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Verfalk2003 suradnik

Bosnia and Herzegovina
4761 Posts

Member since 19/05/2003

Posted - 27/04/2004 : 10:02:03  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Verfalk2003's Homepage  Send Verfalk2003 a Private Message
Najteži dio posla je gotov. Tekst sam preveeo, a one dide-mide cu veceras. Cuj, Djole ja sam simpatican prevodio Cute, a smušen sam preveo clumsy. Ne znam kako da prevedem proždrljiv. No, vidjecu danas sa svojom profesoricom. Znaci, ovo nije finalna verzija!

In the year 1960. Sergio Bonelli, a young scriptwriter and the son of Gianluigi Bonelli, met Gallieno Ferri, a young and perspektive artist. Very soon they become great friends and that friendship turns it a business relation from which, in the year 1961., was born a character with an interesting name Zagor. (Actually, it's short for Za-gor Te-nay, which in a dialect of Algonkin's means ''Spirit with a hatchet.'') Of course, the name itself doesn't have anything to do with the real dialect, it's assumed that Sergio Bonelli chose the syllable ''Za'' from ''Za-La-Mort'', a popular hero of the Italian silent movies, and the syllable ''Gor'' is assumed to come from '' Gordon.'' The first name that Sergio Bonelli chose was Ajax, by a well-known hero from the greek myths, but he gave up the idea when he saw that there's a detergent with a same name!

The main characteristics of this hero are adventure and action, with a touch of horror, chriminalistics and lately-fantasy. Inspired by some other heroes from the comic world (Superman, Tarzan…) Sergio Bonelli and Gallieno Ferri created an athletic figure, with great physical superior, with an interesting and recognisable costume. The time period in which his adventures accure is the first half of the 19. century, to be more precise between 1820.-1840. in the territory of North America. The place of the action is Darkwood, Zagor's kingdom, an imaginary forest situated in the teritorry of North America near the Great Lakes and Canada, where Zagor lives in a cottage on a small island in the Darkwood swamp surrounded by quick sand that keeps unwanted guests far away! Besides the swamp Darkwood is a large area whose inhabitans are numerous Indian tribes, military forts, trapper cottages and small towns with, mostly, white inhabitans. Among them all, Zagor tries to create a balance of harmony and understanding, sometimes on an urge of an incident and bigger problems with a few lost lives and destruction, and sometimes in a peacefull way and without necessary victims.

With an adventuorous spirit Zagor often takes on distant yourneys leaving Darkwood behind, most often answering his friends call for help. Apart from travelling all over North America, he also visited Arctic, Greenland, Scotland, Caribien, even Africa.

Zagor is a typical hero, the one who hates injustice and who dedicated his life to struggle against criminals of the worst of sort. His real name is Patrick Wilding. While he was still a boy, he survived a terible tragedy in which he lost both his parents. He was saved thanks to his father who threw him into the river which he was later pulled out by Wandering Fitzy, a cute wanderer and psylosopher who had left civilisation to live in peace in quiet in the nature. Fitzy takes the role of Zagor's lost father and teaches him many skills. It was thanks to him that Zagor brought his axe skills to perfection. In the final battle Zagor killed Salomon Kinsky, his father's murderer who on death's bed tells him the truth about his father, but in that battle his mentor and ''step''-father Wandering Fitzy died. The young Patrick Wilding swores that he will fight injustice until his last breath. An accidental meeting with a group of actors, the Sullivan's, results with the idea for a new name and his costume (A red shirt with a yellow circle in which is a picture of an eagle with his wings spread, which means that Zagor is Manitu's descendent.)

