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Posted - 23/07/2006 : 12:45:48
During the Q&A, McFarlane was taken by surprise by the remarks of a particular fan. "I don't really buy toys and stuff, but I'm a big fan of your comics," the fan began. "You were really successful with Spawn, but what's next? When are you going to do another comic? You've got to have other ideas, right?"
When the laughter and hissing subsided, McFarlane replied honestly. "I always sort of felt if you could create your own Mickey Mouse, it's a pretty good living. You don't need to do a Donald Duck and a Goofy and a Minnie Mouse. Arguably, [I've done that] with Spawn...." McFarlane stuttered on for a moment about having introduced numerous new characters within the confines of the "Spawn series" before finally stating, "My life is very complicated. I have three kids. [I make] the toys you don't buy. I mean, yeah, I do have some ideas, but I can only spread myself so thin."
At that point, Brian Haberlin outed the rabble-rousing audience member as none other than Robert Kirkman, writer of Image's "Walking Dead" and "Invincible" comics.
There is but one word to describe the look on Todd McFarlane's face: pwn3d.