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Posted - 21/10/2018 : 07:43:23  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Combatrock a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Au Mile lale kakva stranica iz El Muerta... ako bi trebalo izvaditi stranicu kao omaz celom serijalu ovo je sam vrh.

sangue navajo
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Posted - 21/10/2018 : 08:05:03  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send teller an AOL message  Send teller an ICQ Message  Send teller a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Spock

Originally posted by Sarghan

1) Došao sam u posjed prva 4 SA klasika.

Di baš tebe koji uopće ne čitaš stare stripove tako nešto zadesi?
Početni Tex je vrhunac naive, ali meni se svidio. Možda zbog toga što su očekivanja bila nikakva, zahvaljujući lošim komentarima većine članova.
Ako ništa, barem je izdanje vrhunsko. Uopće ne čitam Texa, ali navukao sam se na Klasik.
Ekipa ti je odgovorila na tvoja pitanja, a ja se veselim tvojim komentarima ako uspiješ pročitati koju epizodu do kraja.

bravo dečki.
podržimo i te nainije priće da što prije dobijemo one kvalitetnije...u ostale izdavaće se ne uzdam previše da ikad objave tex ne po prihvatljivoj cijeni.
dobar tempo, kvalitetno izdanje na kioscima po prihvatljivoj cijeni..sve su to naznakas da bi ta Tex klasik mogao poživit još dugi niz godina..
svaki prodani primjerak više zlata znaći..
meni je i Tex kolor krasna edicija, ako zadrži dvomjesečni tempo...bit če to ludilo.

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Pitcairn Island
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Posted - 21/10/2018 : 11:20:28  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send DODSFERD a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nekako sumnjam u taj dvomjesečni tempo, već se trebao pojaviti broj 3 barem u najavi.

Sinaitakala Tu'imatamoana 'i Fanakavakilangi Fakafanua
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Hercule Poirot suradnik

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Posted - 21/10/2018 : 12:12:34  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Hercule Poirot a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I tromjesečni ritam nije loš...
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Sarghan suradnik

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Posted - 22/10/2018 : 20:01:59  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Sarghan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hvala svima na odgovorima!

Originally posted by Spock

Di baš tebe koji uopće ne čitaš stare stripove tako nešto zadesi?
ja se veselim tvojim komentarima ako uspiješ pročitati koju epizodu do kraja.

Ajmo reći da me zanima taj neki Texov "origin", ali više kako se u tim prvim "prastarim" brojevima odigralo sve ono što sam pitao na prethodnoj stranici. Takoreći, zanimaju me Texovi počeci i razvoj njegovog lika, ali čisto iz perspektive neke "strip-kulture".

A što se drugog dijela tiče, ne planiram ništa posebno komentirati. Ustvari, prvi broj mi je bio donekle zanimljiv, s drugim i trećim brojem sam se užasno mučio da ih pročitam do kraja, a četvrti mi je tek u zadnjih 40-ak stranica bio koliko-toliko zanimljiv. Ispratit ću još nekoliko narednih brojeva koji pokrivaju moja ranija pitanja i onda stajem s klasik edicijom. Onu drugu kolor ediciju ću vjerojatno i dalje uzimati dokle god izlazi.
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Posted - 23/10/2018 : 23:29:12  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send velka031 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Combatrock

Au Mile lale kakva stranica iz El Muerta... ako bi trebalo izvaditi stranicu kao omaz celom serijalu ovo je sam vrh.

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21432 Posts

Member since 16/03/2004

Posted - 25/10/2018 : 16:20:41  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send solar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Fabio Civitelli predstavlja - Tex Experience na Lucca comics festivalu
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Posted - 29/10/2018 : 23:48:35  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send jaki a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Za ljubitelje brojki;

Ja sam fetišist papira!
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21432 Posts

Member since 16/03/2004

Posted - 30/10/2018 : 14:37:56  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send solar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Scenarij: Mauro Boselli
Crtež: Maurizio Dotti
Naslovnica: Claudio Villa


Edited by - solar on 08/11/2018 00:07:58
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21432 Posts

Member since 16/03/2004

Posted - 30/10/2018 : 18:24:43  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send solar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Zadnje pripreme za Tex Experience na Lucca comics festivalu
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21432 Posts

Member since 16/03/2004

Posted - 31/10/2018 : 17:43:12  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send solar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tex tribina na Lucca comicsu
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Hercule Poirot suradnik

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Posted - 31/10/2018 : 18:19:30  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Hercule Poirot a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by solar

Scenarij: Mauro Boselli
Crtež: Maurizio Dotti
Naslovnica: Claudio Villa

Zanimljiva perspektiva...
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Member since 13/03/2004

Posted - 01/11/2018 : 23:41:07  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send jaki a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A curiosity: from July 1967 to September 1968 there is a "black hole" covered only by reprints . In those 15 months did not come out unpublished stories of Tex!

