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DeeCay suradnik

21661 Posts

Member since 24/09/2002

Posted - 15/08/2014 : 01:54:25  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send DeeCay a Private Message  Reply with Quote

U završnom dijelu miniserije/eventa Flashpoint vidjeli smo kako se Wildstorm, Vertigo i DC, tri različita univerzuma Multiverzuma, spajaju u jedan kodnog imena "Prime Earth". Odnosno Primarna Zemlja. Što bi značilo da je Multiverzum nestao bez traga. Tim sveopćim rebootom iz 2011. mnogo stvari vratilo se na sam početak, no većina redovnih dijelova prijašnjeg svijeta prije reboota nije odmah inkorporirano. Što nije ni čudno s obzirom na više od 80 godina materijala. Već 2011. DC je najavljivao da Multiverzum i dalje postoji i da će tajanstveni Multiversity dati neke odgovore, ali i da će Multiversity izaći tek 2012. godine. Iako je i u samim stripovima bilo naznaka od samog početka da multiverzum postoji, gledajući nekoliko alternativnih Zemlji, bilo je potrebno barem tri godine da stvari sjednu na mjesto. Action Comics br. 9 prikazao nam je alternativnu verziju Supermana (crni predsjednik Superman) s Earth-23 – "Now, disguised as United States president Calvin Ellis, Kalel of Krypton fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice, liberty and equality as Superman!" I prikazao da je moguće otvoriti portale prema drugim univerzumima gdje postoje drugačiji tipovi Supermana. Serijal Earth-2 lansiran je 2012., a prati doživljaje superjunaka koji su inače povezani s Earth-2 univerzumom. Nedavno smo bili svjedoci sveopćeg eventa “Forever Evil” koji nam je donio tim supernegativaca Crime Sydicate s alternativne Zemlje Earth-3. Darkseid je također na Earth-Prime stigao preko drugih univerzuma. Dakle, postalo je više-manje jasno da su DC-jevi autori u potpunosti odlučili ponovno uvesti multiverzum u New 52 mitologiju.

I tako je nedavno došao i prošao nedavni Comic-con u San Diegu i opskrbio nas raznim interesantnim činjenicama i spoilerima o nadolazećim stripovima, filmovima i serijama temeljenim na stripu. Na stranu sad sve ostalo, u ovom tekstu koncentrirali smo se na specifičnu pojavu u DC univerzumu odnosno konačno službeno uključivanje multiverzuma u DC univerzum (što je možda samo prvi korak prema novoj Krizi, po prvi put u New 52). Za to se pobrinuo naš stari poznanik Grant Morrison i kreirao “Multiversity”. Opskrbio nas je kartom multiverzuma, definirao paralelne univerzume i njihove zakonitosti i počeo pisati limitirani serijal međusobno povezanih one-shotova pod nazivom “Multiversity”. Sastoji se od šest kompletnih priča (numerirane kao #1) – svaka smještena u drugačiji paralelni univerzum – plus dvodijelna uvodna priča (Multiversity #1 i #2) i opsežni guidebook za mnoge svjetove Multiverzuma. Svaki od one-shotova također predstavlja potencijalni pilot za novi serijal. Izlazi u mjesecu kolovozu, dakle samo što nije... Prema samim Morrisonovim riječima: “Multiversity se uklapa u stvari koje me interesiraju, kako srušiti barijere između stvarnog i nestvarnog. Razvili smo tehniku hipnotičke indukcije koja će totalno sje*ati ljude. Sadrži mentalne i psihičke efekte za koje mislim da su dosta bizarni.

DC najavljuje da ćete moći susresti mnoge drage i nezaboravne likove iz bogate riznice DC-a. To su primjerice Vampire League s Earth-43, Justice Riders s Earth-18, Superdemon, Doc Fate, super-sinovi Supermana i Batmana, divlji Retaliatorse s Earth-8, Atomic Knights of Justice, Dino-Cop, Sister Miracle, Lady Quark, Legion of Sivanas, Nazi New Reichsmen s Earth-10 i najnoviji, najveći superheroj s Earth-Prime: Ti! Ova priča od koje duša i tijelo podrhtava stavlja Tebe na prvu liniju fronta Bitke za svako stvorenje (Battle of All Creation) protiv demonskih uništavatelja poznatih kao “Plemstvo”. Predsjednik Superman s Earth-23 (kojeg smo vidjeli u Action Comics) otkriva prijetnju Stvarnosti tako apokaliptičnu da je za njezino rješavanje neophodan tim superheroja s raznih strana Multiverzuma – uključujući Kapetana Mrkvicu (Captain Carrot), kakvog još niste vidjeli! U prvom broju susrećemo Nixa Uotana, posljednjeg od Nadglednika (Monitors) kojeg smo zadnji put vidjeli 2008. u Morrisonovoj miniseriji Final Crisis; i on će biti taj koji će se prvi sastaviti tim iz raznih univerzuma i suprotstaviti se prijetnji. Prvu priču odradit će fenomenalni Ivan Reis.

