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Posted - 22/04/2019 : 09:22:35  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
LEGO MODERN WARFARE FILM pt.1 (long road home)

LEGO MODERN WARFARE FILM pt.2 (long road home)

LEGO MODERN WARFARE FILM PT.3 (long road home)

LEGO MODERN WARFARE FILM PT.4 (long road home)


Edited by - Tutta on 23/04/2019 15:23:54
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Posted - 23/04/2019 : 15:32:26  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Shanna the She-Devil

More: (P.13 / SEX IN THE COMIX Topic)


Edited by - Tutta on 19/10/2019 09:03:50
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Posted - 23/04/2019 : 15:35:56  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
LEGO Star Wars: Storm-Trippin' (Original)


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Posted - 12/09/2019 : 22:25:12  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The insane history of how American paranoia ruined and censored comic books" target="_blank">


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Posted - 29/09/2019 : 08:58:02  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Sixties


In the 1960s, millions of young men and women were searching for a way to express their deepest desires and fears.
And they found that in rock and roll as a host of musicians armed with nothing more than poetic lyrics and electric guitar
riffs became the voice of a generation.



Edited by - Tutta on 04/10/2019 10:14:52
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Posted - 29/09/2019 : 09:07:46  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Top 10 Forgotten Comic Book Characters That Deserve A Hollywood Film

Hollywood’s adoration for the comic book hero is now a staple of our mainstream movie diet. But the surface has only been scratched,
and there’s more to these imaginative worlds than just the characters of Marvel and DC…

This list is populated by comic book heroes and villains under-served by the film industry. These underrated or sadly forgotten comic book characters have
either had film adaptations done in their countries of origin, endured poor Hollywood adaptations, or worse still, never made it to the big screen at all.

Intriguing, interesting, portraying different cultures and depicting several abilities and skills, the characters on this list are worth a mention and should definitely
be considered for a new super hero blockbuster movie that is in no way related to either Marvel or DC comics…

10. Fantômas and Fantomas (France and México)

The original Fantomas is a French character created in 1911 by French writers Marcel Allain and Pierre Souvestre.

The original French Fantômas was more of a villain than a hero. He was a ruthless thief and killer who committed crimes just for his personal gain.
He was selfish and fathered several children with different women. He appeared in 32 volumes written by his creators and was the subject of TV series
and films produced in his country of origin.

Mysteriously, the same character of Fantomas reappears in 1966 in México under the same name, but without the circumflex accent. It is unknown if
Mexico paid copyrights to France to use the character, but Mexican Fantomas was indeed inspired on the original French thief.

Fantomas’ Mexican alter ego was also created by two writers: Guillermo Mendizábal and Rubén Lara and was sketched by Ruben Lara Romero and Victor Cruz,
among others.

The comics were printed in color. The art was incredibly well done and the logotype of Fantomas became an icon among Mexican comic book collectors.
Many times beautiful women were featured on the covers to attract a larger audience. The name of the comic strip was “Fantomas la Amenaza Elegante”.

Although this new Fantomas lived in Mexico, he was still of French nationality. There was a French police inspector named Gerard that kept chasing him.
Fantomas’ allies were 12 female secret agents that were named after the Zodiac signs. This Mexican-French Fantomas still committed crimes, but to help
noble causes. Reminds us of James Bond, but blended with Robin Hood.

Fantomas was a well documented comic strip that featured intellectual references to classic literature and art. Also, Fantomas loved to interact with famous
personalities, such as Hitchcock or Albert Einstein. He dated Brooke Shields in his many love affairs, among other actresses both Mexican and American.

Quite an intriguing ambivalent character, it’s a shame that he has been forgotten for many years. The last issue of Mexican Fantomas was released in the 80s.

9. Barbarella (France)

Barbarella was created and sketched by French comic book artist and writer Jean-Claude Forest in 1962. Published by V magazine, the empowered,
sexy heroine became an immediate success.