Prvi broj iz serie 2 Gigante(tj.ove koja izlazi i danas)koji nije bio reprint striscia je 96.La caccia(druga priča u broju) iz 10 mj.1968g.
primjetio sam i da redoslijed epizoda iz striscia i serie gigante nije uvijek bio isti.

Ja sam fetišist papira!
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zlatan bihac
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Posted - 02/11/2018 : 01:27:50  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send zlatan bihac a Yahoo! Message  Send zlatan bihac a Private Message  Reply with Quote
je li onda od tog broja 96 tex poceo izlaziti na 110 stranica?
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zlatan bihac
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Posted - 02/11/2018 : 11:53:59  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send zlatan bihac a Yahoo! Message  Send zlatan bihac a Private Message  Reply with Quote
ustvari, sad sam vidio na SBE da je u broju 89 tex na 130 stranica, a u broju 93 je na 110 brojeve 90, 91 i 92 ne piše ništa...znači da bi tu negdje trebalo biti smanjenje stranica.
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Posted - 02/11/2018 : 14:37:37  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send jaki a Private Message  Reply with Quote
91 je još na 128 stranica jer je to epizoda kazna za oholog pukovnika a ona ima toliko stranica. epizode iz zs 653/4 noćni prepad i teksov mamac i triba vidit koliko one imaju ukupno stranica.
U broju 93 je prvih 8 stranica kraj te priče pa onda ispada da je ili 110+8 ili 128+8 stranica.Ne da mi se sada spajat eksterni disk sa zs teksovima.

Ja sam fetišist papira!
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Posted - 02/11/2018 : 14:40:47  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send jaki a Private Message  Reply with Quote
triba napomenuti ni da striscie nisu uvijek imale isti broj stranica.
U početku na 32 a zadnje su imali čini mi se puno više sudeći po debljini istih po slikama na e bayu.

Ja sam fetišist papira!
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Posted - 02/11/2018 : 14:44:41  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send jaki a Private Message  Reply with Quote
e jeam lud a ima wikipedia

The number of pages of a single register has changed over time, but from n. 93 has stabilized to 116 pages of which, the tables dedicated to the comic story are 110.

Ja sam fetišist papira!
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26847 Posts

Member since 13/03/2004

Posted - 02/11/2018 : 14:52:29  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send jaki a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Origins of the character
The character of Tex Willer was conceived by Giovanni Luigi Bonelli and Aurelio Galleppini while they were working on another character on whom they had focused their expectations of success [5] , Occhio Cupo , a classic story of a cape and sword . In the first stories made, the character resumed many features from the character of Occhio Cupo like jeansso tight they look like a tights, floppy boots and fringed shirt. When, contrary to all forecasts, Occhio Cupo turned out to be a failure while Tex began to collect the success of the public, these features were abandoned in favor of the appearance that will characterize the character from now on. The name was inspired by the sign of a Milanese shop , "Tex Moda" while the surname should have been "Killer", but was tempered in Willer on the advice of Tea Bonelli shortly before going to press not to challenge the ire of the censors [9] [10] .

Tex, second western character created by Bonelli, after Il Giustiziere del West , dating back to 1947, made his debut at newsstands during a period in which the characters of the genre, such as Blek Macigno and Capitan Miki of the trio of authors known as EsseGesse , enjoyed great success [11] [12] [13]but, unlike these and other characters, Tex's success will be more enduring, so much so that he became the most long-lived Italian comics character. Anticipating US historical revisionism, Tex is the first character in the comics to offer a different point of view on the Native Americans of the Western epic, which no longer appear as stereotypical figures of savages, but as peoples endowed with an evolved and rooted culture. [14]
The stories of the character were in principle published by the Edizioni Audace - which then changed their name to Edizioni Araldo - in the striped format (16.5 x 8 cm) characteristic of the era [15] within the Necklace del Tex of which they all came published in total 973 numbers divided into 36 series with weekly frequency from 1948 to 1967 [16] [17] [18] .

