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534 Posts

Member since 20/06/2012

Posted - 22/05/2023 : 13:10:17  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send MAKONDO a Private Message  Reply with Quote

"Čudovišta" su legendarni projekat na kojem je Bari Vindzor-Smit radio više od 35 godina. Trijumf vizuelnog pripovedanja na gotovo 400 stranica, narativno platno "Čudovišta" je ogromno i duboko: delom porodična drama, delom politički triler, delom metafizičko putovanje, to je intimni portret pojedinaca koji se bore da povrate svoje živote i epska politička odiseja kroz dve generacije američke istorije. Trauma, sudbina, savest i iskupljenje samo su neke od tema koje se ukrštaju u najambicioznijem grafičkom romanu Vindzor-Smitove karijere.

Dobitnik tri Ajznerove nagrade 2022. godine, uključujući i onu najvažniju - za najbolji grafički roman. Delo koje je opisano kao najiščekivanije u novijoj istoriji stripa.

HC, 290x210, 370 str, c/b
(Puna cena 3630 din, promo cena 3000 din)

u zalivu magije...

Edited by - MAKONDO on 22/05/2023 13:14:38

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Posted - 22/05/2023 : 13:41:07  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send mladeNS a Private Message  Reply with Quote
42 nedelje od objave... kasno Marko na Kosovo stize.

Nazalost u medjuvremenu ste postali "udruzenje", tako da... hvala, neka hvala.

Srecna prodaja i sve najbolje u daljem zivotu. Ako se ikada dozovete razmislicu da ponovo kupujem nesto od Makonda.

Edited by - mladeNS on 22/05/2023 13:41:36
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Posted - 22/05/2023 : 23:44:25  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send naker a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sjajno, ajde da konačno overimo i ovo čudo
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Member since 20/06/2012

Posted - 23/05/2023 : 15:27:35  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send MAKONDO a Private Message  Reply with Quote

u zalivu magije...

Edited by - MAKONDO on 23/05/2023 16:17:25
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Member since 20/06/2012

Posted - 23/05/2023 : 15:31:18  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send MAKONDO a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tekst Džejmsa Smarta iz Gardijana:

Monsters by Barry Windsor-Smith – a great, grim slab of postwar angst

This long-awaited epic makes superhuman strength an unsettling backdrop to family drama

There are epic waits, and there’s the wait for Barry Windsor-Smith’s new epic. This great, grim 366-page slab of postwar angst began its life as a Hulk story that Windsor-Smith planned for Marvel in 1984. Now, 37 years later, it finally emerges, its striking cover bearing the ruined face of a man, a Stars and Stripes thrust in one ear, his torn lip exposing a cavernous jaw, a tear trickling from one half-open eye. This is Bobby Bailey, the young man at the centre of this forcefully told and thoroughly affecting drama.

Windsor-Smith’s return is big news. The Londoner got his break after sending sketches to Marvel in the late 60s. He drew staples such as the Avengers and Daredevil, and brought romanticism and style to the award-winning Conan series. But Windsor-Smith has always had his own vision, and his relationship with an industry that has historically kept creatives on a tight leash has rarely been easy. “The business,” he declared in a 2013 interview, “stinks.” In the 70s and beyond, Windsor-Smith spent spells within the industry – writing and drawing the Wolverine origin story Weapon X for Marvel, working on several series for Valiant and creating the Storyteller anthology for Dark Horse – and long stretches out of it. He has published virtually no new work for 15 years; his website’s news section stops in 2011.

Fittingly, the ambitious Monsters uses time lapses to great effect. It opens in 1949 with brutal violence, as Bobby’s mother, Janet, defends her young son against his raging father, Tom. Fifteen years later, Bobby follows in his veteran father’s footsteps, and walks into an army recruitment office. His claim that he has no family or qualifications sees him chosen for an ominous trial. A few months later, he is dotted with wires and suspended in a stinking pool, his skin swollen with muscles and gouged with scars. His chemically enhanced body is now an army investment, but Bailey has an unexpected ally with an escape plan.

