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Posted - 28/02/2020 : 09:38:11  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

jos jedna karta cjelog Idlibstana i situacija na terenu


"It's 8 a.m. in Turkey, where citizens are waking to find Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube blocked and WhatsApp limited.
Turkey is a global leader in Twitter usage, and Facebook had just announced plans to open offices in eight Turkish provinces."

NATO announces meeting today under Article 4 with Turkey to discuss situation in Syria.Article 4. The treaty includes Article 4, which triggers not military intervention but merely consultation over military matters when "the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the parties is threatened."

Russian MoD: The Turkish troops killed at Behun were taking part covertly within a al Nusra / al Qaeda offensive.

Turkish Specialists Are Using Anti-Aircraft Missiles Against Russian, Syrian Warplanes: Russian State TV

Updated: Turkey Says 33 Of Its Soldiers Were Killed In Syrian Airstrike On Greater Idlib (Videos)

a jos se nije ni dobro zagrijalo... Turci se morati imati veci broj lijeseva za svoje mrtve

4 mrtvih turskih vojnika i kod Ras al Ayna

i Turci se zagrijali... Rusi ce valjda pripremiti topao odgovor

Syrian Army Uncovers Loads Of Weapons, Including Guided Missiles, In Southern Region (Video)


Israeli Helicopters Attack Military Positions In Southern Syria

Israeli Drone Strike Kills Hezbollah-Affiliated Individual In Southern Syria

Bennett to 'Post': Israel’s goal is to remove Iran from Syria within 12 months

Anything is possible dec d uej
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Posted - 28/02/2020 : 10:12:02  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Korg a Private Message
2 Russian warships pass through Bosporus amid high tensions, 28.02.2020.
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Posted - 28/02/2020 : 11:07:34  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Edit: upravo se cuje da se pacovi vuku iz Saraqiba pod snaznim zracnim udarima... jos nema potvrdi, ali dan je dug

Field reporter via Facebook:
Information about the beginning of a partial withdrawal of terrorists from areas in Saraqib which are slowly leaving in small groups under the strikes of the Syrian and Russian army

Russian Rep. at the UN Security Council on situation in Syria | February 27th 2020

A Turci danas naveliko placu, neprocenjivo!

Bili su toliko bahati ovih dana dok su alkajdovcima dali oruzje i podrsku, a sada kada su samo malo jace dobili po nosu, deru se ko deriste, zovu mamicu Natku u pomoc, placu Usrancima i sjeli su u kut.

Mislim, pa otvoreno napadaju SAA, nije li to objava rata Siriji? I sta ima Nato sa tim ako jedna njezina clanica napadne drugu suverenu i od UN-a priznatu drzavu, pri cemu sama podrzava, naoruzava i stiti teroriste poput al Qaide? Zamislimo da Nato stvarno da neku podrsku takvoj zlocinackoj Nato drzavi (Turskoj), a ne samo "moralnu"... Ovo bi bila sramota neviđena, za sada su se barem sakrivali, samo su Usranci nesto napraviti otvoreno sa podrskom teroristima, o cifutima ionako ne vrijediti gubiti rijeci.

AFP: The United States calls on Syria and Russia to end their offensive after the killing of Turkish soldiers in Idlib 🤣

Turska postala predmet ismevanja svima

i sta je drugo Turska napravila nego napala Kurdske polozaje poput ovih kod Tall Rifata (sjeverno od Alepa) i onih između Tall Abyada i Ras al Ayna... bit ce jos zanimljivo za vidjeti hoce li imati muda da stvarno krenu u otvoreni rat, i da napadnu na vise fronta

Idlib - N. Hama MAP: SAA liberated Jabal Shahshbo area, overlooking al-Ghab plain. Turkish-backed militants supported by TAF took control of the city of Saraqib, cutting M5 highway.
The SAA goal is control over M4 highway connecting Latakia and Aleppo. SAA cannot regain control over highway without cities of Ariha, Jisr al-Shughur, Saraqib, but in the entire Idlib province only 4 cities remain outside the control of the Syrian Army (3 along M4+Idlib)

ali i ovo je dobra ideja, ako su do sada Tigrovci vec prebaceni kod Saraqiba

jos jednom snimka kako turski vojnici gađaju Stingerom ruske zrakoplove... ovo bi moglo jos ojacati ruske napade na turske ciljeve, jer ionako Turci ne priznaju da su tamo dole sa teroristima pa...