Depicted as a beautiful, blonde adventurer, Barbarella travels from planet to planet to live many different adventures, often sexual in nature.
Barbarella was a symbol of the sexual revolution of the 60s to the 80s. She was one of the first emancipated heroines not afraid to show her own
sexuality. Barbarella was translated into many different languages and reprinted by American magazine Heavy Metal in 1978, since Barbarella took
place way several years before Heavy Metal existed.

A Barbarella movie was filmed in 1968, starring Jane Fonda. She is considered a cult sci-fi character but sadly, no other movies have been filmed to
revive the character.

As a fun fact, the English pop band Duran Duran took their name from one of Barbarella’s characters, scientist Durand Durand featured in the film.

Jean-Claude Forest was praised in his country of origin as “The Magician of Comics” and was honored with a French postage stamp back in 1989.

8. The Phantom (United States)

After the success of Mandrake the Magician, the King Features Syndicate people told Lee Falk to come up with a new character for a new comic strip.
This is how the Phantom was born in 1936, initially sketched by Lee Falk himself. American comic book artist Ray Moore took over later on.

The Phantom is the story of a family lineage that promised to fight crime and piracy over many generations. In the sixteenth century, a young boy named
Christopher Walker was sailing with his father in the seas of Africa. They were attacked by a pirate ship and the only survivor was Christopher “Kit” Walker.
He swore on the skull of one of the men that killed his father that he would fight against injustice and piracy and that his sons and the sons of his sons should
follow him.

The Shadow is also known as the “Ghost who Walks” and is believed that he can live forever, though that’s not the real truth. Every time that a Phantom dies,
his son (all of them of the same name), takes over the suit and continues the fight for justice. He carries two .45 guns.

Originally envisioned by Lee Falk as a grey ghost, the colorist at the time in charge of the strip decided that The Phantom would look better in purple. And that’s
the color the suit that has remained.

Despite the fact that The Phantom has lived for 400 years and many “Kits” have taken over the Phantom suit, only one movie has been made to honor the immortal
character. Filmed in 1996 and starring Billy Zane and Catherine Zeta Jones, the movie received mixed reviews. It was an underrated film that sadly was more successful
in the home video format.

They were intending to film Mandrake the Magician after The Phantom’s film release. Those plans were cancelled after The Phantom’s flop at the box office.

Just like Mandrake, The Phantom also appeared in the animated series “The Defenders of Earth”.

7. Mandrake the Magician (United States)

Created by Lee Falk as a comic strip for the King Features Syndicate newspaper back in 1934 to immediate success, Mandrake started to be published
by several newspapers on a weekly basis.

Mandrake was portrayed as an elegant magician, dressed in the classical fashion, with a black hat, cane and a cape, but he wasn’t an ordinary magician.
He had indeed super human powers; he was capable of hypnotizing his enemies. So when he wasn’t performing in theatres, he was indeed fighting crime.

A very old and interesting character, probably Lee Falk’s trademark character, has never had a movie of his own; not even a TV series. However, he was
a recurrent character in the crossover animated series “Defenders of the Earth” that aired in the 80s.

Who does Mandrake have to hypnotize to get his own Hollywood film? What actor could portray such an elegant magician?

On January 2015, Dynamite comics launched “The King Event”, a comic book event that celebrated the 100th anniversary of The King Features Syndicate´s
most famous comic book characters. Mandrake the Magician and The Phantom were included.

6. Druuna (United States, France, Italy)

Druuna was created by Italian comic book artist and writer Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri in 1985. Druuna is a beautiful, voluptuous woman who can be either of Latino or Mediterranean descent, and lives many adventures in a post-apocalyptic future where there is an incurable disease that turns people into monsters with tentacles.

Druuna is often involved in hardcore sexual situations where she has to have sexual encounters in exchange for information or medicine to stop the disease. “Morbus Gravis” (Severe Disease) was the name of the sexually explicit series of comic books where Druuna featured. As a fun fact, her creator and penciler Paolo Eleuteri drew himself as one of the recurrent characters of the series, with the name “Doc”.