Like every superhero Zagor also has his trusting helper and sidekick in his adventures. Don Chico Felipe Cayetano Lopez y Martinez y Gonzales, or short Chico. Chico is a cute and a clumsy Mexican, a combination between a comic
sidekick and Sancho Pansa. Chico often gets into trouble fighting with suspicious barmens trying to eat on credit, in which he often has help from Trampy, a cute bum whom Chico always spoils ''the perfect job.'' Like Zagor, Chico has his Indian name-''A small man with a big belly.'' Besides Chico, Zagor has many other friends out of which we'll mention just a few of them. Tonka, the chief of the Mohawk and Zagor's brother by blood. He's a faithfull friend and he knows many Zagor's secrets and tricks which Spirit with the hatchet use to regain peace in Darkwood, no he never had less respect for him for that. Digging Bill, a clumsy treasure hunter, whose great wish is to finally find a treasure. He often drags Zagor and Chico into unexpected adventures in which they are awaited by many perils. Captain Fishleg is an old and experienced sea wolf involved in many adventures and thanks to his faithfull crew he sailes with his ship ''Golden Baby'', among many seas. Many eyes is a funny Indian wizard who gained his name because of the glasses he wears. He wears that excellent invention of the white people, as he calls it, because of his faint sight. Many eyes came up with many tricks Zagor uses to regain good will of the chiefs of Darkwood. Doc Lester is a representative of the trappers and a great friend of Zagor's. He wears his nickname, Doc, with a reason. He was a dentist while he was living in the civilisation.

Except for his many friends, Zagor, also, has many enemies. Among them, Hellingen is surely his greatest. This twisted mad genius has invented inventions way beyond his time. He has built a giant robot Titan, warheads, made contact with the extraterrestrials and, even, managed to defeat death! Like Hellingen, Count Rakosi, a vampire Zagor fought against cuople of times, has thousand of lives and surely will cross paths with Zagor many times. Kandrax is a celtish druid with magical powers who fought Zagor a cuople of times.

The first episodes were published in ''Striscia'' form, and after it has gaind great affection from the readers of Italy, it's published in ''Tex Gigante'' or ''The Bonelli format'' since 1965. and continues to be published as a part of the Zenith edition. The first episodes published in striscia form were reprinted in the new form, and then the serie was continued with the new episodes. Till 1980.-th main scriptwriter of Zagor's adventures was Sergio Bonelli, who used an alias of Guido Nolitta. After him Marcello Toninelli and Ade Capone took over Zagor, and in the early '90.-s they were replaced by Mauro Boselli and Moreno Burattini. Other famous Italian scriptwriters also wrote Zagor's episodes. Some of them were Alfredo Castelli, Tiziano Sclavi, Gianluigi Bonelli… Of course, an important part of the Zagor staff and one of the main reasons Zagor succeced was great artists. Amon them is the legendary Gallieno Ferri, by opinion of many people Zagor's best artist and the man who gave Zagor his face and draw all Zagor's covers, then the old masters Franco Donatelli and Franco Bignotti, unfortunately, both of them deciased, then the new wave of artists such as Carlo Raffaele Marcello, Mauro Laurenti, Raffaele Della Monica, Alessandro Chiarolla, Marco Toricelli, Gaetano Cassaro, Stefano Andreucci, Massimo Pesce, Maurizio Dotti and many others…

In may of 2001, Zagor had his 40-th anniversary of publishing and it seems that it will, under Boselli's and Burattini's helm, have many more annversaryes! The adventure continues!

Di je to drvo raslo, od kog je tesana? Dal se pod njime neko nekada ljubio? Otkud u njemu izvor svih mojih pesama? Dal je to znao onaj ko ga je dubio? Di je to drvo raslo, vrh kojih bregova? Dal nas je ista kiša mladane zalila? Ko mu je grane kreso, mati ga njegova? Cija je ruka lišce s jeseni palila... da znam?
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Verfalk2003 suradnik

Bosnia and Herzegovina
4761 Posts

Member since 19/05/2003

Posted - 27/04/2004 : 11:28:25  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Verfalk2003's Homepage  Send Verfalk2003 a Private Message
Btw. Nakon Zagora prevodim tekst o Cortu na engleski.