ili You tube snimka... Turkish soldier firing FIM-92 Stinger at Russian Su-24 bomber | February 20th 2020 | Syria

turski vojni konvoj zaustavljen na podrucju Idliba od strane ruske aviacije... nazalost nema nekih ostecenja, samo su im gume probusene i mozda jos nesto malo... no, to se vidi sa ove snimke, drugdje se moglo cuti da ima puno mrtvih i spaljenih u tim kolima, valjda ce doci neki video i Turska ce morati priznati vece gubitke od ovih sada

SPIEGEL: 50+ turkish soldiers killed by airstrikes
The terrible loss of Turkish troops in Syria - details (PHOTO 18+

Ruse zaboli na Turke na tlu kod Saraqiba ... Russians are still bombing Sarmin and Saraqib like nothing happened

Turkish Grand Mufti released a statement for Friday prays saying Turkish soldiers in Idlib carrying out a jihadi war. saljite ih jos, ovo je tek pocetak, nema mjesta za Osmanlije u Siriji, samo na groblju

By this dumb logic, any NATO member can invade any country they wish, and if that country dares to fight back - that is an attack on NATO. And BTW it's funny they continue to act as if they sure it was Syrian and not Russian AF airstrike

Syrian army adopting new armor - matrasses 😂
anti-tank guided missile ricochets off the mattresses on the tank's back and hits the ground

teroristi placu nad izgubljenim juznim Idlibom i salju rakete na Latakiju... Two rockets from Kabane landed near Latakia

opa, ovdje kod Darat Izze se sve zaustavilo prije vremena, ali mozda je vrijeme za napredak?
Violent clashes on 111 regiment military base axis.

Daily Sabah: Turska mora podijeliti Siriju i tako spriječiti priljev milijuna izbjeglica

ono sto sam postavio u prijasnjom postu

Turkish military strikes on Syrian government forces in Idlib | February 2020 | Syria

Anything is possible dec d uej
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Edited by - Poli on 28/02/2020 11:08:41
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Posted - 28/02/2020 : 11:10:38  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message
Originally posted by Korg

2 Russian warships pass through Bosporus amid high tensions, 28.02.2020.

Yup, stavio jucer vijest. Nema zajebancije sa Rusima. Jucer su isprzili bezbroj Turaka koji su bili pijani sa svojim alkajdovcima zbog situacije oko Saraqiba, a danas se vec povlace dok su izgubili cijeli juzni sektor plus SAA moze napredovati prema Jisru, Idlibu, a i gore kod Darat Izze se nastavljaju operacije.

Ako Ameri, cifuti i "Nato" na pritrcu sultanu u pomoc... njegovi ce ga ljudi isprziri.

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Posted - 28/02/2020 : 11:30:57  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Lavrov: "The Syrian army has the right to eliminate the terrorists. Turkey has not informed us of the presence of its forces in Idlib."

Lavrov je car!!!

Russian Foreign Minister, Lavrov: "There was a phone call today between Presidents Putin and Erdogan after a request from Ankara. There is no compromise with the terrorists in Syria. It is important to unite all efforts to avoid further escalation in Syria. Putin and Erdogan discussed today the developments in the situation in Idlib. Russia and Turkey are ready to continue coordination on Idlib. Turkey has the right to resort to its allies in the NATO and I do not think that what happens in Idlib falls under any item of the NATO Charter."

nema posustajanja, Turci su sada otvorena meta
Al-Qaida sources report of Syria army artillery shelling targeting Turkish military point in the town Binnish.

jedna analiza trenutne situacije u Siriji u vezi Turaka

Syrian Army advanced through the Al Ghab plain.
We are now 5 km from the M4 international road.

Al-Mansoura, Al-Ziyara, Khirbet Anqus, Tal Wasil, Zayzoun Jadida in the countryside Hama Northeast
Still unconfirmed

a pacovi se vuku iz Saraqiba... svoje velike pobjede

Every day 2-3,one from today

a i u Libiji dosta mrtvih turaka, da o padu turske ekonomije ni ne pricamo

Khaled Al Mahjoub, Director of the Moral Guidance Department of LNA: "All the positions of the Turkish forces stationed in Tripolis are under fire of the Libyan National Army"
An Libyan army military source claim destroying two Turkish radar systems at Matiga airbase, Tripolis, with more than 30 rockets.

Haftar je Erdogana bacio na koljena – Turska je u dva dana izgubila tri drona


ha ha ha ha, a pacovi ponovno (!) poceli međusobno da se grizu
Azaz: Infighting between Turkish-backed terrorists in Azaz city, casualties reported.

Thousands of Syrian refugees are now arriving in Edirne and regions in Izmir to go to Greece after Turkey opened its borders to immigrants yesterday. Syrian Refugees started streaming towards the Turkish-Greek border to cross into Europe after Turkey opened its borders.

