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Le Samourai
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Posted - 21/10/2008 : 07:22:27
po odjeci i zidinama na naslovnici ovo lici na babiloniju ili asiriju. uglavnom sigurno je rijec o bliskom istoku negdje izmedju 1500-500 g. pr. kr. |
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Posted - 21/10/2008 : 07:22:37
Dosta više sa tim babetinama, poslje Magičnog in Dampira sve neki junaci kratkog veka. Ponestaje mašte tim u SBE.Julija još može proč(ipak je to Berardi), ostalo muka i jad. Hoču Mikija. |
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Posted - 21/10/2008 : 11:06:17
Jadno... Inače, to je sigurno babilonska božica Lilith, pošto je radnja ipak u Mezopotamiji. |
Edited by - Panon on 21/10/2008 11:08:50 |
DeeCay suradnik
21661 Posts
Member since 24/09/2002 |
Posted - 21/10/2008 : 14:46:22
Mezopotamijska demonica, vampirica možda... A barata triskelionom, koji je nacrtan slično ko keltska verzija trostrukih spirala.
Tko zna, možda bude serijal dobar! |
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies; the man who never reads lives only one." |
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Posted - 21/10/2008 : 17:06:40
On November 21 approder#224; newsstand in the first issue of a new mini-series bonelliana. Of course, talking about mini series for a series of eighteen rolls makes a half-po 'smile, because that will accompany us, if all goes well, for the next nine years ... in any case, matters of time are not a problem for the protagonist , Lilith, as its author, Luca Enoch, has decided to provide it with the ability to move through the ages: from the distant future to the remote past! Taking advantage of a visit to the office, we have Enoch forced to submit to fire a row of our questions, to give readers of Section Comics News an exclusive look behind the scenes of this new series, also through art that we publish on this same page .
How Lilith, the series is that the protagonist and his name? It was long the design?
Rather than long, is not yet over. Here it is not "build the nest" once and for all and comfortable adventure. Each episode will be placed in a different historical context and this involves a detailed documentation and a continuous search for images. How to tell me that the searches are ... Lilith is the female demon of religion associated with the storm Mesopotamia, considered the bearer of misfortune, sickness and death and comes from Ishtar, the goddess of the moon. According to the cabalistic tradition, Lilith is the first companion of Adam, previous to Eva, who does not accept the superiority of the male and attach with the demons, leaving the poor with Adam of palmoplantar nose. Into the Jewish people is feared as a demon night, dangerous for the children of male and equipped with the negative aspects of femininity: adultery, witchcraft and lust. So not a personcina ammodo ... I seemed that the name fit a brush for this character: a murder sent back in time to kill people unaware.
Again, as in the last series you create (Sprayliz and Gea), the spotlight is pointed at a female character. Do you think the 'other half of the sky "has a march in most, in terms comics and adventurous?
Surely it is more interesting to define, precisely because "other" than me, all male true of a piece! Umberto Eco said that the cartoonists draw themselves into their stories, referring to Hugo Pratt and his Corto Maltese. I think that there are authors who identify with your character and others who prefer to create something that postings as possible by themselves and by their personality. Addressing female illud I also know the female universe, and this makes a lot good to my male ego.
We said that any historic register will have a setting different. Since your realistic approach (without necessarily be teaching), which are the difficulty of structuring a series focused on travel through time?
I do not want to talk because otherwise I take an attack of anxiety (are now near the middle and things are dangerous ...).
In the early adventures already put all the cards on the table and narrative mechanism will be immediately clear or character, his world, his mission remains much to discover?
The idea is to make clear just what its mission and what the ways in which you should do it. I think that between the first and second episode is all well explained in the story. What remains shrouded in mystery is the nature of its "enemies" are really bad bad or they have some reason? The rest is a matter that I dealt with decisively in "Gea". Lilith will have to develop an ethic peculiar to sustain the weight of his actions, make out a carrion raises no major obstacles moral, but when the victim is any one person, maybe a brav'uomo, then there are the real problems. Moreover, his mission is with a happy ending and return home or a dramatic suicide mission? These are the themes that I reserve the right to develop slowly.
There will be recurring characters or our protagonist is un'eroina lonely?
To force Lyca thing (you will adopt the name "Lilith" only half of the second register) will travel alone. Does not exist comprimari applicants as the Heavy in "Gea" (although Thorwald Blut and will make a appearance in one of the adventures). Only companions will be the protagonist of the Dark, the cat-Cagnoni black is his leadership and his escort, and "Cardi," the enemies that run along the space-time to prevent it achieves its mission.
To think that the public contact? I think readers Gea love to be able to structure as rich and complex Lilith?
Rather we hope. Lilith is undoubtedly a character of Sprayliz less carefree and less sparkling Gaea. But in the whole series leads to a dramatic characterization, with brief flashes humorous, but I do not know exactly where I predict will lead the evolution of the character.