Because of its explicit content and sexual nature, Morbus Gravis was agreed to be published only by French publishers Dargaud and Bagheera and American adult and fantasy comic book magazine Heavy Metal. The last issue of Morbus Gravis was printed in 2003.

Heavy Metal is well known to be open-minded when it comes to publishing comic strips or chapters from graphic novels from various artists around the globe. Heavy Metal designates a few pages of their magazine to different authors and only publishes art that has been drawn and written by the same artist. Druuna has been reprinted in many issues of Heavy Metal since her first publication in 1985.

Despite the criticism around Paolo’s explicit, violent and realistic art, no one can deny his awesomeness. Druuna has been translated into 12 different languages and has sold many prints worldwide; she has even inspired a 3D video game. But sadly, she has never been considered for a formal (and probably rated R) Hollywood film. Any ideas of what actress should portrait such a curvaceous character?

5. Lady Death (United States)

Death was created by Brian Pulido and Steven Hughes and was published by Eternity Comics in 1991.

Originally created to be the hallucination of a serial killer named Ernie, Lady Death developed to become an anti-heroine of her own.

The independent character Lady Death was once a mortal Swedish woman from medieval times named Hope. She was sent to be burnt alive because her father, Matthias, was a black magician that summoned demons. When Hope was about to die, she summoned a demon herself that offered her a deal. She would be saved but had to serve Lucifer in Hell. When she was sent to Hell, she realized her father was the evil sorcerer that was defying Lucifer to control Hell. Originally born as a good woman, Lady Death becomes an anti-heroine because of unfortunate circumstances.

She became an albino by passing the Labyrinth portal. She is depicted as a beautiful demonic woman, with white hair and white skin. She has no eyeballs, and is often dressed in black or purple, with a cape and carrying a sword. She has had crossovers with characters like Witchblade and Vampirella (who is also on this list).

Sadly, Lady Death has jumped from one publisher to another, and each one has modified the story of the character and her surroundings. She has been published by Chaos Comics (now defunct), CrossGen Comics and lately, Avatar Press. Interestingly, Lady Death inspired a Korean animated movie that was released in 2004.

She has been considered the female Spawn by her fans. Sadly, she has been underrated and hasn’t received the attention she deserves. Does she need to summon a demon again so a Hollywood producer notices her?

4. Mr Hero, The Neumatic Man (United States)

Published by the now defunct Tekno Comics and created by Neil Gaiman, Mr Hero was a short series of comic books sold from 1995 to 1996.

Teknophage (a.k.a. Henry Phage) is a demon that looks like an extraterrestrial dinosaur from planet Kalighoul that wants to take over planet Earth. He builds a steam-powered robot to spy on Earth until he decides the right time to conquer it and thus Mr Hero is born.

Mr Hero is a tall, golden robot that reminds us of the Jewish tales of the Golems. He comes with a technological advantage: he has two heads. One of them represents his rational side whereas the other one reflects his motor skills (a very interesting way to portray human cerebral hemispheres).

Mr Hero is discovered by a farmer, who sells it to a magician in the 1800’s. The magician teaches him how to box using his physical-fighting head. He is successful until he inadvertently kills a man that challenges him. Then he is stored back for many years as a punishment. More than a century later, Jennifer Hale, a female mime and street magician, finds him by accident and puts him back online. The duo now will live many adventures together.

Many fans of the saga were upset when the comic stopped being released. They forced an ending to it in 1996, maybe anticipating the fact that Tekno Comics wasn’t going to live much after that. Teknophage had his own series, which also ended with the closing of Tekno Comics.

The art was exceptional and the few comic books that were printed were printed in rich color in glossy paper, a known characteristic of Tekno Comic’s comic books. It’s a shame that Mr Hero hasn’t been taken over by any other company in all these years. He had the potential to become a heroic and funny version of Bicentennial Man mixed with RoboCop and Iron Man.