Grcka ih moze zaustaviti i poslati nazaj u Tursku

Anything is possible dec d uej
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Edited by - Poli on 28/02/2020 11:44:07
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Member since 26/10/2007

Posted - 28/02/2020 : 11:53:40  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

trolanje par excelence na 11 potencu

Moscow offers condolences to Ankara in connection with the death of the Turkish military in Syria - Lavrov

Hoce li se i Ankara pridruziti u vezi ubijenih alkajdovaca i njihovih sticenika turske vojske?

The situation in Idlib does not comply with Article 5 of the NATO Treaty - Lavrov

ha ha ha, Rusi poznaju bolje zakone nego nasi zapadni usranci koji lizu usransku cizmu

Art. 5: "The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations"

Art. 6: "“For the purpose of Article 5, an armed attack on one or more of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack:

on the territory of any of the Parties in Europe or North America, on the Algerian Departments of France 2, on the territory of Turkey or on the Islands under the jurisdiction of any of the Parties in the North Atlantic area north of the Tropic of Cancer;
on the forces, vessels, or aircraft of any of the Parties, when in or over these territories or any other area in Europe in which occupation forces of any of the Parties were stationed on the date when the Treaty entered into force or the Mediterranean Sea or the North Atlantic area north of the Tropic of Cancer.”

Clashes between the Syrian Army, the Jabhat Al-Nusra Front, and the allied Turkish-backed armed factions on the axis of the Talhia village, east of Taftanaz airport in Idlib countryside.

Lattakia countryside
Syrian Arab Army's rocket and heavy artillery launchers target the movements and fortifications of terrorists on the Syriatel Hill, Central Hill, and 1154 Hill
The Mountain Battalion,

allegedly Turkish soldiers under fire

mrtvi Turci i oklopnom vozilu (u Turskoj je valjda vec skinjena bilo kakva slicna slika sa drustvenih mreza, a ako je netko ipak objavi odma' mu pokucaju na vrata i pravac gajbok)

Turkish special forces Captain Suleman Shahin killed yesterday in Idlib

The European Union calls on Turkey to honor its commitments contained in the migration agreement between the two parties

Russia threatens Turkey with a bad end in Idlib.
Zaparov, who is the first deputy head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Supreme Council of Parliament, said that any large-scale Turkish military operation in the Idlib region of Syria would have a bad end to Ankara itself, by the Russian Interfax news agency.

The Syrian army discovers during the combing operations in the northern countryside of Aleppo a cemetery in the Andan region of foreign militants who have been killed by Syrian army fire during the battles of previous years.
The numbering on the graves indicates that there are 950 graves of foreign militants in the area.

tu u al Gab ravnici se ide dosta brzo, jos malo ce ici brzo, a onda cemo vidjeti sta ce Turci napraviti na sjeveru

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Edited by - Poli on 28/02/2020 12:54:45
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Posted - 28/02/2020 : 13:37:19  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Fierce fighting continues in the area of ​​Seraciba. Turkey uses electronic warfare systems to suppress UAVs in the zone, actively uses MLRS and artillery. Uses 155 mm high-precision art. system. SAA fighters suffer losses in manpower and equipment.

Turkish MTR groups operate on the front line.
Under fire all the tactical formations 5 (corp)DShK, 76 brigade, other units. 25 Sukhel brigade continues to battle from south to north.

Despite the best efforts of the Turkish General Staff, advisers and militants of the HTS, the turning point was not provided. The main problem of the SAA is the reluctance to dig trenches and dugouts
By reporter Yevgeniy Podobny(Rusia)

Army units continue to grind down the bones of terrorists and pursue their remnants towards the town of Kansafra

neki izvjestaji da su rakete pale na Kweires zracnu bazu istocno od Alepa

Aleppo Multiple Reports: the sounds just heard were a response to enemy targets in the sky of Aleppo Governorate.

i Peto Lucem se vratio sa kartom

4. divizija: "Aleppo mission is over. Now to a new victory and a new mission in southern idlib countryside."

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Posted - 28/02/2020 : 15:06:09  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Russia, The Kremlin: "Turkish military personnel in the "de-escalation" zone in Idlib should not be outside their observation posts. Turkish soldiers killed in Idlib were out of the observation posts and this happend during the terrorist attack. The Turkish army had to control militants and prevent terrorist activity, but it did not succeed in the mission."

situacija na jugu

edit: zadnje stanje

topografija terena ovdje:

bas me zanima kako stoji Rusija sa tim - da li je Damasku zabranila da skida osmanlijske dronove u ratnim zonama?

