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DeeCay suradnik

21661 Posts

Member since 24/09/2002

Posted - 23/11/2004 : 23:44:06  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send DeeCay a Private Message
Originally posted by tantus

Zanimljiv topic, pa da se ukljucim ja sa par komentara.

U Zoni X 44 i 45 (što su poslednje dve epizode koje su izašle u tom serijalu) Altrove 1999. godine biva razorena od strane vanzemaljaca. Prica je iz dva dela i ukljucuje prošlost Jacque-a i Christine, brata i sestre iz Magic Patrol. U okviru Zone X serijal Magic Patrol ima boljeg i slabijeg kvaliteta, a ta dvodelna epizoda mi je medu top 3.

Pošto vidim da se narod prilicno zainteresovao za MM hronologiju, iskoristicu ovaj "utorak" da postavim dva skena, Indice analitico iz MM241 i Tajni život MM-a. Tajni život MM-a je knjižica koja je izašla kao dodatak 19-om Specijalcu povodom 20 godina izlaženja i na 60-ak strana prepricava kompletnu hronologiju dogadanja, uz predstavljanje svih relevantnih likova u stripu.

A što je bilo 1986. godine? Sigurno neki beznacajni dogadaj kojeg je Chris samo tako spomenuo da na neki nacin objasni razlog nekih dogadaja u toj epizodi ("Potopite Titanic").

To sve ceš skenirati? Kolko ce to zauzimati?

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled
Was convincing the world he didn't exist,
That was his power...
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Djole suradnik

11876 Posts

Member since 03/11/2002

Posted - 24/11/2004 : 07:51:07  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message
Originally posted by Dalen

Mislim da ne bih rekao Djole. Star Trek TNG (a i ostale) sam pogledao nekoliko puta (sve epizode), i mislim da se ne pojavljuju nigdje osim u Voyageru.

Cek', zar se u TNG ne pojavljuju neke vremensko-prostorne kapije koje je izumela "davno izumrla" vrsta, i koje svi pokušavaju da zloupotrebe? Možda nije u pitanju ista rasa (prošlo je dobrih 10 godina od kada sam gledao TNG - na žalost!), ali je tema slicna.

"...Una citta' aldila' dello spazio e del tempo, malincolica, pigra, affascinante... e chissa' come doveva essere quando questi canali erano pieni dell'acqua della laguna..."
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Djole suradnik

11876 Posts

Member since 03/11/2002

Posted - 24/11/2004 : 10:42:21  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message
DeeCay, nisam rekao da su Venerabili putovali putem Lays (a i ako jesam - nisam ;) ), vec da su Leys koristili Leys kao izvor energije za svoju tehnologiju - ukljucujuci i one vremensko-prostorne portale kojima su na kraju otputovali u ko zna koju galaksiju.

Inace, teorija o telurickim strujama, koja se na mnogim mestima tumaci na razlicite nacine, od toga da su neka vrsta energije, pa do toga da su tuneli, kao u Agartiju, je veoma, veoma rasprostranjena, i za sve sulude teoriju na tu temu toplo preporucujem Fukoovo klatno Umberta Eka (a i ako vas ne zanimaju teluricke struje, procitajte ga, to je po meni najbolji roman svih vremena, iako je jeeeeeeeeezivo komplikovan).

Senka, prilicno sam siguran da na naslovnici mog Dieci anni dopo ima neka najava za dodatnu knjižicu. A mislim da su MIB veoma interesantni, jer ce se kasnije provlaciti i u regularnoj seriji (zar se Korg ne pojavljuje kasnije tokom Countdowna?), i saznajemo dosta toga o Atlantidi, vampirima, i cemu sve ne.

tantus, way to go, man!

"...Una citta' aldila' dello spazio e del tempo, malincolica, pigra, affascinante... e chissa' come doveva essere quando questi canali erano pieni dell'acqua della laguna..."
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Senior Member

2263 Posts

Member since 13/03/2003

Posted - 24/11/2004 : 14:51:11  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Dalen a Private Message
Originally posted by Djole

Originally posted by Dalen

Mislim da ne bih rekao Djole. Star Trek TNG (a i ostale) sam pogledao nekoliko puta (sve epizode), i mislim da se ne pojavljuju nigdje osim u Voyageru.