The yields were then used to make the so-called collectors in which a certain number of striped albums were removed from the cover and assembled together (the number of merged books changed) with a new cardboard cover specially designed by Galep [19] ; three series were published, the first of seven books between 1949 and 1950 [19] , the second (called the white series) between 1950 and 1966 of 132 books and the third (called the red series) of 194 books since 1956 [19] . In 1952 there was the first chronological reprint of the stories already published in the strip format and reassembled in three strips per table, in an ad hoc format, in the fortnightly Albi d'Oro serieswhich was published until 1960 after 205 numbers divided into 8 series. [15] [20] [21] As was the case for the strips, the yields of the Albi d'Oro were then collected in books with a new unpublished cover [15] ; from 1954 to 1957 were published 29 issues of this series, which is remembered as the first series "Giant" [22] , the rarest of the series dedicated to the character and the most sought after by collectors [15] .
Giant necklace
Following the success of the series in "Gigante" format, the publisher started a second reissue with the same characteristics, which will then replace the striped necklace in the publication of unpublished stories, which will also be adopted by the other Bonelli publications. [4] [23] The publication debuted in October 1958, entirely reprinting the episodes published in the series of strips - which was still published at the time - and then began to publish unpublished stories [4] [24] as the growing success of the series convinced the publisher to focus on this by abandoning the striped format and the publication of unpublished stories was then continued on this series from page 69 of n. 96 (October 1968) [4]. Meanwhile from no. 22 publication changed its name from the giant Series in Series Tex Giant and, from no. 162, assumed the definitive name of Tex . [25]
After the first numbers printed slightly larger, stapled with staples and with 160 pages, then become 128, the series stabilizes on a format of 16 x 21 cm for 112 pages. These characteristics identify what is known as the "Bonellian" [4] standard, which was subsequently adopted by other publishers, whose products are called in bonellide jargon . [ without source ]

The number of pages of a single register has changed over time, but from n. 93 has stabilized to 116 pages of which, the tables dedicated to the comic story are 110, while the others are occupied by a front page on page 3 while on page 4 for many years were listed the arrears, then replaced by rubrics, the other four make up the cover which presents a design with the title of the book and the logo of the headboard while the back, page 2, is intended for editorials; the third and the back cover the publicity of publications of the publishing house soon to be published and provide previews on the following issue of Tex. However, it is not infrequent that the content of these pages is modified by reporting other contents such as some columns.

The covers of the second giant series were made up to n. 400 from Aurelio Galleppini and then from Claudio Villa and always represent the protagonist, with rare exceptions; the images initially did not have a direct relationship with the story but later it was always depicted a scene relevant to the story and there is usually a direct relationship with the title.

The series books are black and white except for n. 100 and its multiples and n. 575, September 2008, to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the debut of the character.

The stories are of various length and can be developed on several books. The longest story is Back to Pilares by Nolitta and Letteri, started on p. 79 of the n. 387 and ends after five books for a total of 586 pages.

In the books from n. 23 to n. 26, there are two short stories written by Bonelli not focused on the character of Tex: the first, On the track of fort Apache , designed by Franco Donatelli and the second, The tragic fetish , designed by Vittorio Coliva [1] .

In October 2010, with the release of n. 600, and adding together the stories published on other series, the comic book has exceeded 80,000 tables published [26] .
In the sixties the success of the series was by now acclaimed and the requests of the first numbers by the readers were satisfied with the unsold and with unofficial reissues, recognizable for some changes made with respect to the originals; [27] these changes were deemed necessary for the climate of the period - there were also bills aimed at prior checking on comic books - and publishers of magazines for boys decided a form of self - control on published content that was also certified with a special mark - MG (Moral Guarantee) - and which also involved Tex [28]. In this context the publisher decided to intervene by modifying both dialogues deemed too violent that the clothing of female characters considered too audacious. In particular, the first books of the second giant series were reprinted, which recreated the stories published in the striped necklace. There are also editions of the first 14 issues both censored and uncensored; from the next issue, they came out with censored lists. [ without source ]

The mark appeared on the pages of the comic up to n. 84. Other changes have been made to the texts, which can be seen by looking at the various reprints that have occurred over time, but these are mostly corrections of typos or at most stylistic changes, not implemented to prevent possible interventions by the authority.

regular comic book series
Orig. Language Italian
country ITA
publisher Audace editions
1st ed. Necklace Tex Three Stars reprint
1st edition March 1964 - February 2017
Albi 636 (complete)
Gender western
Followed by Classic Tex
Classic Tex
regular comic book series
Orig. Language Italian
country ITA
publisher Sergio Bonelli Editore
1st ed. Necklace Tex Three Stars reprint
1st edition March 2017
periodicity fortnightly
Albi 39 (ongoing) August 2017
Gender western
Preceded by Tex
Followed by Classic Tex
The first official reissue of the "giant" series began in 1964 in the Tex Tre Stelle series , similar to the original except for the presence of three stars on the spine of the volumes and with some revised and corrected texts and drawings. [29] [30] The publication was published for over fifty years and closed in February 2017 after more than 600 issues published; the necklace continued with the new Classic Tex head , in which there is a double numbering, that of the head and that of the necklace. [29] [30] The new head is characterized by an unprecedented leafing with color plates and covers also taken by the Albi d'Oro, TuttoTex and Tex new reprint .[27] A second revised and corrected reissue, Tutto Tex , debuted in 1985, [17] [31] while a third, Tex new reprint , also revised and corrected in the texts, debuted in February 1996. [17] [27 ] ] [32] Both were concluded in 2016. [31] [32]

