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 Tipovanje UEFA Nations League nastavak 05.06.19.
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Advanced Member

5309 Posts

Member since 10/02/2011

Posted - 18/11/2018 : 08:37:17  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Oki a Private Message  Reply with Quote
18.11.2018. 15:00 Engleska-Hrvatska 1-2
18.11.2018. 18:00 Sjeverna Irska-Austrija 1:0
18.11.2018. 18:00 Moldavija-Luksemburg 2-1
18.11.2018. 18:00 San Marino-Bjelorusija 0-2
18.11.2018. 20:45 Švicarska-Belgija 0:1
18.11.2018. 20:45 Grčka-Estonija 2-0
18.11.2018. 20:45 Madžarska-Finska 0:0

19.11.2018. 18:00 Andora-Latvija 0-2
19.11.2018. 18:00 Gruzija-Kazakhstan 1-0
19.11.2018. 20:45 Njemačka-Nizozemska 2-2
19.11.2018. 20:45 Češka-Slovačka 2-1
19.11.2018. 20:45 Danska-Irska 1-1
19.11.2018. 20:45 Bugarska-Slovenija 1-0
19.11.2018. 20:45 Cipar-Norveška 1-1
19.11.2018. 20:45 Lihtenštajn-Armenija 0:1
19.11.2018. 20:45 Makedonija-Gibraltar 3:0

20.11.2018. 20:45 Portugal-Poljska 0:0
20.11.2018. 20:45 Švedska-Rusija 3:1
20.11.2018. 20:45 Crna Gora-Rumunjska 1-0
20.11.2018. 20:45 Srbija-Litva 3:0
20.11.2018. 20:45 Škotska-Izrael 2-0
20.11.2018. 20:45 Kosovo-Azerbaijan 2-2
20.11.2018. 20:45 Malta-Farski Otoci 1-0
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Average Member

556 Posts

Member since 03/03/2011

Posted - 18/11/2018 : 10:24:14  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send ROJ RENK a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Engleska - Hrvatska. 1:0
Sjeverna Irska - Austrija 1:0
Moldavija - Luksemburg. 2:0
San Marino - Bjelorusija. 1:3
Svicarska - Belgija. 1:2
Grcka - Estonija. 2:0
Madjarska - Finska. 1:0

Andora - Latvia. 1:1
Gruzija - Kazahstan. 2:1
Njemacka - Nizozemska. 2:1
Ceska - Slovacka 1:0
Danska - Irska. 1:0
Bugarska - Slovenija. 2:1
Cipar - Norveska. 1:3
Lihtenstajn - Armenija 0:2
Makedonija - Gibraltar. 4:0

Portugal - Poljska. 1:0
Svedska - Rusija. 1:1
Crna Gora - Rumunija. 1:0
Srbija - Litva. 3:0
Skotska - Izrael 2:0
Kosovo - Azerbaijan. 1:3
Malta - Farski Otoci. 1:3

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Advanced Member

3793 Posts

Member since 03/02/2010

Posted - 18/11/2018 : 15:41:22  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Beren a Private Message  Reply with Quote
18.11.2018. 15:00 Engleska-Hrvatska 2:1
18.11.2018. 18:00 Sjeverna Irska-Austrija 1:1
18.11.2018. 18:00 Moldavija-Luksemburg 1:0
18.11.2018. 18:00 San Marino-Bjelorusija 0:3
18.11.2018. 20:45 Švicarska-Belgija 1:2
18.11.2018. 20:45 Grčka-Estonija 2:0
18.11.2018. 20:45 Madžarska-Finska 1:1

19.11.2018. 18:00 Andora-Latvija 0:2
19.11.2018. 18:00 Gruzija-Kazakhstan 1:0
19.11.2018. 20:45 Njemačka-Nizozemska 2:1
19.11.2018. 20:45 Češka-Slovačka 1:1
19.11.2018. 20:45 Danska-Irska 2:1
19.11.2018. 20:45 Bugarska-Slovenija 1:0
19.11.2018. 20:45 Cipar-Norveška 1:2
19.11.2018. 20:45 Lihtenštajn-Armenija 1:3
19.11.2018. 20:45 Makedonija-Gibraltar 3:0

