Publisher: Glénat Released: 06/2016 Drawings: Ladrönn José Text: Jodorowsky Alexandro Genre: Western Country of origin: France / Belgium
In the arid West, El Topo was a bandit who, opening the doors of his heart, became a saint capable of performing great miracles. Of two different women, he had two sons. Faded silhouette of black leather pacing the desert, Cain the cursed swore to kill this father to whom he never forgave. Unable to fulfill his thirst for vengeance, he then decided to cast his sights on his half-brother Abel. And in this wild west full of mysticism, those who will cross its path will be the collateral victims ...
Ha ha ...da da za one koji nisu gledali film, preporučujem da ga niti ne gledaju....he he he he. Nije zato što je odvratan ili strašan nego jednostavno jer je Jodorowsky, mislim nisam možda kompetentan jer nisam ljubitelj "umjetničkih" filmova, ali ovo je dozlaboga loše i naporno.....naravno to sam ja i ako volite "čudne" filmove možda će vam biti OK.
Isto tako Jodo ima i The holy mountain, i sve šta sam rekao za El Topo vrijedi i za ovaj i to x 3.....