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Paka01 suradnik

11447 Posts

Member since 14/02/2009

Posted - 18/09/2020 : 23:37:19  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Paka01 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Okej ljudi, dobrodošli!

Ova tema bi trebala predstavljati svojevrsno mapiranje DC univerzuma u vidu popisa trejdova, deluxe izdanja, omnibusa i sličnih izdanja u vidu popisa poredanog po kronološkom redoslijedu priča koje sakupljaju. Također, moram napomenuti da ovo nije nikakav službeni timeline DC Comicsa, već čisto moj hobi projekt te vjerojatno na nekim mjestima nije u potpunosti točan. Popis će se svako toliko nadopunjavati, mijenjati i rasti dok ne dobije neku zadovoljavajuću formu.

E sad, zašto početi sa Crisis on Infinite Earths?

Mišljenja sam da je DC Univerzum prije COIE bio poprilično kaotičan i nije baš previše mario za kontinuitet. Tek nakon što su Wolfman i Perez sve to resetirali, DC univerzum je krenuo ispočetka i konačno je dobio pravu strukturu koja ima glavu i rep. Koliko je to uspješno izvedeno je priča za neki drugi put, no činjenica je da od COIE možemo napraviti pravi kronološki popis događaja u životima najdražih nam junaka.




Superman, Supergirl, Superboy

Batman, Robin & Red Robin, Nightwing, Catwoman, Gotham Central

Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps

Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, Flash

Justice League, Justice Society

Svi ostali junaci i timovi koji ne spadaju nigdje drugo će biti označeni na ovaj način.

Svi naslovi koji su objavljeni na domaćem tržištu (odnosno u Hrvatskoj i Srbiji) pored naslova će imati zvjezdicu*


Would a new flood please finally come? A real rain and an assortment of plagues
And when all is said and done, even the Devil won't care enough to spit in the mud

Edited by - Paka01 on 18/09/2020 23:58:03

Paka01 suradnik

11447 Posts

Member since 14/02/2009

Posted - 18/09/2020 : 23:38:00  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Paka01 a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Crisis on Infinte Earths Companion sadrže brojeve mnogobrojnih serijala koji su na ovaj ili onaj način bili vezani za sami Crisis.

- Crisis on Infinite Earths*
- Crisis on Infinite Earths Companion vol. 1
- Crisis on Infinite Earths Companion vol. 2
- Crisis on Infinite Earths Companion vol. 3

Smatravši da nema mjesta za njih u novom univerzumu, ova je priča poslužila urednicima DC-a kako bi makli Justice Society iz kontinuiteta.

- The Last Days of the Justice Society of America

Superman pod kormilom Johna Byrnea dobiva novu origin priču i takoreći kreće ispočetka.

- The Man of Steel - originalni šestodijelni mini-serijal
- Superman: Man of Steel vol. 1 - ongoing serijal koji je išao direktno nakon mini-serijala
- Superman: Man of Steel vol. 2
- Superman: Man of Steel vol. 3
- Superman: Man of Steel vol. 4
- Superman: Man of Steel vol. 5
- Superman: Man of Steel vol. 6
- Superman: Man of Steel vol. 7
- Superman: Man of Steel vol. 8
- Superman: Man of Steel vol. 9

Batmanov origin računamo od Millera i Year One. Sve ove dolje navedene priče se događaju za vrijeme rane karijere Brucea Waynea kao Batmana.

- Batman: Year One*

- Catwoman: Her Sister's Keeper - Događa se za vrijeme i neposredno nakon Batman: Year One

- Batman: Shaman
- Batman: Batman and the Monster Men
- Batman and the Mad Monk
- Monster Men i Mad Monk su skupljene i u omnibusu Legends of the Dark Knight: Matt Wagner
- Batman: Gothic*
- Batman: Prey
- Batman: Venom

- Batman: Lovers and Madmen
- Batman: The Man Who Laughs*
- Prvi susret s Jokerom
- Batman: Dead to the Rights
- Batman: Four of a Kind
- Prepričavanje prvih susreta s Poison Ivy, Riddlerom, Man-Batom i Scarecrowom
- Batman: Haunted Knight
- Batman: Long Halloween*
- Batman: Dark Victory*

- Catwoman: When In Rome - Događa se za vrijeme priče Batman: Dark Victory

- Robin: Year One
- Batgirl: Year One

Wonder Woman je također doživjela preporod u obliku nove serije od strane Georgea Pereza koji potpisuje i scenarij i crtež.