It seems that Mr Hero is being punished again, this time for Tekno Comic’s sins and he is still stored somewhere in the shelves of forgotten comic book heroes waiting for a new magician/Hollywood producer to rescue him.

3. Kalimán (México)

Kalimán concept started off as a radio program in 1963, created by Rafael Cutberto Navarro and Modesto Vázquez González. It was so successful that the concept was made into comic books that spanned 1,351 issues over a 30-year period from the 1960s up until the 1990s.

It was printed in sepia and had a thick book-based spine. However, the cover was printed in color. New Kalimán stories drawn in color were printed in the 2000’s and stopped production in 2013.

Kalimán is a handsome character with Mediterranean features. He has blue eyes, wears a white turban, a white outfit and a white cape. He was born in a fictional place in India and is a descendant of the dynasty goddess Kali. Kalimán also has psychic powers and is trained in martial arts.

King Abul Pashá found Kalimán as a baby floating in the river and decided to adopt him as his own son. The law states that if the king does not have an heir to the throne, then by default the Prime Minister will automatically be in line to take over. Sarak (the current Prime Minister) sends men to seek out Kalimán and kill him.
Kalimán prevails against his assailants; however he declines his claim to the throne and prefers to be an errant hero that travels the globe doing justice for people that cannot fight for themselves.

Unlike some characters in this list, Kalimán is very famous in its country of origin… Mexico. A blockbuster film about Kalimán was made in 1972, “Kalimán el Hombre Increíble” (Kalimán: The Incredible Man) filmed both in Mexico and Egypt. The movie was very successful. A sequel was made in 1976, “Kalimán en el Siniestro Mundo de Humanón” (Kalimán in the Sinister World of Humanón). This time the movie was filmed in Mexico and Brasil and was also successful, but not as much as the first.

Kalimán has only ever been portrayed by one actor, Canadian Jeff Cooper. He didn’t speak a word of Spanish and therefore had to be dubbed by a Mexican actor in both films.

Surprisingly, Kalimán’s creators got away with the fact that they faced him off against some Marvel characters such as The Thing, Galactus and Dr. Doom. Having said that, there was no official deal with Marvel where they could license the characters to have written such crossovers.

Kalimán has never been considered for any Hollywood project despite his long successful story as a comic book hero in México and other parts of Central and South America.

2. Vampirella (United States)

A sexy vampire heroine created by Forrest J. Ackerman and Trina Robbins in 1969. The first known issue of Vampirella was published by Warren Publishing’s black and white magazine. The last issue was published in 1983.

Vampirella is an alien vampire that lives on planet Drakulon. Historically, the inhabitants sustained themselves by drinking the blood that ran through the rivers. However, as the years went by, the rivers eventually ran dry.

When a spaceship from Earth crash lands on their planet, Vampirella goes to investigate. The astronauts attack in fear and, during the fight, she realizes humans have blood running through their veins. Vampirella is sent to Earth to see if she can save her dying race. Once she visits Earth, she stays and becomes a champion for humanity. She has the characteristic powers of vampires and, like Blade, doesn’t retain any of their weaknesses.

Vampirella was a sister magazine of the Creepy and Eerie magazines. The three of them were printed in black and white and Uncle Creepy and Cousin Eerie were the hosts that narrated horror stories. Vampirella was also a host for horror stories in her magazine but she also starred in her own.

One of the key elements for Vampirella’s success in the world of underground comics was both Trina Robbins’s design of the character and the great art portrayed by Spanish comic book artist José Gonzalez. His depictions of Vampirella were incredibly realistic. Former model and American actress Barbara Leigh is known to have posed as Vampirella for several issues where the cover art was an actual photo.

Many reprints and new versions of Vampirella (in color) have been published since 1983, when the official series was cancelled. The rights to Vampirella are now owned by Dynamite Entertainment, who acquired them from Harris Comics.