Cek', zar se u TNG ne pojavljuju neke vremensko-prostorne kapije koje je izumela "davno izumrla" vrsta, i koje svi pokušavaju da zloupotrebe? Možda nije u pitanju ista rasa (prošlo je dobrih 10 godina od kada sam gledao TNG - na žalost!), ali je tema slicna.

Koliko je meni poznato u TNG se ne pojavljuje takvo nešto. U DS9 imamo crvotocinu koja vodi u gama kvadrant, i u njoj žive mocna bica. Možda si mislio na to a možda si mislio i na seriju Stargate. Uglavnom ima jako puno takvih stvari pa su scenaristi iz Bonellia mogli uzeti dosta toga.

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Djole suradnik

11876 Posts

Member since 03/11/2002

Posted - 24/11/2004 : 15:01:42  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message
Um, ne, baš sam mislio na TNG, a ne na Wormhole iz DS9.

Procackacu malko po netu.

"...Una citta' aldila' dello spazio e del tempo, malincolica, pigra, affascinante... e chissa' come doveva essere quando questi canali erano pieni dell'acqua della laguna..."
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Djole suradnik

11876 Posts

Member since 03/11/2002

Posted - 24/11/2004 : 15:10:45  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message
Pa kaže:

AIR DATE - 03.20.89

An advanced alien computer program causes the destruction of a Federation ship, and infects the Enterprise. Picard and crew investigate an ancient and extinct race, and must beat the Romulans in a race to their technology.

Venerabili su, drugim recima, u stvari Ikonijanci iz ove epizode.

"...Una citta' aldila' dello spazio e del tempo, malincolica, pigra, affascinante... e chissa' come doveva essere quando questi canali erano pieni dell'acqua della laguna..."
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Djole suradnik

11876 Posts

Member since 03/11/2002

Posted - 24/11/2004 : 15:13:04  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message
I još:

From Memory Alpha, the free Star Trek reference.
The Iconians were an ancient and highly advanced civilization that was destroyed about 200,000 years ago by orbital bombardment of their home planet, Iconia. Ancient texts called the Iconians "Demons of Air and Darkness", who were said to have the ability to appear at will on far-flung planets without the use of starships. Later this was found to be a reference to the Iconians' gateway technology, whose instant teleportation allowed them to establish outposts at least as far as Vandros IV in the Gamma Quadrant. Until the discovery of Iconia in 2365, the Iconians were still dismissed by many as nothing more than myth.

Historically the Iconians were generally described as a race of conquerors, though recently some scholars dispute this claim as a distortion perpetuated from the species who feared and demonized their advanced technology, and eventually destroyed them. It has been speculated that not all of the Iconians perished in the attacks, but rather used their gateways to escape to other worlds. Indeed, the similarity between the Iconian language and the later languages of Dewan, Iccobar and Dinasian has been cited as supporting evidence of this theory.

TNG: "Contagion"
DS9: "To the Death"
VOY: "Inside Man"
Retrieved from ""

"...Una citta' aldila' dello spazio e del tempo, malincolica, pigra, affascinante... e chissa' come doveva essere quando questi canali erano pieni dell'acqua della laguna..."
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DeeCay suradnik

21661 Posts

Member since 24/09/2002

Posted - 24/11/2004 : 15:15:04  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send DeeCay a Private Message
I viaggi nel tempo e nello spazio attraverso i "portali" dei Venerabili citano gli Iconiani di Star Trek – The Next Generation (episodio "Contagio").
uBC Maxi MM #01

Ali ovi gušteri na Voyageru su cak i slicili Venerabilima...

