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21432 Posts
Member since 16/03/2004 |
Posted - 13/01/2018 : 22:22:34
Zanimljivo, to je jedna od rijetkih Cassarovih priča koja mi je ostala ok u sjećanju, čak bi je mogao ponovo pročitati. |
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Posted - 13/01/2018 : 22:22:59
Evo, iz iste priče.
Sviđa mi se kako Della Monica zna pogoditi Zagorovu starost. Zagor ne izgleda kao neki mladić, ali definitivno nije ni star. Baš ono, u naponu snage, 30 i nešto. ;)
To ne znaju pogoditi svi crtači. |
Edited by - nagor on 13/01/2018 22:24:28 |
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Posted - 13/01/2018 : 22:27:02
quote: Originally posted by solar
Zanimljivo, to je jedna od rijetkih Cassarovih priča koja mi je ostala ok u sjećanju, čak bi je mogao ponovo pročitati.
Priče Cassarovih koje su OK:
Krv Apača Tajna Redstonea Tajna Sumerana Demonska knjiga
Edited by - nagor on 13/01/2018 22:27:32 |
21432 Posts
Member since 16/03/2004 |
going going
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Posted - 13/01/2018 : 22:31:04
Ja bih tu dodao i maxi #4 Napustena utvrda, ne secam se nicega iz price ali secam se da mi je bila vrlo dobra. Meni je i nesrecno prevedena Nocna mora na moru skroz ok prica. A Krv Apaca i Demonska knjiga nisu OK price nego vrlo dobre. |
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Member since 20/05/2014 |
Posted - 13/01/2018 : 22:31:36
Meni onako na prvu sjevnula na Gambit no nije to Prisco, na drugi pogled vidljivo. |
Za koga ja navijam samo je moja stvar. A ljubav je jedna, jedina... |
going going
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11872 Posts
Member since 24/04/2012 |
Posted - 13/01/2018 : 22:32:55
@solar i @nagor sta je bilo momci nije se nigde izaslo u provod, subota vece? Niste nigde otisli za Srpsku Novu godinu? |
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21432 Posts
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Posted - 13/01/2018 : 22:42:27
quote: Originally posted by going going
@solar i @nagor sta je bilo momci nije se nigde izaslo u provod, subota vece? Niste nigde otisli za Srpsku Novu godinu?
Kad uhvatiš 33. godinu, shvatiš da uopće nije loše biti trijezan u subotu navečer!
A ovo oko nove godine mi zvuči kao izgovor da navališ na alkohol, goinže pazi se, nemoj da ti padne na pamet ići iza volana u 3 ujutro, slušaj nas starije... |
going going
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11872 Posts
Member since 24/04/2012 |
Posted - 13/01/2018 : 22:45:10
Nemajte brige za mene, ja se razboleo tako da nista od ludovanja za srpsku novu, umesto piva i rakije tu su skripta i knjiga za faks a posle mozda padne i neki Zagor da se podsetim gradiva, mozda bas ova nagorova epizoda ako uspemo da je pogodimo veceras. |
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Posted - 13/01/2018 : 23:01:21
quote: Originally posted by nagor
quote: Originally posted by solar
Zanimljivo, to je jedna od rijetkih Cassarovih priča koja mi je ostala ok u sjećanju, čak bi je mogao ponovo pročitati.
Priče Cassarovih koje su OK:
Krv Apača Tajna Redstonea Tajna Sumerana Demonska knjiga
Sve su dobre priče i crtež, pogotovo krv apača,ta epizoda mi je kao stvorena za njih da crtaju. Što se tiče alkohola,inače ne pijem, volim s vremena na vrijeme uz strip, knjigu ili film popiti dvije tri čaše viskija,tako će biti i večeras |
going going
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21432 Posts
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ReemCP suradnik
13211 Posts
Member since 03/01/2018 |
Posted - 14/01/2018 : 17:05:47
quote: Originally posted by solar Kad uhvatiš 33. godinu, shvatiš da uopće nije loše biti trijezan u subotu navečer!
Sjećam se prije srednje škole i faksa, mogao sam pit srijedu/četvtak, petak/subotu, subotu/nedjelju. Ali kad dođeš negdje u 30-tu (kako je bio kod mene slučaj), ako bi se i napio trebalo bi mi 10 dana da dođem k sebi, da se oporavim jednostavno vidiš da ti tijelo ne može izdržati više taj tempo, jednostavno vidiš da ti ne paše.
