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elfak nish
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Posted - 09/12/2010 : 21:51:28

"Nova tema sredom!"

Koga nema bez njega se ne može
Evo opet nove teme.
Groucho. Groucho Marx. Groucho Marx i njegova braća. Braća Marx. Chico, Harpo, Groucho, Gummo, Zeppo, Karl.

Zašto Gručo? Gručo Marks?
Je l' se zna zašto je Sklavi za Dilanovog pomoćnika (najboljeg drugara, vernog pratioca, side kick-a...) preuzeo lik slavnog komičara? U SBE jeste čest slučaj da se pozajmljuje izgled nekog poznatog glumca, ali ovo je mnogo više od toga. I kad se već odlučio na tako nešto, zašto je odabrao baš Gruča? Je l' to negde objasnio?

Svet bez Gruča - idemo hipotetički.
Da li bi na mesto Dilanovog pomoćnika mogla biti neka druga stvarna (ili imaginarna, ali već postojeća) ličnost? Ili smatrate da je Gručo nezamenljiv?
Šta mislite, kako bi se na Gručovom mestu snašao npr. njegov stariji brat Harpo? Kako bi Dilanove klijentkinje reagovale na njegovo "dosađivanje" ( Ili dajte neki drugi predlog koji bi mogao da bude prikladna "zamena" za Gruča.

Prethodne teme su svuda negde po ovom topiku. |
Edited by - dessa on 09/12/2010 22:07:50 |
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Posted - 09/12/2010 : 22:33:09
Uspele su molbe, dessa ponovo sa nama 
Gručo je odmah prigrabio titulu nezamenljivog sidekick lika u ovom serijalu. Izbor je bio pravi.
Ne bih mogao da odlučim koji bi drugi glumac mogao da bude na njegovom mestu... Lesli Nilsen je jedini koji mi pada na pamet...
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Posted - 10/12/2010 : 02:53:01
Slažem se za Leslia hahahahaha
inače i tu je Scalavi napravio odmak, nije kaoo što je bilo uobičajeno preuzeo izgled glumca za nekog lika već je zapravo preuzeo cijelu ličnost! nezamjenjiv svakako. |
"Trzaj mišica i nad prazninom sam." |
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Fyro Macedonia
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Fyro Macedonia
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Posted - 10/12/2010 : 18:54:23
jeeee, vratile se teme sredom, a i dessa s njima :) nesecam se bas, ali mislim (skoro sam siguran) da mi je prvi susret sa grucom bas preko dilana te davne '87 sigurno nisam znao ko je gruco marks, a bogami neznam mnogo vise ni danas, niti jedan jedini njihov film (ili scenu, ili bar klip na tubetu) nisam pogledao. i sve se mislim, ne treba mi, meni je ovaj gruco sasvim dovoljan. i nezamenljiv (jedva cekam epizodu "svet bez gruca" ) |
Bistro i duboko nebo utociste pruza! |
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Posted - 10/12/2010 : 21:23:42
Pomocnik tipa
 bi bio odlican, ali sa sofisticiranim, ironicno-cinicnim smislom za humor. |
There ain't no grave gonna hold my body down. |
Lucy Liu
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Posted - 10/12/2010 : 21:54:27
Groucho donosi onaj element humora i neozbiljnosti koji daje Dylanu neki dodatni...element. Uglavnom,baš zbog toga je nezamjenjiv,i baš zbog toga bi neko drugi bio...zamjenjiv. |
My username was a mistake. |
Edited by - Lucy Liu on 10/12/2010 21:56:32 |
supermark suradnik
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Posted - 11/12/2010 : 01:12:52
groucho- najbolji pomoćnik ikad, bilo u filmu, stripu, crtanim serijama..... nitko nikad mu nije bio blizu, niti će ikada biti definitivno NAJORIGINALNIJI lik ikad!! |
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Posted - 11/12/2010 : 14:41:31
Svima zainteresovanim za lik i delo Grucha Marksa svesrdno preporuchujem njegovu urnebesnu autobiografiju "Groucho and Me", koja uz mnogo duha i lezhernog cinizma predstavlja njegova iskusta i poimanje sveta, ali uspeva da medju silnim anegdotama o njegovoj neuobichajenoj porodici, siromashnom odrastanju, Charliju Chaplinu i Holivudu da od chitaoca veshto sakrije bilo kakav uvid u lichnost iza nashminkanih brkova.
