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Posted - 20/11/2013 : 20:57:13  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit mikado's Homepage  Send mikado a Private Message  Reply with Quote
01. 2014.

16.01. ZAGOR 78 (546) Selo bezumlja
23.01. DILAN DOG 78 (287) Novi varvari
23.01. DAMPIR KI 1 (41-44) Kuća lutaka / Čovek iz Belfasta / legenda o Amber / Crni pečat
30.01. ZAGOR specijal 25 (25) Čovek iz Maverika

ZAGOR 78 Selo bezumlja

Datum izlaska: 16.01.2014.
Scenario: Jacopo Rauch
Crtež: Raffaele Della Monica
Naslovna: Gallieno Ferri

Opis: The Reverend Bloom and his followers, after putting his hands on the loot of the outlaw and Sharp made ​​a bad end to his gang, are determined not to return to the sheriff White, who came to Truth on the trail of the robbers. Even Zagor and Cico, intending to rejoin his friend marshall, arrive at the village of fools there and realize they have to fight to save not only your skin but also one of only two innocents among the inhabitants of the valley, the small and Josh his mother. To complicate matters there is also the bandit that Sharp is not dead as he thinks Bloom: the Spirit with the Hatchet will have to rely on him to get out alive from a situation that gradually becomes more dramatic ...

DILAN DOG 78 Novi varvari

Datum izlaska: 23.01.2014.
Scenario: Roberto Recchioni
Crtež: Bruno Brindisi
Naslovna: Angelo Stano

Opis: The journey of Dylan Dog, Groucho and Calista to a nearby holiday destination, turns into an odyssey of fear when on the roads, stuck in a terrible traffic jam, the three are powerless to the collapse of human civilization and the rise of a reign of violence and abuse!


Datum izlaska: 23.01.2014.

41 Kuća lutaka
Scenario: Mauro Boselli
Crtež: Nicola Genzianella
Naslovna: Enea Riboldi

Arnstadt, a quiet German town, where they return two old acquaintances, Professor Hans Milius and his beautiful student, Sophie Mutter. In an attic, is found a strange house of dolls, mysteriously linked to the disappearance of a little girl in the early years of the twentieth century. A century later, Sophie is to disappear! As only clues, Dampyr has a mysterious music heard in a dream and the odd toy, whose tenants-dolls seem animated by an inexplicable silent life.

42 Čovek iz Belfasta
Scenario: Alberto Ostini
Crtež: Giovanni Bruzzo
Naslovna: Enea Riboldi

Great beautiful land, Ireland, Beautiful and desperate! It seems that his most typical color, in addition to the thousand shades of green which is tinged with the heath, and the red of the blood that flows as a result of an absurd and vicious civil war that pits Protestants to Catholics. It is in this scenario that reflects the horrors of a cruel act? Orangeman? Active on the battlefields of the past four centuries, to derail the peace negotiations between the opposing factions. It will Dampyr and Kurjak to stop its march of death and devastation!

43 Legenda o Amber
Scenario: Mauro Boselli
Crtež: Mauro Laurenti
Naslovna: Enea Riboldi

From the darkest depths of Wales showed a horror ancestral Tylwyth the Teg, the Little People of legends, escaped from the underground world of Annwn, where he had been imprisoned a thousand years ago. Are Tylwyth Teg, along with a terrible creature lake, to haunt the mining village of Llandegant, in the region of Snowdonia, where Harlan and Tesla come in search of the writer Dolly MacLaine, who seems vanished. Get to grips with the monstrous and bloodthirsty demons, the dampyr and his companion of adventures will not take long to discover that the Little People is not as jovial as handed down the fairy tales. Fortunately, there is an ally on their side really special: Amber Tremayne, the stunning Mistress of the Night, which for an old debt, the contract at the time of the Roman presence in Britain, watches over the villagers?

