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27163 Posts

Member since 13/03/2004

Posted - 10/02/2008 : 11:40:09  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send jaki a Private Message

The Life of Tex - Part 1

All that we know of Tex comes from what, over the years, the authors have told us in the various stories, which are, therefore, the only source on which to draw. The main problem that you are facing and 'that the same stories are often strong contradiction between their position with regard to chronological order. For this reason the "biographer" has decided that the only valid Tex participation in the war of seccessione is narrated by starting points. 113/15 onwards and that the foregoing chronologically any other adventure narrated so far, including the legendary "The past Tex. I realise that this may be considered an arbitrary choice, but on the other hand, in my humble opinion, any other explanation would vec mogoce for the deep contradictions that would generate. If the idea there like, remember that is only the logical consequence of the participation of Tex said the war and the fact that our son now has an adult. And now we begin.

The family environment

Tex was born in a date between 1838 and 1841 (an earlier date would make him too old, while a rear making too young at the beginning of the war) in a ranch located near Rock Spring, not far from the source of the river Nueces in Texas. Of his father know only the name, Ken, and nothing, not even the mother. Of this entity that elusive are the parents of Tex we can only say very few things: first both were not born in Texas, the first Americans arrived there, in fact, under the leadership of Stephen Austin in 1821 and at that time they had to be children. We do not know if they arrived in Texas with the first wave of migration, or if you arrived later, in any case belonged to families of pioneers coming perhaps from the south, (Kentucky, Tennessee), or from the valley dell'Ohio or territories in the north east (Pennsylvania , New York.). Ken Willer, in particular must have been a typical man of the west, ready to defend his possessions from Indian raids, thieves and (of course) by the Mexicans, proud and jealous of its independence and capable of defending its rights by force if necessary, also features that end up in the child. It must have taken part in the struggle for independence, but it was not to Alamo, as his ranch lies not many miles away from S. Antonio, but maybe, who knows, there may be someone who died of his family. The mother can only say that probably was a classic woman border, but in addition we enter the field of pure hypothesis. Last member of the family is the brother Sam (probably named in honor of Sam Houston, the hero of Texas independence). It is not specified whether younger brother or greater, as shown in his first and only appearance today (82/84) propenderei to see more, even though it will not happy to see who does not love Tex also second in the order of birth. This is a profoundly different from Tex, more serious and reflective, does not like the use of weapons, although it is probable that can handle well, and certainly seems more naive and less smaliziato brother. The group is also familiar Gunny Bill, an old friend of Ken certainly adventurous life and master the use of any type of weapon, as the rest said his nickname (the Bill armiere). It will teach him to Tex all the tricks of sveltezza and skills that later will make a legend among the shooters.

Dall'infanzia civil war
Dell'infanzia of Tex know little or nothing: we can say that his best friend of the youth is a young and irruento cowboy named Clarence Hutchenrider, said Hutch and will be with him which, in 15 years, Tex will take its first your heart. We can imagine his return home under the gaze of his stern mother (if he was still alive) and enjoyed the old Gunny Bill and, perhaps, of his father. Del time to its other initiations into adulthood because there is nothing to know. For sure, we can say that before 1861 Tex had its baptism of fire and has certainly killed, in circumstances still not tell, his first opponent. In the spring of 1861, in the middle of discussions followed the election to the presidency of Abraham Lincoln and the secession of several states, including Texas, Tex., decided to leave the ranch and father along with two friends: "Damned" Dick Dayton and Rod Virgil part to bring a small north herd has been sold. What this will lead to, anxiety or other adventurous, it is not given to know. Surprising, since the civil war divides the top three: Rod part to enlist in the Confederate, and Dick Tex, after various events will enlist in the army of explorers (Incidentally this is the first and only time that our will to operate direct orders to the military; in the same circumstance acquire for the first time a rifle to use repetition in which, of course, will prove immediately able). After several adventures Tex find his friend Rod in April of Shiloh in 1862 in time to see him die. Scosso after giurer#242; to stop using weapons against "brothers" sudisti, if not for self (Nos. 113/115). Approximately six months after the border between New Mexico and Texas circumstances step up an alliance between him, and Dick Damned Lieutenant Beau sudista Danville against a Banda of Comanches. (AW 1998) What happens in the two following years, we still have not been told, apart from a single brief episode happened in Tennessee, when Lieutenant Johnny Butler sudista saves by shifting sands (Sp.T 10). The find, alone, towards the end of 1864, and in the tougher period of the conflict, involved in the love story of two cousins John and Leslie Walcott taking part in the two opposing armies (Nos. 297/299).
At the end of the war Tex, finally left Damned Dick, who preferred to remain perhaps the army, he decided to return home.