It feels a well trodden set-up, part Captain America, part Frankenstein’s monster. The secret project begins with a Nazi scientist who adjusts his glasses with a claw-hand, while Bailey’s noble saviour is an African American man with “hoodoo” powers. A lesser writer might crank up the cliches another notch, and focus on the violence and drama of a super-soldier on the loose in 60s America. Windsor-Smith does give us shootouts, stakeouts and chases, but Monsters is more interested in turning back the clock. It’s a book about how we got here; a story about a lost boy, his put-upon mother and his brutal, traumatised father, about fraught dinners and PTSD, and about how it takes a monster to make one. And its telling is often brilliant.

Windsor-Smith’s brooding, dramatic panels later show a young Tom and Janet, happy before the war. The new father sends tender notes back from the front, his eye for a scene such that he “could describe the French countryside and the sounds of war in the same sentence”. But after a shock discovery in the chaos of the German retreat, he returns a changed man. The hands that once penned love letters instead reach for the whiskey bottle, and lash out at his wife and son.

Monsters hums with suppressed violence and regret, and Windsor-Smith renders both with real power. His command of pose and gesture – Tom’s thick arms bunching with tension, Janet’s shoulders slumping in resignation – brings his cast to life. Some images stay with you: a bike with buckled wheels in long grass, smoke oozing over a dinner table in an officer’s mess, cross-hatched shadow stretching across a face like a cowl. Alongside the naturalism sits stranger stuff: sausages turn into severed fingers and memories swirl into the present, their echoes turning simple conversations into a deafening hubbub. At the heart of the book, the adult Barry relives his childhood traumas, his great, twisted face and freakish frame balled up on the stairs as arguments burst out around him.
Illustration from Black Dog – the Dreams of Paul Nash by Dave McKean. Black Dog explores the work of Paul Nash, one of the most important British artists of the twentieth century, whose First World War experiences inspired him to create paintings of disturbing, lasting power.

Perhaps inevitably, given its long gestation period and ambitious scope, Monsters can feel disjointed. Its mix of sci-fi, body horror, fateful coincidences, psychic powers and family drama isn’t always coherent; at times the dialogue falls flat. Windsor-Smith’s grotesque visions of butchered cadavers and dark experiments seem distant and almost comedic when set against the real menace and claustrophobia of domestic violence.

Yet that dissonance helps illuminate the book. Pulp fiction has asked again and again what might happen if you could create someone who was more than human. Windsor-Smith’s answer is that such a birth would be a trauma, not the spark for quips and pyrotechnics, but the heart of a very American tragedy. Fittingly for a writer who’s never felt comfortable spending too long in the comics mainstream, he has created a tale in which wild moments of excess and scenes of superhuman strength form an unsettling backdrop rather than the main event. Instead, a family drama of kindness, cruelty and redemption takes centre stage, offering the chance for a broken man to shed his skin, and begin again.

u zalivu magije...

Edited by - MAKONDO on 23/05/2023 15:37:34
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Member since 20/06/2012

Posted - 23/05/2023 : 15:36:02  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send MAKONDO a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tekst Roba Salkovica iz Forbsa:

Three Decades In The Making, Barry Windsor-Smith’s ‘Monsters’ Finally Makes Its Debut

In the history of film and literature, there have always been “lost classics”: works by towering figures that have, for one reason or another, only seen the light of day after years of production delays, rumors and struggles. The same is true in the field of comics and graphic novels, where drawing the pages can be a long and laborious process under the best of circumstances, and the peculiarities of the market do not guarantee that Herculean labors will yield commensurate rewards.

2021 is shaping up to be a banner year for these long-anticipated or given-up-for-dead works, with projects in the works from several publishers looking to bring unseen masterpieces to light. One of the most eagerly-awaited titles is Monsters by Barry Windsor-Smith, published April 27, 2021 by Fantagraphics Books, the Seattle-based specialist in literary graphica and comics history.