Vampirella only has one movie under her sexy belt; a low budget film starring Talisa Soto in 1996. Sadly, the movie was unsuccessful and is almost unknown.

1. The Spirit (United States)

Will Eisner’s best creation. The Spirit was a series of comic books published by Quality Comics in 1940. It’s a story about Denny Colt, a policeman who apparently dies in the first issue. In reality, he was placed in suspended animation through an experiment by his archenemy Dr. Cobra.

After escaping his evil clutches, Denny took to the city to fight crime as his alter ego… The Spirit. Only his assistant Ebony White and Commissioner Dolan knew of his true identity.

The original comic books ceased production in the 1950s but many reprints and some new stories have surfaced in subsequent decades. There have been many crossovers with characters, such as the Rocketeer and Batman. Even Garfield pays homage to the character by dressing up as The Spirit for a special edition issue!

Eisner was an extremely talented sequential artist and wrote most of the stories and characters himself. Many of the storylines and characters had fun and comedic elements. After several months, he had the unaccredited assistance of writer Jules Feiffer and artists Jack Cole and Wally Wood.

The Spirit inspired two movies that sadly weren’t very successful. The first was released back in 1987 by Warner Studios. They had planned to create a TV series off the back of the pilot, but since it performed so badly at the box office, the idea was ultimately scrapped.

In 2008, Frank Miller decided to take the reins and have another go at resurrecting the script. Even with actors like Samuel L Jackson and Eva Mendes, it wasn’t enough to fend off the scathing reviews it got from journalists at the time.

Eisner is considered to be the father of the graphic novel. One of the most prestigious awards in the comic world is the Will Eisner Award. A Google doodle featuring The Spirit was made in his honor in 2011.


Edited by - Tutta on 28/10/2019 00:37:53
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Posted - 03/10/2019 : 07:38:09  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Icons of Rock and Roll


Rock music has taken over the airwaves for decades. Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Keith Richards, Jimi Hendrix,
Bob Dylan, Jim Morrison are just some of the iconic figures that have formed the rock music genre. This jam session
of biographies showcases these trailblazers in this unique illustrated graphic novel.


Edited by - Tutta on 03/10/2019 10:02:42
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Posted - 03/10/2019 : 07:38:56  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote

(Erik Larsen)


Edited by - Tutta on 16/10/2019 12:13:46
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Posted - 03/10/2019 : 07:39:28  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
DC sex scenes(all versions)


Edited by - Tutta on 19/10/2019 16:25:06
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Posted - 20/10/2019 : 18:13:09  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote


1. Emma Frost

Once the White Queen of the Hellfire Club, Emma Frost is a powerful mutant telepath who can transform her body into organic diamond.
She has become a leading member of the X-Men, and is romantically involved with Cyclops. Emma is renowned for her beauty, scintillating wit, and revealing white attire.


2. Black Widow

Former KGB agent Natasha Romanova, known as Black Widow, is one of the greatest spies ever to live and is one of the best agents S.H.I.E.L.D. has ever had.
She's a longtime member of the Avengers and was a founding member of the short-lived Los Angeles-based superteam: The Champions.


3. Black Cat

Former cat burglar Felicia Hardy became a crime fighter when she became romantically involved with Spider-Man. Felicia has the ability to instill
"bad luck" around others - this comes in handy when fighting crime!


4. Elektra

Daredevil's most fearsome enemy as well as his former lover most renowned as being the greatest assassin in the World.


5. Rouge

Once a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Rogue has become a veteran member of the X-Men.
After many years, she has finally gained conscious control of her power to absorb the thoughts, abilities,
and memories of others through physical contact.


6. Ms. Marvel

After encountering the Kree hero Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers was accidentally subjected to otherworldly radiation that transformed her into
a superhuman warrior. She has since established herself as one of Marvel's most powerful and prominent heroes both as a solo heroine and a member of the Avengers.


