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Djole suradnik

11876 Posts

Member since 03/11/2002

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 10:07:51  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Geekovi svih zemalja, ujedinite se!

Kao što znamo, određeni deo likova iz Bonellija se dešava u istom univerzumu. A kako Ameri imaju timelineove za DC univerzum, i za Marvel Univerzum, i sve te stvari, možda bi bilo iole interesantno napraviti Bonelli univerzum timeline?

Likovi koji se, po svemu sudeći, nalaze u kontinuitetu su: Komandant Mark, Blek, Ken Parker, Zagor, Tex, Mister No, Marti, Dylan, Nathan Never i Legs. Pa bi svako mogao da se pozabavi ključnim momentima za Bonellijev univerzum iz nekog od tih stripova. Jase, npr, solidno razumem u Nathana i Dylana, prozirna senka bi mogao da se pozabavi Martijem (najeb'o ga je), Seja Mister Noom, Dado Texom, etc. Verujem da bi bilo interesantnih preklapanja. A završni projekat bi mogao i da se okači na sajt, nisam još video da toga ima na netu...

Whaddda you say?

"Well, wobble my webs and call me shaky!"

Edited by - solar on 01/02/2016 00:01:54


29187 Posts

Member since 27/08/2001

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 10:44:05  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Markos's Homepage  Send Markos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ja vam drzim palceve:-)

Kicking Squeeling Gucci Little Piggy
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MAGIC suradnik

3341 Posts

Member since 12/11/2001

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 11:34:52  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send MAGIC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
i ja djoletu drzim palceve ;-)

So many people have come and gone,Their faces fade as the years go by;
Yet I still recall as I wander on,As clear as the sun in the summer sky.
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Djole suradnik

11876 Posts

Member since 03/11/2002

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 12:10:50  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Šta, samo ja sam toliko lud da se time pozabavim? ;)

Sutra malo, sam nikada neću moći to da završim. Ti bi, nesrećo magična, mogao da pomogneš oko Zagora. ;)

"Well, wobble my webs and call me shaky!"
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prozirna senka suradnik

8230 Posts

Member since 22/04/2004

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 12:41:44  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send prozirna senka a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hmmmmmm, i Doktor Misterija, i Misterija i Misterija Deveto Koleno...
Djole zasto me mrzis?
Anyway, I am in;)

God created Adam and Eve, He didn't create Adam and Steve.
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Djole suradnik

11876 Posts

Member since 03/11/2002

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 12:51:42  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nadam se da će mi uskoro stići Generazioni, pa devetog MM-a onda mogu i ja, ionako to ima više veze sa NN-om, nego sa Martijem.

"Well, wobble my webs and call me shaky!"
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prozirna senka suradnik

8230 Posts

Member since 22/04/2004

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 12:55:47  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send prozirna senka a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ne da ima, nego...;)

God created Adam and Eve, He didn't create Adam and Steve.
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Senior Member

1183 Posts

Member since 04/06/2002

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 12:59:34  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Zox's Homepage  Send Zox a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nisam bas TOLIKI geek.
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Damjan suradnik

1458 Posts

Member since 12/02/2004

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 13:06:57  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Damjan's Homepage  Send Damjan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Zox

Nisam bas TOLIKI geek.

No, no, ovdje si među prijateljima, možeš priznati svoj geek-izam...
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Djole suradnik

11876 Posts

Member since 03/11/2002

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 13:10:19  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Zox

Nisam bas TOLIKI geek.

Tu quoque, Zox, mi fili?!

"Well, wobble my webs and call me shaky!"
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Djole suradnik

11876 Posts

Member since 03/11/2002

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 15:17:48  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message  Reply with Quote
OK, hajde da postavimo temelje, tj. da vidimo o kojim epohama govorimo.

Nastanak univerzuma

Sasvim sigurno postoji nešto iz MM-a na ovu temu.