Turkish UCAVs are attacking SAA troops around Saraqib. Odd enoguh, and nothing is odd for Syria, there are no orders to shot them down. Of curse a rusty Mig-21 can easly do this if there is a decision.

The Syrian Ministry of Defense: We continue to counter the attacks of terrorist organizations directly supported by # Turkey on the Saraqib axis in the Idlib countryside.

Russia accuses Turkey of illegally sending strike drones into Syria's Idlib | Article [AMP] | Reuters

Putin And Erdogan Talk Over Phone, As NATO Says It Won’t Do Anything To Support Ankara In Idlib

ovako to radi osmanlijska demokakija ...daleko od ociju, daleko od istine

⚠️ Confirmed: Twitter has become unavailable across #Turkey as of 11:30 p.m. local time for users of national provider Turk Telekom following alleged attack on Turkish troops in #Idlib; other social media currently unaffected; developing situation 📉

⚠️ Update: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Messenger are now blocked via multiple internet providers in #Turkey. Real-time network data indicate SNI filtering in effect by operators; incident ongoing - see live report 📉

Update: Social media have now been restricted in #Turkey for over two hours. Live network data show transfer of image/video content now also limited on WhatsApp following #Idlib incident ⏱📉
Restricted: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, WhatsApp

iz Libije:
The Libyan National Army announces the killing of 15 Turkish military in the bombing of Maitika airport

ovo su umjereni? a odakle poticu, sigurno ne iz Sirije

turski ranjeni vojnici koji su prebaceni u kamionima za stoku (sto i jesu )

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Edited by - Poli on 28/02/2020 16:10:40
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Posted - 28/02/2020 : 16:11:46  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message
posto je prijasnji link vec izbrisani, ponovno... ovo je ludnica, i ameri mogu biti ljubomorni

Russian media outlets published footage that shows the Russian Special_Forces while they were hunting down the terrorists in Idlib countryside.

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Edited by - Poli on 29/02/2020 02:18:50
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Posted - 28/02/2020 : 17:02:20  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

danas oslobođeno

velika karta:

Syrian Army liberated several villages and with that 95% of the beautiful Ghab plain is now under the control of SAA. Map soon.
slike podrucja:

"2 more Turkish soldiers killed in air check"

And for what?
Young Turkish men are dying in vain far from their country.
Just because Erdogan the fool wants to secure the presence of his Al Qaeda and ISIS proxies in Syria and Libya to fulfill his Ottoman fantasies.
Take back your soldiers. Alive or dead.

nesto mi govore da sve ove majke, snajke, zene, sestre i kcerke nece vise navijati za supermocnu tursku armiju u Siriji pri zastiti alkajdovaca, nadam da se da su zahvalne Erdoganu

a pazi ovo valjda, cifuti se naljepe cim je nesto protiv Sirije i Assada ili Irana, pa cak i da je samo Turska u pitanju, iako je Erdogan cesto pljuvao po Izraelu
"Embassy of Israel in Ankara is saddened by the loss of lives of the Turkish soldiers last night. We send our condolences to the families and wish a speedy recovery to the wounded."

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Posted - 28/02/2020 : 17:14:25  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Al-Ghab plain as seen from Al-Qerdaha.
In background you can see Shahshabo mountain.

Taftanaz airport under fire by airforce

ljudi na netu pozivinili sa memejima

koji lazovi ovi Turci

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Posted - 28/02/2020 : 18:57:04  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Dranki a Private Message
Izgleda da je Turska za jednu noc pola Tigrova izbacila iz stroja.

I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote.
I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts.
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Posted - 28/02/2020 : 21:37:37  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Kruger a Private Message
Situacija u Siriji je jako komplicirana, nije ovako jednostavna kako je poli želi prikazati.
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Posted - 28/02/2020 : 23:49:57  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Jao Krugi, nemoj sa sranjima! Drz se radije ti svojih Ukropa...

Dranki, koliko si siguran da su Tigrovci ti? Jer ovo su kao Tigrovci poslati nazad u Saraqib, a vidi se da to nisu oni, nego "drugorazredna" roba, jeste da se vec jucer govorilo da se dio njih vraca prema Saraqibu, ali ako su to bili samo takvi, onda su oni praci i dalje na jugu, gdje bi mogli izbiti gore prema Arihi i Idlibu... ali sada je tu vikend

SAA forces secured al Ghab plain, expelled Turkish proxies from Hama Governorate and withstood last night's offensive on Ma'arrat Dibsah near Saraqib.