A highly-celebrated British-born creator whose work stretches back to the 1960s, Windsor-Smith made his early reputation on Marvel’s Conan the Barbarian comic, which he drew with lavish detail and elegance. After taking some time away from comics to focus on his Pre-Raphaelite-style fine art, Windsor-Smith emerged in the 1980s and 90s with a new variation on his style that proved massively influential to the generation that founded Image Comics, to this day some of the best-selling comics ever printed. His last published works appeared in the late 1990s and early 2000s in an oversized anthology called Storyteller, culminating in the Conanesque Freebooters in 2005.

As far back as the 1990s, he was rumored to be grinding away on a tour de force masterpiece that combined his literary ambitions with his ornate artwork. Best-selling author Neil Gaiman reported reading an unfinished version nearly 20 years ago and being “shocked and astonished at the power and delicacy of the storytelling.” As the years wore on, many wondered if the world would ever see the complete version. Now that book, Monsters, is finally hitting the market as a deluxe 360-page hardbound edition.

The story is a complicated historical thriller about a World War II veteran who returns home to his family with a mysteriously changed personality, a situation somehow connected to the appearance of a grotesque mutant stalking the landscape 20 years later. Much in the way Windsor-Smith decorated the violent, pulpy exploits of Conan with transcendently gorgeous artwork, he thickens out the potboiler aspects of Monsters with heartbreaking characterizations and closely-observed scenes full of subtle interactions.

Much of Monsters is a deliberate inversion of expectations. The first several dozen pages of hard-hitting, monster-driven action and spy-story intrigue give way to a human story of the soldier’s wife and child awaiting his delayed return from the war, and how they deal with the violence, ugliness, jealousy and cruelty that emerges once he finally gets back. It’s become trite to observe that in certain horror stories, “humans are the real monsters!” but that is definitely one of the subtexts here. Windsor-Smith transcends the cliché by the depth, intensity and emotional realism he brings to the character relationships. When the story culminates in a shocking act of violence, the impact is visceral.

The artwork in the book is a highly evolved variant of Windsor-Smith’s famous style, full of incredibly detailed linework and impeccable technique. It’s no wonder it took decades to complete. The density of the black and white drawings, the deliberate pacing (some conversational scenes run to 10 or more pages) and the complexity of the story would have made this a slow read at 150 pages. At over 350, it is nearly overwhelming, requiring a War and Peace-like commitment to savor every moment of it.

It’s worth it. In an era of fast-food popular culture, where even ambitious literary graphic novels are rushed out the door to feed an insatiable market, Monsters is a 10-course meal full of exotic dishes and layered flavors: some cheesy and rich, others balanced with sweetness or acid. Achieving that kind of depth takes time, and even if Monsters clocked in at the longer end of the production schedule, it ends up hitting with the same impact as discovering a lost 8-hour Orson Welles film whose every frame exceeds any of his previous work.

Monsters isn’t beach reading. Not only would you not want to expose Fantagraphics’ beautiful edition to the sand and salt air, you might end up crushed under the weight of the tome, or burned to a crisp by the sun if you stay out all day reading it to the end in one sitting. But those up for the challenge will be rewarded with one of comics’ great literary epics, a masterpiece of story and art and a generous, unexpected gift from a legendary creator in total command of his craft.

u zalivu magije...

Edited by - MAKONDO on 23/05/2023 15:36:48
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matori paraliticar
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Posted - 23/05/2023 : 15:40:58  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send matori paraliticar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jel imate jos nesto da nam kazete..

Ja se nadam da ce se vremenom izboriti umetnost stripa i da ce sve propusteno biti nadomesteno!
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delboj suradnik

Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Posted - 23/05/2023 : 16:39:29  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send delboj a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by matori paraliticar

Jel imate jos nesto da nam kazete..

Mene zanima je li se odustalo od Drakule.
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Member since 20/06/2012

Posted - 23/05/2023 : 16:57:45  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send MAKONDO a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by delboj

Originally posted by matori paraliticar

Jel imate jos nesto da nam kazete..