20.11.2018. 20:45 Portugal-Poljska 1:1
20.11.2018. 20:45 Švedska-Rusija 1:0
20.11.2018. 20:45 Crna Gora-Rumunjuska 2:1
20.11.2018. 20:45 Srbija-Litva 2:0
20.11.2018. 20:45 Škotska-Izrael 2:0
20.11.2018. 20:45 Kosovo-Azerbaijan 1:2
20.11.2018. 20:45 Malta-Farski Otoci 1:0

Moja domovina je mene dala ovu koru bijelog hleba, sretne ljude, srecnu mladost, velik komad vedrog neba...
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tex2 suradnik

31102 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 18/11/2018 : 16:56:22  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
League A

grupa 1: Nizozemska, Francuska

grupa 2: Švicarska

grupa 3: Portugal

grupa 4: Engleska


grupa 1: Ukrajina

grupa 2: Švedska, Rusija

grupa 3: Bosna i Hercegovina

grupa 4: Danska


grupa 1: Škotska, Izrael

grupa 2: Finska

grupa 3: Norveška, Bugarska

grupa 4: Rumunjska, Srbija


grupa 1: Gruzija

grupa 2: Bjelorusija

grupa 3: Kosovo i Azerbaijan

grupa 4: Makedonija, Armenija

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game

Edited by - tex2 on 18/11/2018 22:41:23
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tex2 suradnik

31102 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 18/11/2018 : 16:59:06  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Pobjednici skupina:

Ukrajina (tipovali King Warrior, Hercule Poirot, mpavin, Oki i Korg)

Gruzija (tipovali Hercule Poirot, Kit Carson, mpavin, sonor, tex2 i Korg)

Finska (nitko nije tipovao na Fince)

Bosna i Hercegovina (tipovali Hercule Poirot, mpavin, tex2 i Oki)

Danska (tipovali Hercule Poirot, Kit Carson, Tutta)

Portugal (nitko nije tipovao na Portugal)

Engleska (pogodio Tutta)

Bjelorusija (pogodili Beren, Tutta, King Warrior, mpavin, Korg, sonor i tex2)

Švicarska (nitko nije tipovao na Švicarce)

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game

Edited by - tex2 on 18/11/2018 22:48:01
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tex2 suradnik

31102 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 18/11/2018 : 21:43:02  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Lista strijelaca

5 Mitrović, Movsisyan, Dragun, Seferović

4 Lukaku

3 Džeko, Pukki, Alioski

2 Pandev, Bale

1 Mitroglou, Mbappe, Hazard, Stasevich

0 Immobile

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game

Edited by - tex2 on 18/11/2018 22:42:30
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tex2 suradnik

31102 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 18/11/2018 : 22:43:36  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote


1. King Warrior (Francuska, Mbappe)
2. sonor (Hrvatska, Pandev)
3. Kit Carson(Francuska, Mitrović)
4. tex2 (Belgija, Signevich)
5. Tutta (Francuska, Mbappe)
6. Korg (Francuska, Hazard)
7. Supermark
8. Beren (Italija, Immobile)
9. mpavin (Francuska, Mitroglou)
10. Oki (Italija, Bale)
11. Hercule Poirot (Belgija, Lukaku)
12. makotamara

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game

Edited by - tex2 on 18/11/2018 22:56:39
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tex2 suradnik

31102 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 18/11/2018 : 22:49:53  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Rezultati 18.11.2018.

markotamara i Tutta 2+2

ROJ RENK, tex2 i King Warrior 3+0

Kit Carson 1+2

Hercule Poirot i mpavin 2+0

Oki 0+2

Beren 1+0

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
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tex2 suradnik