Uz ostale univerzume koji su naznačeni na mapi Multiversityja zna se da će one-shotovi sadržavati sljedeće univerzume:

1. The Society of Super-Heroes: Conquerors of the Counter-World uključuje Society of Super-Heroes (JSA) s Earth-20 i njihove antipode s Earth-40 (šundovski pristup superherojima).

2. The Just – nastanjen s potomcima likova i djece superheroja s Earth-16 (kćer Green Arrowa Connora Hawkea i Super-Sinovi – Damiani Waynea i Supermanov sin).

3. Pax Americana – nastanjen likovima stvorenim u stripovima Charlton Comicsa (Captain Atom, The Question, Peacemaker), a dešava se na Earth-4. Poput Moore/Gibbons Watchmena, samo ukorijenjenih u današnji politički krajobraz.

4. Thunderworld – nastanjen likovima iz Captain Marvel linije, a dešava se na Earth-5.

5. The Master Men – nastanjen likovima stvorenim u stripovima Quality Comicsa (Freedom Fighters i nacističke verzije raznih superheroja), a dešava se na Earth-10 1956. godine. Naime, Adolf Hitler je odgojio Supermana i priča nam prikazuje utopiju koju je stvorio taj Superman nakon što shvati zlo Hitlerovu prirodu.

6. Ultraa Comics – predstavlja Earth-Prime, fiktivnu reprezentaciju stvarnog svijeta. Tu susrećemo junaka zvanog Ultraa, prvog superheroja s Earth-Prime.

Šest stranica iz Multiversity #1!

Sklepao sam mali tekst i otvorio ovaj topic da se malo bavimo aktualnim stvarima u DC-ju. Što mislite, miriše li ovo na dobro? Koliko će trebati do nove krize? Volite li ovakve Morrissonove egzibicije i bizarnosti? Biste li željeli da DC-jev univerzum bude jednostavniji?

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies; the man who never reads lives only one."

DeeCay suradnik

21661 Posts

Member since 24/09/2002

Posted - 23/08/2014 : 13:42:35  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send DeeCay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Onirička multiverzumska furka je počela!

Review multiversity #1

Multiversity s crtačke strane - Ivan reis & Joe Prado

hehe, cool!
Isječak iz Multiversity #1

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies; the man who never reads lives only one."
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Advanced Member

10434 Posts

Member since 18/06/2009

Posted - 24/08/2014 : 09:32:25  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send brni a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Genijalan strip..

"Clark Kent je Supermanova kritika covjecanstva"
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mr murdoc
Advanced Member

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Member since 02/01/2006

Posted - 24/08/2014 : 18:00:16  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send mr murdoc a Private Message  Reply with Quote
OMG..znaci DC ponovo uvodi svu onu zbrku koju je davne 1998 u Crisis on infinite Earths pokusao da rasplete Marv Wolfman.
Sve one spike o unosenju reda i kontinuiteta...ccc

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”? Oscar Wilde
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Average Member

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Member since 01/10/2010

Posted - 24/08/2014 : 19:00:29  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Felagund a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by mr murdoc

OMG..znaci DC ponovo uvodi svu onu zbrku koju je davne 1998 u Crisis on infinite Earths pokusao da rasplete Marv Wolfman.
Sve one spike o unosenju reda i kontinuiteta...ccc

Valjda 1985?

Sve je relativno (E = mc^2)
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mr murdoc
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Member since 02/01/2006

Posted - 24/08/2014 : 20:34:09  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send mr murdoc a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Felagund

Originally posted by mr murdoc

OMG..znaci DC ponovo uvodi svu onu zbrku koju je davne 1998 u Crisis on infinite Earths pokusao da rasplete Marv Wolfman.
Sve one spike o unosenju reda i kontinuiteta...ccc

Valjda 1985?

Naravno..1985..nemam pojma zasto sam napisao 98..

Aaaaa, znam sad..misli su mi odlutale i na onu zavrzlamu "DC One Million"..

