Necete shvatiti o cemu se radi, no nema veze nema nijednog spoilera na ovoj stranici, cak je sve u skladu s svim sto je do sada Lavirint izadao, ali nakon slijdeceg broja ne pitajte me nista
"You see something you want then go for it (go for it) don't think twice go for it (go for it) don't leave this earth with nothing to show for it"
Kako nebi shvatio?!? Dodje ovaj tip i mazne ovog drugog u bulju i *bam* *krsh* i onda ovaj drugi *aaagh* i sve leti i eee...
Cool :)
-- "All this nonsense comes down to that imaginary kid who jumped out of the window with a towel around his neck and killed himself. That kid has terrorized the comic book industry for sixty or seventy years. Get this – there’s no evidence that kid ever existed." --Frank Miller
Olokva i tuš skoro da se i ne razlikuju... Esad bi rekao, koji ce ti kur.. takva olovka, ionako ceš kasnije to tuširati. Stvarno predetaljno za jednu olovku...
Jebiga, nismo svi spretni il da imamo korektor pri ruci :P
-- "All this nonsense comes down to that imaginary kid who jumped out of the window with a towel around his neck and killed himself. That kid has terrorized the comic book industry for sixty or seventy years. Get this – there’s no evidence that kid ever existed." --Frank Miller