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Posted - 03/02/2024 : 21:49:52
quote: Originally posted by john connor
Ovo su sve stvari, zbog kojih se Libellusu skida kapa, i on radi za kolekcionare. Veseli radi za random citaoce, i zbog nemara me m ogo nervira sve to, ali ovo mi je ok, kupio sam 5, kupicu i 6, sto neko rece kada bi na 3 meseca ovako tanja knjiga, milina.
A kada bi bili ozbiljni, trebalo bi da urade reprint od pocetka, pa kome je bitno neka kupi, jer sada stvarno bolje izgleda. Isto bi trebalo da urade i sa Zagorom, DD, i Mister Noom.
Johne Conore i drugima sem Libellusa. Ludens nije menjao rikne, formate i pravio egzibicije. Kad poredjas Texa sve je plavo na beloj pozadini samo cifra skače. Ovo je zajebancija čista. |
sangue navajo |
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Posted - 03/02/2024 : 23:14:03
3 različite rikne na 6 brojeva.
Od firme koja postoji 16 godina.
Hmmmm... |
COUNT ZERO INTERRUPT an interrupt of a process decrements a counter to zero
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matori paraliticar
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going going
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Posted - 04/02/2024 : 10:08:54
quote: Originally posted by djukak
quote: Originally posted by cronos six
Ne mogu pronaci a tako sam "kiman"sta rade kako im se oce sa izdanjima. Nek stavi neko izgled rikne knjige 5 i 6 pa nek se vidi kako je to ukomponovano sa prve 4 knjige....
Jedna random slika sa FB
Ovo je stvarno za zatvor. |
Gil-galad suradnik
3544 Posts
Member since 19/05/2008 |
Posted - 04/02/2024 : 18:24:42
Ovo Martin Mystere vs. Marti Misterija tek sad vidim. To verovatno ima veze sa usvajanjem logoa na srpskom, kao ono davno kad Beli put nije hteo da objavi Thorgala, pa je čekao odgovor za Torgala.
Ali ako će manji broj strana da ubrza izdavanje, realno, ne smeta položen natpis na rikni... |
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Posted - 05/02/2024 : 22:04:51
quote: Originally posted by mladjo
3 različite rikne na 6 brojeva.
Od firme koja postoji 16 godina.
Veseli četvrtak je verovatno jedini izdavač koji je KOMPLETNO redizajnirao (gotovo) sva svoja izdanja barem jednom. Najgore su prošle knjige Dilan Dog i Zagor; kad ih poređaš, stari i novi dizajn apsolutno nemaju veze jedan sa drugim, čak kod Dilana nisu iste debljine, iako imaju po tri epizode. Marti je tu još dobro prošao... Teks i Mister No knjige nisu redizajnirane, ali koliko često izlaze, nisu ni imali vremena . Verovatno će doživeti smanjivanje broja stranica, i promenu položaja teksta i slika na rikni, poput Martija.
Zlatna serija i LMS su imali samo povremena osvežavanja i sitne promene (tipa tačke ili zvezdice na rikni, ili promene znaka Roto Biblioteke). SD, Ludens, Strip-Agent, nisu značajno menjali dizajn jedne kiosk serije (ako izuzmemo zelene i žute rikne Slobodne Dalmacije, prelazak sa SD na Ludens, i malu promenu dizajna Dilana Doga nakon prvih par epizoda Ludensa). Naravno, nova serija bude malo drugačija, ali čak ni to nije pravilo: Zagor Extra Retro je gotovo identičan originalnom (čak i po nesrećnom kretanju serije od 55-og broja). Libellus se takođe uvek držao istog dizajna kroz celu seriju (iako su još daleko od završetka najpopularnijih serija, sumnjam da će bilo šta menjati).
Deluje mi kao sasvim realan raniji komentar da je VČ namenjen povremenim čitaocima, a ne kolekcionarima. |
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Posted - 05/02/2024 : 22:10:59
Ja moram pohvaliti Libellus, citajuci neke MM epizode, kad se spominje prica koju Libellus u tom trenu nije izdao, ovi mrtvi hladni napisu: pogledaj LMS broj taj i taj, ili npr Vannini 4 i 5. Nema sanse da bi neki drugi izdavac to napisao za konkurentske firme, u najboljem slucaju ce napisati, pogledaj Tutto broj taj i taj, da znam talijanski valjda bi citao originale... |
prozirna senka suradnik
8235 Posts
Member since 22/04/2004 |
Posted - 06/02/2024 : 00:02:00
ocigledno ne citas vc. |
Cuvajte, cedo moje milo, jezik kao zemlju. Rec se može izgubiti kao grad, kao zemlja, kao duša. Ne uzimajte tudu rec u svoja usta. Uzmeš li tudu rec, znaj da je nisi osvojio, nego si sebe potudio. |
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Posted - 06/02/2024 : 14:12:19
quote: Originally posted by prozirna senka
ocigledno ne citas vc.
