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Posted - 04/07/2023 : 18:30:43
Ma ajde izaberi ili stavi neku drugu sliku.. Zbunjujuće je jer prvo vidim avatar pa tek onda ako i uopće ime.. Nije da nema milijuna slika... |
Ja sam fetišist papira! |
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Posted - 05/07/2023 : 21:46:14
Mister NO, piper i AI (ChatGPT)
Postovanje ekipa.. Pitah danas ChatGPT koji avion ima MisterNo.. Mozda ce vas zanimati odgovor:
Do ypu know comic book hero Mister No? ChatGPT Yes, I'm familiar with the comic book hero Mister No. Mister No, also known as Jerry Drake, is an Italian comic book character created by the writer Sergio Bonelli and artist Gallieno Ferri. The character first appeared in "Mister No" #1 in 1975. Mister No is an adventurous and independent pilot who finds himself involved in various dangerous and thrilling situations in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. The stories often involve mystery, exploration, and encounters with indigenous tribes, criminals, and supernatural elements. Jerry Drake, the main character, is known for his rugged appearance, resourcefulness, and his Cessna 206 airplane named "Marta." The series has gained popularity in Italy and other parts of Europe, and Mister No has become one of the well-known characters in Italian comics. Was it his plane actually piper ChatGPT Apologies for the previous incorrect information. You are correct, Mister No's plane is a Piper, not a Cessna. The aircraft he flies is a Piper Cherokee, specifically a Piper PA-28 Cherokee 180. This high-wing, single-engine aircraft is a prominent element in the Mister No comic series and is often referred to by its registration number, I-MAVA. The Piper Cherokee is an important part of Mister No's character and is frequently featured in his adventures in the Amazon rainforest. Thank you for pointing out the error, and I apologize for any confusion caused. Why did you think it was Cesna in the first question? ChatGPT I apologize for the incorrect information in my initial response. As an AI language model, I rely on pre-existing knowledge, and occasionally errors or inaccuracies can occur. In this case, there was an error in my response, mistakenly mentioning a Cessna instead of the correct aircraft, which is a Piper Cherokee. I strive to provide accurate and helpful information, but I'm not infallible. I appreciate your understanding and patience. If you have any further questions or need assistance with anything else, please let me know, and I'll be happy to help. I think is not Piper Cherokee cause Cherokee has a low wings, and Mister No Piper has a high wings ChatGPT You are correct, and I apologize for the confusion. I misspoke again in my previous response. Mister No's aircraft does indeed have a high wing configuration, not a low wing. I apologize for the incorrect information regarding the specific model of the aircraft. In the Mister No comics, his airplane is depicted as a high-wing aircraft, similar to a Piper Super Cub or a Piper PA-18. The exact model or designation of the aircraft in the comic series may not be explicitly stated. The important aspect is that Mister No's aircraft has a high-wing configuration, which is commonly associated with better visibility and maneuverability in certain conditions. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, and I apologize for any confusion caused by my previous responses. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. So, which model of piper had Mister no? ChatGPT In the Mister No comic series, the specific model of the Piper aircraft flown by the character Mister No is not explicitly mentioned. The aircraft is depicted with a high-wing configuration, similar to a Piper Super Cub or a Piper PA-18. While the exact model is not specified, it is often referred to as a "Piper" or a "Piper Cherokee" in some sources. However, it's important to note that the Piper Cherokee series typically features a low-wing configuration, which differs from the high-wing aircraft portrayed in the comic series. Given the lack of specific information regarding the exact model, it can be considered a fictional representation of a Piper aircraft with a high-wing configuration in the Mister No comics. The emphasis in the series is more on the character's adventures and the storyline rather than precise technical details of the aircraft. Now you are right ChatGPT Thank you for your understanding. I apologize for the initial confusion caused by my incorrect responses. I strive to provide accurate information, and I appreciate your patience in clarifying the details about Mister No's aircraft. If you have any more questions or if there's anything else I can assist you with, please feel free to ask.
Cudi me koliko je AI grijesio.. u svakom slucaju zanimljivo. Da li ce ubuduce odgovoriti tocno na ovo pitanje?