Mene zanima je li se odustalo od Drakule.


u zalivu magije...
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delboj suradnik

Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Posted - 23/05/2023 : 17:01:15  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send delboj a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by MAKONDO

Originally posted by delboj

Originally posted by matori paraliticar

Jel imate jos nesto da nam kazete..

Mene zanima je li se odustalo od Drakule.


Hajde onda još da čekamo. Razmišljao sam o izdanjima drugih izdavača, ali ocjene tih izdanja nisu bile zadovoljavajuće.
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Posted - 24/05/2023 : 02:21:52  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send borg a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by matori paraliticar

Jel imate jos nesto da nam kazete..

Pa mogli bi... Na primer, koja je štamparija.
Da li su koristili onaj njihov standardni "kunstdruk premazni u matu koji odlično prima boju".
Kako su rešili pisana slova. Pošto postoji gradacija rukopisa/švrakopisa u originalu.

Strip je bomba, al je težak za izdavača.
Zanima me kako je ispao sa te tehničke strane.

Resistance is futile.
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Average Member

534 Posts

Member since 20/06/2012

Posted - 24/05/2023 : 10:29:18  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send MAKONDO a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by borg

Originally posted by matori paraliticar

Jel imate jos nesto da nam kazete..

Pa mogli bi... Na primer, koja je štamparija.
Da li su koristili onaj njihov standardni "kunstdruk premazni u matu koji odlično prima boju".
Kako su rešili pisana slova. Pošto postoji gradacija rukopisa/švrakopisa u originalu.

Strip je bomba, al je težak za izdavača.
Zanima me kako je ispao sa te tehničke strane.

Grafostil, ofset papir.
Svi fontovi urađeni su prema originalu.
Proces odobravanja trajao je gotovo pola godine, prvo su svaki oblačić proveravali ljudi iz Fantagrafiksa, upravo zbog složenosti fontova i rasporeda. Onda je sve, i to neverovatno detaljno, pregledao i sam Bari Vindzor-Smit. Na kraju su nam rekli da je naše izdanje jedno od najbolje odrađenih u svetu.

u zalivu magije...

Edited by - MAKONDO on 24/05/2023 10:31:45
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Member since 22/01/2015

Posted - 24/05/2023 : 12:27:21  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send verab a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Je li papir sjajni ili mat?

Nije mi jaki hakirao profil, stvarno me zanima.

hejt, jal & rock 'n' roll
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Posted - 25/05/2023 : 07:31:32  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send AleksandarN a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Juce sam uzeo Cudovista od Bokija (tacnije od divnog Bokijevog tate) i odusevljen sam tehnikalijama! Makondo su konacno izasli iz AMD-u i stampali u Grafostilu koji su ovo izdanje uradili pefektno!! AMD je uvek imao problem sa riknama koje su se krivle i sa sirinom istih. Mislim da Grafostil rade odlicno kao i Rotografika. Nemam ni jednu zamerku za ovo izdaje. Nadam se da ce Makondo nastaviti da radi kod njih. Jedva cekam da uhvatim malo vremena da se bacim na citanje ovog dugo ocekivanog dela. Momci, bravo!

"Whatever it is, I'm against it."
Groucho Marx
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john connor
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Posted - 25/05/2023 : 10:07:36  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send john connor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jel nije previse zategnuta rikna? Kao kod Krcka npr? Ili Stalkerovog Korta.

Edited by - john connor on 25/05/2023 14:20:47
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Posted - 25/05/2023 : 11:23:28  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send AleksandarN a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by john connor

Jel nije previse zategnuta rikna? KaonkodnKrcka npr? Ili Stalkerovog Korta.

Nije, bas kako treba! Krcka imam SA izdanje ali znam dobro kako AMD zatezu blok / riknu / sta vec. Ovo je perfektno uradjeno. Prosetaj do AF-a ili DW-a ako si iz BG-a i videces. Prijatno sam se iznenadio.