Ne, samo jednu epizodu sam imao u rukama, ali skidam kapu ako to rade i oni. U principu od svega što mi je do sad prošlo kod ruke, jedino sam to vidio u Libellusu, svaka čast i ovima ako je tako |
Senior Member
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Posted - 06/02/2024 : 15:34:02
Da, to je malo problem kod Veselog što često redizajnira već započete kolekcije. Al meni su dragi kao i Ludens. Npr. Ludens Extra i druga kiosk izdanja u startu počeli s kartonskim koricama za razliku ZS i LS. Pa da su te ZS bili u kartonu koliko bi tek oni cijenu danas imali? Nešto slično kao AF kartonci. |
Edited by - petarStripovi10 on 06/02/2024 15:37:25 |
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Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Posted - 07/02/2024 : 07:50:56
Taj čovek je bio genije koji je imao neverovatnu strast prema stripovima... Najbolja moguća kombinacija. Niko drugi mu nije bio ni do kolena.
Neverovatno tužna vest i ogroman gubitak za sve nas. |
29384 Posts
Member since 27/08/2001 |
Posted - 07/02/2024 : 08:41:28
Veliki, veliki Alfredo Castelli. Baš me rastužila ova vijest, obilježio je dobar dio moga djetinjstva... Počivaj u miru, majstore. |
Trouble will find me |
Mr. Bushido suradnik
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Posted - 07/02/2024 : 09:34:03
Velikan!Počivao u miru! On February 7, at the age of 76, Alfredo Castelli, best known as the creator of Martin Mystère and dozens of other characters and titles, died. Screenwriter, comic book historian, animator and founder of magazines, he was one of the most important personalities of Italian comics from the second post-war period to the present day. Whimsical, ironic and eclectic, in his career he created comics of all kinds, arriving at experiments between the joke and the work of art such as the one made with photocopies of a thousand lire banknote.
Born in Milan on June 26, 1947, he spent his childhood devouring a vast amount of genre films, novels and especially "little newspapers", frowned upon in the family until the end of the fifties, when a providential quarantine – due to scarlet fever, as he recounted on several occasions – moved his mother to pity and allowed him to binge on readings that had been forbidden until then.
Castelli made his debut at the age of 18 on the pages of Diabolik, but not by scripting a story of the King of Terror (he would do that too, later) but with a humorous series he wrote and drawn: Skeleton, which saw the light as an appendix to the albums of the character created by the Giussani Sisters. Although very simple in plot and grotesque humour, many themes were already present in Skeleton that would return in the cartoonist's career, such as the ironic reinterpretation of classics of popular culture and meta-narrative.
He then wrote several stories for the Universo Publishing House (Rocky Rider, Piccola Eva and Pedrito el Drito) and for Edizioni Alpe (Cucciolo and Tiramolla), also working as a television author (the Rai series Cappuccetto a Polka Dot and several commercials for Carosello).
In 1966, he founded Comics Club 104, considered the first Italian fanzine dedicated to comics, in which he and his partner Paolo Sala tried to reconstruct profiles and bibliographies of important authors of the past. It was on that occasion, to fill a hole in Mickey Mouse's chronology, that Castelli invented the elusive cartoonist Al Levin, thus generating a sort of deliberate, sarcastic fake news that made fans discuss for years. In 1968 he started another magazine, the short-lived Tilt, which lasted only two issues and was born as an attempt to bring Mad's humor to Italy. When, in 1972, the Corriere dei Piccoli became Corriere dei Ragazzi, Castelli was hired as an editor and became one of the reference figures for the newspaper. For example, he was responsible for the title Lupo Alberto to give a name to the series proposed to the magazine by Silver as The McKenzie Farm. On the pages of the Corriere dei Ragazzi he created, among other things, one of his most famous series, Gli Aristocratici, drawn by Ferdinando Tacconi and starring a group of gentleman thieves.