How much time is past by the end of the war on return of Tex it is not known with certainty. What is certain is that, some time after his return from a Banda of razziatori surprised his father on pastures and kill taking away the herd. Tex and Gunny Bill, against the advice of Sam, scrupulous observer of the law, decide to pursue the bandits across the border and Mexican raggiuntili in a posada a nearby village kill them in a quick conflict into focus. Surprised by rurales, are forced to flee, but Bill remains Gunny killed and Tex bury the Texan on the banks of the Rio Grande. At this point Tex decides not to stay at the ranch and, after having settled by the brother of his inheritance, he goes in search of adventures. Reached S. Antonio joins the rodeo brothers Corliss, proving (there was doubt from?) Able in all tests. On this domer#224; a wild stallion that will become his inseparable companion of adventures for the next twenty years and will also eradicate a tour of extortion against the people of the rodeo. Some time after it is felt that his brother was killed in betrayal by Tom Rebo a faccendiere overlooking the town of Texas City and Calver which sought to conquer his ranch. Tex does not lose time, we have created a part for Calver City and quickly makes his revenge killing Rebo and the decimandone Banda in a epic clash (One of the few survivors will be the right arm of Rebo, John Coffin, whom Tex still to do in the future). Unfortunately for him, even the Sheriff Steve Mallory was part of Banda and put our head on a substantial size (Nos. 82/84). Tex is given, and then, chased by hunters sheriffs and sizes from all over the west. To escape capture take refuge in Mexico devastated by civil war between supporters of Maximilian D'Habsburgs and those of President Benito Juarez .. Without wanting to, is involved in the plan organized by a former Banda sudisti of Irish origin, which is also his old friend Hutch and now is at the service of the German Empire, for an attempt on the life of Juarez, in exchange for money which will serve to finance the guerrillas antibritannica in Ireland. Their plan will fail because of our intervention and a girl, Juarista agent, Tex decide not to deliver them to their enemies, but they will, instead, safe behind the lines juariste, undoubtedly spurred by friendship towards Hutch , but also by a certain romantic vein that brings to find those nice irreducible rebels (No. 440). Returning to the United States Tex be given again hounded by the law, but the same can not do without ever put on the side of weaker against bullying others, driven by a strong personal sense of justice. We do not know with certainty how many and what businesses spend after his return from Mexico, we know that only some time after the find, reduce dall'ennesima fleeing a sheriff, in the gorges of Rainbow Canyon. The case puts it on the track of two old friends: Tesah, the daughter of Sakem of Pawnees Orso Grigio, which he known about ten years before when she was still little more than a child (as in this Tex has about 27/28 Tesah years and seems to have about 20, we must conclude that the meeting took place during a trip youth in the grasslands north west long before the war, perhaps in the company of his father and / or Gunny Bill) and John Coffin. Tex help the girl to avenge the death of his father assassinated, and to trace an ancient treasure, and close, once and for all, against Coffin, left unconscious in the middle of his ranch in flames (no. 1). There also seems to be tension between romantic and Tesah Tex, but it will not have developments, and after only one other appearance, the girl will not give more news itself. During this period Tex lives a hectic series of adventures without an apparent solution of continuity: the first clashes with the fearsome Red Hand Banda and can destroy (no. 1), then, near El Paso, helps a dying man and promises to the dismantling of Banda ferocious predone Mexican El Diablo. On this knows a ranger: Jeff Weber, which offers an opportunity to change lives and submit to two people who will have a profound impact on its future events: Herbert Marshall, head of a service that uses federal agents often incognito with a mandate to restore order in the turbulent west and Kit Carson, the famous scout, too secret agent. Tex agrees to enter into, which will become the No 3, later, in order, Arkansas Joe and Kit Carson, (no. 1) then rituffa into.

From outlaws a ranger and vice versa
Having eliminated Bill Mohican, a crude one for girls (No. 1) Tex went to Silver City in Texas to avenge the death of his friend Jeff and continue the investigation (No. 1 and 2) designed to curb traffic d ' weapons smuggling. It is worth reflecting on this adventure, the first in which it acts as a ranger, even under the cover of official outlaws and the only, I think, where love can be thought of two women at once and without even try. The first is Joan Baker, the brunette daughter of courageous director of the Silver City newspaper that he will save yourself from a group of criminals, and the second is the blonde fatal Marie Gold, social and probable lover of crude Bud Lowett, captain the boat's River Queen, master of the city and head of Banda trafficking. He met Tex a few minutes and, without thinking twice extracts from a derringer neckline and kills a balordo that wanted to shoot behind. Soon after Tex calls in his room. There is whether between the two something happens in the short period remaining upstairs, but it is certain that we did breach in the hard shell of a woman lived Marie Gold, who later discovered that Lowett and all Banda are preparing to do so outside, did not hesitate a moment to warn, regardless of the possible consequences, thus enabling Tex to face his opponents prepared them all out in an epic confrontation that almost cost the life. After surviving at least five injuries and after two months of convalescence Tex leaves Silver City, leaving behind a Joan Baker, who perhaps hoped to be able accalappiare. As for Marie Gold, we can not know what has been his destiny. In the short period after a single season that lasts rare certainly not more than a year, Tex fill almost equally territories southwest of the corpses of criminals and broken hearts of beautiful girls.
Having brought to justice along with a Kit Carson Banda of livestock thieves (no. 2), is involved with the beautiful Tesah in a plot that involves a Banda of Mexicans, a fabulous treasure hidden in a community of descendants of the Aztec living in a hidden valley (Mexico literally full of hidden valleys where communities live descendants of Aztec or Mayan Tex and, sooner or later, discover all). Aided the Aztecs rid of perfidious Mexicans who wanted to exploit them to seize the Treasury (Nos. 2 / 3). Tex has no time to rest, determined to conquer the Treasury, in fact, the Mexican army invades proditoriamente New Mexico and destroys Santa Fe. It will be forced to retire, but will begin immediately after a guerrilla logorante, making use also of dangerous spies including the man who one day become the most implacable enemy of Tex: Mefisto.