Ja sam fetišist papira! |
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Posted - 21/10/2008 : 20:07:36
hm jel ona gola ili shta???ako je gola onda ti se poserem na crtaca :D |
Tebi pripada kraljevstvo zaborava na cijim granicama padaju sve maske,pa se tako prema tvojoj palati približavamo lišeni secanja, godina i kao bezimena bica ulazimo u božanski putir,nalik na kakvu vatrenu hostiju |
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Posted - 21/10/2008 : 20:15:52
[quote]Originally posted by weljko94
hm jel ona gola ili shta???ako je gola onda ti se poserem na crtaca :D [/ Mislim da je. |
Le Samourai
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Member since 14/10/2008 |
Posted - 21/10/2008 : 21:54:21
Mislim da je ideja da je neshto kao Mistik iz X-Men, da deluje golo ali zapravo joj se ne vide bradavice i sl, vec samo ima opshtu, Barbi anatomiju. |
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DeeCay suradnik
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Posted - 21/10/2008 : 22:19:44
quote: Originally posted by weljko94
hm jel ona gola ili shta???ako je gola onda ti se poserem na crtaca :D
pa što ako joj se vide sise? Ah da, ti si još u razdoblju kad dječačka psiha ne percipira žensko kao objekt žudnje... |
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies; the man who never reads lives only one." |
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Posted - 21/10/2008 : 22:36:24
quote: Originally posted by anto
Najbolji filmovi su mi oni u kojima ženskih likova nema ili ih ima u malim ulogama
da mi je vidjet porniće koje gledaš |
COUNT ZERO INTERRUPT an interrupt of a process decrements a counter to zero
supermark suradnik
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Posted - 21/10/2008 : 23:09:23
quote: Originally posted by mladjo
quote: Originally posted by anto
Najbolji filmovi su mi oni u kojima ženskih likova nema ili ih ima u malim ulogama
da mi je vidjet porniće koje gledaš
Našao si me Mlađo.Hteo sam da pomenem i tu stavku, ali zbog ove dečurlije trudim se da budem fin |
Dajte nam Ralph Azhama;može i mekokoricen (ali u boji obavezno)! |
25329 Posts
Member since 17/09/2004 |
Posted - 22/10/2008 : 00:00:25
quote: Originally posted by mladjo
quote: Originally posted by anto
Najbolji filmovi su mi oni u kojima ženskih likova nema ili ih ima u malim ulogama
da mi je vidjet porniće koje gledaš
Hmmm, pornići u kojima nema ženskih likova, ili ih ima u malim ulogama??? What could it be, what could it be...??? |
I am legion. I do not forget. I do not forgive.
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Posted - 22/10/2008 : 00:50:32
Kažete Kate Beckinsale... Pa ako je Magični mogo po Daniel Day Lewisu iz Mohikanca, može i ova po Kate...:) |
Kad ce Chico remitenda sve ispocetka? Oce bit u HC-u? Joj jedva cekam. |
Le Samourai
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Posted - 22/10/2008 : 01:11:20
James Franciscus (MM), Rod Taylor ("rani" Zagor), Ralph Fines (Dampyr), Marlon Brando (Napoleone)... |
... Sveti Sava nego ko drugi bre! Kad sam upoznao coveka, imao sam religiozne vizije majku ti jebem! Halucinirao sam ko da sam pio nitro farbu. ("Velja Ilic" - Nikad Izvini) |
Edited by - HarryBlock on 22/10/2008 12:24:52 |
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Posted - 22/10/2008 : 02:11:11
Ala ste se nalupetali po pitanju kvaliteta Luke Enoha i njegovih ostvarenja. Gea je jedan od najboljih stripova koji je izlazio u Bonelliju a to cete videti kad dodje kod VC na red. Sumnjam da je napravio nesto lose kad je stvarao Lilith, iako ni ja necu da se kunem jer ne znam mnogo o tom stripu. Bolje idite na SBE sajt pa procitajte nesto o serijalu pre nego sto ga iskritikujete bez osnova |
Le Samourai
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Posted - 22/10/2008 : 02:35:28
Niko nije rekao da ne valja, samo da deluje bezveze. Mozhe biti chak i remek delo. Ko zna. Ali ne deluje neshto posebno po ovih par slichica. |
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Posted - 22/10/2008 : 07:23:06
Gea če bit prvi promašen slučaj kod VČ. Jeb..i ga, i oni imaju pravo na pogrešku.Kad nije prošla mnogo bolja Julia................ali čestitke za hrabrost, samo tako dalje. |
DeeCay suradnik
21661 Posts
Member since 24/09/2002 |
Posted - 22/10/2008 : 10:15:31
quote: Originally posted by ---dp---
Ala ste se nalupetali po pitanju kvaliteta Luke Enoha i njegovih ostvarenja. Gea je jedan od najboljih stripova koji je izlazio u Bonelliju a to cete videti kad dodje kod VC na red.
Jesi čitao da znaš ili to govoriš jer si druge čuo da je najbolje? Siguran sam da pola ljudi ovdje ne okida na fantasy...
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies; the man who never reads lives only one." |
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