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”? Oscar Wilde

Edited by - mr murdoc on 24/08/2014 20:41:52
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Advanced Member

10434 Posts

Member since 18/06/2009

Posted - 24/08/2014 : 20:56:55  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send brni a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by mr murdoc

OMG..znaci DC ponovo uvodi svu onu zbrku koju je davne 1998 u Crisis on infinite Earths pokusao da rasplete Marv Wolfman.
Sve one spike o unosenju reda i kontinuiteta...ccc

Ne ne uvodi se nista, new 52 je glavni universe i on se ne minja, ili bar ne jos ..ovo je u biti nastavak Final Crisis..

"Clark Kent je Supermanova kritika covjecanstva"

Edited by - brni on 24/08/2014 20:57:24
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DeeCay suradnik

21661 Posts

Member since 24/09/2002

Posted - 15/09/2014 : 21:11:49  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send DeeCay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ali sve je ovo vrlo rani uvod u novu Krizu; čim imaš multiverzum, Kriza je nezaobilazna... Igrat će se sad jedno duže vrijeme s ovih 52 univerzuma koje im je Morrison lijepo nacrtao i osmislio.

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies; the man who never reads lives only one."
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Advanced Member

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Member since 18/06/2009

Posted - 17/09/2014 : 18:45:30  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send brni a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Izasa drugi broj i na razini je prvog, ovo bi moglo biti jedno od najboljih Morrisonovih dijela..definitivno najbolji pisac superherojstine svih vremena..

"Clark Kent je Supermanova kritika covjecanstva"
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Advanced Member

10434 Posts

Member since 18/06/2009

Posted - 17/09/2014 : 19:02:11  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send brni a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Multiversity
The Society of Super-Heroes: Conquerors of the Counter-World

The Just
Pax Americana
Ultraa Comics

Svi sljedeci brojevi me jako zanimaju ali ono sta najvise iscekujem je Mastermen na sta me Morrison navuka vec u Final Crisis..


The sixth one-shot, Mastermen takes place on Earth-10 in 1956, and features characters from Quality Comics as part of the Freedom Fighters and Nazi versions of various heroes. The concept is borrowed from Earth-X, a universe where Nazi Germany won World War II, featured in stories before "Crisis on Infinite Earths". Morrison describes this one-shot as a "big, dark Shakespearean story." The members of this world's Freedom Fighters will include a Jewish Doll Man, a homosexual Ray, and an African Black Condor, with other members also being representative of groups targeted by the Nazis, such as Jehovah's Witnesses. The Superman of this world landed on Earth in 1938, in a Nazi territory and was raised by Adolf Hitler. The story is set around a utopia built by this world's Superman after he realizes the evil nature of Hitler, and this Superman "knows his entire society, though it looks utopian, was built on the bones of the dead. Ultimately it's wrong and it must be destroyed."


"Clark Kent je Supermanova kritika covjecanstva"

Edited by - brni on 17/09/2014 19:02:51
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Advanced Member

10434 Posts

Member since 18/06/2009

Posted - 17/09/2014 : 20:24:17  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send brni a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Art and cover by BEN OLIVER
1:10 B&W Variant cover by BEN OLIVER
1:25 Variant cover by EDUARDO RISSO
1:50 Variant cover by DALE EAGLESHAM
1:100 Variant cover by GRANT MORRISON
On sale OCTOBER 15 • 48 pg, FC, $4.99 US • RATED T
Retailers: This issue will ship with five covers. Please see the order form for details.
The next chapter of the greatest adventure in DC’s history is here!
When they last collaborated, Grant Morrison joined artist Ben Oliver (LOBO, BATMAN/SUPERMAN) for the acclaimed ACTION COMICS #0. For their next team-up, the two superstars take a spin around the self-obsessed Earth-16 – a.k.a. Earth-Me!
With all of the world’s threats having been handled long ago by their parents, the next generation of supers – including Chris Kent, Damien Wayne, Alexis Luthor, Offspring, Megamorpho, Donna Troy and more – find themselves labeled as superstars more often than super heroes. But with that fame comes complacency, and when a massive threat unlike anything they’ve ever seen surfaces, this pampered crew finds themselves in way over their head. What secret is Damien keeping from Chris that could tear the world’s finest friends apart? Who is the mysterious killer lurking behind the scenes among these spoiled super-children? And what chance do they stand against the monstrous villain that’s murdering its way cross the Multiverse? All that and more in this exciting stand-alone issue which also acts as chapter three of the MULTIVERSITY saga. Join us, if your dare, for THE MULTIVERSITY!

"Clark Kent je Supermanova kritika covjecanstva"

Edited by - brni on 17/09/2014 20:26:02
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