44 Crni pečat
Scenario: Mauro Boselli
Crtež: Mauro Laurenti
Naslovna: Enea Riboldi

The Dynas Emrys tower is all that remains of the ancient castle of King Vortigern . It is also the passage that leads to the underground world of Annwn , which are returned to earth the horrid members ? Beautiful Family ? , The Tylwyth Teg , the demons in the service of Black Annis . To make possible the resumption of their raids was the breaking of the magic seal that imprisoned them by archaeologist Matthew Shady . Fortunately for the reckless scholar , on him lies the protective shadow of Amber Tremayne , in addition to that of a born fighter as Kurjak . The game that is played in the village of Llandegant among the hordes of hell in the Black Annis and the team formed by Harlan , Tesla and Amber will consume its own epilogue in the pit that lies beneath Dynas Emreys , where it says that in a bygone age , the cruel Vortigern wanted to fall , to seal a pact with the dark forces , a young warrior , born by the Roman - Briton Macsen Wledig and a woman of demonic nature : Emrys , called by the Romans Aurelio Ambrosio , half-brother of Artos , which in the years to come will be known by the name of Arthur ?

ZAGOR specijal 25 Čovek iz Maverika

Datum izlaska: 30.01.2014.
Scenario: Antonio Zamberletti
Crtež: Marcello Mangiantini
Naslovna: Gallieno Ferri

Opis: The ruthless gang of Peter Jolt, said the Dutchman, after sowing death in Darkwood, ripping his family the young Alison and the door to prisoner Averno, an eerie ghost town became the refuge of the worst outlaws in the region. On the trail of the Dutchman there are Zagor, Cico and Sheriff Danfort. With the help of a handful of brave men, must free Alison before she is sold to the redskins.

Edited by - mikado on 30/01/2014 15:46:45

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Member since 01/06/2009

Posted - 20/11/2013 : 20:57:54  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit mikado's Homepage  Send mikado a Private Message  Reply with Quote
02. 2014.

06.02. DILAN DOG SB 26 (5) Crni užas
13.02. ZAGOR 79 (547) Veliki turnir
20.02. DILAN DOG 79 (288) Prinudni rad
27.02. MISTER NO 49 (340) Predskazanja smrti

DILAN DOG SB 26 Crni užas

Datum izlaska: 06.02.2014.
Scenario: Tiziano Sclavi & Luigi Mignacco
Crtež: Giovanni Freghieri
Naslovna: Claudio Villa

Opis: Buffalora, a small town somewhere in Italy and beyond the boundaries of the possible. A Buffalora people live, dies and comes back to life! Francesco Dellamorte is guarding the cemetery and certainly does not have time to be bored ... What binds this forgotten outpost of madness with the investigation of a singular Inquirer London? Who is the ruthless killer that follows on the heels of the Living Dead? What is the secret of the resurrection of Buffalora? One hundred and thirty pages of black horror!

ZAGOR 79 Veliki turnir

Datum izlaska: 13.02.2014.
Scenario: Diego Paolucci
Crtež: Alessandro Chiarolla
Naslovna: Gallieno Ferri

Opis: A big boxing tournament in Portville is attracting many boxers from across the region and its neighbors. Among them, there is the young Fred Balance, promising student of a sample now retired from the ring, Rocky Thorpe, an old acquaintance of Zagor and Cico. But the meeting with his friend and the festive atmosphere that reigns over the city are transformed quickly into a dramatic adventure for the Spirit with the Hatchet, called to deal with the sudden hostility of the Indians of the nearby forest, until recently considered peaceful, and trying to eradicate a gang of smugglers supplying weapons to the Indians. As if that were not enough, some plot against Balance lose because the last fight, the one that is favored.

DILAN DOG 79 Prinudni rad

Datum izlaska: 20.02.2014.
Scenario: Giovanni Di Gregorio
Crtež: Maurizio Di Vincenzo
Naslovna: Angelo Stano

Opis: Trapped in a palace, with a plan that does not exist, Dylan Dog and other fellow sufferers find themselves enslaved by the mysterious brutal captors whose only interest is that the construction of the building do not ever stop, otherwise terrible punishments and death which for many is almost a liberation. To escape from this latest nightmare, the tenant of Craven Road will have to discover the terrifying secret buried in the heart of that infernal site.

MISTER NO 49 Predskazanja smrti

Datum izlaska: 27.02.2014.
Scenario: Michele Masiero
Crtež: Fabrizio Busticchi & Luana Paesani
Naslovna: Roberto Diso

Opis: On the trail of the two agents and traitors Martin Donovan Nadia Kreg, Mister No and Van de Veer is forced to get back to the good offices of a scoundrel like Mr. Hovd. And that's not all, because the final goal will lead them in the presence of an enemy no less formidable: Voronoff, a former colonel in the Red Army, hidden in an impregnable fortress surrounded by the icy desolation of the Gobi Desert.

