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Senior Member

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Member since 12/03/2002

Posted - 07/08/2002 : 19:21:43  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Nobody a Private Message
Kod mene su stigla tri komada (vec neko vrijeme nazad) i odmah sam kupio dva komada, teko da niste jedini koji posedujete više od jednog ili jedne ,,Nulte godine,,

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Advanced Member

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Member since 28/07/2002

Posted - 07/08/2002 : 19:28:53  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Curunir a Private Message
Gaston, hebga sinoc mi se nesto iskompliciralo pa mi je malo magije uteklo. Otud onakvo vrijeme, a nisam planirao jer je nasima donijelo vise stete nego koristi. Naime, Jozu je pogodila munja u cipanicu pa sad shepa i hebe mi sve odreda misleci da ja to ne vidim, a budala dobro zna da iman onu staklenu balotu......
Nego, ako slucajno budes natrapao na nekog tko se predstavlja kao Stinky znaj da ce te pokusati prevariti da sam to navodno ja sam, Curunir. Ma to je ona fukara od Olorina (oni patetici od ljudi ga zovu Gandalf a odvratni Elfi Mithrandir) koja pokusava spasiti hobbite. Nemoj da te prevari, jako je opasan mada mi nije ni do zgloba povise desnog tabana. Pravi se da si nasjeo, a onda kad ne bude ocekivao, zap po grkljanu i na razanj s cemo da vidimo kad ce se sad opet materijalizirati, fukara jedna Maianska!!!!

I can't believe these psychotic trees are still here, ruining my Angrenost and hurling themselves to Orthanc!!
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Gaston suradnik

5935 Posts

Member since 30/07/2002

Posted - 07/08/2002 : 20:41:18  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Gaston's Homepage  Send Gaston a Private Message
Ne boj se Curunire! OZNA sve dozna he he he...

And I must be an acrobat to talk like this and act like that...
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stinky suradnik

13122 Posts

Member since 29/12/2001

Posted - 07/08/2002 : 21:29:03  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit stinky's Homepage  Send stinky a Private Message
E crni Curunire, nisi smio otvoreno napasti Stinkyja Mocnog Ludog Plavog Crnog Osuncanog. Za odmazdu cu ti razdvojiti prijatelja Gastona po dijelovima i poslati ti neke od njih poštom, a od ostatka si skuhati juhu. A na tebe šaljem: Vjetri!!!Vjetriiiiii!!!!! Snjegovi!!!! Vatra!!!! Kažem, vatra!!!!! S ork-trolovima ti stižem, da ti sve što si dotakao u životu nabijem na kolac! Crni vjetar, vatra i celik, hehehe

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Gaston suradnik

5935 Posts

Member since 30/07/2002

Posted - 07/08/2002 : 22:31:45  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Gaston's Homepage  Send Gaston a Private Message
Cekaj malo Stinky. Cini se meni da ti nemaš pojma s kim se u borbu upuštaš. Slijedi duga, krvava, mucna i slatka osveta...

And I must be an acrobat to talk like this and act like that...
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stinky suradnik

13122 Posts

Member since 29/12/2001

Posted - 07/08/2002 : 23:19:46  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit stinky's Homepage  Send stinky a Private Message
Duge, krvave, mucne i slatke osvete jedem za dorucak zajedno sa pecenim Gastonima i malim Spirouima. Pa oko mene su vojske podanika i kamen i celik i vatra i heavy metal. Neprijatelje ne brojim, samo gazim. I to najbržim putem od tocke A do tocke B.

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Gaston suradnik

5935 Posts

Member since 30/07/2002

Posted - 07/08/2002 : 23:48:04  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Gaston's Homepage  Send Gaston a Private Message
E moj Stinky... Psi koji laju obicno su za kurac, a ti si jedan obicni mali psic. Ipak, jako si mi simpatican tako da te necu dugo muciti (jebiga, ipak je smrad gadan).