Dolazak Venerabila iz budućnosti, dolazak vanzemaljaca koji donose Artifakte (MM Gigante #1), civilizacija Venerabila, dinosaurusi, Venerabili odlaze u svemir

Rajski period

Čovek evoluira, telepatija vlada, prestaje kada se izmisli pismo (MM: Agarti)

Atlantida & Mu

Uspon i pad dvaju civilizacija

Nakon pada Atlantide

Adam, stvaranje Ljudi u crnom

Vavilonija, Egipat

Opet, MM, i malko NN

Grčka i Rim

Ovde, koliko ja znam, jedva da ima ičega zanimljivog

Srednji vek

Legende iz MM, ako su vredne spomena, a mislim da nisu

17. vek

Rađa se Dylan Dog

Borba za nezavisnost

Blek i Mark, ali osim toga slabo šta zanimljivo

Divlji Zapad

Tex, Zagor, KP, plus osniva se Altrove

Kraj 19. i početak 20. veka

Doktor Misterija

II svetski rat

Mister No, Marti Misterija rođen


Mister No


Odvaja se paralelni univerzum Gregory Huntera




Odvajaju se paralelne stvarnosti Jonathana Steelea i Brendona


Velika Katastrofa, kalendar se vraća na 1946.

2091. po novom kalendaru

Nathan Never


Rat Zemlja/Kolonije

22. vek

Rat sa Tehnodroidima


Rat sa Sivima

23. vek

Vreme svemirskih putovanja

24. vek

Bratstvo senki se vraća u prošlost

25. vek

Galaktička Agenzia Alfa, ili Altrove, Marti Misterija deveto koleno


Agenzia Alfa 3000

Nekad u dalekoj budućnosti

Objedinjavanje svih sedam Graalova, i povratak na Rajski period

I tome slično.

"Well, wobble my webs and call me shaky!"

Edited by - Djole on 19/10/2004 15:21:54
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Advanced Member

5487 Posts

Member since 20/10/2003

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 15:24:22  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send wiz a Private Message  Reply with Quote
izgleda zanimljivo, i ja bi isto :))

Judo Dancer!
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Djole suradnik

11876 Posts

Member since 03/11/2002

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 15:32:27  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Biraj koji ćeš period, tj. kog junaka! ;)

"Well, wobble my webs and call me shaky!"
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Advanced Member

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Member since 20/10/2003

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 15:32:32  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send wiz a Private Message  Reply with Quote
zaboravio su napomenuti Dampyra, Juliu, Napoleona, Brendona i Nick Raidera ako cemo vec za sve Bonellijevce :))

Judo Dancer!
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Djole suradnik

11876 Posts

Member since 03/11/2002

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 15:37:31  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nećemo za sve, samo za one koji su povezani, tj. u jednom univerzumu. NR i Julia još i mogu da se uklope, ali Brendon, Gregory Hunter, Gea, Dampyr i MV nikako.

"Well, wobble my webs and call me shaky!"
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Advanced Member

5487 Posts

Member since 20/10/2003

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 16:02:20  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send wiz a Private Message  Reply with Quote
ok, ja cu tebi pomoci oko Dylana jer samo toga citam :)

Judo Dancer!
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Djole suradnik

11876 Posts

Member since 03/11/2002

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 16:09:43  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sunce ti žarko, pa tu mi ne treba pomoć! ;)

Ionako ima svega par datuma za Dylana:

17. vek - rođenje
1978. - Dolazi u Scotland Yard, sreće sa Marti Misterijom
1984. - Izlazi iz Scotland Yarda, sreće se sa Gručom
1986. - Postaje Istraživač noćnih mora, sreće se ponovo sa Xabarasom
1990. - Deo Dylana odlazi u Zonu Sumraka
1991. - Ponovo se sreće sa Marti Misterijom
1993. - Ponovo se sreće sa Marti Misterijom
1994. - Saznaje ko je i šta je
1995. - Sreće se sa Mister Noom

I to mu dođe sve što je bitno za Dylana sa stanovišta ovog timelinea...

"Well, wobble my webs and call me shaky!"
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Djole suradnik

11876 Posts

Member since 03/11/2002

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 16:28:55  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Markos

Ja vam drzim palceve:-)

A ti, nemoj samo da držiš palčeve, nego odradi tih par datuma što treba iz KP!