Finally, to fill a hole in the layout, he invented L'Omino Bufo, the progenitor of comics with a raw, sketched or "badly drawn" aesthetic, and deliberately demented humor. Written and drawn by Castelli himself, the series survived the closure of the Corriere and continued at the hands of its creator first and then Francesco Artibani.
In the 1970s Castelli collaborated with Il Giornalino, for example creating Gli Astrostoppisti, a series that partially anticipated the themes of Douglas Adams' famous Guide to the Galaxy, but also with the magazine Supergulp published by Mondadori, in which he created Allan Quatermain, a detective who would become the base, a few years later, of his most famous creature, Martin Mystère.
Also in that period he inaugurated his almost fifty-year collaboration with Sergio Bonelli Editore (at the time Cepim), for which he signed several stories of Mister No and two volumes of the series Un uomo un'avventura, drawn by Giancarlo Alessandrini and Milo Manara. In addition, in 1975, with the latter and his friend Mario Gomboli, he published Un fascio di bombe, a comic strip produced by the Italian Socialist Party and distributed in 600,000 copies that denounced the responsibility of the right and the secret services in the Piazza Fontana massacre and in the "strategy of tension". In 1982, together with the illustrator Giancarlo Alessandrini, he created the Martin Mystère series, starring the eponymous "detective of the impossible" who travels the world stumbling into mysteries related to humanity's past, including lost civilizations and extraterrestrial presences. The results of his explorations became books, articles and episodes of the show The Mysteries of Mystère – as well as a comic book series that also exists in the world of characters. Over the years, Castelli has shaped the magazine in his own image and taste, adding more and more metanarrative elements, reading planes and an irony full of paradoxes. By continuing to supervise Martin Mystère until his death, Castelli managed to make it a personal series and therefore unique in the Bonelli panorama, as well as highly appreciated by audiences and critics.
Castelli was also one of the most important historians of comics, signing books such as Here We Are Again (2006), a work of cataloguing American comics between the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and Cartoonists of invention! (2010), a review of how works of fiction (from cinema to comics themselves) represented the profession of the cartoonist. His work of dissemination also passed through the rediscovery of period materials, such as the series of historical reprints he edited for the COMICON festival. Even his most famous creature was often involved in this, for example with the curious special album Il mystero delle nuvole parlanti, in which Castelli used Martin Mystére to retrace a century of development of the medium.
"Neither the first seventeen years of my personal life, nor the fifty years that followed, possess characteristics worthy of being handed down to posterity," he wrote in the introduction to Castelli 50 – The Prequel!. A decidedly modest statement, for a man who has marked the history of Italian comics.
Ja sam fetišist papira! |
Edited by - jaki on 07/02/2024 09:36:16 |
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cat claw
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Posted - 07/02/2024 : 11:16:57
Pretuzan dan za sve ljude iz sveta stripa, fantastike, maste i vestine pisanja. Alfredo Castelli (26 June 1947 – 7 February 2024) |
tex2 suradnik
31049 Posts
Member since 17/09/2006 |
Posted - 07/02/2024 : 11:34:29
Počivao u miru |
"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati." "The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
Starting Member
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Posted - 07/02/2024 : 11:57:50
quote: Originally posted by petarStripovi10
Da, to je malo problem kod Veselog što često redizajnira već započete kolekcije. Al meni su dragi kao i Ludens. Npr. Ludens Extra i druga kiosk izdanja u startu počeli s kartonskim koricama za razliku ZS i LS. Pa da su te ZS bili u kartonu koliko bi tek oni cijenu danas imali? Nešto slično kao AF kartonci.
Prvi ZS i LMS (ako misliš na Dnevnikova izdanja) i jesu imali kartonske korice. |
drogsy suradnik
4741 Posts
Member since 27/12/2009 |
Posted - 07/02/2024 : 12:24:32
Fenomenalan scenarist na Mister Nou i svojem matičnom Martiju, nešto manje na Zagoru. Kreator Bonellijevog stripovskog univerzuma i, naravno, veliki izvor znanja. Imao sam sreću susresti ga jednom u životu i razgovarati s njime o Martiju. Počivao u miru. |
Go kneel and weep
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Fyro Macedonia
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Posted - 07/02/2024 : 12:42:49
Počivao u miru! Ogroman doprinos strip sceni, zadivljujuća volja za radom. Sad će Marty baš biti na umjetnom disanju. |
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