And I must be an acrobat to talk like this and act like that...
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Average Member

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Member since 17/04/2002

Posted - 08/08/2002 : 08:55:12  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send gr a Private Message

I am the push that makes you move
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stinky suradnik

13122 Posts

Member since 29/12/2001

Posted - 08/08/2002 : 09:25:10  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit stinky's Homepage  Send stinky a Private Message
Za kurac, kažeš? E pa sad cu ti pustiti lajave pse da se usereš od te buke. A i smrad im je opak, zapaljiv. Ali, kad si i ti meni simpatican, samo cu te malo muciti, samo malo preko granice bola, a onda te vodim u rajske vrtove da jedemo grožde i smokve.

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Gaston suradnik

5935 Posts

Member since 30/07/2002

Posted - 08/08/2002 : 10:53:24  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Gaston's Homepage  Send Gaston a Private Message
Ajde ako se opereš mogao bi te i lozom pocastiti...

And I must be an acrobat to talk like this and act like that...
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stinky suradnik

13122 Posts

Member since 29/12/2001

Posted - 08/08/2002 : 11:51:13  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit stinky's Homepage  Send stinky a Private Message
Dogovoreno, ali onda i tebi jedan uvjet, bolje receno savjet (besplatno); okupaj se u vlastitoj pišaki i nemoj se više prati do susreta uopce, dobro ce ti ciniti za kožu i moždane stanice.

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Advanced Member

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Member since 05/11/2001

Posted - 08/08/2002 : 13:05:29  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Top a Private Message
Boj te se Stinkija, nije sramota, ko ga jednom vidi , pamti ga citavog zivota
PS: govorim iz iskustva

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Gaston suradnik

5935 Posts

Member since 30/07/2002

Posted - 08/08/2002 : 14:10:24  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Gaston's Homepage  Send Gaston a Private Message
Ne boj se Tope. Znam ja da je Stinky pljunuti Golum, samo što Golum ne smrdi tako. Nije mi jasno zašto se ne zoveš Smrdo? Cuo sam da u Vukovaru ima jako puno komaraca pa ne bi bilo loše da se prošetaš malo tamo i da pokažeš komarcima šta to znaci i kako to smrdi kad se ne pereš desetljecima. Tekst reklame: Jebeš Raid, pozovite Stinkyja
Moguce nuspojave: Ako i vi crknete jebi ga...

And I must be an acrobat to talk like this and act like that...
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Senior Member

2195 Posts

Member since 12/03/2002

Posted - 08/08/2002 : 19:07:58  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Nobody a Private Message
Bezvezne rijeci, kao u topicu M.N. je peder!

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stinky suradnik

13122 Posts

Member since 29/12/2001

Posted - 08/08/2002 : 19:34:44  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit stinky's Homepage  Send stinky a Private Message
Stinky ne da tjera komarce, nego i vrapce i žapce, moj Gastone. Cuo si Topa, boj se. Pa šta je meni cipelama od sedam milja skocit do tebe i razjebat ti tvoj svijet, kakvim ga poznaš, totalno. Zato tiše, što tišije, da ne bude jao i naopako.

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Advanced Member

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Member since 28/07/2002

Posted - 09/08/2002 : 00:02:57  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Curunir a Private Message
E vidis Gaston znao sam da ce te prevariti. Hebeni Olorinko se navodno predstavlja kao losh, opasan, smrdljiv, zao.....A on samo misli kako usreciti elfove i hobbite, kako da cvijeche raste, da bude sunca, da sve divno mirishe, da odvratno dobro pobjedjuje....toliko je poshten i dobrichina da mi se povracha od toga.....stoga ne daj se, on je na drugoj strani, ne bi ni mrava zgazio, al nas mrzi jer smo jachi....on i njegovi Manwe i Aule i sta ja sve ne znam iz svijeta dobra......grupa hipija i daj se, Uruci su blizu, zapad ce drhtati...uhh, kad bih se jos samo oslobodio ovih pshotichnih stabala i nasao taj prstenchic.....

I can't believe these psychotic trees are still here, ruining my Angrenost and hurling themselves to Orthanc!!
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Archangel Vule
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Member since 06/06/2002

Posted - 09/08/2002 : 23:23:30  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Archangel Vule's Homepage  Send Archangel Vule an ICQ Message  Send Archangel Vule a Private Message

Ali niste racunali na mene!