Iako je celokupno svoje obrazovanje stekao "na putu", nastupajuchi od malena sa svojom mnogobrojnom vodviljskom porodicom po zabitima Amerike, Dzhulijus Henri Marks je bio veliki ljubitelj knjizhevnosti, i izuzetno pronicljiv i elokventan pisac.
Evo odlomka iz prvog poglavlja gorepomenutog dela, u nadi da che nekoga zainteresovati da potrazhi i ostatak (knjigu, izmedju ostalog, mozhete nachi i u Biblioteci Kinoteke) :

They say that every man has a book in him. This is about as accurate as most generalizations. Take, for example, "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man you-know-what." This is a lot of hoopla. Most wealthy people I know like to sleep late, and will fire the help if they are disturbed before three in the afternoon. Pray tell (I cribbed that from Little Women), who are the people who get up at the crack of dawn? Policemen, firemen, garbage collectors, bus drivers, department store clerks and others in the lower income bracket. You don't see Marilyn Monroe getting up at six in the morning. The truth is, I don't see Marilyn getting up at any hour, more's the pity. I'm sure if you had your choice, you would rather watch Miss Monroe rise at three in the afternoon than watch the most efficient garbage collector in your town hop out of bed at six.
Unfortunately, the temptation to write about yourself is irresistible, especially when you are prodded into it by a crafty publisher who has slyly baited you into doing it with a miserly advance of fifty dollars and a box of cheap cigars.
It all started innocently enough. Years ago, influenced by the famous diaries of Samuel Pepys, I too started keeping a diary. Incidentally, I think that the Peeps or Peppies or Pipes diaries would be much more popular today had there been a universal pronunciation of his name. Many times, at a fashionable literary dinner party, I have been tempted to discuss the Pepys diaries, but I was always uncertain as to the proper pronounciation of his name. For example, if you said "Peeps" the lady on your left would invariably say, "Pardon me, but don't you mean Pipes?" And the partner on your right would say, "I'm sorry, but you're both wrong. It's Peppies." If Peeps, Pipes or Peppies had been smart enough to pick a name like Joe Blow, every schoolboy in America would be reading his diaries today instead of being out in the streets stealing hub caps.
At this point during the party, if you are wise, you abandon the literary gambit and Pepys and plunge into some subject that you know something about, such as the batting and fielding averages of George Sisler. A discussion of George Sisler will quickly bring about the exodus of the two dumpy dowagers between whom your hostess has so thoughtfully planted you. This gives you an opportunity to smile tenderly at that cute little starlet across the table, the one whom nature has so generously endowed with the good things in life.
I don't know what TV and free love have done to the book publishing business, but one of the biggest blocks to the launching of a literary masterpiece (which this unquestionably will be) is the freeloader.
Getting off the subject of Marilyn Monroe-and don't think it's easy-I'd like to say a few unkind words about the miserly Scrooge known in bookish circles as "the browser." I'm sure you have seen him in many a bookstore. He reads a review in The New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly or The Saturday Review of some new book that sounds pretty tasty. Fortified with this briefing, he casually enters a bookstore, ferrets out a copy of the book, and if he is a rapid reader (or "skimmer," as he is known in the trade) he gets through it pretty thoroughly in forty-five minutes. He then scrams unobtrusively through a side door so that he can come back another day and help pauperize some other hard-working author.
In the event that the owner of the bookstore is foolish enough to ask if he can be of assistance, this creep (knowing he is trapped) will be crafty enough to ask for Frangams History of the Chinese Wall or A Comprehensive Compendium o f the Argine Confederacy. A man will think nothing of paying four or five dollars for a pair of pants, but he'll think a long time before he'll pony up the same amount of money for a book. This opus started out as an autobiography, but before I was aware of it I realized it would be nothing of the kind. It is almost impossible to write a truthful autobiography. Maybe Proust, Gide and a few others did it, but most autobiographies take good care to conceal the author from the public. In nearly all cases, what the public finally buys is a discreet tome with the facts slyly concealed, full of hogwash and ambiguity.
