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Vatican City
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Posted - 12/04/2010 : 20:46:43  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send osim a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ne samo Bane, već i Branko i Gordan, odnosno njihov strip Balkan Ekspres, našli su se u istorijskoj čitanci, objavljenoj na 8 jezika:

(strana 135)

Edited by - osim on 13/04/2010 14:25:45

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Posted - 13/04/2010 : 10:10:43  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Škrky's Homepage  Send Škrky a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Čestitke Banetu, a i cjelokupno štivo se čini vrlo zanimljivim, ali meni bi za toliko ćirilice trebali mjeseci da sve pročitam :(

Odgovorno tvrdim da sam možda u pravu!
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Posted - 13/04/2010 : 13:21:40  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit mlLandj3's Homepage  Send mlLandj3 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by osim

Ne samo Bane, već i Branko i Gordan, odnosno njihov strip Balkan Ekspres, našli su se u istorijskoj čitanci za 8. razred, objavljenoj na 7 jezika:

(strana 135)

Ova istorijska čitanka deluje toliko otudjeno, nabacano, nepovezano i megalomanski. Primetno je preko svake mere učešće citata nekih grka, rumuna i bugara kao da je reč o nekom štivu preuzetom bolje rečeno, sklepanom na osnovu materijala iz tih zemalja.
Takodje mi nije jasno kome je namenjeno ovo štivo? Osnovcima koji tek treba da počnu sa učenjem istorije, srednjoškolcima koji je već uče ali im treba servirati istoriju u osnovnim crtama ili studentima koji se pak po prirodi stvari ne mogu baviti istorijom na ovakav popularistički način. Ostaje samo to da je knjiga namenjena kojekakvim fanaticima željnim faktografije ali onda ovo ne treba da se zove istorijska čitanka.
Ja sam jednostavno zgrožen.
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Vatican City
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Posted - 13/04/2010 : 14:23:35  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send osim a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Evo linka i za izdanja na hrvatskom jeziku:

Originally posted by Škrky

Čestitke Banetu, a i cjelokupno štivo se čini vrlo zanimljivim, ali meni bi za toliko ćirilice trebali mjeseci da sve pročitam :(

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Vatican City
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Posted - 13/04/2010 : 14:25:24  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send osim a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Evo detaljnijih informacija, a tu je moguće pronaći i linkove za izdanja na bošnjačkom, makedonskom i ostalim jezicima
Originally posted by mlLandj3

Originally posted by osim

Ne samo Bane, već i Branko i Gordan, odnosno njihov strip Balkan Ekspres, našli su se u istorijskoj čitanci za 8. razred, objavljenoj na 7 jezika:

(strana 135)

Ova istorijska čitanka deluje toliko otudjeno, nabacano, nepovezano i megalomanski. Primetno je preko svake mere učešće citata nekih grka, rumuna i bugara kao da je reč o nekom štivu preuzetom bolje rečeno, sklepanom na osnovu materijala iz tih zemalja.
Takodje mi nije jasno kome je namenjeno ovo štivo? Osnovcima koji tek treba da počnu sa učenjem istorije, srednjoškolcima koji je već uče ali im treba servirati istoriju u osnovnim crtama ili studentima koji se pak po prirodi stvari ne mogu baviti istorijom na ovakav popularistički način. Ostaje samo to da je knjiga namenjena kojekakvim fanaticima željnim faktografije ali onda ovo ne treba da se zove istorijska čitanka.
Ja sam jednostavno zgrožen.

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Posted - 13/04/2010 : 15:13:52  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit marlowe's Homepage  Send marlowe a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ima tu još stripa autora.
Eno nemački propagandni plakat koji je radio Kuznjecov.
A eno i plakata za "anti-židovsku" izložbu u Zagrebu koju su radili Neugebauer i ekipa.

Remember, remember the fifth of November,
The gunpowder, treason and plot,
I see of no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.
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Posted - 13/04/2010 : 15:20:07  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit mcn's Homepage  Send mcn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Da ne skidam .pdf bezveze: jel' to ona povijest Balkana u 4 toma, subvencionirana od zaboravio sam?