"Whatever it is, I'm against it."
Groucho Marx
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Posted - 25/05/2023 : 11:31:50  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send kasper a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by john connor

Jel nije previse zategnuta rikna? KaonkodnKrcka npr? Ili Stalkerovog Korta.

hm, jes vala malo je jace zategnuta, grafostil standard. inace super izdanje

Edited by - kasper on 25/05/2023 11:32:39
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john connor
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Posted - 25/05/2023 : 15:21:24  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send john connor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Moracu da vidim pre kupovine nekako. Grafostil kad hoce ispadne i bolji od Rotogr, ili taj nivo, npr Zaliv Kanua, i Aldobrando, savrsena izdanja. A Krcko i Stalkerov Prat, meni taj zategnuti povez kvari uzitak, maltene se izdanja sama zatvaraju kad ih otvoris. Da ne gresimo dusu i Rotogr to znala nekada sa Dw Marvelima, retko, ali desavalo se.
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Posted - 25/05/2023 : 15:35:01  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send AleksandarN a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by john connor

Moracu da vidim pre kupovine nekako. Grafostil kad hoce ispadne i bolji od Rotogr, ili taj nivo, npr Zaliv Kanua, i Aldobrando, savrsena izdanja. A Krcko i Stalkerov Prat, meni taj zategnuti povez kvari uzitak, maltene se izdanja sama zatvaraju kad ih otvoris. Da ne gresimo dusu i Rotogr to znala nekada sa Dw Marvelima, retko, ali desavalo se.

Meni su Grafostil odlicna stamparija. Sve rade kako treba. AMD super odrade stampu i sve ali kad treba povez da se uradi... bolje da ne komentarisem... Skoro sve rikne se iskrive iako mi svi stripovi stoje uspravno kako i treba. Torgal od DW-a je bukvalno svaka rikna kriva za barem 30°, a jos ne pogode debljinu rikne pa bude presiroka ili preuska.

"Whatever it is, I'm against it."
Groucho Marx
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Red Marquis
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Posted - 25/05/2023 : 15:59:00  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Red Marquis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by john connor

Da ne gresimo dusu i Rotogr to znala nekada sa Dw Marvelima, retko, ali desavalo se.

Znala je to Roto i češć im i jeste jedina mana.
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Posted - 26/05/2023 : 21:49:22  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send vetropiroman a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by verab

Je li papir sjajni ili mat?

Nije mi jaki hakirao profil, stvarno me zanima.

Klasičan ofsetni, mat. Idealan bi bio onaj Markosov za Orke, ali nije ni ovaj uopšte loš. Otisak dobar, uvez mašinski, naginje ka Roto kvalitetu, možda za nijansu pretegnut ali se sasvim lepo lista. Upis na prvu loptu deluje super, fontovi takođe, sve u svemu bombona. Nemam previše Makondovih izdanja ali ovo je tehnički jedno od najboljih njihovih, ako ne i najbolje.
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Posted - 27/05/2023 : 10:27:28  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send verab a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by vetropiroman

Originally posted by verab

Je li papir sjajni ili mat?

Nije mi jaki hakirao profil, stvarno me zanima.

Klasičan ofsetni, mat. Idealan bi bio onaj Markosov za Orke, ali nije ni ovaj uopšte loš. Otisak dobar, uvez mašinski, naginje ka Roto kvalitetu, možda za nijansu pretegnut ali se sasvim lepo lista. Upis na prvu loptu deluje super, fontovi takođe, sve u svemu bombona. Nemam previše Makondovih izdanja ali ovo je tehnički jedno od najboljih njihovih, ako ne i najbolje.


hejt, jal & rock 'n' roll
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Member since 20/06/2012

Posted - 30/05/2023 : 00:12:28  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send MAKONDO a Private Message  Reply with Quote
piše: Veljko Ivanović

Više od tri i po decenije kuvao se u genijalnoj glavi Barija Vindzor-Smita ideal o njegovom životnom delu, o stripu nad stripovima, o grafičkom romanu koji će pomeriti svet. Ako ćemo da gledamo u sitna crevca, rad na Monstersima trajao je 37 godina (1984-2021). I konačno je tu, kod nas. U pravo vreme...