Di je to drvo raslo, od kog je tesana? Dal se pod njime neko nekada ljubio? Otkud u njemu izvor svih mojih pesama? Dal je to znao onaj ko ga je dubio? Di je to drvo raslo, vrh kojih bregova? Dal nas je ista kiša mladane zalila? Ko mu je grane kreso, mati ga njegova? Cija je ruka lišce s jeseni palila... da znam?

Edited by - Verfalk2003 on 27/04/2004 11:29:18
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Member since 09/09/2003

Posted - 27/04/2004 : 17:59:03  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send realist a Private Message
Poceo sam prevoditi Mister No-ov profil.Nadam se da cu zavrsiti do sutra.Btw,Verfalk,dobar posao...
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Posted - 27/04/2004 : 18:05:09  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send seinfeld a Private Message
Very soon they become great friends and that friendship turns INTO a business relation from which, in the year 1961., a character with an interesting name Zagor WAS BORN .

The time period in which his adventures accure=TAKE PLACE JE BOLJE?? is the first half of the 19. century.......


Zagor is a typical hero, the one who hates injustice and who dedicated his life (to struggle)TO FIGHT (against) criminals of the worst of sort.

It's a show about nothing.

Edited by - seinfeld on 27/04/2004 18:14:01
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Member since 07/12/2002

Posted - 27/04/2004 : 18:17:41  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send byoman a Private Message
of the worst sort, a ne of the worst of the sort

jesi li ti to dao profesorici da lektorira?
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Member since 04/11/2001

Posted - 27/04/2004 : 18:19:29  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send seinfeld a Private Message
Byo nastavi dalje tu sam prestao!

It's a show about nothing.
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Member since 22/07/2002

Posted - 27/04/2004 : 18:44:47  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Witchblade a Private Message
>Except for his many friends, Zagor, also, has many enemies

IN ADDITION TO his many friends...

>is assumed to come from '' Gordon.''

assumed to HAVE COME?

>Kandrax is a celtish druid


>sometimes on an urge of an incident

VErge, a ne urge

>Patrick Wilding swores

swears ILI swore

I mozda bi za Darkwood bolji izbor od "swamp" bio "marsh"...

E, jbga. Na jednu budalu koja ce se pomuciti i prevesti tekst nadje se pet pametnjakovica koji ce ga mudro ispravljati ! Ne daj se ti, Verfalce!

"But if of ships I now should sing, what ship would come to me,
What ship would bear me ever back across so wide a Sea?"
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Posted - 27/04/2004 : 18:53:33  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send seinfeld a Private Message
Stvarno smo moroni
Let's all get a life

It's a show about nothing.
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Member since 05/05/2003

Posted - 27/04/2004 : 19:21:14  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send miha a Private Message
Originally posted by Verfalk2003

Djole, prijevod ZG završen. Imam samo neke nedoumice.



Evo me.
Chico, PORTRAYED AS AN AWKWARDLY CLUMSY Mexican... bi možda moglo da prode?

...ovaj post vredi za dva posta (takozvana dupla vrednost posta)...
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Posted - 27/04/2004 : 20:37:07  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit SejoSexon's Homepage  Send SejoSexon a Private Message
Macan je gotov.

Bosna da prostis jedna zemlja imade, i posna i bosa da prostis, i hladna i gladna, i k tomu jos da prostis prkosna od sna!
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Posted - 27/04/2004 : 20:46:48  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Zox's Homepage  Send Zox a Private Message
Ja FAKAT nemam vremena, ali kao znak dobre volje cu prevesti Macana na italijanski.
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Posted - 27/04/2004 : 21:52:29  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit SejoSexon's Homepage  Send SejoSexon a Private Message
Marko jesi dobio moj mail sa tekstom o Macanu? Imam problema sa serverom.