Zar danas još niste bili na ? *** Moje aukcije:
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Vatican City
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Posted - 13/04/2010 : 16:32:38  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send osim a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sad, jel' "ona", ne znam, možda. Četiri toma su "Osmansko carstvo", "Nacije i države u Jugoistočnoj Evropi", "Balkanski ratovi" i "Drugi svetski rat". Objavljeno na srpskom, hrvatskom, bošnjačkom, makedonskom, grčkom, albanskom, turskom i engleskom.

Evo sažetka:

The Joint History Project’s long term aim is to introduce and utilise participative methodologies of history education in order to encourage, support and bring about democratic change in Southeast Europe.

These aims are pursued in the first instance, through the production of a set of multi-perspective History Workbooks (set of 4, each book covering a different theme, common to Southeast Europe). These books have been produced through a long collaborative and democratic process involving teachers, historians, translators, editors and researchers from all over Southeast Europe in an inclusive and diverse process. The books were originally compiled in English and have been produced in Serbian and Greek. History and its manner of being taught can be powerful tools for social indoctrination and the perpetuation of stereotypes, as well as a means for political control.

The misuse of history can Effectively create nationalistic mindsets and stifle the development of democratic skills and attitudes. Handled with an eye to fostering rather than silencing independent thought, history education can conversely be a powerful tool for bolstering and guiding societies towards peaceful, democratic and inclusive futures, and this is the purpose of the JHP.

Approaching the history of the region in a multi-perspective manner with the goal of discussing and reconciling with the recent past is one constructive and effective response to enhancing the notion of a shared past and therefore a basis for a shared future in the region. It is only through allowing children to imagine events and emotions from other peoples’ points of view, investigate divergent accounts of the past and question, debate and cooperate on activities about the region’s past that the ‘neighbourhood’ can be assured of a peaceful and democratic future.

A future of peace and prosperity involves not merely the absence of open conflict, but more, the creation of a long term situation in which the possibility for conflict has been eradicated. This situation can only come about through the creation and maintenance of a democratic, free and open society in which people have the skills and the confidence to embrace diversity, accept differences, solve disagreements with words, not violence and take the responsibility that accompanies the rights and liberties that democracy offers. In addition, the JHP works with teachers’ groups on advocacy with both local and central authorities and in these ways, helps to empower teachers as potential agents of change and to participate in a democratic system themselves.

Originally posted by mcn

Da ne skidam .pdf bezveze: jel' to ona povijest Balkana u 4 toma, subvencionirana od zaboravio sam?


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Posted - 13/04/2010 : 17:36:27  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit mlLandj3's Homepage  Send mlLandj3 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by osim

Sad, jel' "ona", ne znam, možda. Četiri toma su "Osmansko carstvo", "Nacije i države u Jugoistočnoj Evropi", "Balkanski ratovi" i "Drugi svetski rat". Objavljeno na srpskom, hrvatskom, bošnjačkom, makedonskom, grčkom, albanskom, turskom i engleskom.

Evo sažetka:

The Joint History Project’s long term aim is to introduce and utilise participative methodologies of history education in order to encourage, support and bring about democratic change in Southeast Europe.

These aims are pursued in the first instance, through the production of a set of multi-perspective History Workbooks (set of 4, each book covering a different theme, common to Southeast Europe). These books have been produced through a long collaborative and democratic process involving teachers, historians, translators, editors and researchers from all over Southeast Europe in an inclusive and diverse process. The books were originally compiled in English and have been produced in Serbian and Greek. History and its manner of being taught can be powerful tools for social indoctrination and the perpetuation of stereotypes, as well as a means for political control.

The misuse of history can Effectively create nationalistic mindsets and stifle the development of democratic skills and attitudes. Handled with an eye to fostering rather than silencing independent thought, history education can conversely be a powerful tool for bolstering and guiding societies towards peaceful, democratic and inclusive futures, and this is the purpose of the JHP.

Approaching the history of the region in a multi-perspective manner with the goal of discussing and reconciling with the recent past is one constructive and effective response to enhancing the notion of a shared past and therefore a basis for a shared future in the region. It is only through allowing children to imagine events and emotions from other peoples’ points of view, investigate divergent accounts of the past and question, debate and cooperate on activities about the region’s past that the ‘neighbourhood’ can be assured of a peaceful and democratic future.