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled
Was convincing the world he didn't exist,
That was his power...
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Djole suradnik

11876 Posts

Member since 03/11/2002

Posted - 24/11/2004 : 15:17:13  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message
Eto, i UBC se slaže. ;)

"...Una citta' aldila' dello spazio e del tempo, malincolica, pigra, affascinante... e chissa' come doveva essere quando questi canali erano pieni dell'acqua della laguna..."
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DeeCay suradnik

21661 Posts

Member since 24/09/2002

Posted - 24/11/2004 : 15:28:17  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send DeeCay a Private Message
Evo još o Iconiancima:

The Iconians' legacy returned in the DS9 episode 'To The Death', which saw a group of renegade Jem'Hadar trying to refine the gateway technology. They've had casual mentions in others as well, such as Voyager's 'Inside Man'.

Iconianci su imali svoje portale i istrijebljena su rasa davno nestala, a za Vothe je dokazano da su došli sa Zemlje i daljnja su evolucijska karika dinosaura. Žive u neznanju da su njihovi predaci došli sa Zemlje. Još jedna zanimljivost koju možemo dodati Venerabilima. Treba obavjestiti uBC!

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled
Was convincing the world he didn't exist,
That was his power...
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Djole suradnik

11876 Posts

Member since 03/11/2002

Posted - 24/11/2004 : 15:34:13  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message
Skrpi na italijanskom i šalji, ja nisam gledao Voyger. ;)

"...Una citta' aldila' dello spazio e del tempo, malincolica, pigra, affascinante... e chissa' come doveva essere quando questi canali erano pieni dell'acqua della laguna..."
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DeeCay suradnik

21661 Posts

Member since 24/09/2002

Posted - 24/11/2004 : 15:37:42  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send DeeCay a Private Message
Originally posted by Djole

Skrpi na italijanskom i šalji, ja nisam gledao Voyger. ;)

Ti nisi gledao Voyager, a ja ne znam talijanski... uBC ce ocigledno izgubiti prvorazrednu zanimljivost!

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled
Was convincing the world he didn't exist,
That was his power...
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Senior Member

2263 Posts

Member since 13/03/2003

Posted - 24/11/2004 : 16:55:28  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Dalen a Private Message
Moram priznati da se te epizode, ovako sad, ne sjecam Kad bi je sad ponovo gledao, odmah bih se sjetio ali ovako Jebi ga, što ceš, senilnost napada oceš neceš!
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Djole suradnik

11876 Posts

Member since 03/11/2002

Posted - 24/11/2004 : 17:00:59  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message
DeeCay, iskopaj koja je to epizoda Voyagera, pa cemo da skrpimo nešto, onda ce dežurni poznavaoci italijanskog ovde nam isprave šta smo skrpili, i onda šaljemo na UBC!

Jipi, bicemo slavni!!! ;)

"...Una citta' aldila' dello spazio e del tempo, malincolica, pigra, affascinante... e chissa' come doveva essere quando questi canali erano pieni dell'acqua della laguna..."
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Senior Member

2263 Posts

Member since 13/03/2003

Posted - 24/11/2004 : 17:01:49  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Dalen a Private Message
Kod nas su nedavno izašle 1. i 2. sezona TNG na DVD-u. Da ne koštaju koliko koštaju, odmah bi ih ubo, iako sam sve gledao jedno 3 puta. Morat cemo cekati bolja vremena ili ih lagano pofrigati. Upsss, to nisam smio reci, piraterija nije poželjna. Necemo ih pofrigati!
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Verfalk2003 suradnik

Bosnia and Herzegovina
4761 Posts

Member since 19/05/2003

Posted - 24/11/2004 : 17:53:10  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Verfalk2003's Homepage  Send Verfalk2003 a Private Message
Ta epizoda sa Ikonijancima... Ako se dobro sjecam Picard, Romulanci, Klingonci i Kardasijanci su u nekoj vrsti lova na blago i kad napokon pronadu to što su tražili ispostavi se da su Ikonijanci posijali sjeme života posvuda i da su zato svi slicni. Jel' to ta epizoda?

