Pre koju godinu sam procitao sve tri knjige Warcraft chronicles o istoriji sveta i najbitnijim dogadjajima. Sada bih malo detaljnije ulazio u taj svet preko regularnih romana.
Odavno imam War of the Ancients, ali nisam jos stigao da citam. Prekjuce na sajmu uzmem Day of the Dragon. I sada malo googlam i naidjem na raspored knjiga. Idu sledecim redom:
1. Of blood and honor 2. Day of the dragon - Imam 3. Lord of the clans 4. The last guardian 5. 6. 7. War of the ancient - Imam 8. Cycle of hatred 9. Rise of the horde 10. Tides of darkness 11. Beyond the dark portal 12. Night of the dragon 13. Arthas: Rise of the Lich king 14. Stormrage 15. The shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm 16. Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects 17. Wolfheart 18. Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of war 19. Dawn of the Aspects 20. Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde 21. War crimes 22. Illidan 23. Traveler 24. Traveler: The spiral path 25. Before the storm
Zna li iko gde je najbolje kupiti ostale knjige? Gde su najpovoljnije? Je l' citao neko? Koje su vam najbolje? Da li je ovaj redosled dobar?
Would a new flood please finally come? A real rain and an assortment of plagues And when all is said and done, even the Devil won't care enough to spit in the mud