Edited by - mikado on 26/02/2014 19:19:14
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Member since 01/06/2009

Posted - 20/11/2013 : 20:58:32  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit mikado's Homepage  Send mikado a Private Message  Reply with Quote
03. 2014.

04.03. BRED BERON specijal 1 (1) Ponovo rođen
06.03. TEKS VILER 41 (541) Blago iz rudnika
13.03. ZAGOR 80 (548) Poslednja borba
20.03. DILAN DOG 80 (289) Put zagonetki
27.03. MARTI MISTERIJA 27 (305) Poslednji konvoj

BRED BERON specijal 1 Ponovo rođen

Datum izlaska: 04.03.2014.
Scenario: Tito Faraci
Crtež: Max Avogadro
Naslovna: Fabio Celoni

Opis: The invasion is over. The aliens Morb have abandoned the Earth. But our hero reluctantly problems are not yet completed. The planet still bears the marks of the devastation and is haunted by extraterrestrial bodies, left in the "inheritance" by aliens. For many, these monsters are simply exterminated, as quickly and definitively. For others, including Brad Barron (returned to his profession as a scientist), should also be studied. But others, who plot in the shadows, intend to use them to unleash a terrifying new wave of death and destruction! ...

TEKS VILER 41 Blago iz rudnika

Datum izlaska: 06.03.2014.
Scenario: Claudio Nizzi
Crtež: José Ortiz
Naslovna: Claudio Villa

Opis: Tex and Carson, in the company of the bandit repentant Tom Gilder and guided by the enterprising widow of Link Walker, are close to the mine in which the deceased outlaw seems to have hidden the huge booty of three hundred thousand dollars. But the group has not come unnoticed in Mexico? Towards the mine, in fact, are converging also desperados Horacio Fuentes and soldados of Colonel Uriaga: unscrupulous and greedy for money, intended to collide to 'last blood for groped to get their hands on the precious treasure. Who will be able to take possession of '"legacy" of the outlaw Links Walker?

ZAGOR 80 Poslednja borba

Datum izlaska: 13.03.2014.
Scenario: Diego Paolucci
Crtež: Alessandro Chiarolla
Naslovna: Gallieno Ferri

Opis: While the boxing tournament of the plots of Portville incumbent Cletus Serverance? the rich man without scruples who did kidnap the daughter of Fred Balance, the favorite to win?, in the forest the Indians, incited by Black Fist, arming themselves, preparing to revolt. Engaged on two fronts, Zagor investigates to find the kidnapped girl and fight to prevent a new burthen of guns and whiskey comes to the Indians ...

DILAN DOG 80 Put zagonetki

Datum izlaska: 20.03.2014.
Scenario: Giuseppe De Nardo
Crtež: Daniele Bigliardo
Naslovna: Angelo Stano

Opis: In order to prevent the return to Earth of a demon, a prisoner for centuries in the heart of a mountain, Dylan Dog, aided by Bill Porter, a university professor passionate about games and puzzles, will be able to recover a legendary spear that seems able to kill the diabolical opponent. The first part of a long and dangerous treasure hunt ...

MARTI MISTERIJA 27 Poslednji konvoj

Datum izlaska: 27.03.2014.
Scenario: Paolo Morales
Crtež: Fabio Grimaldi
Naslovna: Giancarlo Alessandrini

Year 1945. In the forests of southern Austria, in a seemingly abandoned mine, two boys attend an event unintentionally left, and they must bear the signs for the rest of their lives. Year 2009. Moscow. In the palace of the Lubyanka, an old German document back suddenly to light from the archives of the KGB, throwing into turmoil the Russian secret service. And for the first time in decades is whispered a name long forgotten, but that instantly evokes awe, Arjan Bauer. A name that leaves a trail of death and that scares away the greater Olga Petrovna, forced to escape from his own bosses and former colleagues, who wish to silence her forever. Olga has no other choice but to seek help from an old friend with whom he had already worked in the past: Martin Mystère!