7. Mary Jane

Mary Jane Watson is the 4th love interest of Peter Parker aka Spider-Man. She almost married him but didn't, now she's one of the few people who know
who he is, and still supports him as his closest friend and confidante.


8. Invisible Woman

Susan Storm is a founding member of the Fantastic Four and later the Future Foundation. She is able to create invisible force fields of any shape she conceives
and able to turn herself and anything she's in contact with invisible.


9. Psylocke

Brit beauty Psylocke is an omega level psychic with vast telepathic powers that she can focus into a very deadly psychic knife. She is a stealthy martial artist,
a former fashion model and a prominent X-Man. Psylocke is currently a member of X-Force and Utopia's security team.


10. Domino

Domino is a skilled marksman and combatant. She also possesses the mutant ability to manipulate probability in her favor, giving the effect of incredible luck.
She is currently a member of Utopia's Security Recon Team.


11. She-Hulk

After being shot by some mobsters, her cousin, Bruce Banner (a.k.a. The Hulk), saved her life by giving her a last minute blood transfusion of his own irradiated blood.
From that point on Jennifer Walters was able to transform into the Sensational She-Hulk;
a recurring member of the Avengers.


12. Jean Grey

Jean Grey was one of the five original X-Men, and the ex-wife of Cyclops/Scott Summers. An Omega-level mutant telekinetic and telepath,
Jean has gained near limitless powers as a recurrent host of the Phoenix Force.


13. Scarlet Witch

Daughter of Magneto, sister of Quicksilver and Polaris, mutant and member of the Avengers, Scarlet Witch used her powers to manipulate probability
and alter reality in her effort to help the world. After a massive breakdown, she then destroyed the foundations
of it by causing the disaster known as M-Day.


14. Shanna the She-Devil

Shanna is a jungle adventuress and protector of the Savage Lands with her husband Ka-Zar and their pet Zabu. Though her presence in
the Marvel universe has diminished, recognition among readers has risen over the years thanks to the 2005, Shanna the She-Devil series by Frank Cho.
Shanna was originally created as a derivative of Sheena.


15. Tigra

Greer Nelson (née Grant) first appeared as The Cat in the comic of the same name. She later became Tigra through a mystic ritual
that bound the soul of one of the Cat People to her own.


16. Kitty Pryde

Kitty Pryde, also known as Shadowcat, is a mutant gifted with the ability to become intangible and phase her body and anything she touches through solid material.
A talented prodigy, she became the "poster child" of the X-Men.
Kitty is currently the co-headmistress of the Jean Grey School alongside Wolverine.


17. Storm

Storm is a unique mutant with the extraordinary ability to perceive and manipulate the forces and elements that govern weather, making her incredibly powerful.
She's a veteran member of the X-Men,former Queen of Wakanda and ex-wife of the Black Panther.
She's brave, strong, and intelligent.


18. Brunnhilde

Brunnhilde is the leader of the Valkyries and is one of Asgard's strongest warriors as well as Odin's chooser of the slain.
She has recently joined the ranks of Steve Roger's covert ops team the Secret Avengers.


19. X-23

X-23 is the clone of Wolverine, trained to be the perfect weapon. She has joined the X-Men in an effort to build a new life,
defining herself as a person rather than a weapon. X-23 is currently enrolled at the Avengers Academy she also joined the X-Force but later left.


20. Dazzler

Alison Blaire is a mutant singer/performer. She can change sound into light, which often forces her into reluctant super-heroism. Along with being Longshot's Ex-Wife,
she is Mortis' step-sister, and presumed to be Shatterstar's mother. She is currently on Utopia with the X-Men.


21. Polaris

The mutant mistress of magnetism, Polaris is the daughter of Magneto and half sister to Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch.
After a long sojourn in space she's now rejoined the ranks of X-Factor with her long time love, Havok.


22. Wasp

With the power to shrink to insect size, fly, and fire bioelectric energy "stings," the Wasp was a founding member of the Avengers and the first female member of the team.
She was once married to Dr. Henry Pym. She is currently deceased.