S povjerenjem,
Vas kalkulator

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Gaston suradnik

5935 Posts

Member since 30/07/2002

Posted - 10/08/2002 : 21:45:56  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Gaston's Homepage  Send Gaston a Private Message
Ej Curunire, šta misliš odakle je ispa ovaj arhandel Vule?

And I must be an acrobat to talk like this and act like that...
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Senior Member

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Member since 12/03/2002

Posted - 11/08/2002 : 19:55:09  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Nobody a Private Message
Sa podruma !??!

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Archangel Vule
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Member since 06/06/2002

Posted - 11/08/2002 : 22:31:57  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Archangel Vule's Homepage  Send Archangel Vule an ICQ Message  Send Archangel Vule a Private Message
nisam ispao nego postao

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Advanced Member

10369 Posts

Member since 28/07/2002

Posted - 11/08/2002 : 22:48:27  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Curunir a Private Message
Gaston, kod mene je prava strka. Prokleta stabla obrusila se na Isengard. Oprzio sam ih par al ona i dalje udaraju. Lome, ruse, ubijaju. Jos mi se opet nes zbrljalo pa je oluja pobjegla iz laba. Prava katastrofa. Vise necu rabiti water magic.
Nadalje, cijela legija mi naletjela na Olorinka bas kad je sve bilo pri kraju, i ne sluti na dobro.
A Vule je jedan od odbjeglih Uruka, i misli se nekaznjeno izvuci

I can't believe these psychotic trees are still here, ruining my Angrenost and hurling themselves to Orthanc!!
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Advanced Member

10369 Posts

Member since 28/07/2002

Posted - 11/08/2002 : 22:51:44  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Curunir a Private Message
This has been a really wretched day. I no sooner finish sending my armies after Edoras when what happens? Some psychotic tree comes and starts hammering at the Gate and yelling like hell. And when my stupid ineffectual guards can't get rid of it - what the hell's wrong with them? Aren't they fed well enough? - it calls more trees, and they all start tearing apart the Ring! The whole damned Ring of Isengard! One of them got in and tried to kill me! The damned monstrosity chased me all the way back to the Tower, screaming that I was a "tree-killer"; I was lucky to make it back in alive! What the hell is this? Why are they so upset over one lousy desk?!

I can't believe these psychotic trees are still here, ruining my Angrenost and hurling themselves to Orthanc!!
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stinky suradnik

13122 Posts

Member since 29/12/2001

Posted - 11/08/2002 : 23:51:38  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit stinky's Homepage  Send stinky a Private Message
Gaston, kod mene je prava strka. Prokleta stabla obrusila se na Isengard. Oprzio sam ih par al ona i dalje udaraju. Lome, ruse, ubijaju. Jos mi se opet nes zbrljalo pa je oluja pobjegla iz laba. Prava katastrofa

Nije ti to ništa, Curunire bijeli. To je još pickin dim, par stabalca = pussy, a ti vec kukaš. Nego, pripremi se za 11. krug pakla, šaljem ti uglate zagrade, viticaste zagrade, otvorene zagrade, nepoznanice, binome, znakove jednakosti, razlomacke crte, linearne jednadžbe i decimalne brojeve. A ta rulja ne zna za milost, sravnice ti Orthanc sa razinom Egejskog mora. Tebe ce živog da mi dovedu, da popricamo malo, šta si ti to zborio prije. Plus ne svidaju mi se tvoje godine.

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Advanced Member

10369 Posts

Member since 28/07/2002

Posted - 12/08/2002 : 04:42:37  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Curunir a Private Message
E moj Olorine!! Pa kud time da me to je moj arsenal ali na djecjem nivou..... budi spreman na vektorske prostorne anomalije, sferne integrale, lagrangeove operatore, nelinearnu algebru, metrichki prostorni kvantum i jos puuuuno toga.....bas si falio oruzje za birati i sad ces biti unisten....

I can't believe these psychotic trees are still here, ruining my Angrenost and hurling themselves to Orthanc!!
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Gaston suradnik

5935 Posts

Member since 30/07/2002

Posted - 12/08/2002 : 09:52:07  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Gaston's Homepage  Send Gaston a Private Message
To Curunire! Pocasti ga još i sa limesom i derivacijama pa neka ne prestane kukat!

And I must be an acrobat to talk like this and act like that...
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