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Average Member

534 Posts
Member since 20/06/2012 |
Posted - 19/02/2021 : 12:37:02

Dragi prijatelji,
Veliko nam je zadovoljstvo da najavimo jedno zaista posebno strip izdanje - magnum opus velikog Barija Vindzora-Smita, Čudovišta. Životni projekat na kome je radio više od 35 godina konačno će ugledati svetlo dana, pred vama će biti grandiozan grafički roman na 380 strana, nacrtan olovkom i tušem. Delom špijunski triler delom porodična drama, ovo je potresno i metaforično delo kakvo se retko pojavljuje. U prodaji će se naći krajem godine.

u zalivu magije... |
Edited by - MAKONDO on 19/02/2021 12:39:13
Paka01 suradnik

11449 Posts
Member since 14/02/2009 |
Posted - 19/02/2021 : 13:04:26
Ovo je zapravo njegova verzija Hulka koliko se sjećam? Uglavnom, rado bih ovo imao na polici! |
Would a new flood please finally come? A real rain and an assortment of plagues And when all is said and done, even the Devil won't care enough to spit in the mud |
Average Member

534 Posts
Member since 20/06/2012 |
Posted - 19/02/2021 : 13:10:44
quote: Originally posted by Paka01
Ovo je zapravo njegova verzija Hulka koliko se sjećam? Uglavnom, rado bih ovo imao na polici!
" ...Once upon a time, in 1984, it was a planned Hulk story called Thanksgiving by Barry Windsor-Smith, which portrayed the Hulk's existence as a result of abuse Bruce Banner suffered as a child. The idea was then used by Bill Mantlo in the ongoing Hulk comic book revealing the Hulk to be an expression of what was then dubbed schizophrenia, now dissociative identity disorder and more commonly multiple personality disorder. Peter David credits Mantlo for inspiring his own work on the character, which became so seminal, defining the character for a generation.
Some state that Mantlo simply stole the idea, and that seems to have been Windsor-Smith's interpretation. But talking to industry figures, the consensus seems to be that Mantlo didn't steal it, but was referring to it. Knowing the story existed, presuming it would be published by the time his issue was out, and referring to it when writing his own. Expanding upon the original idea, with his own concepts of three externalised figures, Guardian, Goblin and Glow, representing Freudian aspects of the Hulk and Banner's mind, conjured up by the Crossroads world around him.
Barry Windsor-Smith pulled his Hulk story in protest and began to rework it for other publication plans. First to Dark Horse Comics where it would have been called Big Red, but he fell out with publisher Mike Richardson over the Storyteller series. He took the projects to DC Comics, where it would have been recreated with new characters as a graphic novel, Monster. However, that project failed as Karen Berger and Paul Levitz refusing to allow Windsor-Smith to use certain vulgarities in the comic, and a now-planned use of the c-word was too far for DC then (though commonplace in Hellblazer now). What was originally a 22-page story was now over 270 pages
Fantagraphics published his similarly-withdrawn X-Men story, Lifedeath III as the Storyteller spinoff, Adastra In Africa. It was hoped something similar could be achieved with Monster. And that's just what happened..." |
u zalivu magije... |
Paka01 suradnik

11449 Posts
Member since 14/02/2009 |
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15815 Posts
Member since 24/04/2012 |
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21526 Posts
Member since 29/06/2008 |
Posted - 19/02/2021 : 13:50:15
MAKONDO najavljuje: Sfar/Trondhajm, ČUDOVIŠTA (kako bi tek ovo lepo zvučalo) |
Dajte nam Ralph Azhama;može i mekokoricen (ali u boji obavezno)! |
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3037 Posts
Member since 22/01/2015 |
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7479 Posts
Member since 24/09/2012 |
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27242 Posts
Member since 13/03/2004 |
Gil-galad suradnik