Turkish military post seen after SAA advances towards Shashabo mountains

How Syrians see Erdogan's escalation in Idlib. "The army units are carrying out fierce clashes with Jabhat al Nusra terrorists and Turkish -supported groups on Saraqeb axis in Idleb countryside."

Video circulating on Turkish media accounts alleges TAF MLRS launch towards Syrian Army positions

The level of Turkish regime strikes and military activity indicate a large ground operation is pending in Idlib

Turkey is preparing to carry out a massive "shock and awe" attack.

da, izgleda da se ipak nesto sprema sa turske strane, Erdu jos nije dosta mrtvih (samo jucer ih je imao vise nego sveukupno do sada), a ovih dana su Turci napravili darmar SAA i izbili iz stroja dosta vojnika i opreme, zapovjedniskih centara, puno oficira, cak i generala, totalno previse da bi im se to spregledalo

SAA ce sigurno zeljeti odmazdu, za sada ju ima u vidu oslobođenja cjelog juznog djela, ali cudno mi je da im jo nije dopizdilo gledati te iste Turke koji ih otvoreno ubijaju, a imaju bezbroj njihovih posmatracnica u svojim rukama, u okruzenju, ako je rat, oni tamo nemaju sta raditi, ili se predaju ili smrt... ali za sada izgleda da se jos vrse pregovori na visom nivoju, danas turski dronovi neumnorno lete iznad Saraqiba a navodno Damask ne dozvoljava SyAF i SyDF da puca na njih (!?)

dobar sazetak proteklih dana sa slikama

ti dronovi su izbacili sirski Pansir S-1 iz stroja

edit: navodno je samo muljaza u pitanju - snimka iz Libije (a poznato mi je da turski trolovi vrse prave ofanzive po twitteru i muljaju raznim postovima, a onda zaboravio sada pa im sve vjerujem)

dok su u Libiju srusili vec peti (5!) turski dron... ovdje nesto smrdi (na Siriju mislim), za sada mislim da Rusija koci (ali istovremeno sve upucuje na to da je Rusija dozvolila Turcima da se osvete SAA i operu obraz, no gdje sada zakljuciti to, sigurno se nece vratiti doma sada) - ono, pokazala je Turskoj sta im moze slediti, a sada... nadam se da nece dopustiti da se samo tako tamani SAA, a da se ne smije baciti nesto natrag, a tu su i OP koje su sasvim legitimna meta ako se ne predaju, ovo vise nije rat sa proxijima

possible Turkish airstrike also in the vicinity of Safira ammunition plant

ovo se desilo na vojnom aerodromu Kweires istocno od Alepa

Razgovori Erdogan-Putin: Moskva će uzeti u obzir samo Sporazume iz Sočija

Tursko ministarstvo izjavilo da je danas poginulo jos 2 turskih vojnika u Sirija, mos onda mislit koje je tek pravi broj

a ovo su krmki koje bi Nato kao trebao zastiti posto to Turcima ne ide

Russian jets fly straight from Hmeimim to Sarmin and Saraqib and bomb militants there. Totally ignoring the Turks. What a sight.

i Sirijci jos lete - SyAAF MiG-23 over Idlib

ovo bi za sada uzeo sa rezervom "Tiger Forces Reporter: Orgy of Turkish Marches in our airspace will not be long and the coming hours will bear many pleasant surprises."

Syrian representative to UN: Erdogan regime and its terrorists exploited the de-escalation agreements to try to impose a terrorist reality at the expense of the suffering of our people in Idlib, Aleppo, rural Latakia and Hama from terrorist crimes.
Syria will continue to confront the Turkish aggression supporting terrorism, protecting its people, defending its unity, and upholding its sovereignty and its independent national decision.

Greek media reports says Greece blocked a joint NATO statement in support of Turkey for the Idlib attack. The report says Greeks wanted to include a reference to 2015 migration deal with Turkey.
US, UK, France and Germany objected the Greek request.

Tako je Grci, samo hrabri, hebite Turcima m**er!

Aftermath of strike yesterday that killed 33 Turkish Armed Forces soldiers in Idlib Province of Syria. (mada po fotkama bi iz prve prije rekao da su ubijeni oni usmekani teroristi koje je Turska naoruzala)

snimka od tamo:

a u Jemnu

zaslisanje Pompea

djeca Idliba, spasite ih!! Nato, cujes svoju djecu, tebi pjesme pjevaju!!

(gore lijevo Muhaysini - saudijski klerik u Idlibstanu vec duze vremena, ispod njega Jolani - hefe sirijskog ogranka al Qaide)

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Edited by - Poli on 29/02/2020 04:10:29
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Posted - 29/02/2020 : 00:23:58  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Various air defense systems that arrive in the countryside of Aleppo and Idlib

3 Turkish missiles were shot down in Aleppo countryside

"Brigadier Suhail Al-Hassan gives orders to apply
The fights are grinding and a major advance on the ground for our army"

"The major commando of the Turkish army Ahmed Arman was captured in the vicinity of Sarakib."