"Well, wobble my webs and call me shaky!"
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29187 Posts

Member since 27/08/2001

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 16:36:45  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Markos's Homepage  Send Markos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Kad stignem, napravit cu to...

Kicking Squeeling Gucci Little Piggy
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stinky suradnik

13107 Posts

Member since 29/12/2001

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 18:38:45  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit stinky's Homepage  Send stinky a Private Message  Reply with Quote
djole, daj pojasni malo što ustvari misliš pod ovim bonelli timelineom
drugim riječima, ne shvaćam do kraja taj projekt, što je tu cilj

luđaci su me oduvijek voljeli...a i ja njih
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Advanced Member

5487 Posts

Member since 20/10/2003

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 18:52:06  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send wiz a Private Message  Reply with Quote
pa zar mora sve da ima smisao? :))

bolje da se igramo time, nego da se svadjamo

Judo Dancer!
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prozirna senka suradnik

8230 Posts

Member since 22/04/2004

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 19:13:30  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send prozirna senka a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Uh, ja sam mislio da tu treba pored datuma i neki tekst, objasnjenja, svako da se dovati za nekoga junaka, pa da se napravi kompilacija. Svejedno, dacu datume.

God created Adam and Eve, He didn't create Adam and Steve.
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kiky suradnik

7363 Posts

Member since 17/07/2003

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 19:29:55  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit kiky's Homepage  Send kiky a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Evo, priznajem da mi isto nije jasno o čemu se tu radi... šta se tu traži? Datumi kada su se razni bonelli junaci sreli medjusobno? Ili važni datumi u njihovim životima

da je pas čovjekov najbolji prijatelj, mišljenje je čovjeka, a ne psa
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Djole suradnik