3544 Posts
Member since 19/05/2008 |
Posted - 19/02/2021 : 18:22:46
Jedva čekam da pročitam, a i srpsko izdanje. Windsor-Smith je legenda i nakon ovoliko godina, verujem da je imao šta da ispriča. Iako "na neviđeno", najbolja najava od Makonda dosad... |
Senior Member

2320 Posts
Member since 13/01/2020 |
Posted - 19/02/2021 : 21:54:18
quote: Originally posted by Gil-galad
Jedva čekam da pročitam, a i srpsko izdanje. Windsor-Smith je legenda i nakon ovoliko godina, verujem da je imao šta da ispriča. Iako "na neviđeno", najbolja najava od Makonda dosad...
E, sad samo (do)čekati :) |
Resistance is futile. |
Average Member

534 Posts
Member since 20/06/2012 |
Posted - 19/02/2021 : 22:26:20
quote: Originally posted by verab
Hoće li format biti kao i kod Jonathan Cape-ovog izdanja?
Nadam se da nećete ići s previše sjajnim papirom.
Još ćemo videti za format, a na mat papiru će ići. |
u zalivu magije... |
Senior Member

2320 Posts
Member since 13/01/2020 |
Posted - 19/02/2021 : 23:08:10
Možda papir kao u DW Iz pakla, ili Fibrina Zabranjena luka, koji je malo diskretniji, al da vuče na retro. |
Resistance is futile. |
Advanced Member
3037 Posts
Member since 22/01/2015 |
Posted - 20/02/2021 : 13:06:41
quote: Originally posted by MAKONDO
quote: Originally posted by verab
Hoće li format biti kao i kod Jonathan Cape-ovog izdanja?
Nadam se da nećete ići s previše sjajnim papirom.
Još ćemo videti za format, a na mat papiru će ići.
Odlično, saad mogu kenslati pre-order na amazonu. |
Gil-galad suradnik

3544 Posts
Member since 19/05/2008 |
going going
Advanced Member

11929 Posts
Member since 24/04/2012 |
Posted - 21/02/2021 : 01:37:48
quote: Originally posted by Gil-galad
Jedva čekam da pročitam, a i srpsko izdanje. Windsor-Smith je legenda i nakon ovoliko godina, verujem da je imao šta da ispriča. Iako "na neviđeno", najbolja najava od Makonda dosad...
A koja je engleska rec na slovo C koja je bila neprihvatljiva za Karen Berger i Vertigo? |
Senior Member

1725 Posts
Member since 11/06/2008 |
Posted - 21/02/2021 : 01:59:33
quote: Originally posted by going going
quote: Originally posted by Gil-galad
Jedva čekam da pročitam, a i srpsko izdanje. Windsor-Smith je legenda i nakon ovoliko godina, verujem da je imao šta da ispriča. Iako "na neviđeno", najbolja najava od Makonda dosad...
A koja je engleska rec na slovo C koja je bila neprihvatljiva za Karen Berger i Vertigo?
Pa valjda c*nt. Ali mnogo pre toga je bio odbijen u Marvelu iz istog razloga. Ann Nocenti nije mogla da prihvati ovu priču još sredinom 80-ih zbog vulgarnih reči, koje Windsor-Smith nije hteo da izmeni, tako da ništa nije proizašlo iz toga. |
Thought's the slave of life, and life Time's fool. |
going going
Advanced Member

11929 Posts
Member since 24/04/2012 |
Senior Member

1725 Posts
Member since 11/06/2008 |
Posted - 21/02/2021 : 13:41:51
Nije mi sasvim jasan taj stav. TV i film su davno prešli tu granicu. Ajde, Marvelova glavna produkcija 80-ih nije isto što i Vertigo 10 godina kasnije, ali ne sećam se da li su u njihovoj ediciji Epic imali slične primere tada.
Chaykin je u Twilight-u uspeo da provuče reč "rimjob" (sa vrlo jasnim značenjem) , nekoliko godina pre nego što će DC formirati Vertigo. Jebiga, nije psovka. 
Najbolji primer cenzure ostaje ona epizoda Green Lantern koju je crtao Kevin O'Neill (a pisao Moore), koju je Comics Code Authority odbacio zato što je crtež "neprijatan". Iako je na kraju DC štampao epizodu uprkos tome. |
Thought's the slave of life, and life Time's fool. |
Paka01 suradnik