Ja sam fetišist papira!

Advanced Member

27163 Posts

Member since 13/03/2004

Posted - 10/02/2008 : 11:43:13  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send jaki a Private Message
The Life of Tex - Part 2

From outlaws a ranger and vice versa / 2
Steve Dickart aka Mefisto the Magician, it seems only an illusionist two money, but it is really diabolical, clever and ruthless as its name suggests. Dall'altrettanto the help diabolical sister Lily, who are responsible to seduce a naive lieutenant of cavalry and convinces to help them, not only manages to escape from the clutches of Tex who had arrested them both, but incastra also for the murder of Lieutenant poor in fact committed by the same Mefisto own. Intrappolato hopeless Tex is sentenced to death, but on the eve of enforcement intervenes and Kit Carson, passatagli secretly a gun, allows him to escape. This act is the final of cement a friendship that from then on will be permanent and unconditional for both. Success to escape Tex, returned once outlawed, towards the Mexican border and after various vicissitudes (among other things reveals a banker truffaldino and righteousness of a corrupt sheriff) joins a smuggler who brings know Montales, El Desperado, which has been fighting against corrupt and dictatorial Mexican government, thanks to her help and found Mefisto Lily rispedir#224; that in the United States along with evidence of their guilt and his innocence (Nos 3 / 4), unaware that about twenty years Mefisto after becoming expert in the arts of black magic, returned repeatedly to tormentarlo. When his revenge Tex decides to join Montales in its fight against the Mexican government. After various events, during which clear the democratic vocation of Tex and his being in no uncertain terms on the side of the weak and oppressed regardless of race or nationality, the revolution triumphed and a democratic government is established in Mexico City (n . 4). He returned, the United States, Tex is reflected immediately in trouble, helping a pair of elderly spouses to defend their ranch from the mire of a clique losca that will be only part of a larger sect run by a dedicated Chinese community, including other things, the introduction traffic. When they arrived in the footsteps of Tex will meet in Kit Carson and will be readmitted into the body of rangers. (Nos. 4 / 5). Destroyed the criminal organisation Tex Carson and they have no time to rest and are sent to Yuma with a mandate to destroy Banda of robbers that terrorises the region led by perfidious Satania. The two will succeed, but their enemy prefer gettandosi suicide in a ravine rather than be captured. (No. 5). Later, after clean up a mining town from the usual overbearing master who wants mining (Nos. 5 / 6), the two friends separate for a while. Tex will travel to Mexico to free Montales held in the island prison Tiburon, after a coup d'etat that overthrew the democratic government. In this Tex know the beautiful and courageous Lupe Velasco, a young girl fleeing a mentor motivated by bad intentions. Lupe, it is hardly necessary to say, innamorer#224; him, but, alas ¨, will have no luck, as are seen big changes in the life of Tex.
Success, after various vicissitudes to release Montales (Nos. 6 / 7), Tex back in the USA The friend leaving the task to liberate their country from tyranny. They are entrusted with a new mission: travel to Durango and see who foment revolt among Navajos and sells them weapons. Recently arrived in the area is captured by Navajos and would be tortured to death if the daughter of the head: Lilyth who knows him famous, decides not to appeal to his right to take as a husband. Now, instead of facing the alternative between the end bucherellato as a puntaspilli by arrows navajos or marry a beautiful Indian even the most impenitent of scapoli did not hesitate. Indeed, Tex decides to accept the marriage. After the ceremony Tex, which was able to obtain from the chief Red Arrow a truce, it is left free and it is here that proves true hardening of which is done. When asked to Lilyth that asks: "return?" He replied: "come back and not just to bury the hatchet". No one, not even the same Lilyth would have nothing to say if one turned their marriage under the need, but Tex is not the type of man who makes these things took a commitment and honour what the cost. The destiny, meanwhile, is lurking for giocargli bad pitches: his enemies, discovered his intentions, tend a trap is found and Tex dell'omicidio accused of corrupt Indian agent of Navajos. Will to flee, but once you find to be a hiding with a cut on the head. Determined to redeem take refuge among Navajos and covered with a costume and cap blacks, it is happy to persecute traffickers which had previously discovered the identity. Because of his disguise the Indians give the name of Aquila Night. During this period we can understand that the marriage of convenience with Lilyth has pian, plan turned into something more and that Tex has found a new home and a family. With the help of Kit Carson succeeds in dismantling the Banda, managing to capture the arms merchants Brennan and Teller and rehabilitate his name, after which it is down by the body of rangers, disgusted by the lack of confidence that everyone, except of Carson, have shown in him and will return to the Navajo Reservation decided to stay (Nos. 7 / 8).