31102 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 18/11/2018 : 22:55:25  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tablica nakon 18.11.2018. sa u zagradi extra bodovima za pobjednika skupine = 2 boda

1. tex2 48+40 (6) 94 boda

2. mpavin 52+32 (8) 92 boda

3. Hercule Poirot 51+26 (8) 85 bodova

4. King Warrior 44+36 (4) 84 boda

5. Tutta 37+32 (6) 75 bodova

6. Oki 40+30 (4) 74 boda

7. Korg 34+34 (6) 74 boda

8. Kit Carson 37+30 (4) 71 bod

9. Beren 40+26 (2) 68 bodova

10. markotamara 35+18 53 boda

11. sonor 30+18 (4) 52 boda

12. ROJ RENK 29+20 (0) 49 bodova

13. njofra32 12+2

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
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tex2 suradnik

31102 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 18/11/2018 : 23:00:57  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
19.11.2018. 18:00 Andora-Latvija 0:1
19.11.2018. 18:00 Gruzija-Kazakhstan 1:0
19.11.2018. 20:45 Njemačka-Nizozemska 2:0
19.11.2018. 20:45 Češka-Slovačka 1:0
19.11.2018. 20:45 Danska-Irska 1:0
19.11.2018. 20:45 Bugarska-Slovenija 1:0
19.11.2018. 20:45 Cipar-Norveška 0:1
19.11.2018. 20:45 Lihtenštajn-Armenija 0:1
19.11.2018. 20:45 Makedonija-Gibraltar 4:0

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
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Senior Member

2783 Posts

Member since 26/05/2013

Posted - 18/11/2018 : 23:12:50  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send markotamara a Private Message  Reply with Quote
19.11.2018. 18:00 Andora-Latvija 1:1
19.11.2018. 18:00 Gruzija-Kazakhstan 1:1
19.11.2018. 20:45 Njemačka-Nizozemska 1:1
19.11.2018. 20:45 Češka-Slovačka 1:1
19.11.2018. 20:45 Danska-Irska 2:0
19.11.2018. 20:45 Bugarska-Slovenija 1:1
19.11.2018. 20:45 Cipar-Norveška 1:0
19.11.2018. 20:45 Lihtenštajn-Armenija 1:1
19.11.2018. 20:45 Makedonija-Gibraltar 4:0

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Hercule Poirot suradnik

14016 Posts

Member since 28/11/2017

Posted - 19/11/2018 : 11:28:29  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Hercule Poirot a Private Message  Reply with Quote
19.11.2018. 18:00 Andora-Latvija 1-1
19.11.2018. 18:00 Gruzija-Kazakhstan 0-1
19.11.2018. 20:45 Njemačka-Nizozemska 1-2
19.11.2018. 20:45 Češka-Slovačka 1-0
19.11.2018. 20:45 Danska-Irska 2-0
19.11.2018. 20:45 Bugarska-Slovenija 1-1
19.11.2018. 20:45 Cipar-Norveška 0-2
19.11.2018. 20:45 Lihtenštajn-Armenija 1-0
19.11.2018. 20:45 Makedonija-Gibraltar 4-0

20.11.2018. 20:45 Portugal-Poljska 2-1
20.11.2018. 20:45 Švedska-Rusija 2-0
20.11.2018. 20:45 Crna Gora-Rumunjuska 1-1
20.11.2018. 20:45 Srbija-Litva 3-1
20.11.2018. 20:45 Škotska-Izrael 2-0
20.11.2018. 20:45 Kosovo-Azerbaijan 3-2
20.11.2018. 20:45 Malta-Farski Otoci 1-1
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tex2 suradnik

31102 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 19/11/2018 : 15:05:53  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Od 9 reprezentacija pobjednika skupina nitko od nas nije pogodio više od 4!