Oleg Blokin se javlja iz Sirije

"According to a source in Idlib: the SAA installed short-range air defence systems surrounding Saraqeb in order to deal with the Turkish drone attacks."

Syrian-Turkish Conflict In Greater Idlib: Results Of February 24-28, 2020

The landing ship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet (Black Sea Fleet) “Orsk” passed the Bosphorus and entered the Mediterranean Sea. Photographs of the vessel posted on Twitter by Reuters photographer Yoruk Isik
Earlier, the Bosphorus passed the Russian frigates Admiral Makarov and Admiral Grigorovich with Caliber cruise missiles.

Colonel General Sergei Rudsky, Chief of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, and Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov, Commander of the Airborne Forces, were awarded the title Heroes of Russia for participating in the counter-terrorist operation in Syria.

Crni dan za Turke u Idlibu – Najmanje 33 poginula vojnika u sirijskom Saraqibu

Najmanje 33 turska vojnika poginula su u zračnom napadu u sirijskoj provinciji Idlib, dok je nepoznati broj vojnika ranjen. Turski dužnosnici udare pripisuju Siriji, ali su jučer cijeli dan u tom području djelovali ruski zrakoplovi, koji su u jednom trenutku mogli odgovoriti na napad turskih vojnika sustavima „Stinger“ na jedan od ruskih zrakoplova.

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Edited by - Poli on 29/02/2020 02:01:54
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Posted - 29/02/2020 : 03:58:57  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Nocas ce biti svasta... Turci udaraju (unistili Kweires vojni aerodrdom kod Alepa) ali je zato i SAA aktivna, no koliko je ovo sigurno je u ovom trenu tesko reci. Eksplozije su se cule i u Latakiji.

A Turkish chopper was shot down by the SAA over the north sector (about an hour ago)

A maximum readiness was given to the entire Syrian Armed Forces.

A new target was shot down over 30 KM north of Aleppo

Speed 10 meters per second.
Altitude about 5 KM heading south west

After the targeting the radar showed that the target dropped 1 Km in altitude in 30 seconds before disappearing from screens.

Anything is possible dec d uej
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Edited by - Poli on 29/02/2020 04:02:29
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Posted - 29/02/2020 : 08:30:31  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send lwood a Private Message
djeca Idliba, spasite ih!! Nato, cujes svoju djecu, tebi pjesme pjevaju!!

(gore lijevo Muhaysini - saudijski klerik u Idlibstanu vec duze vremena, ispod njega Jolani - hefe sirijskog ogranka al Qaide)


Padne mi napamet kako bi ovi likovi izgledali u nekom albumu sa samoljepljivim sličicama.

depresivni iskompleksirani primitivac i nadrkana budala kojeg financira stari i koji sa skoro 50 godina nema ni žene ni posla.Pa naravno da je ljut na sve, a narocito na one koji su uspješni.
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Posted - 29/02/2020 : 09:06:01  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Dranki a Private Message
Originally posted by Poli

Dranki, koliko si siguran da su Tigrovci ti? Jer ovo su kao Tigrovci poslati nazad u Saraqib, a vidi se da to nisu oni, nego "drugorazredna" roba, jeste da se vec jucer govorilo da se dio njih vraca prema Saraqibu, ali ako su to bili samo takvi, onda su oni praci i dalje na jugu, gdje bi mogli izbiti gore prema Arihi i Idlibu... ali sada je tu vikend

Nisam siguran, ali gledajuci kolicinu oklopne tehnike koja je unistena, pomislio sam da je neka veca oklopna jedinica u pitanju. Osim toga zaplijenjen je i T-90, a ne mislim da bi ga davali u ruke drugorazrednim borcima.
I kao sto ti rece, dosta njih je pogodjeno na cesti pa sam pretpostavio da je to pojacanje sa juga.

Ono od juce i prekjuce je bio masakr, i pitam se gdje su bili Rusi. Je li moguce da su dozvolili da Turci onako ubijaju SAA, kao sto dozvoljavaju da Izraelci bombarduju gdje stignu. Juce i danas gledam kartu, i nigdje ne vidim aktivnost ruske i sirijske avijacije. Pantsir uništen, itd...
Ako je ovo neki dogovor izmedju Erdogana i Putina, skupo ga placaju Rusi.

I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote.
I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts.