Zamislite da radite na nečemu skoro 40 godina. Zamislite da čekate nešto četiri decenije. Zamislite koliko sreće, tuge, bola, ljubavi, suza, znoja i koječega prođe u vašem životu, sve i da nemate očekivanja od njega. A, sad zažmurite. I shvatite da je sve gore navedeno, i mnogo više od toga, utisnuto u jedan strip. Prikladnog naziva. “Čudovišta”. Nikad aktuelnija kod nas reč, zar ne?

Bari Vindzor - Smit, svestrani autor, čovek kraljevskog prezimena (znamo za Vindzore, jelte), radio je, boga pitaj kakvom dinamikom, na svom čedu, remek - delu, od 1984. do 2021. godine. Tako kažu činjenice. Kuvao se u toj genijalnoj glavi, dakle, preko tri i pod decenije monstrum od stripa. Naravno, posle čitanja, a boga mi i obima štiva, jasno je da drugog imena do Čudovišta mu nikako nije mogao nadenuti. Monstruozna radnja, čudovišno nacrtana i napisana, na čak 370 stranica. A, sada, premijerno u Srbiji, zahvaljujući ambicioznoj izdavačkoj kući “Makondo” (koja je objavila i prvi deo odičnog grafičkog romana Notingem, sa dogodovštinama Robina Huda).

Verujem da je, šta god da se napiše o Čudovištima - malo. Zaista tako mislim. Jer, ona nisu samo strip. Nisu grafički roman. Nisu teška drama. Nisu fikcija. Ona su, zapravo, sve to - zajedno. Pa, kad radiš, operišeš skoro 40 godina na pacijentu, naravno da će se roditi čudovište. Ali, koje nije ružno, sa neodoljivim šarmom dekadencije. Čudovišta, zacelo, jesu kao Frankenštajn. I imaju u sebi, kada otvorite stranice, na sve strane tog najpoznatijeg literarnog čudovišta. Groteskne face, isečene, iskrivljene, polomljene... Bari je to, naravno, doktorirao radovima na Konanu, a posebnu Vulverinu, odnosno famoznom “Oružju X”. U stvari, u Čudovištima se i te kako prepoznaje uticaj upravo tog njegovog dela, dakle Vulverina, ali i Kapetana Amerike, kao i Hulka, te Konana i pomenutog Frankenštajna. Sve te likove, izuzev Frenkija, Bari je crtao u svojoj dugoj karijeri, koja je odjednom ućutala, ali se, očigledno, samo pritajila, da već jednom pobedi čudovišta u sebi i završi - Čudovišta.

Snaga priče i crteža je neverovatna. Ovaj strip, doslovce bode. Boli. I podseća, na gotovo svih 370 stranica, kako smo mi, ljudi, najkvarljivija roba. I da možemo da postanemo najveći monstrumi. Ova grafička novela je stigla u Srbiju dok još neizmerno tugujemo i žalimo posle onih jezivih scena u Osnovnoj školi “Vladislav Ribnikar” i u okolini Mladenovca. Ali, možda je stigla u pravo vreme. Onaj ko bude čitao, biće mu jasno i zašto. Preispitaće se mnogi posle čitanja ovog grafičkog romana.

Čudovišta su umnogome i filozofsko delo. Govore o međuljudskim odnosima, o nasilju u porodici. Posle kojih se, naravno, kreće stazama čudovišta. Moram da priznam da sam raspamećen ovim stripom. I verujem da bi on, poput Špigelmanovog Mausa, morao da dobije Pulicerovu nagradu. “Čudovišta” su, doduše, dobila najcenjenu nagradu u okvirima stripa, i to prošle godine, kada im je dodeljen Ajzner. Ali, smatram da bi ona trebalo da bude ipak utešna, jer ova grafička novela zaslužuje mnogo više.

Nema, naravno, ovde dovoljno mesta da se prepriča radnja Čudovišta. Niti mi je to namera, jer ovaj strip svako ko drži makar malo do sebe - mora da pročita! Napisaću, u najkraćem, suštinu.