Except in the case of professional writers, most of these untrue confessions are not even written by the man whose name is on the book jacket. Large letters will proclaim it to be THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY of CHARLES W. MOONSTRUCK, and letters small enough to fit the head of a pin will whisper, "As told to Joe Flamingo." Joe Flamingo, the actual writer, is the drudge who has wasted two years of his life for a miserly stipend, setting down and embellishing the few halting words of Charles W. Moonstruck. When the book finally appears in print, Moonstruck struts all over town asking his friends (the few he has), "Did you read my book? . . . You know, I've never written before . . .I had no idea writing was so easy! . . . I must do another book soon."
He forgets that he hasn't written a word of this undistinguished epic and, except for the fact that he told his "ghost" where he was born and when (he even lied a little about this), his literary stooge had to ad lib and create the three hundred deathless pages himself.
This is indeed the age of the "ghost." Most of the palaver that emanates from bankers, politicians, actors, industrialists and others in the high-bracket zones is written by undernourished hacks who keep body and soul together writing reams of schweinerei for flannel-mouthed stuffed shirts. Like it or not, this is the kind of an age we're living in.
I'm really sticking my neck out with this blast at ghostwriting. I know damned well I'm no Faulkner, Hemingway, Camus or Perelman . .. . or even Kathleen Winsor. As a matter of fact, I'm not even the same sex as Kathleen. But every word of this stringy, ill-written farrago is being sweated out by me.
The fact remains that most autobiographies don't have too many facts remaining. Ninety per cent of them are ninety per cent fiction. If the real truth were ever written about most men in public life, there wouldn't be enough jails to house them. Lying has become one of the biggest industries in America.
Let's take, for example, the relationship that exists between husband and wife. Even when they're celebrating their golden wedding anniversary and have said "I love you" a million times to each other, publicly and privately, you know as well as I do that they've never really told each other the truth-the real truth. I don't mean the superficial things like, "Your mother is a louse!" or "Why don't we get an expensive car instead of that tin can we're riding around in?" No, I mean the secret thoughts that run through their minds when they wake up in the middle of the night and see imaginary things on the wall.
If two people who have been happily married for fifty years can be so successful in keeping their innermost thoughts to themselves, how in hell can you expect an autobiography, which theoretically is going to be read by thousands of people, to be anything but a long list of semi-fabrications? The private thoughts that percolate through the minds of individuals remain in deep, dark recesses and never come to the surface.
As far as I recall, most of the incidents I'm relating are true, but actually you don't know me any better now than when you started reading this madcap adventure. I don't say that this is a calamity. My guess is, you're open to congratulations. What I mean is, you haven't the faintest idea of what goes on within me. Just remember, "Every man is an island unto himself." (This may not be the precise quote, but I haven't got time to look it up. I'm getting a massage at three o'clock, and besides I'm running out of paper.) I suppose one could write a factual, honest and truthful autobiography, but to play it safe it would have to be published posthumously. I, for one, believe I could write a sensational book if I were willing to reveal my innermost thoughts and feelings about life in general and me in particular. But what good would a posthumous book do me? Even if it turned out to be a best seller and was picked up later and condensed by the Reader's Digest, I would get nothing out of it. So until they figure out some way that you can take it with you, what you're getting here is pure ersatz Groucho. You'd be better off just reading the dictionary or pruning fruit trees.
"There is no Devil, it's just God when he's drunk"
-- Tom Waits |
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Fyro Macedonia
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Posted - 11/12/2010 : 17:17:07
Inspiriran nove teme pregledao sam neke video klipove na youtube-u sa Gruca i evo jedan od boljih sa Gruco u dvojnu ulogu :)
"Mirror Scene"
Inace nisam pogledao niti jedan od filmove Marx Brothers dosad a procitao sam na wikipediu da u top 100 americke komedije oni imaju tek dva filma u top 10, a stric Sklavi je najverojatno njihov fan. |
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Posted - 11/12/2010 : 18:13:46
Heh, a zar to nije malo čudno Svi volimo DD, svi volimo Gruča, svi imamo brzi internet, a skoro niko nije gledao Gručove filmove.