Edited by - Dranki on 29/02/2020 09:08:25
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Posted - 29/02/2020 : 09:09:12  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Kruger a Private Message
Originally posted by Poli

Jao Krugi, nemoj sa sranjima! Drz se radije ti svojih Ukropa...

Tvoji kremlini rokaju i civile. Nećemo o tome nego ćemo samo o bajkama.
Situacija nije jednostavna. Turke baš ne volim zbog Kurda, a i ovdje su izgleda oni prvi zakuhali, treba vidjeti koji je krajnji cilj. A i pričati kako su Kremlini podivljali.
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Posted - 29/02/2020 : 15:36:21  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Risar_69 a Private Message
Evo vračamo se u 15 stolječe- EU plačuje harač ili porez Turškom sultanu, a on šalje nove social-turiste i lijepo hara po tudjim zemljama kao u vrijeme Turških osvajanja, eh stara dobra vremena.

Evo, Poli, novi front u početku.
Muški migranti tuku se sa grškimi graničari i stražari na različitih grško-turskih kopnenih granicama.

Greece: I hate Turks.
Turkey: I hate Greek.
England: Why don't you guys fight.

Greece: hey turkey.
Turkey: hello Greece.
English: wtf, why don't you guys fight.


Kad pocneš crtati, uvek moraš imati na kraju olovke, srce, ruku i misli!

Edited by - Risar_69 on 29/02/2020 19:49:50
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Posted - 29/02/2020 : 20:53:08  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Crvene su turske promatracnice a plavo njihovi zracni udari. Navodno su u jednom napadu na SAA konvoj ubili 26 vojnika, a posto je trenutno potpuni mrak/blokada nitko ne zna pravi broj poginulih, ubijenih je i dosta palestinskih boraca iz Liwa al Quda - na karti u linku je crvenom oznaceno gdje se najvise toga dogodilo

Iran media admits defeats on the S. Idlib frontlines, reveals presence of IRGC's Fatimiyoun and Zaynabiyoun Brigades on the frontlines in Idlib, says funeral of 21 fighters will be held in Iran on 6th of March

According to the Russian reporter M5 highway is virtually closed for any traffic due to Turkish drone bombardment. Anything that moves get hit.

no, dole na jugu su teroristi uspjeli prebaciti pojacanja i povratili nekoliko sela, a sigurno je k tome pripomogla i turska aviacija, izgleda da teroristi idu na Kafr Nabl, koji se cilja i dronovima, no drugi govore da se SAA odmice sa svih na novo osvojenih podrucja... tko bi rekao takvo nesto

Shooting down second Turkish dron in the Jabal Al-Zawiyah area of Idlib countryside

drukcije se trenutno vode teske borbe oko Saraqiba, mozda je SAA uspjela potaknuti kontru, no do par sati unazad jos nista od toga, a pri tome nema ama nikakve zracne podrske, ne od Rusa ne od SyAf, vec satima!! nesto je do (ne)vremena jer dolazi kisa, a sve vise smrdi na ono drugo...

a cjelo vrijeme i dana, kao i jucer, aktivni turski dronovi

podrucje gdje su aktivni turski dronovi

i dalje izgleda da je SAA ostala iznenađena i ne moze se sabrati, a ni Iran ni Rusija ne daju adekvatne odgovore, stvarno ce biti zanimljivo cuti (kasnije, naravno), sta je odluceno ispod stola, a ako nije nista od toga, onda gdje je islo toliko krivo i zbog cega
pobogu, krece 10. godina ovog rata i zar nije SAA vec dovoljno pretrpjela? a sada kada su konacno bili nadomak konacne pobjede, da se dopusti nesto takvo... Rusija ce kako god krenulo morati nesto odluciti, tesko da ce do kraja uspjeti sedeti na 2 stolice

SAA pojacanja kada su krenula iz priobalnog podrucja... sada je pitanje tko od njih ce ziv stici na cilj, a Rusija vise ne stiti sirijske konvoje koji idu na bojisnicu

The Idlib Turkey Shoot: The Destruction and Capture of Vehicles and Equipment by Turkish and Rebel Forces

Greece asks for 10km wide buffer zone on turkish side of borders to control migration crisis, as exchange for consent to NATOs boosting of Turkish Air Defence capacity

VJEROVALI ILI NE – SAD: Rusija odmah mora prizemljiti svoje zrakoplove u Siriji

Unatoč činjenici da Moskva u toj zemlji djeluje uz odobrenje službenog Damaska, Sjedinjene Države su pozvale Rusiju da “odmah prizemlji svoje borbene zrakoplove” u Siriji.
Kako prenose RIA Novosti, taj je zahtjev iznijela stalna predstavnica Sjedinjenih Država pri Ujedinjenim narodima Kelly Kraft, govoreći na sastanku Vijeća sigurnosti. Također je rekla da Washington u pogoršanju situacije u Idlibu i dalje podržava Ankaru.

