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Johnny Difool
Advanced Member
13988 Posts
Member since 21/02/2010 |
Posted - 02/01/2013 : 00:43:40
...i to još prije tjedan dana, na Badnju večer u 89. godini u svom domu u New Yorku.
Glumčina dva puta nominirana za Oscara i nagrađena Zlatnim globusom, bez kojeg bi hrpa remek-djela bili znatno slabiji filmovi. Od George Roy Hillova Žalca (The Sting), preko Wilderove Naslovne stranice (The Front Page) i Lumetova Pasjeg poslijepodneva (Dog Day Afternoon) do Pollackove Tootsie.
A tu je i čitav niz izvrsnih sporednih uloga u De Palminim Hi, Mom!, Sisters i Furije (The Fury), u Biti ili ne biti s Melom Brooksom, u Ferrarinu Mačkolovcu (Cat Chaser) i Beattyjevu Dicku Tracyju, pa u serijama Vatreni dečki (Rescue Me) i Svi vole Raymonda... Doživio je lijepe godine i imao zavidnu karijeru, makar ga se prema meni pogrešno smatralo glumcem "kojem znate ime ali ne i lik".
Pa tko bi ga zaboravio...
Ja necu imati s kim ostati mlad ako svi ostarite, i ta ce mi mladost teško pasti... |
Johnny Difool
Advanced Member
13988 Posts
Member since 21/02/2010 |
Posted - 02/01/2013 : 00:47:12
Nekrolog iz Slobodne Dalmacije:
u New Yorku u 89. godini
Od nacističkog pukovnika do Pape: umro Charles Durning, "kralj karakternih glumaca"
Američki glumac Charles Durning, kojeg su nazivali "kraljem karakternih glumaca" zbog sposobnosti da igra sve od nacističkog pukovnika do Pape, umro je u ponedjeljak u svom domu u New Yorku u 89. godini, javlja Fox.
Durning će najviše ostati zapamćen po ulogama korumpiranog guvernera u mjuziklu "Najbolja mala javna kuća u Teksasu" 1982. godine koja mu je donijela prvu nominaciju za Oscara, nacističkog oficira u komediji "Biti ili ne biti" Mela Brooksa za koju je godinu poslije osvojio i drugu nominaciju, te po nastupima u "Pasjem popodnevu" (nominacija za Zlatni globus), "Žalcu" i komediji "Tootsie".
Prije četiri godine Durning je dobio nagradu za životno djelo Udruge američkih glumaca. U karijeri je osvojio sve američke glumačke nagrade osim Oscara.
Rođen 1923. u irskoj obitelji s desetero djece, Durning je bio teško ranjen u Drugom svjetskom ratu tijekom iskrcavanja u Normandiji, a svoje ratne zasluge odlikovan je s čak tri Purpurna srca i Srebrnom zvijezdom. Prije nekoliko godina njegov kolega Burt Reynolds izjavio je da je Durning vjerojatno najodlikovaniji (tada) živući ratni veteran.
Glumom se počeo baviti poslije rata u njojorškim kazalištima. Filmsku prekretnicu u karijeri donijela mu je uloga u "Žalcu" 1973. godine uz Paula Newmana i Roberta Redforda. Uslijedile su stotine zapaženih uloga na velikom i malom ekranu, a među ostalim, četiri je puta glumio Djeda Mraza i jednom Papu (Ivana XXIII. u televizijskom filmu). Kao plesnog instruktora, često su ga zvali da glumi i u mjuziklima.
"Nikad nisam odbio ulogu i nikada se nisam svađao s producentima i redateljima", rekao je 2008. kada je dobio zvijezdu na holivudskom Šetalištu slavnih. "Ako ne glumim, izluđujem suprugu. Stalno izlazim u dvorište i gledam u poštanski sandučić, a kada se vratim ispitujem je jel' me netko zvao", dodao je.
Ja necu imati s kim ostati mlad ako svi ostarite, i ta ce mi mladost teško pasti... |
Johnny Difool
Advanced Member
13988 Posts
Member since 21/02/2010 |
Posted - 02/01/2013 : 00:53:23
Nekrolog i s CNN-a:
Charles Durning, renowned character actor, dies on Christmas Eve
By Tom Cohen, CNN December 26, 2012 -- Updated 0437 GMT (1237 HKT)
Character actor Charles Durning died on Christmas Eve at the age of 89, according to his family. Durning attends the opening night of "Lombardi" on Broadway at the Circle in the Square Theatre on October 21, 2010, in New York City. Remembering Charles Durning
Durning won Tony and Golden Globe awards and was nominated for two Oscars
His best-known work involved supporting roles in popular films spanning decades.
He played police officers, politicians and even the owner of a frog leg restaurant
His career spanned 20th Century entertainment from burlesque to stage to film and TV You may not know his name, but anyone who watches movies and television knows the squat, tough-faced character actor Charles Durning, who died on Christmas Eve, according to his family. The 89-year-old decorated World War II veteran had an award-winning career that spanned 20th Century entertainment, from the burlesque stage and theater to television and film, playing roles as diverse as society itself. Durning was the gruff father smitten by Dustin Hoffman's female impersonation of "Tootsie," the Southern politician dancing on stage with George Clooney's Soggy Bottom Boys in "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" and the corrupt cop caught up in the "big con" by Paul Newman and Robert Redford in "The Sting." He won Tony and Golden Globe awards and was nominated for Academy Awards two times as a supporting actor. He also received nine Emmy nominations and was honored in 2007 with a lifetime achievement award from the Screen Actors Guild.
Born in Highland Falls, New York, on February 28, 1923, Durning became an actor relatively late. According to his TV Guide biography, Durning left home at age 16 and later enlisted in the Army. Durning landed at Normandy on D-Day and fought in the Battle of the Bulge, receiving the Silver Star and three Purple Hearts. He worked odd jobs that ranged from professional boxing to teaching ballroom dancing to ushering in a burlesque house, where he got his start on stage by once filling in for a comic who failed to show up, the actor often recalled. He also attended the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, where he trained with Jason Robards, Colleen Dewhurst and others. Some of Durning's other best-known roles included his Tony-winning performance as Big Daddy in "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof", the governor in "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas", a beleaguered police officer in "Dog Day Afternoon" and as Doc Hopper, the owner of a frog leg restaurant in "The Muppet Movie." Durning's family, in a statement issued Tuesday, said, "Not only was Charlie a World War II hero but he was also a hero to his family. Charlie loved Christmas and if he could have chosen a time to pass, he would have chosen this day."
Ja necu imati s kim ostati mlad ako svi ostarite, i ta ce mi mladost teško pasti... |
DeeCay suradnik
21661 Posts
Member since 24/09/2002 |
Posted - 02/01/2013 : 09:10:55
Dobar karakterni glumac, prepoznatljivo lice... Laka mu zemljica |
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies; the man who never reads lives only one." |
tinton suradnik
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