Mladić, po imenu Bobi, početkom šesdesetih godina prošlog veka, želi dobrovoljno da se prijavi u američku vojsku. Pa ipak, on baš i nije tip za klasičnog vojaka. U regrutnom centru, oficiri shvataju da bi momka njegovog karaktera mogli da iskoriste na drugoj strani. Tu počinje, u jednoj reči - jeza. Horor, strava i užas, genetske mutacije i jeziva sakaćenja, vreme duboke tuge... Bobi je, inače, produkt disfunkcionalne porodice. Dok je bio dete, doživljavao je svakakva maltretiranja i to od strane onoga od koga i ne može da se odbrani. Em je fizički slabiji, em ga maltretira figura koja bi trebalo da mu bude uzor. Njegov otac, koji posle učešća u ratu, pati od posttraumatskog poremećaja. Tata, a čudovište. Bedan li je takav život... Majka, kao svaka majka, hrli svaki put u zaštitu svog čeda. Te scene, tako duševno nacrtane i napisane, zaista dovode do suza. Telo prebijenog dečaka, slomljenog duha, nad kojim bdi nemoćno, kao pali anđeo, žena koja ga je donela na svet. Budući da sam dete razvedenih roditelja, koje je raslo bez majke, te scene, tako ubedljivo opisane rukom Barijevom, priznajem, potpuno su me razorile.
Radnja grafičkog romana je smišljena umom izuzetne ličnosti. Bari Vindzor - Smit me neverovatno podseća na mog omiljenog filmskog režisera Stenlija Kjubrika. I kod Barija se jasno vidi to ludilo genijalca i kako na maestralan način prikazuje teške životne priče, brutalnosti, ljudske gubitke i ljudsku glupost. I Bari, poput Stenlija, ima sveden spisak dela na kojima je radio, ali ona su uvek bila ocenjivana najvišim ocenama. A, na kraju, njih dvojica, barem što se mene tiče, i fizički neverovatno podsećaju jedan na drugoga.

- Radio sam na Čudovištima mnogo godina, i nebrojeno puta sam ih prepravljao i precrtavao. Stvorio sam likove koji su bili snažno definisani čije su ličnosti počele da preuzimaju priču. Morao sam da verujem da su njihove želje bile ključ za stvaranje dobre priče. Centralno “čudovište” je najmanje razvijeno od “glumačke ekipe”. Ono ne govori na primer. Ljudi koji ga okružuju su ti koji pokreću kontinuitet - poručio je Bari Vindzor - Smit.

Čudovišta su, nažalost, kao što ste i sami mogli videti prve nedelje maja, svuda oko nas... Ona su i u nama, vrebaju. Počela je da nam fali ljubav, bliskost. Ljudi se otuđuju jedni od drugih. To je put ka (samo)uništenju! Takvu poruku nose i “Čudovišta”. Da više nikad ne bude čudovišta...

u zalivu magije...

Edited by - MAKONDO on 30/05/2023 00:16:41
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Posted - 01/06/2023 : 20:57:34  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Dwayne_Looney a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Forumaš Wolfman je nedavno napisao recenziju ovog stripa koja je u prošlomjesečnom izboru izabrana za recenziju mjeseca. Stavljam link da bi zainteresirani i tamo mogli ostaviti svoje dojmove:

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Posted - 07/06/2023 : 14:52:17  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send mmihoci a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Čini mi se da iza ovog izdanja stoji vrlo dobar odabir, dosta veliki rad i voljni moment da bi se napravila takva knjiga.

Možda samo (ali to je takva sitnica da spada u osobni afinitet) da je papir tanji i mekši (sličan u Libellus Alan Ford knjigama).

Osobno sam jako zadovoljan kako je to Makondo "upakirao".

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Posted - 08/06/2023 : 17:15:38  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send zare80 an AOL message  Send zare80 a Yahoo! Message  Send zare80 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ovo izdanje je objektivno bombona. Svaka cast!
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