Iz njezinog govora je postalo jasno da Sjedinjene Države žele pritisnuti sirijske trupe i ruske zračne snage, prisiljavajući Damask da odustane od nadzora nad velikim teritorijima.

„Pozivamo Rusku Federaciju da odmah prizemlji svoje borbene zrakoplove i pozivamo sve sirijske trupe i njihove ruske saveznike da se povuku na linije za razgraničenja vatre povučene 2018. godine”, poručila je Kelly Kraft.

Jednako nevjerojatni zahtjevi dolaze iz Ankare. Turski predsjednik Recep Tayyip Erdogan, govoreći u Istanbulu, otkrio je sadržaj svojih telefonskih razgovora s ruskim liderom Vladimirom Putinom. Erdogan tvrdi da je tražio od ruskog predsjednika da ostavi Tursku „jedan na jedan“ sa sirijskim vlastima.

„Jučer sam pitao Putina koji su vaši ciljevi u Siriji? Ako ćete stvoriti vojnu bazu, učinite to, ali povucite trupe od nas. Rekao sam mu da se tako možemo suočiti s režimom Bashara al-Assada”, Erdoganovu izjavu prenosi TASS.

Dodao je da se broj poginulih turskih vojnika tijekom zračnog napada sirijske vojske u Idlibu povećao na 36. Erdogan je rekao da “ni u kojem slučaju” ne smatra “sirijsko pitanje” avanturom ili želju za proširenjem granica Turske.

„Tamo smo ušli ne na poziv Assada, već na poziv sirijskog naroda. I dok ljudi ne zatraže da odemo, mi odatle nećemo otići”, rekao je turski predsjednik.

Francuska: Mi smo na strani Turske

Ruske fregate naoružane raketama Kalibar plove prema Siriji

Dvije ruske fregate koje su u prošlosti sudjelovale u antiterorističkoj operaciji u Siriji kreću novom rutom do ove zemlje usred pogoršanja situacije u Idlibu, najavio je glasnogovornik ruske Crnomorske flote, Aleksej Rulev.

Pompeo: SAD proučava mogućnosti da pomogne Ankari u Siriji

Turkey Foreign Minister Cavusoglu said Ankara wants US to send Patriot missiles to Turkey for back-up in Syria's northwestern province of Idlib. Cavusoglu speaking in Doha after a meeting Pompeo.

a u Jemnu:

Anything is possible dec d uej
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Posted - 29/02/2020 : 20:54:53  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Battles for Syria | February 26th -27th, 2020 | Turkey and allied jihadists capture Saraqib

Battles for Syria | February 24th - 27th, 2020 | Updates from South Idlib Front

Anything is possible dec d uej
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Posted - 29/02/2020 : 21:06:30  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send GGG a Private Message
Au, al su ga asadisti najebali - tako izgleda kad se sretnu tehnologije 21. stolječa i 70-ih godina. Najbolje je to, što su sve skupaj isprovocirale ruske budale, ubijanjem ona 2 tenkista prije par dana. Erdogan je zato morao pokrenuti akciju, koju su Turci imali pripremljenu več godinu dana. Trebalo im je 2, 3 dana, da krenu, ali sada leti na sve strane. Asadisti i iranska ciganija bježi glavom bež obzira, imaju preko 1000 mrtvih, uništeno je više od 80 komada teškog naoružanja - skoro sve samohodne haubice, preko 80 višjih oficira, uključujuči generale republikanske garde i zapovjednike hezbollaha i IRGC-a. Rusi pojma nemaju šta se dogodilo I kako od reagirati... Da se tako rasčistilo sa asadistima prije 9 godina, ne bi ovog rata ni bilo. Udri Erdogane, ruka ti se pozlatila.

Friške snimke

Stara Huta za 36 minuta
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Posted - 29/02/2020 : 21:58:27  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send izivko a Private Message
Nešto mi žao Polija, past će psihički.

Have mercy
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Posted - 29/02/2020 : 22:24:56  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send lwood a Private Message
Koliko agresivaca na ovom forumu.
U ovoj situaciji najsmješniji ispadaju Nato i Rusi.

depresivni iskompleksirani primitivac i nadrkana budala kojeg financira stari i koji sa skoro 50 godina nema ni žene ni posla.Pa naravno da je ljut na sve, a narocito na one koji su uspješni.
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