I ja sam godinama odbijao da pogledam neki film braće Marks, valjda iz razloga što sam mislio da ću se smoriti od tog davno prevaziđenog smisla za humor. Koja zabluda!! Konačno sam pre neki mesec odgledao "Duck soup" i oduševio se. Na nekim mestima sam vrištao i plakao od smeha.   Tako da, ako niste gledali - ispravite tu grešku pod hitno, a ako jeste - dajte predlog koji sledeći njihov film da gledam. |
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Posted - 11/12/2010 : 18:59:52
Ima i dobrih i loših ... Meni su najbolji Na divljem zapadu (Go West (1940)) i Robna kuća (The Big Store (1941)). |
Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most |
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Posted - 11/12/2010 : 22:31:05
Humor u vechini kvalitetnijih filmova Brache Marks (Animal Crackers, Duck Soup, A Day At The Races, A Night At The Opera, A Night In Casablanca) je zachudjujuche dobro "ostario" i uz minorne shtrcheche filmske anahronizme (muzichke numere, naivni romantichni zapleti), zanimljiviji su i dinamichniji od velikog broja danashnjih komedija.
Evo josh malo Gruchovog pisanija koje je umalo ushlo u Emitor o Dilanu :
Pismo Gruča Marksa Džeku Vorneru, vlasniku Warner Bros. - odgovor na najavljenu tužbu povodom snimanja filma “Noć u Kazablanci” :
Draga Braćo Vorner,
Očigledno postoji više od jednog načina da se neki grad pokori i zauzme. Na primer, pre nego što smo počeli da razmišljamo o snimanju ovog filma, pojma nisam imao da je grad Kazablanka ekskluzivno vlasništvo Braće Vorner. Međutim, svega nekoliko dana nakon što smo objavili početak snimanja, primili smo vaš dugačak, zloslutni pravni dokument kojim nas upozoravate da ne koristimo ime Kazablanka.
Čini se da je 1471. Ferdinand Balboa Vorner, vaš čukun-čukundeda, tražeći prečicu do grada Burbenk, nabasao na afričke obale i, podigavši svoj planinarski štap (koji je kasnije zamenio za 100 deonica vaše firme), nazvao ga Kazablanka.
Prosto ne shvatam vaš stav. Čak i ako planirate da ponovo pustite Vaš film u bioskope, siguran sam da bi vremenom prosečni ljubitelj filma naučio da razlikuje Ingrid Bergman od Harpoa. Ne ynam da li bih ja to mogao, ali bih svakako voleo da pokušam.
Tvrdite da posedujete Kazablanku, i da niko drugi ne može da koristi to ime bez vašeg odobrenja. A šta je sa “Braćom Vorner”? Posedujete li i to? Verovatno imate pravo na korišćenje imena Vorner, ali šta je sa imenom “Braća”? Profesionalno gledano, mi smo bili braća daleko pre vas. Išli smo na turneje po selendrama kao Braća Marks dok je Vitafon još uvek bio sjaj u pronalazačevom oku, a čak i pre toga su postojala druga braća – Braća Rajt, Braća Smit, Braća Karamazov, Den Braća, igrač bejzbola iz Detroita; a i ‘Brate, imaš neki dinar?’ (ovo je prvobitno bilo ‘Braćo, imate li neki dinar’ ali je to umanjivalo vrednost dinara, pa su izbacili jednog brata, dali dinar onom drugom, i skresali frazu na “Brate, imaš neki dinar?”)
Nego, Džek, a šta sa tobom? Da li smatraš da je tvoje ime originalno? E, pa, nije. Bilo je u upotrebi mnogo pre nego što si se ti rodio. Napamet mogu da se setim bar dva Džeka – Džeka iz Džek i Džinovski Pasulj i Džeka Trboseka, koji je svojevremeno urezao svoje ime u javno mnjenje.
A što se tebe tiče, Hari,verovatno potpisuješ svoje čekove siguran u svom uveđenju da si ti prvi Hari ikada, i da su svi drugi Hariji uljezi. Mogu da se setim bar dva Harija koja su ti prethodila. Bio je tu čuveni Svetioničar Hari iz američke revolucije i izvesni Hari Eplbaum koji je živeo na uglu 93. ulice i Leksington Avenije. Nažalost, Eplbaum nije bio previše poznat. Poslednje što sam čuo o njemu je da prodaje kravate u robnoj kuće Veber-Hejlbroner.
A sad što se tiče vašeg studija “Burbenk”. Verujem da Vi i Vaš brat tako zovete to mesto. Matori Burbenk više nije među nama. Možda ga se sećate. Bio je sjajan vrtlar. Njegova supruga je često govorila kako Luter ima zelene ruke.