Bosna da prostis jedna zemlja imade, i posna i bosa da prostis, i hladna i gladna, i k tomu jos da prostis prkosna od sna!
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Member since 07/12/2002

Posted - 28/04/2004 : 01:11:35  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send byoman a Private Message
The first episodes were published in ''Striscia'' form, and it gained great affection in Italy later, it's published in ''Tex Gigante'' or ''The Bonelli format'' since 1965. and continues to be published as a part of the Zenith edition. The first episodes published in striscia form were reprinted in the new form, and then the series was continued with the new episodes. Till 1980.-th Zagor's main scriptwriter was Sergio Bonelli, who used an alias of Guido Nolitta. After him Marcello Toninelli and Ade Capone took over Zagor, and in the early '90.-s they were replaced by Mauro Boselli and Moreno Burattini. Other famous Italian scriptwriters also wrote Zagor's episodes. Some of them were Alfredo Castelli, Tiziano Sclavi, Gianluigi Bonelli… Of course, an important part of the Zagor staff and one of the main reasons Zagor succeeded were great artists. Amon them is the legendary Gallieno Ferri, by opinion of many people Zagor's best artist and the man who gave Zagor his face and drew all Zagor's covers, then the old masters Franco Donatelli and Franco Bignotti, unfortunately, both of them deceased, then the new wave of artists such as Carlo Raffaele Marcello, Mauro Laurenti, Raffaele Della Monica, Alessandro Chiarolla, Marco Toricelli, Gaetano Cassaro, Stefano Andreucci, Massimo Pesce, Maurizio Dotti and many others…

Ovo boldasam ispravljao po vlastitom nahodjenju.
Ne mora biti tocno. Vecina toga je spelling :))))

BTW: Znaci, ako zelimo prevest neki tekst, javimo ovdje, prevedemo i postavimo da se lektorira?

"I otac i deda su mu bili opancari, pa je imao prilike da pronikne u sve tajne zanata."
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Verfalk2003 suradnik

Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Member since 19/05/2003

Posted - 28/04/2004 : 08:19:52  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Verfalk2003's Homepage  Send Verfalk2003 a Private Message
Originally posted by Witchblade

>Except for his many friends, Zagor, also, has many enemies

IN ADDITION TO his many friends...

>is assumed to come from '' Gordon.''

assumed to HAVE COME?

>Kandrax is a celtish druid


>sometimes on an urge of an incident

VErge, a ne urge

>Patrick Wilding swores

swears ILI swore

I mozda bi za Darkwood bolji izbor od "swamp" bio "marsh"...

E, jbga. Na jednu budalu koja ce se pomuciti i prevesti tekst nadje se pet pametnjakovica koji ce ga mudro ispravljati ! Ne daj se ti, Verfalce!

"But if of ships I now should sing, what ship would come to me,
What ship would bear me ever back across so wide a Sea?"

Fakat koji vam je vrag? Lako je jesti kad netko drugi zamijesi. Ja sam završio i preveo kako sam smatrao da je najbolje. Kome šaljem?

Di je to drvo raslo, od kog je tesana? Dal se pod njime neko nekada ljubio? Otkud u njemu izvor svih mojih pesama? Dal je to znao onaj ko ga je dubio? Di je to drvo raslo, vrh kojih bregova? Dal nas je ista kiša mladane zalila? Ko mu je grane kreso, mati ga njegova? Cija je ruka lišce s jeseni palila... da znam?
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Posted - 28/04/2004 : 08:39:20  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send realist a Private Message
Stvarno,kome šaljemo?
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Posted - 28/04/2004 : 08:47:58  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit SejoSexon's Homepage  Send SejoSexon a Private Message

Bosna da prostis jedna zemlja imade, i posna i bosa da prostis, i hladna i gladna, i k tomu jos da prostis prkosna od sna!
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Posted - 28/04/2004 : 09:04:16  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send jang a Private Message
Djoletu, on je šef projekta (a i markosu)
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Verfalk2003 suradnik

