12. Real Sociedad - Real Madrid 0:1
EKSTRA 05.12. AEK - Panathiaikos 2:0 05.12. Cracovia - Legia 1:0 |
Advanced Member
4420 Posts
Member since 08/06/2018 |
Posted - 03/12/2021 : 21:39:29
14. kolo
ENGLESKA 04.12. West Ham - Chelsea 0:2 04.12. Newcastle - Burnley 1:2
FRANCUSKA 05.12. Montpeiller - Clermont 2:0 05.12. Reims - Angers 0:1
ITALIJA 04.12. Roma - Inter 3:2 04.12. Napoli - Atalanta 2:1
NJEMAČKA 04.12. B.Dortmund - Bayern 1:3 05.12. Stuttgart - Herta 1:0
ŠPANJOLSKA 04.12. Sevilla - Villarreal 2:0 04.12. Real Sociedad - Real Madrid 1:2
EKSTRA 05.12. AEK - Panathiaikos 2:1 05.12. Cracovia - Legia 1:1
I sell the fact that I can't be bought |
Advanced Member
4106 Posts
Member since 21/12/2008 |
Posted - 03/12/2021 : 21:48:10
14. kolo
ENGLESKA 04.12. West Ham - Chelsea 1:3 04.12. Newcastle - Burnley 2:0
FRANCUSKA 05.12. Montpeiller - Clermont 1:0 05.12. Reims - Angers 1:1
ITALIJA 04.12. Roma - Inter 1:3 04.12. Napoli - Atalanta 3:3
NJEMAČKA 04.12. B.Dortmund - Bayern 3:2 05.12. Stuttgart - Herta 4:1
ŠPANJOLSKA 04.12. Sevilla - Villarreal 2:1 04.12. Real Sociedad - Real Madrid 1:3
EKSTRA 05.12. AEK - Panathiaikos 1:0 05.12. Cracovia - Legia 1:2 |
Advanced Member
5316 Posts
Member since 10/02/2011 |
Posted - 03/12/2021 : 21:51:59
14. kolo
ENGLESKA 04.12. West Ham - Chelsea 1:1 04.12. Newcastle - Burnley 2:0
FRANCUSKA 05.12. Montpeiller - Clermont 1:1 05.12. Reims - Angers 2:1
ITALIJA 04.12. Roma - Inter 0:3 04.12. Napoli - Atalanta 3:3
NJEMAČKA 04.12. B.Dortmund - Bayern 2:2 05.12. Stuttgart - Herta 1:1
ŠPANJOLSKA 04.12. Sevilla - Villarreal 1:0 04.12. Real Sociedad - Real Madrid 0:1
EKSTRA 05.12. AEK - Panathiaikos 1:0 05.12. Cracovia - Legia 0:1 |
Average Member
Czech Republic
935 Posts
Member since 22/01/2011 |
Posted - 04/12/2021 : 03:07:21
14. kolo
ENGLESKA 04.12. West Ham - Chelsea 1:2 04.12. Newcastle - Burnley 2:0
FRANCUSKA 05.12. Montpeiller - Clermont 2:0 05.12. Reims - Angers 1:0
ITALIJA 04.12. Roma - Inter 0:2 04.12. Napoli - Atalanta 2:1
NJEMAČKA 04.12. B.Dortmund - Bayern 2:2 05.12. Stuttgart - Herta 1:0
ŠPANJOLSKA 04.12. Sevilla - Villarreal 2:1 04.12. Real Sociedad - Real Madrid 0:3
EKSTRA 05.12. AEK - Panathiaikos 0:1 05.12. Cracovia - Legia 0:1 |
Senior Member
1839 Posts
Member since 10/08/2003 |
Posted - 04/12/2021 : 10:15:03
14. kolo
ENGLESKA 04.12. West Ham - Chelsea 1:3 04.12. Newcastle - Burnley 2:0
FRANCUSKA 05.12. Montpeiller - Clermont 1:0 05.12. Reims - Angers 1:1
ITALIJA 04.12. Roma - Inter 1:1 04.12. Napoli - Atalanta 2:2
NJEMAČKA 04.12. B.Dortmund - Bayern 1:3 05.12. Stuttgart - Hertha 3:1
ŠPANJOLSKA 04.12. Sevilla - Villarreal 2:0 04.12. Real Sociedad - Real Madrid 0:1
EKSTRA 05.12. AEK - Panathiaikos 1:1 05.12. Cracovia - Legia 0:1 |
Average Member
734 Posts
Member since 23/03/2010 |
Posted - 04/12/2021 : 10:42:30
14. kolo
04.12. 13:30 West Ham – Chelsea 0-1 04.12. 16:00 Newcastle – Burnley 0-0
05.12. 15:00 Montpeiller – Clermont 2-0 05.12. 15:00 Reims – Angers 1-0
04.12. 18:00 Roma – Inter 1-2 04.12. 20:45 Napoli – Atalanta 2-1
04.12. 18:30 B.Dortmund – Bayern 1-3 05.12. 15:30 Stuttgart – Herta 1-0
04.12. 14:00 Sevilla – Villarreal 2-0 04.12. 21:00 Real Sociedad - Real Madrid 0-1
05.12. 18:30 AEK – Panathiaikos 1-1 05.12. 20:00 Cracovia – Legia 1-0
| |
tex2 suradnik
31206 Posts
Member since 17/09/2006 |
Posted - 06/12/2021 : 09:35:29
Pobjednik kola:
quote: Originally posted by kiradh
14. kolo
ENGLESKA 04.12. West Ham - Chelsea 1:2 04.12. Newcastle - Burnley 2:1
FRANCUSKA 05.12. Montpeiller - Clermont 1:1 05.12. Reims - Angers 1:1
ITALIJA 04.12. Roma - Inter 1:2 04.12. Napoli - Atalanta 2:3