Mora da je bila veoma dovitljiva žena! Burbenk je bio čarobnjak koji je izukrštao sve one voćke i povrćke dok sirote biljke nisu bile toliko nervozne i zbunjene da nisu mogle da se odluče da li da u trpezariju uđu na poslužaniku sa mesom, ili na tacni sa desertom.
Ovo je puko nagađanje, naravno, ali ko zna – možda Burbankovi potomci nisu previše srećni zbog činjenice da se u njihov grad ugnezdila fabrika koja izbacuje određen broj filmova na osnovu kvote, te da je prisvojila Burbankovo ime i da ga koristi kao masku za svoje filmove.
Čak je moguće da je porodica Burbank ponosnija na krompire koje je starac proizveo, no na činjenicu da je vaš studio snimio kazablanku ili Kopače Zlata iz 1931.
Čini se da ovo skupa zvuči kao prilično ogorčena tirada, ali uveravam vas da mi to nije namera. Ja volim Vornerove. Neki od mojih najboljih prijatelja su braća Vorner. Čak je moguće da sam se ogrešio o Vas i da Vi, lično, ne znate ništa o ovom sitničarskom stavu.
Ne bi me nimalo iznenadilo da otkrijem da su glavešine Vašeg pavnog odeljenja potpuno neobavešteni o ovoj apsurdnoj razmirici, jer sam upoznat sa mnogima od njih i oni su uglavnom valjani momci sa kovrčavom crnom kosom, sakoima sa dva reda dugmadi i velikom ljubavi prema bližnjima u kojoj premašuju čak i Sarojana.
Imam osećaj da je ovaj pokušaj da nas spreče da upotrebimo ovaj naslov zapravo umotvorina nekog lasicolikog šarlatana, koji nakratko honorarno radi u vašem pravnom odeljenju. Znam tu sortu vrlo dobro – svež sa pravnog fakulteta, gladan uspeha, i previše ambiciozan da bi čekao na prirodan redosled unapređenja. Ovaj kopilan je verovatno prinudio vaše advokate, koji su uglavnom valjani momci sa kovrčavom crnom kosom, sakoima sa dva reda dugmadi itd. da pokušaju da nas pritisnu.
E, pa, neće mu poći za rukom! Borićemo se sa njim i do najvišeg suda! Neće tamo neki bledunjavi pravni avanturista da izazove zlu krv između Vornera i Marksovih.
Svi smo mi ispod kože braća, i ostaćemo prijatelji sve dok se poslednja rolna Noći u Kazablanci ne izvrti ispred projektora.
Iskreno Vaš, Gručo Marks
"There is no Devil, it's just God when he's drunk"
-- Tom Waits |
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elfak nish
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Fyro Macedonia
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Posted - 15/12/2010 : 09:36:37
quote: Originally posted by elfak nish
A sto ne bi bila neka tema s Jenkinsom??????? Fenomenalan lik,oddvalim od smejanja od njega ]
Jel zna neko u kojoj epizodi jenkins pise kaznu Dilanu I Bloku zbog kretanja u nedozvoljenom smeru ???
Neki SD beshe....
braca iz drugog vremena, skoro pa sam siguran. |
Bistro i duboko nebo utociste pruza! |
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Posted - 16/12/2010 : 03:18:30
Nije "Braca iz drugog vremena", tu je jos gore, tu je Blok u jednom delu morao regulisati saobracaj zbog najezde stampeda mamuta i ostalih grdosija...a ovo se dogodilo u drugom delu "Anange" u "Jaguarov krik"...evo table:

elfak nish
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Posted - 16/12/2010 : 18:25:16

quote: Originally posted by elfak nish
A sto ne bi bila neka tema s Jenkinsom??????? Fenomenalan lik,oddvalim od smejanja od njega ]
Jel zna neko u kojoj epizodi jenkins pise kaznu Dilanu I Bloku zbog kretanja u nedozvoljenom smeru ???
Neki SD beshe....
Beva je imao jedan topik, gde je pokrenuo pitanje Dzenkisovog prvog pojavljivanja...
Jenkins (DD) by Beva (Posted - 08/03/2008)
Jedan od "biser" likova u serijalu  
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