Bosnia and Herzegovina
4761 Posts

Member since 19/05/2003

Posted - 28/04/2004 : 09:55:38  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Verfalk2003's Homepage  Send Verfalk2003 a Private Message
Ovako. Neke greške koje ste vi tu naveli sam vec prepravio. realist, hvala na pohvali. Kako god, evo the real deal:

In the year 1960. Sergio Bonelli, a young scriptwriter and the son of Gianluigi Bonelli, met Gallieno Ferri, a young and perspektive artist. Very soon they become great friends and that friendship turns into a business relation from which, in the year 1961., a character with an interesting name Zagor was born. (Actually, it's short for Za-gor Te-nay, which in a dialect of Algonkin's means ''Spirit with a hatchet.'') Of course, the name itself doesn't have anything to do with the real dialect, it's assumed that Sergio Bonelli chose the syllable ''Za'' from ''Za-La-Mort'', a popular hero of the Italian silent movies, and the syllable ''Gor'' is assumed to come from '' Gordon.'' The first name that Sergio Bonelli chose was Ajax, by a well-known hero from the greek myths, but he gave up the idea when he saw that there's a detergent with a same name!

The main characteristics of this hero are adventure and action, with a touch of horror, chriminalistics and lately-fantasy. Inspired by some other heroes from the comic world (Superman, Tarzan…) Sergio Bonelli and Gallieno Ferri created an athletic figure, with physicaly superior, with an interesting and recognisable costume. The time period in which his adventures occure is the first half of the 19. century, to be more precise between 1820.-1840. in the territory of North America. The place of the action is Darkwood, Zagor's kingdom, an imaginary forest situated in the teritorry of North America near the Great Lakes and Canada, where Zagor lives in a cottage on a small island in the Darkwood swamp surrounded by quick sand that keeps unwanted guests far away! Besides the swamp Darkwood is a large area whose inhabitans are numerous Indian tribes, military forts, trapper cottages and small towns with, mostly, white inhabitans. Among them all, Zagor tries to create a balance of harmony and understanding, sometimes on an urge of incident and bigger problems with a few lost lives and destruction, and sometimes in a peacefull way and without necessary victims.

With an adventuorous spirit Zagor often takes on distant yourneys leaving Darkwood behind, most often answering his friends call for help. Apart from travelling all over North America, he also visited Arctic, Greenland, Scotland, Caribien, even Africa.

Zagor is a typical hero, the one who hates injustice and who dedicated his life to struggle against criminals of the worst of sort. His real name is Patrick Wilding. While he was still a boy, he survived a terible tragedy in which he lost both his parents. He was saved thanks to his father who threw him into the river which he was later pulled out by Wandering Fitzy, a cute wanderer and psylosopher who had left civilisation to live in peace in quiet in the nature. Fitzy takes the role of Zagor's lost father and teaches him many skills. It was thanks to him that Zagor brought his axe skills to perfection. In the final battle Zagor killed Salomon Kinsky, his father's murderer who on death's bed tells him the truth about his father, but in that battle his mentor and ''step''-father Wandering Fitzy died. The young Patrick Wilding swores that he will fight injustice until his last breath. An accidental meeting with a group of actors, the Sullivan's, results with the idea for a new name and his costume (A red shirt with a yellow circle in which is a picture of an eagle with his wings spread, which means that Zagor is Manitu's descendent.)