Prije sam bio uobražen, ali sad sam i tu manu iskorijenio. Sad sam savršen.
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DeeCay suradnik

21661 Posts

Member since 24/09/2002

Posted - 24/11/2004 : 18:10:29  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send DeeCay a Private Message
Sezona 3. Epizoda #65 "Distant origin"

The Voth species, according to powerful evidence found by noted Voth scientist Prof. Forra Gegen, evolved from the hadrosaur of 20 million years ago in the Cretaceous period and, as the Voth share 47 genetic markers with humans, originated on Earth. Gegen's evidence included the skeletal remains of Lt. Hogan from the planet Hanon IV, whose death occurs in [#44 Basics, Part Two], and the capture of Chakotay [#65 Distant Origin]. Voth and Humans share 47 genetic markers

Already among the Voth there is the Distant Origin theory which propounds that, rather than being the 'First Race' as per Voth Doctrine which represents official and orthodox belief, the Voth evolved somewhere else in the universe and travelled to this area of space millions of years ago.

Hadrosaurs and humans share a common ancestor in the primitive amphibian Eryops, an extinct genus that lived on Earth approximately 400 million years ago. Eryops was the last common link between cold-blooded and warm-blooded animals on Earth, and the last common ancestor of humans and Voth.

Koriste transwarp te posjeduju sposobnost kloukanja (cloaking). Nemaju repove, a mislim da ih Venerabili imaju.

Slika Votha!

A ovo je slika Iconianskog portala! Djole može usporediti dal se to koristi kod Venerabila.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled
Was convincing the world he didn't exist,
That was his power...
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DeeCay suradnik

21661 Posts

Member since 24/09/2002

Posted - 24/11/2004 : 18:21:38  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send DeeCay a Private Message
Originally posted by Verfalk2003

Ta epizoda sa Ikonijancima... Ako se dobro sjecam Picard, Romulanci, Klingonci i Kardasijanci su u nekoj vrsti lova na blago i kad napokon pronadu to što su tražili ispostavi se da su Ikonijanci posijali sjeme života posvuda i da su zato svi slicni. Jel' to ta epizoda?

Mislim da to nisu bili Iconijanci. Kod Iconijanaca je posada Enterprisea uništila portal jako napredne tehnologije izumrle rase Iconijanaca jer su ga Romulanci htjeli za sebe!
A epizoda o kojoj govoriš to sam i ja gledao i na prvoj stranici topica sam je spomenuo.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled
Was convincing the world he didn't exist,
That was his power...
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Senior Member

1651 Posts

Member since 10/09/2003

Posted - 24/11/2004 : 20:18:10  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tantus a Private Message
Originally posted by Djole
(zar se Korg ne pojavljuje kasnije tokom Countdowna?),

tantus, way to go, man!

Korg i cela ta prica sa Adamom kao prvim Covekom u crnom se pojavljuje ponovo u brojevima 235, 236 i 237, kao i broju 247 redovne serije. Tu imamo nagoveštaj da ce se buduce epizode dosta vracati na tu temu, medutim vec 20 brojeva ni od pomena.

Slicno je sa Orlijem. Negde od 6-og Giganta Orli polako prelazi u pozitivce i svako malo se pojavi neka epizoda u vezi toga koju po pravilu crtaju Esposito Bros. i od poslednje trodelne epizode sa Lokijem i Andelima (koja mi nije bila nešto) isto ni reci.

Poslao sam na MM Indice analitico i La vita segreta di Martin Mystere, pa možete krenuti sa download-om.
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DeeCay suradnik

21661 Posts

Member since 24/09/2002

Posted - 25/11/2004 : 19:38:46  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send DeeCay a Private Message
Tantus je napravio svoje! Fanovi MM nek si obavezno skinu te dodatke. Trebalo mi je 15-tak minutica po zipu (8 ih je!) da skinem uz standardno opterecenje surfanja po forumu Što ce reci, to je fantasticno!
Pojmovi iz MM svijeta su razvrstani po abecedi.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled
Was convincing the world he didn't exist,
That was his power...
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