"The happiest time of my life"

Free duties of the guardian of the law and no longer persecuted by justice, Tex returning from Lilyth. The lone giustiziere found, it seems, peace and serenity that for a long time lacked. Following that will define short term as: "The happiest time of my life" and is a very significant sentence for a man who rarely give voice to their feelings. As we have already said Lilyth, albeit under special circumstances, Tex has finally found the woman of his life, there can be no doubt that he was born in a strong feeling against the girl and that she is prepared to abandon its vagabonda life, especially as soon the two have a son. During this period Tex had the opportunity to meet a young Navajo: Tiger Jack, which will help track down the kidnappers of his betrothed Taniah, though arriving too late to prevent the death of the girl, suicidatasi to escape the violence of a Mexican caporione . This meeting, which seems occurred shortly before the birth of the son of Tex and Lilyth mark the lives of both, because henceforth Tiger Jack will become a faithful friend of Tex and will be at his side in the hardest moments. (Nos. 384/387). The hardest moments came shortly after, when the two arms merchants and Teller Brennan, I decided to take revenge Tex, are finding ways to unleash an epidemic of smallpox in reserve. Because of the epidemic and Tex Liyth died at his tomb, in a scene of great Shakespearean flavor, took his oath of not having requie until they have had her revenge on all those responsible. With the help of Tiger Jack tracks every single man who puts his hand to conspiracy and implacably bringing to fruition his oath. Only Sam Brennan succeed for the moment to sfuggirgli (single most rare) and Tex will have to wait twenty years to complete his revenge (Nos. 104/106).

The Tramp West
After losing track of Sam Brennan in Mexico inflamed by civil war, allegedly fomented by Montales and his followers, Tex becomes a real vagrants, who, with the only trust company of Tiger, wanders from one place to another of territories in the south-west. It could be groped in a key psychological explanation of this behavior and say that Tex fails to return to the village by his son child (this certainly can not have more than one year) because still oppressed by sorrow for the loss of his wife, pain that, as often is not accustomed to esternare. Both how it is in this capacity that we find some time after the unsuccessful conclusion of his hunting Sam Brennan, but not too (learn later that he and Kit Carson not seen for a year and that at their Lilyth last meeting was still alive and, as Carson prove they did not know Tiger Jack, it seems obvious that the meeting must be done before or Tex know Indian or during the period in which Tiger had withdrawn into solitude after death Taniah of). In a short sequence of events Tex and Tiger, with the occasional help of Carson, the sgomineranno Banda From ton, smaschereranno the intrigues of a Yaqui sorcerer and face Banda who holds a handful in the town of El Paso (Nos. 8 / 9 )

The dark years

After the events above and spend several years to find Tex Navajo village, his son, the little Kit, has now reached the age of about 5 / 6 years and the temples of Carson began to ingrigirsi. What Tex has done in three, four years is not given to know, it is possible, but not certain, which is situated in this period his clash with a tough Banda of Comanches and his meeting with Half Mickey Finn (No. 417 ).
Tex is called into service at the request of the old Marshall, who instructs him to trace and arrest the killers in Canada of the old Arkansas friend Joe (moving is the scene in which Tex receives from the hands of Kit Carson his old star No 3 that his time had noted the same chest Marshall). Tex went in Canada succeeds in its mission, but also various adventures lives in the company of two new friends: the Red Giubba Jim Brandon and mestizo Francophone Jean Gros .. (Nos. 10/12)
After this adventure we do not know practically nothing more Tex for the next ten years. This time we know only that, at a certain age his son Kit was sent to study the mission of the Franciscan fathers of Taos in New Mexico and will return to reserve about 15 years of age. Mystery absolute on the activities of Tex, even if it is certain that we must necessarily have lived more than one adventure and it would be interesting if someone, sooner or later, is interested to provide us a report. In ten years there must be things to tell and now we know for sure one adventure in which While hunting for a pair of robbers of banks along with Carson, Tex finds the time to give a lesson in life from a young pistolero (Mirror May 1998). Probably goes here period, or even earlier in the interval between the adventure of El Paso and those in Canada, including an encounter with a young Buffalo Bill at the time when cacciava bison for the Union Pacific. (Nos. 82/83). This story is accompanied by Tex Tiger Jack, his habitual pard of those years and Carson who appears briefly might have gray hair and not whites. Of course, Tex is called by the Cheyennes "white head of Navajos, but it could be an expression that no honorary alludes to the office at the time held by Red Arrow. Ok is an explanation for the hair pulled, but it is also the only one that would make it reconcile Tex history with that of Buffalo Bill. The next meeting between the two will, in fact, when Bill already holds the Wild West Show, that is to say approximately 15/18 years after years of the railroad (incidentally that narrated in nos. 435/437, does not seem to be a second meeting , Buffalo Bill seems, in fact, to know that Kit Carson in the previous adventure appeared only to never meet Bill, then there must have been at least another meeting with Kit Carson, another story ever told). If the first meeting had occurred concurrently with the other stories narrated in No 81 all'83, at the second meeting Tex should have more than sixty years, almost forty Kit Carson and it is better not to talk.