Since February 2005, the reprint of the Special Tex series , on a six-monthly basis, has also been introduced , Tex Stella d'Oro . [33] In February 2007, a chronological edition of the series was published, known as the Color Historical Collection published by the L'Espresso Group [34] [35] [36] [37], followed by the new Collection of historical collections in March 2014. Gold colors , for the publication of stories in the non-series books like the Maxi Tex and the Almanacs of the West. [38]
The regular series have been accompanied by periodic tests, generally annual. The first of these began in June 1988, to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the character, and was a large format book containing a long unpublished story. The success of the initiative led to the creation of a regular regular series where to publish works by great names in the international comic strip. The necklace is known as Speciale Tex but also informally as "Texoni", due to the large format. [17] [39]

Other annual series are the Almanac of the West ( Tex Magazine from 2016) and the Maxi Tex . The first is characterized not only by the presence of a comic strip story, by services and information material on the world of the western genre; the second has the classic bonellide format but with greater foliation (about 300 pages). [17] [40] [41] In 2011 we add the Color Tex head which presents color histories of variable format and duration. [42] [43] [44]

In the autumn of 2018 a new release called Tex Willer is announced, focusing on the youth of the character [45] This series in black and white will have monthly periodicity, reduced leaflet (64 pages) and a unique cover-up Maurizio Dotti , except for the attached number zero as a tribute to Tex n. 697 which will be realized by Alessandro Piccinelli .

A unique and particular case is that of the 1951 " La banda del Campesino" story, which was published in episodes on the back cover of the 3rd strip series; the episode presented the events not following the chronological order of events, but coincidentally and therefore had to be rebuilt by readers. [46] In 2017 the short story was included in the Tex Dynamite box set.

Ja sam fetišist papira!
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Ernie Pike
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Posted - 02/11/2018 : 15:18:09  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Ernie Pike a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by jaki

triba napomenuti ni da striscie nisu uvijek imale isti broj stranica.
U početku na 32 a zadnje su imali čini mi se puno više sudeći po debljini istih po slikama na e bayu.

Od Serie Nebraska (33ª serie) imale su 80 strana. Prva u toj seriji, Dramma nella prateria izašla je 6.7.64.
Izvor wikipedia.
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zlatan bihac
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Posted - 02/11/2018 : 21:27:16  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send zlatan bihac a Yahoo! Message  Send zlatan bihac a Private Message  Reply with Quote
znaci, sad je sve jasno:

od broja 1-22 160 stranica
od broja 23-26 150 stranica
od broja 27-92 128 stranica
od broja 93-... 110 stranica

bice zanimljivo pratiti kako ce se ovo smanjenje stranica odraziti na klasik ediciju..
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zlatan bihac
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Posted - 02/11/2018 : 21:36:43  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send zlatan bihac a Yahoo! Message  Send zlatan bihac a Private Message  Reply with Quote
prva 22 broja regularne serije su tacno 55 klasika, dok ce ova 4 broja od 150 stranica morati ici u 9 brojeva klasika i ostaje visak od 24 stranice.
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Posted - 03/11/2018 : 14:35:27  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send jaki a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Ja sam fetišist papira!
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21432 Posts

Member since 16/03/2004

Posted - 04/11/2018 : 02:18:43  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send solar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ovo je bila tribina posvećena velikoj izložbi Texa u Milanu, ali usput je Mauro Boselli sa publikom podijelio jednu zanimljivu vijest. Tijekom prikupljanja materijala za izložbu Giorgio Bonelli (Sergiov brat) našao je nekoliko neiskorištenih predložaka za scenarije Teksa koje je napisao njegov otac Gianluigi Bonelli! Uglavnom, Boselli je rekao da imaju namjeru te predloške u nekoj bližoj budućnosti pretvoriti u scenarije i naravno objaviti, možda i u redovnoj seriji!
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Posted - 06/11/2018 : 22:44:58  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send jaki a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Kao i obično 8-BIT nam je podario još jedan odličan video:

Ja sam fetišist papira!

Edited by - jaki on 06/11/2018 22:47:13
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