Like every superhero Zagor also has his trusting helper and sidekick in his adventures. Don Chico Felipe Cayetano Lopez y Martinez y Gonzales, or short Chico. Chico is a cute, clumsy and always hungry Mexican, a combination between a comic sidekick and Sancho Pansa. Chico often gets into trouble clevering his way out with suspicious barmens trying to eat on credit, in which he often has help from Trampy, a cute bum whom Chico always spoils ''the perfect job.'' Like Zagor, Chico has his Indian name-''A small man with a big belly.'' Besides Chico, Zagor has many other friends out of which we'll mention just a few of them. Tonka, the chief of the Mohawk and Zagor's brother by blood. He's a faithfull friend and he knows many Zagor's secrets and tricks which Spirit with the hatchet use to regain peace in Darkwood, no he never had less respect for him for that. Digging Bill, a confused treasure hunter, whose great wish is to finally find a treasure. He often drags Zagor and Chico into unexpected adventures in which they are awaited by many perils. Captain Fishleg is an old and experienced sea wolf involved in many adventures and thanks to his faithfull crew he sailes with his ship ''Golden Baby'', along many seas. Many eyes is a funny Indian wizard who gained his name because of the glasses he wears. He wears that excellent invention of the white people, as he calls it, because of his faint sight. Many Eyes came up with many tricks Zagor uses to regain good will of the chiefs of Darkwood. Doc Lester is a representative of the trappers and a great friend of Zagor's. He wears his nickname, Doc, with a reason. He was a dentist while he was living in the civilisation.

Except for his many friends, Zagor, also, has many enemies. Among them, Hellingen is surely his greatest. This twisted mad genius has invented inventions way beyond his time. He has built a giant robot Titan, warheads, made contact with the extraterrestrials and, even, managed to defeat death! Like Hellingen, Count Rakosi, a vampire Zagor fought against couple of times, has thousand of lives and surely will cross paths with Zagor many times. Kandrax is a celtic druid with magical powers who fought Zagor a couple of times.

The first episodes were published in ''Striscia'' form, and after it has gaind great affection from the readers of Italy, it's published in ''Tex Gigante'' or ''The Bonelli format'' since 1965. and continues to be published as a part of the Zenith edition. The first episodes published in striscia form were reprinted in the new form, and then the serie was continued with the new episodes. Till 1980 main scriptwriter of Zagor's adventures was Sergio Bonelli, who used an alias of Guido Nolitta. After him Marcello Toninelli and Ade Capone took over Zagor, and in the early '90's they were replaced by Mauro Boselli and Moreno Burattini. Other famous Italian scriptwriters also wrote Zagor's episodes. Some of them were Alfredo Castelli, Tiziano Sclavi, Gianluigi Bonelli… Of course, an important part of the Zagor staff and one of the main reasons Zagor succeced was great artists. Among them is the legendary Gallieno Ferri, according to many people Zagor's best artist and the man who gave Zagor his face and draw all Zagor's covers, then the old masters Franco Donatelli and Franco Bignotti, unfortunately, both of them deciased, then the new wave of artists such as Carlo Raffaele Marcello, Mauro Laurenti, Raffaele Della Monica, Alessandro Chiarolla, Marco Toricelli, Gaetano Cassaro, Stefano Andreucci, Massimo Pesce, Maurizio Dotti and many others…

In june of 2001, Zagor had his 40-th anniversary of publishing and it seems that it will, under Boselli's and Burattini's helm, have many more annversaryes! The adventure continues!

Di je to drvo raslo, od kog je tesana? Dal se pod njime neko nekada ljubio? Otkud u njemu izvor svih mojih pesama? Dal je to znao onaj ko ga je dubio? Di je to drvo raslo, vrh kojih bregova? Dal nas je ista kiša mladane zalila? Ko mu je grane kreso, mati ga njegova? Cija je ruka lišce s jeseni palila... da znam?
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Djole suradnik

11876 Posts

Member since 03/11/2002

Posted - 01/05/2004 : 15:23:39  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message
Prvo, izvinjenje što sam svoje vreme na Forumu koristio na manje kreativne nacine u toku prošle nedeljje, pa se nisam bavio ovim projektom.

Drugo: ma dajte ljudi, sve je OK sa prevodom, pa to i ne treba da bude profi, kao što ni sami textovi nisu profi Sve je ql.

btw, ne saljete meni textove, saljete Markosu, samo postujte ovde šta ste završili da bih napravio onaj dvonedeljni pregled i da znamo dokle smo stigli.