After the return of the reserve Kit and his entrance into the plant stable group of companions adventure of the father (No. 12) the continuing adventures of Tex accordance with the sequence of rolls dedicated to him by No 12 top left without relevant solutions continuit#195; without any serious problems of the various stories as set out Texoni, Almanacchi and Maxi Tex. It is said, however, that all stories are published in the right chronological sequence and a detailed analysis might reveal surprises.
The reconstruction of events seems far made quite clear that the current adventures of Tex take place in the late eighties of the nineteenth century. If you want to venture a date, based on the fact that the adventure with the Buffalo Bill Nos. 435/437 is set in 1886 (on which derives from the fact that Annie Oakley, a person really existed and founded in 1861, claims to have 25 years) say 1887 or, at most, 1888. We recall that there are, however, two adventures set explicitly in a May 1889 (OKLAHOMA 1991) and one in the period 1889-90 ( "Death of a soldier" nn. 88/89), which could, however, be set in a near future.
It is, as I said a reconstruction partly arbitrary and, as far as dating, denied by some recent stories. Leaving aside those that can be considered "poetic licence" (see clashes with Dalton and Butch Cassidy or Ford T Mc led by Pat Ryan in n. 34), remain some glaring inconsistencies, including that cited above on the two meetings with Buffalo Bill, which I tried to explain over and see what Tex lives to save presidential candidate (and future president), 1876 Rutherford B. Hayes in n. 220, and thereafter in nos. 393/395, avert another attack to a president engaged in a round for re-election, which is presented as seems Ulysses S. Grant (even though the latter had beard and hair blacks), if this were true, the story should take place in 1872 and it would be inconsistent not only with this history, but also the history of No 220. If you want to put this story in the history presented here, we must say that in that period of history, strange as it may seem, only two other presidents were ricandidati for re-election: Democrat Grover Cleveland in 1888 and the Republican Benjamin Harrison in 1892. (Note curious Cleveland lost in 1888 in favour of Harrison and then, in turn defeated in 1892, becoming the only President to have not won two consecutive elections). Cleveland would be the right choice with regard to the year, but not the same physical appearance, Harrison has the right physical appearance () 1892, problems related to a chosen time so advanced.

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Tex Willer
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Burkina Faso (Upper Volta)
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Member since 17/09/2005

Posted - 10/02/2008 : 12:15:30  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tex Willer a Private Message
Jos kad bi bili u prilici da krenemo s citanjem od pocetka u izdanju bilo koje kuce
U svakom slucaju lep tekst
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Member since 28/07/2002

Posted - 10/02/2008 : 15:12:36  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Curunir a Private Message
nekoliko zanimljivosti neznane vecini uza zivot texa willera...

tex je vecinu svog zivota nakon 20-te proveo u drustvu kite carsona. 98.6% noci spavali su zajedno, on i kita carson.
vrlo mali dio posvetio je svojoj zeni koja ga je napustila u cvijetu mladosti. naime, nakon jedne terevenke, isprebijao ju je na mrtvo ime i poslije smislio nekakvu pricu o velikim boginjama.
tex je dosad izmlatio 23.744 bijelca i 17.444.742 crvenokosca. upucao je oko tri milijuna nevaljalaca i 73 milijarde zvjeradi.
popio je 11.533 litre viskija, a s kitom carsona pojeo 39.886 bifteka s jajima i krumpiricima.
tex se moze ovako kurciti samo zato sto nije susreo zagija, koji bi ga razbio ko cipku, i martija, koji je jedini brbljaviji od njega i jos cudnijih prohtjeva jer sa sobom vuce jos vecu javinu kitu od one u carsona

Ne upuštajte se u raspravu s budalama, spustit ce vas na svoju razinu, a potom vas zatuci iskustvom.
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Member since 10/01/2004

Posted - 10/02/2008 : 15:15:59  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Ferri a Private Message
Originally posted by Curunir

nekoliko zanimljivosti neznane vecini uza zivot texa willera...

tex je vecinu svog zivota nakon 20-te proveo u drustvu kite carsona. 98.6% noci spavali su zajedno, on i kita carson.
vrlo mali dio posvetio je svojoj zeni koja ga je napustila u cvijetu mladosti. naime, nakon jedne terevenke, isprebijao ju je na mrtvo ime i poslije smislio nekakvu pricu o velikim boginjama.
tex je dosad izmlatio 23.744 bijelca i 17.444.742 crvenokosca. upucao je oko tri milijuna nevaljalaca i 73 milijarde zvjeradi.
popio je 11.533 litre viskija, a s kitom carsona pojeo 39.886 bifteka s jajima i krumpiricima.
tex se moze ovako kurciti samo zato sto nije susreo zagija, koji bi ga razbio ko cipku, i martija, koji je jedini brbljaviji od njega i jos cudnijih prohtjeva jer sa sobom vuce jos vecu javinu kitu od one u carsona

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Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Member since 12/07/2007

Posted - 10/02/2008 : 15:34:35  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Trigger a Private Message
he he he...

I kad ce Bob Morane u integralima?
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Posted - 10/02/2008 : 22:28:24  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send lwood a Private Message
Originally posted by Curunir

nekoliko zanimljivosti neznane vecini uza zivot texa willera...

tex je vecinu svog zivota nakon 20-te proveo u drustvu kite carsona. 98.6% noci spavali su zajedno, on i kita carson.
vrlo mali dio posvetio je svojoj zeni koja ga je napustila u cvijetu mladosti. naime, nakon jedne terevenke, isprebijao ju je na mrtvo ime i poslije smislio nekakvu pricu o velikim boginjama.
tex je dosad izmlatio 23.744 bijelca i 17.444.742 crvenokosca. upucao je oko tri milijuna nevaljalaca i 73 milijarde zvjeradi.
popio je 11.533 litre viskija, a s kitom carsona pojeo 39.886 bifteka s jajima i krumpiricima.
tex se moze ovako kurciti samo zato sto nije susreo zagija, koji bi ga razbio ko cipku, i martija, koji je jedini brbljaviji od njega i jos cudnijih prohtjeva jer sa sobom vuce jos vecu javinu kitu od one u carsona

depresivni iskompleksirani primitivac i nadrkana budala
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Posted - 10/02/2008 : 22:31:21  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tomislav.baretic a Private Message
Originally posted by Curunir

nekoliko zanimljivosti neznane vecini uza zivot texa willera...