NJEMAČKA 04.12. B.Dortmund - Bayern 1:4 05.12. Stuttgart - Herta 2:2
ŠPANJOLSKA 04.12. Sevilla - Villarreal 1:1 04.12. Real Sociedad - Real Madrid 0:1
EKSTRA 05.12. AEK - Panathiaikos 2:0 05.12. Cracovia - Legia 1:0
"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati." "The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
tex2 suradnik
31206 Posts
Member since 17/09/2006 |
Posted - 06/12/2021 : 09:36:08
Pobjednici kola:
1. Ivan Liverpool 4+6 2. kiradh 3+8 3. wesskowaz 6+8 4. don_draper 5+4 5. _Luka 3+8 6. Dwayne_Looney 4+4 7. manhunter 4+6 8. split85 4+4 9. Dwayne_Looney (2) 2+6 10. bluefield 3+8 11. tex2 2+8 12. Kojot 7+2 13. wesskowaz (2)i mpavin 7+2 14. kiradh (2) 5+6 |
"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati." "The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
tex2 suradnik
31206 Posts
Member since 17/09/2006 |
Posted - 06/12/2021 : 09:39:32
Rezultati 14. kolo
kiradh 5+6
tex2 3+8
_Luka 4+6
wesskowaz 5+4
Oki 3+6
mpavin 6+2
Beren, Kojot 4+4
Ivan Liverpool, strip25 5+2
don_draper 6+0
manhunter, tihomirduras 4+2
bluefield 5+0
Dwayne_Looney 4+0
split85 2+2
Hercule Poirot 3+0 |
"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati." "The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
tex2 suradnik
31206 Posts
Member since 17/09/2006 |
Posted - 06/12/2021 : 09:47:58
Tablica nakon 14. kola
1. wesskowaz 52+54 106 bodova
2. tihomirduras i strip 25 52+42 94 boda
4. Oki 54+38 92 boda
5. Beren 49+42 91 bod
6. Dwayne_Looney 56+34 90 bodova
7. mpavin 54+36 90 bodova
8. _Luka 48+42 90 bodova
9. tex2 51+38 89 bodova
10. don_draper 60+28 88 bodova
11. manhunter 50+38 88 bodova
12. bluefield 54+32 86 bodova
13. kiradh 41+44 85 bodova
14. Kojot 54+30 84 boda
15. split85 55+28 83 boda
16. Ivan Liverpool 52+28 80 bodova
17. Hercule Poirot 56+18 74 boda
18. Korg 37+10 47 bodova
19. Kit Carson 11+16 27 bodova |
"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati." "The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
tex2 suradnik
31206 Posts
Member since 17/09/2006 |
Posted - 06/12/2021 : 09:49:04
Raspored postavljanja parova:
1. kolo tex2
2. kolo _Luka
3. kolo Dwayne_Looney
4. kolo don_draper
5. kolo strip25
6. kolo Kojot
7. kolo Oki
8. kolo tex2
9. kolo _Luka
10. kolo Dwayne_Looney
11. kolo don_draper
12. kolo strip25
13. kolo Kojot
14. kolo Oki 15. kolo tex2 11/12.12.2021. 16. kolo _Luka 18/19.12.2021. 17. kolo Dwayne_Looney 02.01.2022. 18. kolo don_draper 08/09.01.2022. 19. kolo strip25 15/16.01.2022. 20. kolo Kojot 22/23.01.2022. |
"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati." "The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
tex2 suradnik
31206 Posts
Member since 17/09/2006 |
Posted - 09/12/2021 : 16:17:27
15. kolo
12.12. 15:00 Brighton-Tottenham 12.12. 17:30 Crystal Palace-Everton
12.12. 18:30 Betis-Real Sociedad 12.12. 21:00 Real Madrid-Atletico
11.12. 21:00 Reims.St. Etienne 11.12. 17:00 Brest-Montpellier
11.12. 15:30 Freiburg-Hoffenheim 12.12. 17:30 Eintracht-Bayer
12.12. 18:00 Sassuolo-Lazio 12.12. 12:30 Torino-Bologna
12.12. 18:30 Gent-Genk 11.12. 18:30 Lviv-Vorskla |
"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati." "The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
Ivan Liverpool suradnik
2345 Posts
Member since 10/04/2021 |
Posted - 10/12/2021 : 11:08:39
Ova utakmica Brighton-Tottenham je odgodena zbog covid slucajeva kod Tottenhama. Cemo svejedno nju tipovati ili? Jer ne zna se jos kad ce biti odigrano pa bi mogli cekati neko vrijeme za ove rezultate. |
"Losing is not my enemy. Fear of losing is my enemy." |
Edited by - Ivan Liverpool on 10/12/2021 11:09:03 |
Topic |