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
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tex2 suradnik

31102 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 19/11/2018 : 22:38:09  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote


1. King Warrior (Francuska, Mbappe)
2. sonor (Hrvatska, Pandev)
3. Kit Carson(Francuska, Mitrović)
4. tex2 (Belgija, Signevich)
5. Tutta (Francuska, Mbappe)
6. Korg (Francuska, Hazard)
7. Supermark
8. Beren (Italija, Immobile)
9. mpavin (Francuska, Mitroglou)
10. Oki (Italija, Bale)
11. Hercule Poirot (Belgija, Lukaku)
12. makotamara

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
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tex2 suradnik

31102 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 19/11/2018 : 22:44:34  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Lista strijelaca

5 Mitrović, Dragun, Seferović

4 Lukaku

3 Džeko, Pukki, Alioski

2 Pandev, Bale

1 Mitroglou, Mbappe, Hazard, Stasevich

0 Immobile

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
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tex2 suradnik

31102 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 19/11/2018 : 22:46:10  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
League A

grupa 1: Nizozemska

grupa 2: Švicarska

grupa 3: Portugal

grupa 4: Engleska


grupa 1: Ukrajina

grupa 2: Švedska, Rusija

grupa 3: Bosna i Hercegovina

grupa 4: Danska


grupa 1: Škotska, Izrael

grupa 2: Finska

grupa 3: Norveška

grupa 4: Rumunjska, Srbija


grupa 1: Gruzija

grupa 2: Bjelorusija

grupa 3: Kosovo i Azerbaijan

grupa 4: Makedonija

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
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tex2 suradnik

31102 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 19/11/2018 : 22:51:27  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Rezultati 19.11.2018.

Hercule Poirot 1+8


Tutta i markotamara 3+4

Oki 4+2

tex2 2+4

Kit Carson i King Warrior 3+2

mpavin 2+2

Beren 3+0

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
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tex2 suradnik

31102 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 19/11/2018 : 22:58:05  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Pobjednici skupina:

Ukrajina (tipovali King Warrior, Hercule Poirot, mpavin, Oki i Korg)

Gruzija (tipovali Hercule Poirot, Kit Carson, mpavin, sonor, tex2 i Korg)

Finska (nitko nije tipovao na Fince)

Bosna i Hercegovina (tipovali Hercule Poirot, mpavin, tex2 i Oki)

Danska (tipovali Hercule Poirot, Kit Carson, Tutta)

Portugal (nitko nije tipovao na Portugal)

Engleska (pogodio Tutta)

Bjelorusija (pogodili Beren, Tutta, King Warrior, mpavin, Korg, sonor i tex2)

Švicarska (nitko nije tipovao na Švicarce)

Nizozemska (nitko nije tipovao na Nizozemce)

Makedonija (pogodili King Warrior, Kit Carson, mpavin, Tutta, sonor i tex2)

Norveška (pogodili King Warrior, Kit Carson, sonor, Oki i korg)

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
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tex2 suradnik

31102 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 19/11/2018 : 23:03:40  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tablica nakon 19.11.2018. sa u zagradi extra bodovima za pobjednika skupine = 2 boda

1. tex2 50+44 (8) 102 boda

2. mpavin 54+34 (10) 98 bodova

3. Hercule Poirot 52+34 (8) 94 boda

4. King Warrior 47+38 (8) 93 boda

5. Tutta 40+36 (8) 84 boda

6. Oki 44+32 (6) 82 boda

7. Kit Carson 40+32 (8) 80 bodova

8. Korg 34+34 (8) 76 bodova

9. Beren 43+26 (2) 71 bod

10. markotamara 38+22 60 bodova

11. ROJ RENK 31+26 (0) 57 bodova

12. sonor 30+18 (8) 56 bodova

13. njofra32 12+2

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
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Senior Member

