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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jaki Posted - 30/03/2010 : 16:36:31
Da li se tu računa i Amazon?
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jaki Posted - 22/10/2024 : 10:02:05

Italian publishing slows down after the big leap in 2021

Italian publishing closed 2023 with a turnover of 3.439 billion euros, stable compared to the previous year (+1.1%). The first data for 2024, referring only to the trade market (non-fiction and fiction bought in bookstores, online and large-scale distribution), denounce the stagnation of the market: -0.1% in sales in value in the first six months, which reached 675.8 million euros. In the year in which the country presents itself at the Frankfurter Buchmesse as Guest of Honour from 16 to 20 October, its good ability to establish itself abroad has been confirmed, with 7,838 translation rights sold, stable compared to the previous year (7,889) and quadrupled compared to 2001 (1,800). These are the main data of the Report on the State of Publishing 2024 by the research office of the Italian Publishers Association (AIE) presented today (the summary is attached. The Report is available on all major online platforms).

"Italian publishing, after the leap that took place in 2021, is struggling to grow further and indeed, if we consider inflation, it is losing ground. The number of copies sold is also decreasing. These are worrying signs for a country that does not have a real organic policy for books and reading and which, on the contrary, in the last two years, has seen a lack of public resources to support the sector for at least 100 million," denounces the president of the AIE Innocenzo Cipolletta. "Publishing has shown solidity and capacity for renewal in recent years, emerging strengthened by the Covid crisis. Without organic and long-term industrial policies, today we risk losing the challenge of innovation with respect to epochal changes such as the one imposed by artificial intelligence. In the year in which we are a Guest Country, we are once again an example for other European countries".

Copies sold in the first six months in the trade market are 46.1 million, down by 900 thousand compared to the previous year. Physical bookstores reach 53.7% of sales and continue the recovery started after the 2020 crisis, when they weighed 49.1%. Online accounts for 41.7% (slightly down), large-scale distribution 4.6% (down). Finally, if we look at genres, the positive trend of fiction is confirmed, especially that of Italian authors which grew over the same period of the previous year by 5.4% and foreign fiction with +3.1%. Children's fiction (-2.8%), general non-fiction (-3%) and specialized non-fiction (-1.6%) and comics (-4.8%) recorded a minus sign.

Broadening our gaze to the long term and therefore to the numbers of Italian publishing today compared to 1988, when for the first time the country presented itself at the Frankfurter Buchmesse as Guest of Honor, the picture that emerges is that of an industry that has followed and accompanied the modernization of the country. The titles published each year have tripled and in 2023 they are 85,192, the market (3.439 billion euros) has grown, net of inflation, by 108% and copies of books sold (trade market only, in this case) have grown by 124% to 112 million. Italian publishing is thus today the fourth largest publishing house in Europe and the sixth in the world. This growth has taken place in a context of increasing internationalization: in 2001, Italy bought 5,400 translation rights abroad and sold 1,800, in 2023 it bought 9,328 and sold 7,838.

Vlaadisha Posted - 16/09/2024 : 21:13:21

According to Games Radar, a gaming news site, there are about 2,500 comic book stores in the United States, that’s down from about 10,000 stores in 1994. Comic book sales are down 54% in 2023 compared to 2019, according to a survey by ComicsPro, a comic book retail organization.

Winsett [shop owner] said the most popular characters such as “Spider-Man” and “Batman” used to sell up to 100 issues a month, but now sell only about 60 issues a month. Lower sales can be attributed to factors such as higher prices, the internet and less interest from younger readers.
fler Posted - 24/07/2024 : 14:44:25
naker Posted - 24/07/2024 : 14:34:16
Michael Caine je davnijeh dana postavio standard po pitanju poslednje stranice:

"I get the script and see if my character is on the first page. Then I flip to the end and see if he's on the last page. If he's on both I take the role".

fler Posted - 24/07/2024 : 14:21:04
Vjerojatno nije baš najgluplja odluka u povijesti prodaje stripova,
ali bi u nekakvom izboru posve sigurno bila među finalistima:
Vlaadisha Posted - 22/06/2024 : 16:53:31
inače, koga zanima ozbiljna priča, evo famozni tekst o prodaji knjiga, a deo toga može da se primeni i na stripove:
Vlaadisha Posted - 22/06/2024 : 16:51:40
imamo i novu kategoriju, rape issue

Vlaadisha Posted - 22/06/2024 : 16:42:46
ovo me podseća kad su svi u srednjoj počeli da slušaju nirvanu

Vlaadisha Posted - 19/02/2024 : 21:05:32
cene nekad i sad

KuntaKinte Posted - 10/05/2023 : 08:11:12
Originally posted by jaki

Samo Japanci i dečji ozbiljnje brojke, ostalo sve sitno.
jaki Posted - 10/05/2023 : 01:07:43
Vlaadisha Posted - 04/05/2022 : 19:45:47
sto najskupljih svezaka:

jaki Posted - 09/04/2022 : 01:03:28
jaki Posted - 05/02/2022 : 21:46:11
Znam,vidija sam po youtubu.
Katastrofičari su uvijek na cijeni.
Vlaadisha Posted - 05/02/2022 : 21:04:42
Originally posted by jaki

uglavnom mange?

evo jednog manje pouzdanog ali zanimljivog izvestaja za sveske. rec je o top 50 naslova u januaru na uzorku od 100 (od ukupno 2000) prodavnica u americi. mislim da je izvor comicshub. najjaci utisak je da je gej superman jedini dc-jev naslov na listi a da nema veze sa batmanom.

jaki Posted - 04/02/2022 : 23:16:24
Vlaadisha Posted - 10/09/2021 : 15:31:03
podaci za nekoliko godina unazad... 2020. je očekivano zabeležila pad prodaje mesečnih izdanja ali navodno su se stari brojevi prodavali kao ludi... ne znam kako će pratiti ubuduće, kad marvel pređe na penguin random house. trejdovi i grafičke novele (računajući i mange?) sve popularniji, digitala u blagom porastu...

Vlaadisha Posted - 10/09/2021 : 15:23:07
izgleda da je u avgustu king spawn #1 oborio mnoge rekorde sa 500k prodatih primeraka... ili barem tako tvrdi čika todd

panzer Posted - 09/09/2021 : 21:25:38
jaki Posted - 09/09/2021 : 09:22:31
Kažu da je otišla za 480 000 dolara
Vlaadisha Posted - 31/08/2021 : 21:36:37
vratija se šime! procene za jun i juli 2021:

po ovome, prodaja nikad bolja
zeljko Posted - 14/04/2021 : 18:00:21
Ovo je za bolesnike u kompleksase
jaki Posted - 14/04/2021 : 17:46:39
ovo je novo
Vidio sam da nap.prodaje se stranica iz action comicsa 1 za tipa 300-400 dolara
Poli Posted - 14/04/2021 : 15:43:05

Da vidimo te cene kad dosegnu nebo.

Vlaadisha Posted - 14/04/2021 : 15:26:55
evo malo vedrija tema: posedujte delić istorije za male pare © 2000-2002 Snitz Communications Go To Top Of Page
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