Želite raditi stripove ali sumnjate u svoje sposobnosti? Macan vas je ubio u pojam svojim nemilosrdnim kritikama? Išli ste na produžni iz likovnog? Ne odustajte!!!
"we are connected via satellite with an eyeless, 14-fingered disabled man who chose to wear a turtleneck and a trenchcoat with the collar popped to his report in the desert
tess, what have the iraqis been doing to your thumb, jesus christ
i'm sorry we can't hear you, try talking directly into your hot dog on a stick"
Mada, mislim da tu vise nema kruha, Liefeld je popunio onaj jedan "can't draw to save his life a nekim neobjasnjivim cudom je uspio" slot
"All deaths horrible. Also inevitable. Nod. Get treat."