2783 Posts

Member since 26/05/2013

Posted - 20/11/2018 : 02:39:19  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send markotamara a Private Message  Reply with Quote
20.11.2018. 20:45 Portugal-Poljska 2-0
20.11.2018. 20:45 Švedska-Rusija 0-0
20.11.2018. 20:45 Crna Gora-Rumunjuska 2-1
20.11.2018. 20:45 Srbija-Litva 1:0
20.11.2018. 20:45 Škotska-Izrael 1-1
20.11.2018. 20:45 Kosovo-Azerbaijan 1-1
20.11.2018. 20:45 Malta-Farski Otoci 1:1

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tex2 suradnik

31102 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 20/11/2018 : 10:55:25  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
20.11.2018. 20:45 Portugal-Poljska 1:0
20.11.2018. 20:45 Švedska-Rusija 1:0
20.11.2018. 20:45 Crna Gora-Rumunjska 1:1
20.11.2018. 20:45 Srbija-Litva 3:0
20.11.2018. 20:45 Škotska-Izrael 1:0
20.11.2018. 20:45 Kosovo-Azerbaijan 1:0
20.11.2018. 20:45 Malta-Farski Otoci 1:1

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
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Senior Member

1038 Posts

Member since 23/02/2015

Posted - 20/11/2018 : 11:33:23  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Korg a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Portugal-Poljska 2:1
Švedska-Rusija 0:0
Crna Gora-Rumunjska 1:1
Srbija-Litva 2:0
Škotska-Izrael 1:0
Kosovo-Azerbaijan 1:1
Malta-Farski Otoci 0:0
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tex2 suradnik

31102 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 20/11/2018 : 22:52:23  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Rezultati 20.11.2018.

Hercule Poirot 3+4

mpavin, Tutta i tex2 4+2

Beren 3+2

Oki 4+0

Kit Carson 2+2

King Warrior i Korg 3+0

markotamara 1+2


"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
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tex2 suradnik

31102 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 20/11/2018 : 22:53:15  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
League A

grupa 1: Nizozemska

grupa 2: Švicarska

grupa 3: Portugal

grupa 4: Engleska


grupa 1: Ukrajina

grupa 2: Švedska

grupa 3: Bosna i Hercegovina

grupa 4: Danska


grupa 1: Škotska

grupa 2: Finska

grupa 3: Norveška

grupa 4: Srbija


grupa 1: Gruzija

grupa 2: Bjelorusija

grupa 3: Kosovo

grupa 4: Makedonija

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game

Edited by - tex2 on 20/11/2018 22:53:30
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tex2 suradnik

31102 Posts

Member since 17/09/2006

Posted - 20/11/2018 : 22:56:55  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Pobjednici skupina:

Ukrajina (tipovali King Warrior, Hercule Poirot, mpavin, Oki i Korg)

Gruzija (tipovali Hercule Poirot, Kit Carson, mpavin, sonor, tex2 i Korg)

Finska (nitko nije tipovao na Fince)

Bosna i Hercegovina (tipovali Hercule Poirot, mpavin, tex2 i Oki)

Danska (tipovali Hercule Poirot, Kit Carson, Tutta)

Portugal (nitko nije tipovao na Portugal)

Engleska (pogodio Tutta)

Bjelorusija (pogodili Beren, Tutta, King Warrior, mpavin, Korg, sonor i tex2)

Švicarska (nitko nije tipovao na Švicarce)

Nizozemska (nitko nije tipovao na Nizozemce)

Makedonija (pogodili King Warrior, Kit Carson, mpavin, Tutta, sonor i tex2)

Norveška (pogodili King Warrior, Kit Carson, sonor, Oki i korg)

Kosovo (nitko nije tipovao na Kosovo)

Švedska (tipovali Kit Carson, mpavin, Tutta, tex2 i Oki)

Srbija (tipovali King Warrior, Hercule Poirot, Kit Carson, mpavin, Tutta, sonor, tex2, korg i Oki)

Škotska (tipovali King Warrior, Kit Carson, mpavin, Beren, tex2, Oki i Korg)

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
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