Meni je idealno subota večer pročitat strip (po mogućnosti Zagora, to se podrazumijeva) negdje do početka prijenosa UFC-a i to gledat cijelu noć uživo do negdje 6h-7h nedjelju ujutro |
Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Edited by - ReemCP on 14/01/2018 17:06:57 |
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Posted - 19/01/2018 : 13:21:55
ZAGOR 2018!In 2018 that has just begun, what incredible surprises will the Spirit with the Scure have in store for its readers? The curator of the character Moreno Burattini anticipates some of them, but it infuses the mystery around others! Curated by Moreno Burattini
Let's start by not anticipating a surprise. That is, not revealing to you what will happen during the month of March 2018, when in the Zagorian context (but also somewhere outside) there will be something very unexpected and, hopefully, just as exciting. Whatever it will be, we'll talk about it again. Certainly, however, other surprises - of various kinds - await us throughout the year. The first, if you are attentive and punctual readers, you will have already discovered it in the final of the January book , the one with which the story of Smirnoff 's return ends. Yeah, because in those last pages we find out that to maneuver the diabolical duke was actually ... and here we are holding back, not to reveal too much to those who still have to read that story. History that prelude however to another return, that of the bandess Blondie .
From September, the hero of Darkwood will face not one, but two old enemies who have made an alliance against him. Whose is it?
The amazing cover of Alessandro Piccinelli (who has now convinced his talent even the few skeptics of the very first hour) of the February Zagor will immediately bring to mind the first appearance of the outlaw blonde, protagonist of a 1977 story signed in eight hands by Guido Nolitta and Decio Canzio for the texts and by Franco Donatelli and Francesco Gamba for the drawings. A memorable classic also for the cover of Gallieno Ferri in which, in fact, the busty pistolera prints a punch in the face to the Spirit with the Hatchet. To see Blondie again will allow us to discover also her real name and a tragic secret hidden in her past.
Between the end of spring and the beginning of summer, however, the dramatic vicissitudes of Ramath , the fakir, mysteriously disappeared from the "Golden Baby" and laboriously sought after by Captain Fishlegand his crew. But also from Zagor who, indeed, finds himself more than any other to fight for the salvation of his friend, threatened by obscure necromantic powers. From September, the hero of Darkwood will instead find himself facing not one, but two old enemies who have made an alliance against him. Whose is it? Well, one is really an old-time adversary, having appeared at the time of the strip albums ... but also the second, despite being twenty years more recent, belongs to the ranks of the "bad guys" of the times that were. Neither of them, however, had ever returned: now they reappear together, and it will be fun to find out if any of you had guessed their identity.
The Special, traditionally on sale in March, will be titled "The Creatures of the Dark" and will tell about the mysterious inhabitants of the forests and protagonists of the legends of the woodsmen, known as "fearsome critters", some harmless, others decidedly dangerous, real monsters lurking behind the trees.
Blondie, one of the many characters who will return to cross the path of the Spirit with the Hatchet click on the sticker to view the whole table The Maxi Zagor " Tales of Darkwood ", released last September, seems to have met with extraordinary success. Therefore, we are preparing another one with the same formula that, apparently, you have liked: it will be released in exactly one year, in January 2019. In 2018, however, the three Maxi of the year will be "special" for another reason : they will tell a single journey of the Spirit with the Hatchet out of the forest of Darkwood. Our hero is accustomed to this kind of "transfers": we have seen him leave for Africa and South America, for example. This time, instead of seeing him travel narrating his adventures in the registers of the regular series, we will follow him along three stages marked by "balenotteri" quadrimestrali (while in the Zenith necklace everything will continue normally). So, in "Cold lands "we see him arriving on the west coast, on the border between Canada and the United States, and in the next two Maxi we will move with him to other locations, always along the Pacific Rim. In all these three stages there will be important returns of characters - friends and enemies - of whom you have often requested a reappearance for a long time.The Spring Maxi will show, for example, on the scene the Prince Alexis , an unforgettable protagonist of the classic charter " To the orders of the Tsar ".
You will be pleased to know that during the year 2018 two volumes dedicated to Zagor will be published, destined for the book and comic book circuit.