23. Medusa

Medusa is the Queen of the Inhumans and was their sole ruler following her husband Black Bolt's death (and prior to his resurrection).
Medusa is best known for her long, thick head of red hair, which she can psychokinetically wield like countless extra appendages.


24. Crystal

Crystal is a member of the Inhumans and the younger sister of Medusa, Queen of the Inhumans.
She has the power to manipulate the four classical elements of earth, air, fire, and water.


25. Jubilee

Jubilee was a spunky mutant teenage mall rat who could release colorful explosive plasmoids and detonate matter at a sub-atomic level. She has since
then been transformed into a vampire. Jubilation is now a member of the Forgiven,
although she will always have a place amongst her fellow X-Men.


26. Spider Woman

Jessica Drew is a former HYDRA assassin and SHIELD agent and is currently a member of the Avengers and an Agent of SWORD.


27. Enchantress

Enchantress is an Asgardian goddess who is extremely experienced in the use of magic and is also skilled at seduction through supernatural means.
She has been both an ally and an enemy to Thor, although she often chooses the latter.


28. Dagger

Tandy Bowen is half of the vigilante duo known as Cloak & Dagger. After a drug-related experiment awakened her powers, she became the personification of light,
able to generate light and use it both offensively or defensively.


29. Madelyne Pryor

Madelyne Pryor is Cyclops' first wife, Cable's mother and a clone of Jean Grey created by Mr. Sinister. After Cyclops abandoned her and her son,
she was tricked and seduced by demons to harness the power of the Goblin Force - the demonic counterpart to the Phoenix Force.


30. Stacy X

Originally a mutant working at a brothel in Nevada, Stacy X became a member of the X-Men using her Pheromone powers to help out her team.
Depowered during M-Day she joined the New Warriors and recently she resurfaced with her powers returned in Vengeance.





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Posted - 24/10/2019 : 09:44:50  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Relatable Illustrations of Everyday Married Life Gets Invaded by the Real-Life Couple

Through his ongoing webcomic One of Those Days, illustrator Yehuda Devir showcases relatable moments of being
in a committed relationship.


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Posted - 28/10/2019 : 00:24:58  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote



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Posted - 28/10/2019 : 20:00:14  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote


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Posted - 30/10/2019 : 21:48:39  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The 100 Pages That Shaped Comics From Mickey to Maus, tracing the evolution of the pictures, panels, and
text that brought comic books to life.



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Posted - 31/10/2019 : 00:49:31  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Power Ring



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Posted - 03/11/2019 : 08:48:59  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The 50 greatest comic-book characters



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Posted - 06/11/2019 : 07:00:09  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
New York Gangster Tries Going Straight



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Posted - 11/11/2019 : 06:16:06  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Heavy-Metal 1981 an Introduction



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Posted - 01/12/2019 : 10:33:53  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
10 Controversial Comic Book Deaths Fans Hated


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Posted - 23/12/2019 : 10:24:32  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Top 10 Famous Cosplayers


Edited by - Tutta on 13/09/2020 08:55:19
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Posted - 23/12/2019 : 10:26:22  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Pawn Stars: RARE HOLY GRAIL Spider-Man Comic Book (Season 8) | History


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Posted - 23/12/2019 : 13:53:57  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Peyo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nikad ne razumijem ove što misle da će u zalagaonici postići eventualnu maksimalnu prodajnu cijenu, a jasno je da će im ponuditi najviše do 50% od te cijene.

Možda im je samo do slikanja za TV.
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Posted - 23/12/2019 : 23:34:39  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Da, baš. Takvo čudo kad se ima, na ebay il neku stripaukcije stranicu...


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Posted - 13/09/2020 : 08:52:38  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Comic-Con SDCC 2019 San Diego, California



Edited by - Tutta on 13/09/2020 08:56:57
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Posted - 20/04/2022 : 22:25:42  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message  Reply with Quote


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