I trece, nisam koordinator projekta... ;)

Nice and smooth.
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Posted - 01/05/2004 : 15:25:42  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send seinfeld a Private Message
Prvo:Ostavi se ove ludosti Djole i pocni s BD tabloidom vec jednom.
Drugo:Raja nestrpljivo ceka!
I trece: Ajde sta cekas :-)!

It's a show about nothing that has something for everyone.
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Djole suradnik

11876 Posts

Member since 03/11/2002

Posted - 01/05/2004 : 15:33:51  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message
Tekstualni deo je skoro gotov za prvih petnaest brojeva (dopunjen reprint prva tri, plus dvanest novih). I layout je napravljen, još "samo" da sve to graficki pokrijem i oblikujem onako kako sam zamislio...

Cenim da ce se prvi broj pojaviti za oko dve nedelje, ali opšte je poznato kako sam dobar sa rokovima...

Nice and smooth.
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Posted - 01/05/2004 : 15:56:35  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Žiga a Private Message
Ajd sad i ja trebam nesto pomoci.Posobno kod onih dijelova, koji su u bold tekstu:

Darko Macan was born in Zagreb in September 1966. He made a degree in history and archeology in 1994 on Zagreb FF. When he was in primary school he worked on comics just for his own pleasure. Profesionally he began work on comics while he was studying: in Januar 1988 he published first gag »Bocka« and first pages of licensed »Tom and Jerry«.After that, he published numerous short comics like »Kolumbo« in Vecerjni list, »Salomon« in sarajevska Nedjelja, »Water Egg« in Patek and kvadratek, »Volim Tv« in Glas Slavonije, »Pirati« (renamed in »Surferi« i »Hakeri«) in some newspapers and from 1992 »Borovnica« in Modra last. While arting, Macan began to write comic scenes for publishers from native country and abroad. Of latter were for Eisner award nominated »Grendel Tales«(art of Edvin Biukovic), scenario of series »Tarzan« (art of Igor Kordej), »Star Wars«, »Hellblazer«, »Sandman Presents«, »Captain America«, »Soldier X«, »Donald Duck« and »Mickey Mouse«. From scenarios for croatian market we have to mention series »Svebor i Plamena«(in Modra last art of Goran Sudžuka and Matija Pisacic), »Saša« (in Frca paintings of Goran Sudžuka and Robert Solanovic), »Komarac« (in Zvrko art of Štef Bartolic), »Mister Macak« (in Prvi izbor art of Robert Solanovic) and »Dick Long« (In Playboy art of Štef Bartolic). In 1995 he received two awards of Comic saloon Vinkovci for scenario, in 2001 he was once again nominated for Eisner award (short story A Prayer to the Sun« (art of Edvin Biukovic). Macan made on prose too and he published 40 stories (mostly genre of science fiction), for what he three times received award SFera.With Tatjana Jambrišak he disposed seven collections of croatian science fiction. He wrote two novels for kids, one of them »Knjige lažu« received national award and »Grigor Vitez« was the best book for kids.

Valjda ima neki drugi izraz za one se mi cini da je osobna zbirka..
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Djole suradnik

11876 Posts

Member since 03/11/2002

Posted - 01/05/2004 : 16:07:36  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message
While drawing, Macan began to to write scirpts for comic books... ostalo je OK:

Nice and smooth.
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Ned Mace suradnik

638 Posts

Member since 28/12/2002

Posted - 01/05/2004 : 16:08:46  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Ned Mace a Private Message
Zograf je gotov do utorka/srijede...

Go on home British soldiers, go on home
Have you got no fuckin' homes of your own?
For 800 years we fought you without fear and we will fight you for 800 more

Edited by - Ned Mace on 01/05/2004 16:15:38
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Senior Member

1980 Posts

Member since 10/11/2003

Posted - 01/05/2004 : 16:13:46  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Žiga a Private Message
Originally posted by Djole

While drawing, Macan began to to write scirpts for comic books... ostalo je OK:

Nice and smooth.

OK hvala:)
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