11449 Posts
Member since 14/02/2009 |
Posted - 21/02/2021 : 20:02:22
Meni je bilo zanimljivo dok sam čitao God Loves, Man Kills primjetiti da je riječ "nigger" prošla bez problema. |
Would a new flood please finally come? A real rain and an assortment of plagues And when all is said and done, even the Devil won't care enough to spit in the mud |
Average Member

534 Posts
Member since 20/06/2012 |
Posted - 25/02/2021 : 23:07:40
"Barry Windsor-Smith has for over three decades, been working on Monsters. Almost twenty years ago I read an unfinished version and was shocked and astonished at the power and delicacy of the storytelling, by the honesty of the family relationships, by the feeling that this was being created by someone willing to reveal too much and go too deep in order to tell the story he had to tell. That it is completed and that it will be released to the world is something that's genuinely exciting for any of us who care about comics, or stories, or the place where art and imagination meet." ― Neil Gaiman, New York Times best-selling author
"This exquisitely illustrated epic bursts with emotion, insight, and empathy. Five decades into his already influential career, Windsor-Smith has created his magnum opus." ― Library Journal (starred review)
"The illustrations are in black and white and finely detailed, with shadows enhancing an ominous tone, and readers of political and supernatural thrillers, sf, and historical fiction with a vein of forbidden love will all enjoy this book." ― Booklist
"Consummate craftsman Barry Windsor-Smith presents an epic tale of love, horror, revenge, and redemption in his outstanding graphic novel. ...Years in the making, Monsters is a graphic narrative masterpiece and a haunting examination of the lingering effects of evil." ― Foreword Magazine
"Deeply disturbing and frequently beautiful ... Fans will pick up the book for Windsor-Smith's ornamental artwork." ― Publishers Weekly
" Monsters combines gothic horror with comic book tropes to produce a melting pot of twisted drama, moral dilemmas, and unrelenting brilliance from the opening onwards." ― Monkeys Fighting Robots |
u zalivu magije... |
Senior Member

1725 Posts
Member since 11/06/2008 |
Posted - 26/02/2021 : 19:18:36
quote: Originally posted by MAKONDO
Neil Gaiman, New York Times best-selling author
... and the world's most prolific blurber. |
Thought's the slave of life, and life Time's fool. |
Gil-galad suradnik

3544 Posts
Member since 19/05/2008 |
Posted - 26/03/2021 : 04:28:51
"Monsters combines gothic horror with comic book tropes to produce a melting pot of twisted drama, moral dilemmas, and unrelenting brilliance from the opening onwards. There is a powerful Frankenstein influence that has been combined with a Captain America style origin story. This is a merging of cultures and genres that crosses oceans, time, and mediums. Old British sensibilities have been grafted onto classic American pulp fictions to create something modern and inspirational. The narrative is the tour-de-force that Fantagraphics promise, and it will move you on several emotional levels." |
Gil-galad suradnik

3544 Posts
Member since 19/05/2008 |
Gil-galad suradnik

3544 Posts
Member since 19/05/2008 |
Senior Member

1725 Posts
Member since 11/06/2008 |
Posted - 29/04/2021 : 09:33:58
Piskor i Rugg sa Cartoonist Kayfabe su dohvatili u ruke Monsters, i daju svoje detaljne komentare:
Međutim, ovo bi sve bili SPOJLERI, budući da pred kamerom listaju strip, pa sam ja pogledao samo prvih 10 minuta.
Ali zato su ovu epizodu nastavili sa još tri kraće posvećene Windsor-Smithu: X-Men #205, antologija Storyteller, i, na kraju Adastra i Lifedeath. Pa, koga zanima njegov rad, ima šta da vidi. |
Thought's the slave of life, and life Time's fool. |
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