''I used to have bass lessons in the same building that the drummer works in. When they were reamping the screws were vibrating out of the radiators. Genius band!''
Malopre sam otkrio temu.. odlicna je. Poslusacu redom narednih dana....
Evo par mojih predloga za slusanje.. inace, tek otkrivam ovaj zanr..
Quest For Fire
Sun Dial
Weird owl
Preveo: Goran Krickovic, Tekst interpretirali: Ljubiša Bacic, Nada Blam, Miroslav Bijelic, Vlastimir Ðuza Stoiljkovic i Nikola Simic, Magnetoskop: Miroslav Nikolov, Ton majstor: Rihard Merc, Realizacija: Slavko Tatic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkE5VYffiR0