11876 Posts

Member since 03/11/2002

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 19:54:44  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Pazite ovako: timeline određuje kada su se desile bitne stvari za jedan univerzum. Evo, recimo kako izgleda timeline DC Univerzuma iz Zero Houra: years ago
The Big Bang years ago
Life emerges on Earth
4.000.400.000 years ago
Renegade maltusian Krona links past and future together, releasing entropy into the Universe.
Guardians of the Universe
Controllers years ago
2.500.000.000 years ago
Oan race splits along gender lines; females evolve into zamarons
100.000 years ago
Homo Magi
Birth of Atlantis
Immortal Man (Vandal Savage???)
50.000 years ago
Atlantis sinks
5000 BC
Dr. Mist (Nommo)
1200 BC
Amazon race born
Roman Empire
Golden Gladiator
6th century
King Arthur (Arthur, son of Uther)
Etrigan (Iason Blaise, Jason Blood)
Silent Knight (???)
Shining Knight (Sir Justin)
Viking Prince
Late 1700s, early 1800s
Tomahawk (Tom Hawk)
Uncle Sam
Hawk, son of Tomahawk (n/a)
Firehair (n/a)
Daily Planet founded
Mid- to late 1800s
Bat Lash (Bartholomew Aloysius Lash)
Jonah Hex (Jonah Woodson Hex)
Nighthawk (Hannibal Hawkes)
Don Cabballero (n/a)
El Diablo (Lazarus Lane)
Johnny Thunder (John Tane)
Madame .44 (Jeanne Walker Tane)
Trigger Twins (Walter & Wayne Trigger)
Matt Savage (n/a)
Scalp Hunter (Brian Savage/Ke-Woh-No-Tay)
World War I Era
Baloon Buster (Steven Henry Savage, Jr.)
Enemy Ace (n/a)
Morpheus (Dream of the Endless) imprisoned
Dr. Occult
The Flash (Jay Garrick)
Crimson Avenger (Lee Travis)
The Golden Age of Heroes begins.
Green Lantern (Alan Scott)
Sandman (Wesley Dodds)
Steel (Henry "Hank" Heywood III)
Hawkman (Carter Hall)
Blackhawk (Janos Prohaska)
Doll Man (Darrel Dane)
Jim Corrigan becoms The Spectre
Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunder)
Hourman (Rex Tyler)
Atom (Alan Pratt)
Dr. Fate (Kent Nelson)
The Justice Society of America forms
Starman (Ted Knight)
Dr. Mid-Nite (Dr. Charles McNider)
Star-Sprangled Kid & Stripesy
Shining Knight
Johnny Quick
Wildcat (Ted Grant)
Mr. Terrific (Terry Sloane)
Liberty Belle
Guardian (Jim Harper) & The Newsboy Legion
Amazing-Man (Will Everett)
TNT & Dan the Dyna-Mite
Neptune Perkins
Virtually all costumed heroes combine into the wartime only: All-Star Squadron (with the offshoot Young All-Stars). Armed forces in Europe include: Sgt. Rock, Easy Company, Haunted Tank, The Losers, Mlle. Marie, Unknown Soldier, Viking Commando, Blackhawks, Boy Commandos, G.I. Robot, The Ghost Patrol and Gravedigger
1947 / 47 years ago
Black Canary (Diana Drake Lance)
1951 / 43 years ago
The JSA disbands; end of The First Heroic Age
1959 / 35 years ago
J'Onn J'Onzz accidentally teleported to Earth
1961 / 33 years ago
Kal-El arrivers on Earth, near Smalville
1964 / 30 years ago
Captain Comet
1969 / 25 years ago
Bruce Wayne's parents (Thomas & Martha) killed by Joe Chill
Project Atom begins
Wonder Woman's clay form given life by the gods
1979 / 15 years ago
Clark Kent leaves Smallville for Metropolis
Cave Carson
Sea Devils
Sarge Steel
Doom Patrol
Animal Man (Buddy Baker)
Alec Holland becomes Swamp Thing
1981 / 13 years ago
Metal Men
Metamorpho (Rex Mason)
Challengers of the Unknown
Deadman (Boston Brand)
1983 / 11 years ago
Oliver Queen, stranded on desert island learns archery
1984 / 10 years ago
Superman (Kal-El/Clark Kent) makes his debut, inspiring a new heroic age
Batman (Bruce Wayne)
The Joker
Catwoman (Selina Kyle)
Flash (Barry Allen)
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
J'Onn J'Onzz goes public as Manhunter from Mars
Black Canary (Dinah Laurel Lance)
Aquaman (Arthur Curry)
Original Blue Beetle
Adam Strange first teleports to Rann
Katar Hol exiled on Thanagar
Speedy (Roy Harper)
Triumph makes his debut, then disappears
Justice League of America forms
1985 / 9 years ago
The Atom (Raymond "Ray" Palmer)
Kid Flash (Wally West)
Elogated Man (Ralph Dibny)
JSA re-forms
Doom Patrol "dies"
Creeper (Jack Ryder)
Hawk & Dove (Hank & Don Hall)
New Gods reappear on Earth
The Cadmus Project begins
Zatanna (Zatanna Zatara)
Aqualad (Garth ?)
1986 / 8 years ago
Dick Grayson becomes Robin
Plastic Man (Eel O'Brian)
Bruce Gordon frees Eclipso
Etrigan, The Demon reappears
Wonder Girl (Donna Troy)
1987 / 7 years ago
Teen Titans form
Manhunter (Paul Kirk) resurrected
John Stewart becoms reserve Green Lantern
1988 / 6 years ago
Power Girl (Kara and/or Karen Starr)
Shade the Changing Man
Rose and Thorn
Black Lightning (Jefferson Pierce)
1989 / 5 years ago
Omega Men form
Batgirl (Barbara Gordon)
Ted Kord becomes Blue Beetle
Blue Devil (Dan Patrick Cassidy)
Fire (Beatriz Costa)
Ice (Tora Olafsdotter)
Captain Atom (Nathaniel C. Adam) emerges from Quantum Field
New Titans form
Infinity, Inc. form
Firestorm (Ron Raymont and Professor Martin Stein)
1990 / 4 years ago
Outsiders form
Dick Grayson, (Robin) becomes Nightwing
Barry Allen dies: Wally West becomes the Flash
Guy Gardner activated as a Green Lantern
Dr. Light
JSA goes to Limbo
Wonder Woman (Diana Prince) comes to man's world
Captain Marvel (Billy Batson) makes his public debut
The Question (Charles Victor Szasz)
Nightshade (Eve Eden)
1991 / 3 years ago
Maxwell Lord forms the "New" Justice League
Jason Todd becomes Robin
Barbara Gordon crippled by the Joker
The Huntress (Helena Bertinelli)
Suicide Squad, Checkmate formed
Guardians depart: Green Lantern Corps disband
Controllers expand Darkstar program
New Guardians
Outsiders disband
Rocket Reds form in the USSR
Manhunter (Mark Shaw)
Jason Todd killed by the Joker
1992 / 2 years ago
Valor (Lar Gand)
Starman (Will Payton)
Rip Hunter cracks the time barrier
1993 / 1 year ago
Tim Drake becomes current Robin
Hawkman and Hawkwoman arrive from Thanagar
Guardians return; GL Corps reinstated
The Ray (Ray Terrill)
Team Titans
JSA return from limbo
Darkstar Colos comes to Earth
Existence of the Linear Men revealed
Superman killed by Doomsday
1994 / Now
Superman revived
Steel (John Irons)
The Eradicator
Jean Paul Valley becomes Azrael
Speedy becomes Arsenal
Parasites attack Earth: New Blood Heroes make their debut, including Anima and Gunfire
Coast City destoyed
Hal Jordan destroys Guardians, GL Corps and main power battery
Azrael assumes the identity of the Batman
Kyle Rayner becomes Green Lantern
Damage (Grant Emerson(Project Telemachus))
Outsiders re-form
Lex Luthor II nearly destroys Metropolis
Guy Gardner becomes Warrior
Donna Troy becomes a Darkstar
Impulse arrive from the future
Original Hourman, Atom & Dr. Mid-Nite dies; JSA retires; Triumph returns from the Void; Vril Dox' son upsurps L.E.G.I.O.N.; core group becomes R.E.B.E.L.S.
Fate (Jared Stevens)
Starman (Jack Knight)
Primal Force
New Titans re-form under Arsenal
Professor Zoom, The Reverse Flash
Booster Gold (Michael Jon Carter)
The Legion of Super-Heroes
The End of Time
Home of the Timetrapper