tex je vecinu svog zivota nakon 20-te proveo u drustvu kite carsona. 98.6% noci spavali su zajedno, on i kita carson.
vrlo mali dio posvetio je svojoj zeni koja ga je napustila u cvijetu mladosti. naime, nakon jedne terevenke, isprebijao ju je na mrtvo ime i poslije smislio nekakvu pricu o velikim boginjama.
tex je dosad izmlatio 23.744 bijelca i 17.444.742 crvenokosca. upucao je oko tri milijuna nevaljalaca i 73 milijarde zvjeradi.
popio je 11.533 litre viskija, a s kitom carsona pojeo 39.886 bifteka s jajima i krumpiricima.
tex se moze ovako kurciti samo zato sto nije susreo zagija, koji bi ga razbio ko cipku, i martija, koji je jedini brbljaviji od njega i jos cudnijih prohtjeva jer sa sobom vuce jos vecu javinu kitu od one u carsona


volim grad koji tece...
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Member since 02/05/2005

Posted - 10/02/2008 : 22:37:50  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send srdjandj a Private Message
Originally posted by Curunir

nekoliko zanimljivosti neznane vecini uza zivot texa willera...

tex je vecinu svog zivota nakon 20-te proveo u drustvu kite carsona. 98.6% noci spavali su zajedno, on i kita carson.
vrlo mali dio posvetio je svojoj zeni koja ga je napustila u cvijetu mladosti. naime, nakon jedne terevenke, isprebijao ju je na mrtvo ime i poslije smislio nekakvu pricu o velikim boginjama.
tex je dosad izmlatio 23.744 bijelca i 17.444.742 crvenokosca. upucao je oko tri milijuna nevaljalaca i 73 milijarde zvjeradi.
popio je 11.533 litre viskija, a s kitom carsona pojeo 39.886 bifteka s jajima i krumpiricima.
tex se moze ovako kurciti samo zato sto nije susreo zagija, koji bi ga razbio ko cipku, i martija, koji je jedini brbljaviji od njega i jos cudnijih prohtjeva jer sa sobom vuce jos vecu javinu kitu od one u carsona

Genijalno, a kad ce Teks od prvog broja?

Iz Vršca stiže glas, u vinu leži spas, ko vino ne pije, taj nek se ubije!!!
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Posted - 10/02/2008 : 23:06:40  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send viktor14 an ICQ Message  Send viktor14 a Private Message
Originally posted by jaki

The Life of Tex - Part 1

All that we know of Tex comes from what, over the years, the authors have told us in the various stories, which are, therefore, the only source on which to draw. The main problem that you are facing and 'that the same stories are often strong contradiction between their position with regard to chronological order. For this reason the "biographer" has decided that the only valid Tex participation in the war of seccessione is narrated by starting points. 113/15 onwards and that the foregoing chronologically any other adventure narrated so far, including the legendary "The past Tex. I realise that this may be considered an arbitrary choice, but on the other hand, in my humble opinion, any other explanation would vec mogoce for the deep contradictions that would generate. If the idea there like, remember that is only the logical consequence of the participation of Tex said the war and the fact that our son now has an adult. And now we begin.

The family environment

Tex was born in a date between 1838 and 1841 (an earlier date would make him too old, while a rear making too young at the beginning of the war) in a ranch located near Rock Spring, not far from the source of the river Nueces in Texas. Of his father know only the name, Ken, and nothing, not even the mother. Of this entity that elusive are the parents of Tex we can only say very few things: first both were not born in Texas, the first Americans arrived there, in fact, under the leadership of Stephen Austin in 1821 and at that time they had to be children. We do not know if they arrived in Texas with the first wave of migration, or if you arrived later, in any case belonged to families of pioneers coming perhaps from the south, (Kentucky, Tennessee), or from the valley dell'Ohio or territories in the north east (Pennsylvania , New York.). Ken Willer, in particular must have been a typical man of the west, ready to defend his possessions from Indian raids, thieves and (of course) by the Mexicans, proud and jealous of its independence and capable of defending its rights by force if necessary, also features that end up in the child. It must have taken part in the struggle for independence, but it was not to Alamo, as his ranch lies not many miles away from S. Antonio, but maybe, who knows, there may be someone who died of his family. The mother can only say that probably was a classic woman border, but in addition we enter the field of pure hypothesis. Last member of the family is the brother Sam (probably named in honor of Sam Houston, the hero of Texas independence). It is not specified whether younger brother or greater, as shown in his first and only appearance today (82/84) propenderei to see more, even though it will not happy to see who does not love Tex also second in the order of birth. This is a profoundly different from Tex, more serious and reflective, does not like the use of weapons, although it is probable that can handle well, and certainly seems more naive and less smaliziato brother. The group is also familiar Gunny Bill, an old friend of Ken certainly adventurous life and master the use of any type of weapon, as the rest said his nickname (the Bill armiere). It will teach him to Tex all the tricks of sveltezza and skills that later will make a legend among the shooters.