Another exciting news is the arrival at newsstands, scheduled for the month of November, of a second team-up (after the one with Dragonero ) of our hero, who this time will partner with Brad Barron in the fight against the Morb that have invaded his forest. As you may know, Brad Barron was, a few years ago, the protagonist of a Bonellian miniseries, then continued with some compelling Specials, in which an American soldier fought against alien invaders from space: the same creator of that saga, Tito Faraci, has taken on the burden and honor of writing the joint adventure between Zagor and his character, in a heart-pounding story of Darkwood setting to which the Winter Color will be dedicated. Tito, fresh back from the triumphs of Cico walking in time , has ventured into this new effort together with Walter Venturi . The Summer Color, however, will fascinate readers with a story dedicated to Wandering Fitzy , the charismatic mentor of Zagor!
Finally, you will be pleased to know that during the year 2018 two volumes dedicated to Zagor will be published, destined for the book and comic book circuit. In mid-February, a hardcover will reproduce - in color and in large format - the adventure of the Inferno dei Vivi , while a mighty paperback cover will re-read the first, long adventure with Kandrax the Magician . We will warn you in time when it is time to look for them!
Appointment Monday 22 January with the 2018 Preview of Le Storie !
You can stay updated on all the 2018 Bonelli Heroes previews by following the official Facebook page of Sergio Bonelli Editore . To keep up-to-date with the adventures of the Spirit with the Scure, however, you like the official Zagor Facebook page .
Do not miss any news of our publishing house by subscribing to the SBE weekly newsletter .
01/19/2018 |
Ja sam fetišist papira! |
Edited by - jaki on 19/01/2018 13:32:40 |
going going
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11872 Posts
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Posted - 19/01/2018 : 18:58:23
Barison i Laurenti jedini sto vrede nesto od svih ovih tabli. Vidim ocekuje nas jos jedna prica sa Skitnicom Ficijem iz Zagorove mladosti. |
ReemCP suradnik
13211 Posts
Member since 03/01/2018 |
Posted - 20/01/2018 : 11:45:23
quote: Originally posted by jaki From September, the hero of Darkwood will instead find himself facing not one, but two old enemies who have made an alliance against him. Whose is it? Well, one is really an old-time adversary, having appeared at the time of the strip albums ... but also the second, despite being twenty years more recent, belongs to the ranks of the "bad guys" of the times that were. Neither of them, however, had ever returned: now they reappear together, and it will be fun to find out if any of you had guessed their identity.
Koja bi ovo dvojka mogla biti, jel bilo govora o tome na forumu? Prvi koji mi pada napamet "Crveni strijelac", mislim da on nije imao comeback. Ali tko još?
quote: Originally posted by going going
Vidim ocekuje nas jos jedna prica sa Skitnicom Ficijem iz Zagorove mladosti.
Koliko sam skužio, to bi trebalo izaći u onoj Kolor ediciji. Broj 7 ako se ne varam.. |
Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Kontrast 2
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2309 Posts
Member since 12/09/2016 |
Posted - 21/01/2018 : 13:30:35
quote: Originally posted by ReemCP
Koja bi ovo dvojka mogla biti, jel bilo govora o tome na forumu? Prvi koji mi pada napamet "Crveni strijelac", mislim da on nije imao comeback. Ali tko još?
Crvenog strelca rade braća Di Vito, tako da on otpada kao mogućnost. Jedan od njih ima emg sposobnosti (privlači metalne predmete), tako da bi mogao da bude Tandermen (koji je, doduše, u prvom pojavljivanju izgubio život - ali to su za scenariste samo nevažne sitnice). |
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Posted - 21/01/2018 : 13:36:12
quote: Originally posted by ddeki
Posle duzeg vremena evo jednog kolora od Zagora...
Bilo bi fora da se svi razmaknu i da Zaggy zvizne na pod :D |
COUNT ZERO INTERRUPT an interrupt of a process decrements a counter to zero
21432 Posts
Member since 16/03/2004 |
21432 Posts
Member since 16/03/2004 |
going going
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Member since 24/04/2012 |
Posted - 27/02/2018 : 17:31:48
Odlicna ilustracija Steta sto ovo nije bila naslovna strana, ali nema veze. Makar je Piccineli zavrsio ilustraciju i nije je ostavio samo u skici. Sjajan crtez! |
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