Ona pruža jasniji pregled šta se kad dešavalo, i veze između likova. Jel čitaoci Zagora znaju da se Drugde, iz Hellingen je živ! u stvari pojavljuje i u Marti Misteriji (odakle je i poteklo), i u Nathan Neveru? To isto važi i za brojna poklapanja između NN i MM, a vala i Zagora, Dylana i MNo-a.

"Well, wobble my webs and call me shaky!"
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Djole suradnik

11876 Posts

Member since 03/11/2002

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 20:55:49  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message  Reply with Quote
btw, ko hoće detaljniji DC Timeline, može ga naći na sajtu koji je napravio forumaš Spectre, kako se beše zvaše, dcsvemir, ili tako nešto.

"Well, wobble my webs and call me shaky!"
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stinky suradnik

13107 Posts

Member since 29/12/2001

Posted - 19/10/2004 : 21:28:17  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit stinky's Homepage  Send stinky a Private Message  Reply with Quote
hm, a kako zamišljaš da se to napravi
to se, recimo, može napraviti ultra detaljno, pa navesti sve situacije gdje se različiti junaci bave istim stvarima, npr. lupam bezveze, DD se bori protiv vampira, Zagor se bori protiv vampira, MM, NN itd. Kako kod toga navesti godinu? Ti si naveo 1995. DD se sreće s M.Noom (jel to misliš na Anangu ili što???), oni se uopće ni nisu sreli - pojasni ovo
Dalje, takva jedna analiza bi pretpostavljala da iščitaš sve epizode i da totalno vladaš njima.

Zanimljiva je to ideja, ali kako je realizirati, na koji način...

luđaci su me oduvijek voljeli...a i ja njih
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