Dall'infanzia civil war
Dell'infanzia of Tex know little or nothing: we can say that his best friend of the youth is a young and irruento cowboy named Clarence Hutchenrider, said Hutch and will be with him which, in 15 years, Tex will take its first your heart. We can imagine his return home under the gaze of his stern mother (if he was still alive) and enjoyed the old Gunny Bill and, perhaps, of his father. Del time to its other initiations into adulthood because there is nothing to know. For sure, we can say that before 1861 Tex had its baptism of fire and has certainly killed, in circumstances still not tell, his first opponent. In the spring of 1861, in the middle of discussions followed the election to the presidency of Abraham Lincoln and the secession of several states, including Texas, Tex., decided to leave the ranch and father along with two friends: "Damned" Dick Dayton and Rod Virgil part to bring a small north herd has been sold. What this will lead to, anxiety or other adventurous, it is not given to know. Surprising, since the civil war divides the top three: Rod part to enlist in the Confederate, and Dick Tex, after various events will enlist in the army of explorers (Incidentally this is the first and only time that our will to operate direct orders to the military; in the same circumstance acquire for the first time a rifle to use repetition in which, of course, will prove immediately able). After several adventures Tex find his friend Rod in April of Shiloh in 1862 in time to see him die. Scosso after giurer#242; to stop using weapons against "brothers" sudisti, if not for self (Nos. 113/115). Approximately six months after the border between New Mexico and Texas circumstances step up an alliance between him, and Dick Damned Lieutenant Beau sudista Danville against a Banda of Comanches. (AW 1998) What happens in the two following years, we still have not been told, apart from a single brief episode happened in Tennessee, when Lieutenant Johnny Butler sudista saves by shifting sands (Sp.T 10). The find, alone, towards the end of 1864, and in the tougher period of the conflict, involved in the love story of two cousins John and Leslie Walcott taking part in the two opposing armies (Nos. 297/299).
At the end of the war Tex, finally left Damned Dick, who preferred to remain perhaps the army, he decided to return home.

How much time is past by the end of the war on return of Tex it is not known with certainty. What is certain is that, some time after his return from a Banda of razziatori surprised his father on pastures and kill taking away the herd. Tex and Gunny Bill, against the advice of Sam, scrupulous observer of the law, decide to pursue the bandits across the border and Mexican raggiuntili in a posada a nearby village kill them in a quick conflict into focus. Surprised by rurales, are forced to flee, but Bill remains Gunny killed and Tex bury the Texan on the banks of the Rio Grande. At this point Tex decides not to stay at the ranch and, after having settled by the brother of his inheritance, he goes in search of adventures. Reached S. Antonio joins the rodeo brothers Corliss, proving (there was doubt from?) Able in all tests. On this domer#224; a wild stallion that will become his inseparable companion of adventures for the next twenty years and will also eradicate a tour of extortion against the people of the rodeo. Some time after it is felt that his brother was killed in betrayal by Tom Rebo a faccendiere overlooking the town of Texas City and Calver which sought to conquer his ranch. Tex does not lose time, we have created a part for Calver City and quickly makes his revenge killing Rebo and the decimandone Banda in a epic clash (One of the few survivors will be the right arm of Rebo, John Coffin, whom Tex still to do in the future). Unfortunately for him, even the Sheriff Steve Mallory was part of Banda and put our head on a substantial size (Nos. 82/84). Tex is given, and then, chased by hunters sheriffs and sizes from all over the west. To escape capture take refuge in Mexico devastated by civil war between supporters of Maximilian D'Habsburgs and those of President Benito Juarez .. Without wanting to, is involved in the plan organized by a former Banda sudisti of Irish origin, which is also his old friend Hutch and now is at the service of the German Empire, for an attempt on the life of Juarez, in exchange for money which will serve to finance the guerrillas antibritannica in Ireland. Their plan will fail because of our intervention and a girl, Juarista agent, Tex decide not to deliver them to their enemies, but they will, instead, safe behind the lines juariste, undoubtedly spurred by friendship towards Hutch , but also by a certain romantic vein that brings to find those nice irreducible rebels (No. 440). Returning to the United States Tex be given again hounded by the law, but the same can not do without ever put on the side of weaker against bullying others, driven by a strong personal sense of justice. We do not know with certainty how many and what businesses spend after his return from Mexico, we know that only some time after the find, reduce dall'ennesima fleeing a sheriff, in the gorges of Rainbow Canyon. The case puts it on the track of two old friends: Tesah, the daughter of Sakem of Pawnees Orso Grigio, which he known about ten years before when she was still little more than a child (as in this Tex has about 27/28 Tesah years and seems to have about 20, we must conclude that the meeting took place during a trip youth in the grasslands north west long before the war, perhaps in the company of his father and / or Gunny Bill) and John Coffin. Tex help the girl to avenge the death of his father assassinated, and to trace an ancient treasure, and close, once and for all, against Coffin, left unconscious in the middle of his ranch in flames (no. 1). There also seems to be tension between romantic and Tesah Tex, but it will not have developments, and after only one other appearance, the girl will not give more news itself. During this period Tex lives a hectic series of adventures without an apparent solution of continuity: the first clashes with the fearsome Red Hand Banda and can destroy (no. 1), then, near El Paso, helps a dying man and promises to the dismantling of Banda ferocious predone Mexican El Diablo. On this knows a ranger: Jeff Weber, which offers an opportunity to change lives and submit to two people who will have a profound impact on its future events: Herbert Marshall, head of a service that uses federal agents often incognito with a mandate to restore order in the turbulent west and Kit Carson, the famous scout, too secret agent. Tex agrees to enter into, which will become the No 3, later, in order, Arkansas Joe and Kit Carson, (no. 1) then rituffa into.

