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 Kapten Klos

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jaroslaw Posted - 23/09/2020 : 21:15:07

I'm Jaroslaw from Poland and I don't know if this topic about "Kapetan Klos" was previous found, anyway - I'm searching for some issues of KAPETAN KLOS-series, published in 1978 in "Pan Strip – ratna serija", albums:
15.Kapetan Klos - Agent J-23
16.kapetan Klos - Izdaja
17.Kapetan Klos - Poslednja šansa
18.Kapetan Klos - Rođaka Edit
19.Kapetan Klos - Strogo pov.
20.Kapetan Klos - Lozinka
21.Kapetan Klos - Susret sa Ingrid
22.Kapetan Klos - Kafana Rose
23.Kapetan Klos - Presuda

If anyone had it and wanted to sell or trade - please, contact me: - I've got about 1500 comics and will be glad to contact with other comics maniacs :)
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
solar Posted - 01/10/2020 : 11:11:37
IGMAN2 Posted - 01/10/2020 : 11:09:55
ivanl Posted - 24/09/2020 : 19:21:00
Hello Jaroslaw!
I was made some small searcing. In my collection, there's only first 14 Pan strip/war series issues called Otpisani, made by, as a comic version of very popular tv series in that time. Unfortunatelly i dont even remember captain Klos, as a comic hero, but i saw a few advertisement for selling full complete Pan strip in same sites, such a Kupindo and Limondo selling sites. That's 'pages' is out of Croatia, so i never buy anything from it. Dont know how thats work with post expenses and other regulation between countrys. Thats adds was some years before but, check it up, and may you find some even today.
Wish you a good luck in your investigations!
Deers Posted - 23/09/2020 : 22:14:24
Hi Jaroslaw,
this is the fourth time you're opening a new topic about Kapten Klos. I assume that you didn't get any answers. Nevertheless this is considered a spam. You can easily bump your old tpic on the top by posting a new comment in your old topic.
Good luck with your search. © 2000-2002 Snitz Communications Go To Top Of Page
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