- Wonder Woman by George Perez Omnibus vol. 1
- Wonder Woman by George Perez Omnibus vol. 2

Nakon pogibije Barryja Allena u COIE, kostim The Flasha preuzima Wally West.

- The Flash: Savage Velocity

U ovo nam vrijeme Dan Jurgens predstavlja svog junaka Boostera Golda.

- Booster Gold: The Big Fall
- Booster Gold: Future Lost


LEGENDS (1986)

- Legends
- Legends Companion

Nakon Legendsa, scenaristi Keith Giffen i J.M. DeMattias te crtač Kevin Maguire žele ponovno pokrenuti Justice League of America. Međutim, od strane uredništva i drugih autora ne mogu dobiti nijednog drugog heroja osim Batmana, pa tako stvaraju Justice League International, humorističnu seriju sa drugorazrednim herojima. Serijal je također skupljen i u nekoliko varijanti deluxe knjiga te trejdova koji su out of print.

- Justice League International Omnibus vol. 1
- Justice League International Omnibus vol. 2

Negdje u isto vrijeme, autor Legendsa, John Ostrander lansira poprilično uspješan serijal Suicide Squad u kojem glavnu riječ vode negativci na tajnim misijama. Serijal se pokazao veoma popularnim te je polučio i jedan spin-off u vidu Deadshot serijala.

- Suicide Squad: Trail by Fire
- Suicide Squad: The Nightshade Odyssey
- Suicide Squad: Rogues
- Suicide Squad: The Janus Directive
- Suicide Squad: Apokalips Now
- Suicide Squad: The Phoenix Gambit
- Suicide Squad: The Dragon's Hoard
- Suicide Squad: The Final Mission

- Deadshot: Beginnings
- Deadshot: Bulletproof

Nakon ogromnog uspjeha mini-serijala The Longbow Hunters kojega i crtački i scenaristički potpisuje Mike Grell, DC pokreće prvi regularni Green Arrow serijal koji je pod perom Grella trajao punih 80 brojeva (nakon njega također još dugo). Grellow Arrow je operiran od DC univerzuma, superheroja i nadprirodnih moći, te je baziran na realne životne situacije. Jedan od najboljih runova ovog perioda.

- Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters
- Green Arrow: Hunter's Moon
- Green Arrow: Here There Be Dragons
- Green Arrow: The Trail of Oliver Queen
- Green Arrow: Blood of the Dragon
- Green Arrow: Black Arrow
- Green Arrow: Last Action Hero
- Green Arrow: Homecoming
- Green Arrow: The Hunt for the Red Dragon
- Green Arrow: Old Tricks

Iako je The Questiona originalno osmislio Steve Ditko, vjerojatno najpoznatiji run potpisuje Dennis O'Neil. Njegov The Question je orjentiran na politiku, nepravdu na "nivou ulice" i slično. Dosta ozbiljnija serija vrijedna čitanja, sličnog tona kao gore navedeni Green Arrow.

- The Question: Zen and Violence
- The Question: Poisoned Ground
- The Question: Epitaph For a Hero
- The Question: Welcome to Oz
- The Question: Riddles
- The Question: Peacemaker

Captain Marvel dobiva novi post-Crisis origin pod imenom Shazam.

- Shazam: A New Beginning

Serijal Green Lantern Corps iz ovog vremena većinom nije sakupljen u trejdove, no nedavno se pojavila prva kolekcija vezana uz Legends.

- Green Lantern Corps: Beware Their Power vol. 1

Ovdje kronološki upada Batmanova druga godina operiranja u Gothamu. Iako ove priče mogu kronološki upasti i ranije, odmah nakon Year One, ostavljam ih ovdje zbog vremena njihovog objavljivanja

- Batman: Year Two
- Batman: The Dark Knight Detective vol. 1
- Batman: The Dark Knight Detective vol. 2
- Batman: The Dark Knight Detective vol. 3
- Batman: Fortunate Son
- Batman: Faces

- Doctor Fate by J.M. DeMatteis - Prava je šteta što ovaj serijal nije skupljen u trejdove jer radi se o uistinu kvalitetnom štivu.