Edited by - mikado on 25/03/2014 17:11:52
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dejan borca
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Posted - 21/11/2013 : 13:45:43  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send dejan borca a Private Message  Reply with Quote
zasto si za 16.01. stavio ???
zar tada nebi trebao da ide zagor specijal 25 "covek iz maverika"
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Posted - 21/11/2013 : 15:36:48  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit mikado's Homepage  Send mikado a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mislio sam da su izašli svi Zagor specijali. Ispravljeno.
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Posted - 21/11/2013 : 19:52:16  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send velka031 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Fenomenalne DD naslovnice, impresivno!
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PijaniPatak suradnik

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Posted - 22/11/2013 : 11:16:34  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send PijaniPatak a Private Message  Reply with Quote
OP Morska strava i SR 81 "Ponekad se vracaju"! SJAJNA VEST!!!

@Mikado- "Put povratka" je slobodniji prevod naslova na piratskom izdanju, a prevod originalnog naslova bi bio "Ponekad se vracaju".

Etika junaštva i deklišeizirani koreni u “Zagor prica...”
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Posted - 22/11/2013 : 15:44:25  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit mikado's Homepage  Send mikado a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Znam. Dvoumio sam se šta da stavim, pa sam se odlučio za već postojeći naslov. Evo stavih oba naslova.

Edited by - mikado on 22/11/2013 15:45:31
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Posted - 23/12/2013 : 15:33:32  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send sergej773 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Znaci jos malo pa pocinje JA saga kod nas, tacnije, pocinje uvod. :)
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Posted - 31/12/2013 : 14:04:02  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit mikado's Homepage  Send mikado a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sa Facebook stranice Veselog četvrtka

Poštovani čitaoci,

Deluje da naša saopštenja poslednjeg dana u godini, sa ne baš sjajnim vestima, postaju tradicija... Ipak, kako ne bismo pisali tužno obraćanje i kako bismo izbegli neprijatnost sličnu onoj od pre tačno godinu dana, a usled novogodišnjih praznika i nekih drugih manje simpatičnih događaja, doneta je odluka da nakratko pauziramo naša kiosk izdanja. Ne brinite, ne radi se o dugoj pauzi... „Preskočićemo” sledeća dva četvrtka i od 16. januara, kada se svi praznici budu završili i kada više ne bude postojala opasnost od eventualne crne strane, nastavićemo po uobičajenom redu vožnje (dakle, „Zagor” #78, pa nadalje).

Nadamo se da će nam štamparija u međuvremenu isporučiti poslednja dva stripa iz 2013. godine (čekaju se finalni radovi na tiražima) i da će ubrzo posle Božića biti u prodaji preko našeg Kluba čitalaca. Shvatićete o kojim izdanjima se radi ako bacite pogled na čestitku ispod.

Želimo vam mnogo veselih četvrtaka i novih stripova u predstojećoj 2014. godini...
Sve najbolje!


Edited by - mikado on 31/12/2013 14:11:59
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vronski 3
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Posted - 12/01/2014 : 14:45:08  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Reply with Quote
Pa dobro, red je da i oni malo odmore....
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Posted - 15/01/2014 : 13:41:07  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit mikado's Homepage  Send mikado a Private Message  Reply with Quote

ZAGOR 78 Selo bezumlja

Datum izlaska: 16.01.2014.
Scenario: Jacopo Rauch
Crtež: Raffaele Della Monica
Naslovna: Gallieno Ferri

Opis: The Reverend Bloom and his followers, after putting his hands on the loot of the outlaw and Sharp made ​​a bad end to his gang, are determined not to return to the sheriff White, who came to Truth on the trail of the robbers. Even Zagor and Cico, intending to rejoin his friend marshall, arrive at the village of fools there and realize they have to fight to save not only your skin but also one of only two innocents among the inhabitants of the valley, the small and Josh his mother. To complicate matters there is also the bandit that Sharp is not dead as he thinks Bloom: the Spirit with the Hatchet will have to rely on him to get out alive from a situation that gradually becomes more dramatic ...