Lijepi pozdrav ekipa
Edited by - bristova on 05/07/2023 21:49:13 |
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Posted - 05/07/2023 : 22:07:54
Ma nije problem u informaciji.. Pratim MisterNo-a od kada je izasao prvi broj u SFRJ, ljeto je bilo, tamo 1982-e koliko se sjecam.. Poanta je kako ChatGpT pogrijesi ali i ispravi pogresku.. vjerovatno se i uci na svojim greskama. Za mene koji sam odrastao na Commodore 64 i koji sam na forumu od 2002 je AI interesantan  |
Edited by - bristova on 05/07/2023 22:13:37 |
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Posted - 07/07/2023 : 15:11:36
@bristova Verujem da niko od nas (a i bilo ko od Italijana) neće nikada tačno utvrditi koji je avion u pitanju. ;) Probaću (ako nađem vremena) da se vratim na prvih 10ak epizoda Mister Noa i pokušam da utvrdim šta je najpribližniji odgovor.
Nego, u nekom od specijala (onaj sa Marti Misterijom, čini mi se) Mister No pilotira Cesnom C-172, ako se ne varam (u priči je da je on vlasnik kompanije koja se bavi avio-taxi službom i ima celu flotu aviona, zar ne)? |
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Posted - 07/07/2023 : 21:54:04
@nenad.nbg Ne sjecam se toliko detalja, mislim da si u pravu @Svarog U specijalu gdje se MrNO i Marti nalaze skupa radnja se zbiva sredinom 1980-ih .. tako da je Cesna sasvim vjerovatna |
Edited by - bristova on 07/07/2023 21:54:29 |
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Posted - 18/07/2023 : 07:37:01
Dodao Ivane, inače ne znam zašto se to ponekad događa. Iako se ti autori ovako vide kao "nestali", kad odem na -edit, oni tamo stoje, ja samo još jednom prođem te korake, sve samo "potvrdi" i vratim ih natrag. Možda je neki bug u pitanju pa ponekad zeza.. Zna biti tako i kod drugih strip junaka kod recenzija. |
Never leave it in the hands of the judges
Ivan Liverpool suradnik

2417 Posts
Member since 10/04/2021 |
Posted - 18/07/2023 : 08:48:46
Pretpostavljao sam da je neki bug u pitanju, tim vise sto za ove dvije sam uvjeren da su prekjucer uredno pisali podaci. Ako ponovno naletim na slicne stvari, svakako javim u pripadnoj temi.  |
"Losing is not my enemy. Fear of losing is my enemy." |
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Posted - 18/07/2023 : 17:45:33
# 37
Najnoviji broj!! 
• 54 god.Alan Forda u HR • Od 1970.-2017.izdana su 1063 broja (ukljucujuci Klasik, Super KL, Zlatni KL) • • Od 2022.Alan Ford u originalnim tablama formata 17x24 cm u novom kolekcionarskom TOP izdanju • |
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Posted - 20/07/2023 : 21:12:47
#38 38.knjiga omiljenog nam pilota uskoro u prodaji
• 54 god.Alan Forda u HR • Od 1970.-2017.izdana su 1063 broja (ukljucujuci Klasik, Super KL, Zlatni KL) • • Od 2022.Alan Ford u originalnim tablama formata 17x24 cm u novom kolekcionarskom TOP izdanju • |
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Posted - 24/07/2023 : 11:36:56
quote: Originally posted by Jozzinelli
Nije mi jasno zašto Libelusovci uporno izbegavaju ovu mnogo bolju naslovnicu za tu epizodu?!
da, bolja je... A i ovaj sitniji logo Mister NO// meni osobno manji logo bolje izgleda od onog IT predimenzioniranog koji guta 20% naslovnice...
• 54 god.Alan Forda u HR • Od 1970.-2017.izdana su 1063 broja (ukljucujuci Klasik, Super KL, Zlatni KL) • • Od 2022.Alan Ford u originalnim tablama formata 17x24 cm u novom kolekcionarskom TOP izdanju • |
Edited by - DOMI on 24/07/2023 23:19:44 |
going going
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11929 Posts
Member since 24/04/2012 |
Posted - 24/07/2023 : 21:58:27
quote: Originally posted by DOMI
quote: Originally posted by Jozzinelli
Nije mi jasno zašto Libelusovci uporno izbegavaju ovu mnogo bolju naslovnicu za tu epizodu?!
da, bolja je... A i ovaj sitniji logo Mister NO meni osobno bolje izgleda od ovog predimenzioniranog koji guta 20% naslovnice... Na svakoj novoj seriji reprinta dodatno su povećavali logo, pogotovo na onoj plavoj seriji (IT), ne kontam zašto
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