A future of peace and prosperity involves not merely the absence of open conflict, but more, the creation of a long term situation in which the possibility for conflict has been eradicated. This situation can only come about through the creation and maintenance of a democratic, free and open society in which people have the skills and the confidence to embrace diversity, accept differences, solve disagreements with words, not violence and take the responsibility that accompanies the rights and liberties that democracy offers. In addition, the JHP works with teachers’ groups on advocacy with both local and central authorities and in these ways, helps to empower teachers as potential agents of change and to participate in a democratic system themselves.

Originally posted by mcn

Da ne skidam .pdf bezveze: jel' to ona povijest Balkana u 4 toma, subvencionirana od zaboravio sam?


Ma da. Ujdurma kojom se nastavlja ukalupljivanje ovog našeg dela sveta u jedan veštačko stvoreni entitet pod nazivom "jugoistočna evropa". Ide mi to malo na nerve, prenebregava se činjenica da je najveći deo te jugoistočne evrope bila država koja se zvala Jugoslavija koja je za sve ove ostale države jugoistočne evrope (pa čak i Grčku) bila pojam. Toliko o ukalupljivanju.
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cat claw
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Posted - 13/04/2010 : 19:14:23  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send cat claw a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Pregledao sam onako malo na brzaka... U principu, ne svidja mi se. Nikad nisam voleo udzbenike istorije ''sa stavom'', koji ti sole pamet, jos manje one koji su ocigledno jedna strana vidjenja sa ''dozvoljenom'' kolicinom podataka u korist druge strane.
Ipak, ima dosta podataka i dokumenata koji su korisni, neki koji su do sada retko vidjani... Mozda nekome i posluze za nesto.
Malo su mi sumnjive one dve poternice, kao da se neko igrao fotosopom
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Vatican City
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Posted - 13/04/2010 : 19:28:55  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send osim a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Kako god, sigurno je da je bilo mnogo poznatijih ratnih stripova domaće produkcije, ali autorima se baš Balkan Ekspres nametnuo kao primer!
Originally posted by cat claw

Pregledao sam onako malo na brzaka... U principu, ne svidja mi se. Nikad nisam voleo udzbenike istorije ''sa stavom'', koji ti sole pamet, jos manje one koji su ocigledno jedna strana vidjenja sa ''dozvoljenom'' kolicinom podataka u korist druge strane.
Ipak, ima dosta podataka i dokumenata koji su korisni, neki koji su do sada retko vidjani... Mozda nekome i posluze za nesto.
Malo su mi sumnjive one dve poternice, kao da se neko igrao fotosopom

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Posted - 14/04/2010 : 00:05:01  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit mlLandj3's Homepage  Send mlLandj3 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by osim

Kako god, sigurno je da je bilo mnogo poznatijih ratnih stripova domaće produkcije, ali autorima se baš Balkan Ekspres nametnuo kao primer!
Originally posted by cat claw

Pregledao sam onako malo na brzaka... U principu, ne svidja mi se. Nikad nisam voleo udzbenike istorije ''sa stavom'', koji ti sole pamet, jos manje one koji su ocigledno jedna strana vidjenja sa ''dozvoljenom'' kolicinom podataka u korist druge strane.
Ipak, ima dosta podataka i dokumenata koji su korisni, neki koji su do sada retko vidjani... Mozda nekome i posluze za nesto.
Malo su mi sumnjive one dve poternice, kao da se neko igrao fotosopom

produkcija partizanskog stripa je zaista bila obimna a oni se zakacise za nesto sto em ne oslikava pravo popularno shvatanje NOB-a em ta tabla ne reprezentuje sustinu samog dela u ovom slucaju Balkan Expresa.
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Posted - 01/05/2010 : 00:40:42  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Curunir a Private Message  Reply with Quote
mogli su barem Banetu da prezime napisu kako treba...

Ne upuštajte se u raspravu s budalama, spustit ce vas na svoju razinu, a potom vas zatuci iskustvom.
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cat claw
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Posted - 01/05/2010 : 01:40:34  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send cat claw a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Bas tako. Odma' ispadnes ozbiljan.
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Posted - 01/05/2010 : 11:13:38  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit all_ba's Homepage  Send all_ba a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Gand

Ma ima i gore.... Sve sro skola kaze da valja, u biti ne valja....
Da skola uvede stripove u lektiru i ono malo mladosti sto ih cita prestalo bi. O:-)

Ova ti je prava

C'est la vie...
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