Edited by - mikado on 15/01/2014 13:41:30
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Posted - 21/01/2014 : 19:12:08  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit mikado's Homepage  Send mikado a Private Message  Reply with Quote

DILAN DOG 78 Novi varvari

Datum izlaska: 23.01.2014.
Scenario: Roberto Recchioni
Crtež: Bruno Brindisi
Naslovna: Angelo Stano
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Posted - 21/01/2014 : 19:26:24  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit mikado's Homepage  Send mikado a Private Message  Reply with Quote


Datum izlaska: 23.01.2014.
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dcopic suradnik

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Posted - 21/01/2014 : 20:34:49  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit dcopic's Homepage  Send dcopic a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ovo da Dampir ponovno izlazi je sjajna vijest! Preživjet ću i sa jednom knjigom godišnje, a već sa dvije bih bio jako sretan! Odličan strip!
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Posted - 30/01/2014 : 10:24:44  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send wesskowaz a Private Message  Reply with Quote
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zlatan bihac
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Posted - 30/01/2014 : 10:28:23  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send zlatan bihac a Yahoo! Message  Send zlatan bihac a Private Message  Reply with Quote
evo da i ovdje stavim post iz drugog topika:

''danas bi trebao izaći zagor VČ specijal čovjek iz maverika sa kojim bi VČ stigao ludens i talijane...sad kad se malo uporede ta dva izdanja istog serijala,može se reći da ludens ima višak od onih 6 izdanja u boji koji su i ako pripadaju redovnoj seriji smješteni u ovu seriju druge stanje VČ nema te brojeve,što je za neke pozitivno jer ni ne pripadaju tu,ali zato ima one knjižice,dodatke specijala,odrađeno posebno, što je naspram ludensa (koji je onih prvih 5 testualnih dodataka skroz izbacio,a neke poput ramatha stavio gdje ne treba) velika prednost...

iako imam ovo ludensovo izdanje,koje po meni ima puno bolji dizajn,kad su naslovnice u pitanju i puno je vjernije originalu,prednost bih dao,najviše zbog onih dodataka, izdanju VČ-a''.
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Posted - 30/01/2014 : 10:40:42  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send teller an AOL message  Send teller an ICQ Message  Send teller a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Naravno,vidi se da u veselom rade ljudi koji vole stripove a u ludensu jer jim je to posao....sve osim otiska je bolje u veselom...i dizajna naslovnica iako se i blazina skulirao u zadnje vrijeme.

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Timber Bil
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Posted - 30/01/2014 : 12:05:06  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Timber Bil a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Pa normalno je da je Veseli odradio to kako treba u odnosu na ''indijance'' iz Ludensa, zato sam prodao Ludens i kupio VČ. Pravi potezi se uvek nagrađuju.
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vronski 3
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Posted - 30/01/2014 : 12:24:17  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Timber Bil

Pa normalno je da je Veseli odradio to kako treba u odnosu na ''indijance'' iz Ludensa, zato sam prodao Ludens i kupio VČ. Pravi potezi se uvek nagrađuju.

Profo, kako ćeš preživeti to što više nema specijalaca?!
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Timber Bil
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Posted - 30/01/2014 : 12:38:07  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Timber Bil a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by vronski 3

Originally posted by Timber Bil

Pa normalno je da je Veseli odradio to kako treba u odnosu na ''indijance'' iz Ludensa, zato sam prodao Ludens i kupio VČ. Pravi potezi se uvek nagrađuju.

Profo, kako ćeš preživeti to što više nema specijalaca?!

Kako nema ? Pa valjda u sledećem za tri meseca debituje Barison i ''Buđenja''?
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Posted - 31/01/2014 : 10:43:22  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send night a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Marčelo najavi neki novi projekat vezan za DD, ali nije ništa precizirao šta, kada I kako, jer ništa nije definitivno.

Po mom mišljenju biće ili DD CF ili giganti, ako Bog da da počnu tamo gde je stao SC.
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vronski 3
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Posted - 31/01/2014 : 12:35:44  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Reply with Quote
Najverovatnije će biti Kolor fest jer Superbuk već obuhvata priče iz Maksija i Giganata...
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Posted - 31/01/2014 : 13:32:40  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Beva a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by vronski 3

Najverovatnije će biti Kolor fest jer Superbuk već obuhvata priče iz Maksija i Giganata...

To bi bilo sjajno...

Jubilarni Polo 10!
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going going
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Posted - 31/01/2014 : 17:13:04  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send going going a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Beva

Originally posted by vronski 3

Najverovatnije će biti Kolor fest jer Superbuk već obuhvata priče iz Maksija i Giganata...

To bi bilo sjajno...

+1 !
To bi bilo odlicno! Nemaju svi para za Libellusa a i prva 3, 4 broja su valjda vec rasprodata!
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Posted - 31/01/2014 : 21:05:53  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send velka031 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Valjda ce netko objaviti i kolor Zagora...
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