T O P I C R E V I E W |
DusMan |
Posted - 10/09/2007 : 02:26:52 ... i ostale zanimljivosti glede ŽiKe i ostalih Choovih projekata:
quote: Next up, Keatinge asked Cho when he would be finishing Liberty Meadows, to which Cho replied that his schedule has been full with his other work, and he’s also taken off time to work on a Liberty Meadows animation series pitch, the pilot of which was based off of Liberty Meadows #38, which is the next issue on the series.
Cho said that he’ll also be launching an ongoing humor comic strip in late 2008 which he will write, as well as a maxi series that has him talking with both Image and Dark Horse, which will most likely be launched in late 2008.
“I think I have five or six good issues of Liberty Meadows in me before I wrap that up, and then I’ll have a big, fat Liberty Meadows collection, with all of my collected stuff, including University Squared and Everything But the Kitchen Sink,” Cho said. “Which was a precursor to University Squared, which was a precursor to Liberty Meadows.”
Cho’s next art book, entitled Venus will be coming out in spring of 2008, and will feature his oil paintings that he does for relaxation. The book will include a lot of women, Edgar Rice Burroughs material, and some landscapes.
17 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
logossun |
Posted - 01/08/2012 : 15:42:24 Ono što je mene zapravo impresioniralo je da je s godinama Cho postajao bolji scenarista i crtač i to se sasvim dobro vidi kroz albume LM-a. Priče su postajale duže, štosevi bolji, a likovi stvarno dobro razrađeni... |
petar.pan |
Posted - 15/07/2012 : 15:22:37 jedan od najsmješniji stripova koje sam ikad pročitao. da nije barićevog "čudnovatog deponija" odmah bih stavio ruku u vatru za mr.choa, a ovako moram još jednom razmislit |
Lord Vader89 |
Posted - 12/07/2012 : 00:03:44
Deers |
Posted - 12/07/2012 : 00:03:41 Dođe mi da li(n)kujem ali crtež je stvarno genijalan |
Mr. Bushido |
Posted - 11/07/2012 : 23:43:58
Renky |
Posted - 11/01/2009 : 23:15:15 quote: Originally posted by BlekenDekara
quote: Originally posted by DusMan
Seinf, posto si ti namber uan fan Nepobedivog, tebi sam ostavio da pokrenes temu o spin off serijalu. Hajde, hajde...
kahsljuc, kashljuc:)))
A mene 'ko jebe a? Zaboravljen u bespućima NeOm-a |
night |
Posted - 11/01/2009 : 19:00:43 quote: Originally posted by BlekenDekara
ove godine bi trebalo da idu barem dva broja... da li tje tako i biti znatjemo tek krajem meseca...
Svaka cast! |
BlekenDekara |
Posted - 11/01/2009 : 18:49:50 ove godine bi trebalo da idu barem dva broja... da li tje tako i biti znatjemo tek krajem meseca... |
night |
Posted - 11/01/2009 : 18:41:22 Uzeh danas oba dela sa police i sit se ismijah.Ima li kakve najave da ce izaci jos nesto ili je to to. |
DusMan |
Posted - 10/09/2007 : 16:28:59 Ti, kao ex izdavač, si izvan te kategorije. :) |
BlekenDekara |
Posted - 10/09/2007 : 16:20:54 quote: Originally posted by DusMan
Seinf, posto si ti namber uan fan Nepobedivog, tebi sam ostavio da pokrenes temu o spin off serijalu. Hajde, hajde...
kahsljuc, kashljuc:))) |
DusMan |
Posted - 10/09/2007 : 15:59:29 Ne, ne... insistiram! Baš zato što te nije bilo... taman sad da nadoknadiš. ;) |
seinfeld |
Posted - 10/09/2007 : 15:18:20 Samo ti postavljaj :-), mene ionako nije dugo bilo :-)! |
DusMan |
Posted - 10/09/2007 : 14:51:42 Seinf, posto si ti namber uan fan Nepobedivog, tebi sam ostavio da pokrenes temu o spin off serijalu. Hajde, hajde... |
seinfeld |
Posted - 10/09/2007 : 14:19:24 Bolje da naprave film. |
jurica |
Posted - 10/09/2007 : 10:45:55 kako bi tek sjajno bilo da to izvedu kao igrano-animiranu seriju. |
DusMan |
Posted - 10/09/2007 : 02:43:24 Doduše, to i nije baš nova vest, ali nije ispraćena ovde. Evo šta je Frank govorio još u aprilu ove godine:
quote: Frank Cho, creator of Liberty Meadows, has hinted that he is in negotiations to create an animated television show based on Liberty Meadows but aimed at an adult audience with a PG-13 or R rating. No other details were mentioned, “because I don’t want to jinx it,” said Frank.
Isto tako, on to priča još od 2002. godine:
quote: When asked if he planned to animate Libetry Meadows Cho replied, "Yes, I do still have plans to animate the characters for television." However, Cho stated that he is currently not committed to any animation deals. "There were several offers in the past, but the issue of control was a deal-breaker," Cho told his fans. "So it's fair to say that if the right offer came along, I'd take it. If I thought newspapers were restrictive, television is even more so to a certain degree."
Mada, eto... sad se kao ozbiljnije bavi tom idejom. Nadajmo se najboljem, dok čekamo sledeći broj domaćeg izdanja i ne obaziremo se na skupo-hardkaver-sve-u-jednom-pa-čak-i-University-na-kvadrat izdanje. |