Preveo: Goran Krickovic, Tekst interpretirali: Ljubiša Bacic, Nada Blam, Miroslav Bijelic, Vlastimir Ðuza Stoiljkovic i Nikola Simic, Magnetoskop: Miroslav Nikolov, Ton majstor: Rihard Merc, Realizacija: Slavko Tatic
Kako to nedavno uradiše moji Ljubušaci! Jest da je 3. BiH liga, ali uspjeli su ono što ni Pires i Henry svojevremeno u Arsenalu nisu. Nisam uopće ni znao da se penal može i ovako izvesti.
It would not be difficult, Mein Führer. Nuclear reactors could - heh, I'm sorry, Mr. President - nuclear reactors could provide power almost indefinitely.
Ma kakav Zlatan. Pazzini i Bojan su za njega igračine. Kao i Bonera za Thiaga Silvu.
Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember - nothing is true. Where other men are limited by morality or law, remember - everything is permitted. We work in the dark to serve the light. We are assassins! Nothing is true, everything is permitted.