From outlaws a ranger and vice versa
Having eliminated Bill Mohican, a crude one for girls (No. 1) Tex went to Silver City in Texas to avenge the death of his friend Jeff and continue the investigation (No. 1 and 2) designed to curb traffic d ' weapons smuggling. It is worth reflecting on this adventure, the first in which it acts as a ranger, even under the cover of official outlaws and the only, I think, where love can be thought of two women at once and without even try. The first is Joan Baker, the brunette daughter of courageous director of the Silver City newspaper that he will save yourself from a group of criminals, and the second is the blonde fatal Marie Gold, social and probable lover of crude Bud Lowett, captain the boat's River Queen, master of the city and head of Banda trafficking. He met Tex a few minutes and, without thinking twice extracts from a derringer neckline and kills a balordo that wanted to shoot behind. Soon after Tex calls in his room. There is whether between the two something happens in the short period remaining upstairs, but it is certain that we did breach in the hard shell of a woman lived Marie Gold, who later discovered that Lowett and all Banda are preparing to do so outside, did not hesitate a moment to warn, regardless of the possible consequences, thus enabling Tex to face his opponents prepared them all out in an epic confrontation that almost cost the life. After surviving at least five injuries and after two months of convalescence Tex leaves Silver City, leaving behind a Joan Baker, who perhaps hoped to be able accalappiare. As for Marie Gold, we can not know what has been his destiny. In the short period after a single season that lasts rare certainly not more than a year, Tex fill almost equally territories southwest of the corpses of criminals and broken hearts of beautiful girls.
Having brought to justice along with a Kit Carson Banda of livestock thieves (no. 2), is involved with the beautiful Tesah in a plot that involves a Banda of Mexicans, a fabulous treasure hidden in a community of descendants of the Aztec living in a hidden valley (Mexico literally full of hidden valleys where communities live descendants of Aztec or Mayan Tex and, sooner or later, discover all). Aided the Aztecs rid of perfidious Mexicans who wanted to exploit them to seize the Treasury (Nos. 2 / 3). Tex has no time to rest, determined to conquer the Treasury, in fact, the Mexican army invades proditoriamente New Mexico and destroys Santa Fe. It will be forced to retire, but will begin immediately after a guerrilla logorante, making use also of dangerous spies including the man who one day become the most implacable enemy of Tex: Mefisto.

Dobar tekst, samo se vidi da je prevodeno s talijanskog pomocu online prevodioca.
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Tex Willer
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Posted - 10/02/2008 : 23:17:28  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tex Willer a Private Message
Originally posted by Curunir

nekoliko zanimljivosti neznane vecini uza zivot texa willera...

tex je vecinu svog zivota nakon 20-te proveo u drustvu kite carsona. 98.6% noci spavali su zajedno, on i kita carson.
vrlo mali dio posvetio je svojoj zeni koja ga je napustila u cvijetu mladosti. naime, nakon jedne terevenke, isprebijao ju je na mrtvo ime i poslije smislio nekakvu pricu o velikim boginjama.
tex je dosad izmlatio 23.744 bijelca i 17.444.742 crvenokosca. upucao je oko tri milijuna nevaljalaca i 73 milijarde zvjeradi.
popio je 11.533 litre viskija, a s kitom carsona pojeo 39.886 bifteka s jajima i krumpiricima.
tex se moze ovako kurciti samo zato sto nije susreo zagija, koji bi ga razbio ko cipku, i martija, koji je jedini brbljaviji od njega i jos cudnijih prohtjeva jer sa sobom vuce jos vecu javinu kitu od one u carsona

A pivo???
Nema podataka
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Posted - 11/02/2008 : 00:45:20  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Curunir a Private Message
pivo piju cipkice
srdjane, nikad, a mozda ni tad

Ne upuštajte se u raspravu s budalama, spustit ce vas na svoju razinu, a potom vas zatuci iskustvom.
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Posted - 11/02/2008 : 19:17:40  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit npetros2@htnet-dsl's Homepage  Send npetros2@htnet-dsl a Private Message
A ocete još jedan put replayati, jebo..t..

David Hayter: Legend is nothing but fiction, someone teels it, someone else remembers, everybody passes it on [/font=Trebuchet MS]
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Posted - 11/02/2008 : 20:06:34  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Curunir a Private Message
sta je, upade u lonac na papui??

Ne upuštajte se u raspravu s budalama, spustit ce vas na svoju razinu, a potom vas zatuci iskustvom.
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Posted - 14/02/2008 : 21:58:37  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Man_of_Steel a Private Message
Originally posted by Curunir

sta je, upade u lonac na papui??

Gadno je to...

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