Would a new flood please finally come? A real rain and an assortment of plagues
And when all is said and done, even the Devil won't care enough to spit in the mud

Edited by - Paka01 on 19/09/2020 16:49:48
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Paka01 suradnik

11447 Posts

Member since 14/02/2009

Posted - 18/09/2020 : 23:38:44  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Paka01 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
ARMAGEDDON 2001 (1991)

Armageddon 2001 nikad nije skupljen u trejd, no to i nije neka velika šteta s obzirom da se radi o ne baš kvalitetnom eventu koji je prouzročio mnogo problema u kontinuitetu nekih likova.



Bloodlines je još jedan DC-ev event koji nikad nije skupljen u trejd (opet, nije neka šteta), no za razliku od Armageddon 2001, iz ovog je eventa proizašao jedan od popularnijih strip serijala tog vremena. Radi se naravno o Hitmanu autora Gartha Ennisa.

Prije uspjeha na Hitmanu, Ennis je pisao i Demona Etrigana, a njegov je run skupljen u ove dvije knjige:

- The Demon: Hell's Hitman
- The Demon: The Longest Day

Hitman je skupljen u ove trejdove. Na našem tržištu postoji i Fibrino izdanje.

- Hitman: A Rage in Arkham*
- Hitman: Ten Thousand Bullets*
- Hitman: Local Heroes*
- Hitman: Ace of Killers*
- Hitman: Tommy's Heroes*
- Hitman: For Tomorrow*
- Hitman: Closing Time*

Would a new flood please finally come? A real rain and an assortment of plagues
And when all is said and done, even the Devil won't care enough to spit in the mud

Edited by - Paka01 on 22/10/2020 14:35:46
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Paka01 suradnik

11447 Posts

Member since 14/02/2009

Posted - 18/09/2020 : 23:39:31  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Paka01 a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Would a new flood please finally come? A real rain and an assortment of plagues
And when all is said and done, even the Devil won't care enough to spit in the mud
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Paka01 suradnik

11447 Posts

Member since 14/02/2009

Posted - 18/09/2020 : 23:40:03  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Paka01 a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Would a new flood please finally come? A real rain and an assortment of plagues
And when all is said and done, even the Devil won't care enough to spit in the mud
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Paka01 suradnik

11447 Posts

Member since 14/02/2009

Posted - 18/09/2020 : 23:40:48  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Paka01 a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Would a new flood please finally come? A real rain and an assortment of plagues
And when all is said and done, even the Devil won't care enough to spit in the mud
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Paka01 suradnik

11447 Posts

Member since 14/02/2009

Posted - 18/09/2020 : 23:41:40  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Paka01 a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Would a new flood please finally come? A real rain and an assortment of plagues
And when all is said and done, even the Devil won't care enough to spit in the mud
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Paka01 suradnik

11447 Posts

Member since 14/02/2009

Posted - 18/09/2020 : 23:42:15  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Paka01 a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Would a new flood please finally come? A real rain and an assortment of plagues
And when all is said and done, even the Devil won't care enough to spit in the mud
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Paka01 suradnik

11447 Posts

Member since 14/02/2009

Posted - 18/09/2020 : 23:42:54  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Paka01 a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Would a new flood please finally come? A real rain and an assortment of plagues
And when all is said and done, even the Devil won't care enough to spit in the mud
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Paka01 suradnik

11447 Posts

Member since 14/02/2009

Posted - 18/09/2020 : 23:43:34  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Paka01 a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Would a new flood please finally come? A real rain and an assortment of plagues
And when all is said and done, even the Devil won't care enough to spit in the mud
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Senior Member

1856 Posts

Member since 20/03/2006

Posted - 19/09/2020 : 09:44:04  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Zlix a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sjajno, Paka! Često tražim po internetu informacije kako bih mogao da skontam gde se šta uklapa u hronologiju. Ispratiće se ovo.

IG: @bricktoygrapher
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