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37755 Posts

Member since 26/10/2007

Posted - 28/08/2018 : 16:51:44  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Over the past 72 hours, videos behind the enemy lines have been published from the following places: Maarrat Misrin, Idlib city (several), Deir Turmanin, Qalat Siman, Kafr Karmin, area of Taftanaz, Sarmada, Jabal al-Arbain overlooking Ariha.

Thousands of Syrians start returning to Daraya: state media

Russia upgraded his Uran-9 unmanned ground combat vehicle while successfully tested on Syrian battlefield - Uran9 has a 30mm 2A72 automatic gun, a 7.62mm PKTM machine gun, as well as four Ataka anti-tank guided missiles.

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Posted - 28/08/2018 : 20:11:10  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Syrian War Report – August 28, 2018: US Creates Strike Force To Attack Syria

Objavljena lista za odstrel “apologeta Assadovog režima”

W!? T!? F!?

Na internetu je objavljen popis ljudi i njihovih “zločina” kojeg je sastavio Kester Ratcliff, opskurni LGBT aktivist, samozvani “borac za ljudska prava”, student Sveučilišta u Groningenu, zainteresiran za mrežnu djelatnost i filozofiju.
Za uradak se navodi da je napravljen dok je Kester Ratcliff radio u Sirijskom izbjegličkom centru u Amsterdamu, ali ako bolje pogledate dokument, riječ je o marljivo pripremljenoj i vrhunski sročenoj listi za odstrel političara, novinara, javnih osoba i nekoliko organizacija koji su krivi što su “apologeti Assada”. Nema sumnje da je uradak mladog studenta i volontera u centru za izbjeglice imao veliku financijsku i svaku drugu vrstu potpore.

Na listi je ime 151 osobe i nekoliko organizacija, kao što smo rekli, koji su krivi za podršku Assadovom “režimu” i za neuspjeh “revolucije koja je trebala srušiti tiraniju obitelji Assad”.

Bilo bi nam drago da smo na ovom popisu od 151 imena, ali nismo tamo. Ipak ima netko s naših prostora da nam osvijetli obraz. Naime, svoje časno mjesto na ovoj, za LGBT aktivista i borca za ljudska prava iz Groningena Kestera Ratcliffa “nečasnoj listi”, dobio je Zlatko Dizdarević, novinar i diplomat, bivši urednik sarajevskog Oslobođenja i dugogodišnji dopisnik s Bliskog istoka.

Između ostalih, zlotvori koji su širili propagandu sirijskog režima su i Tariq Ali, Tim Anderson, Paul Antonopolous, Eva Bartlett, Vanessa Beeley, Tucker Carlson, Max Blumenthal, Noam Chomsky, Seymour Hersh, David Icke, Sahra Wagenknecht‏ i mnogi, mnogi drugi.

No, ostaje nejasno otkud mladom studentu iz Groningenu toliko slobodnog vremena i poznavanja ljudi sa svih kontinenata da sastavi uradak koji je dostojan operativca CIA-e. Osim toga, za gospodinu Dizdareviću stavljaju na teret članci iz 2013. godine, kada se oštro protivio namjeri Washingtona da pokrene vojnu invaziju na Siriju.

S druge strane, mladi Kester Ratcliff plače za senatorom Johnom McCainom i sirijskim pobunjenicima kojima je zdušno pomagao da se danas, ovaj put obrijani i obučeni u civilnu odjeću, koriste nizozemskim socijalnim i zdravstvenim sustavom.

Jedno je sigurno, propagandni sustav je iskoristiti ovaj popis za novu inkviziciju i buduće blokade na društvenim mrežama i platformama, iako su neka imena tako glasna da će ih se teško moći ušutkati. Ostalim je Kester Ratcliff, ako uopće on stoji iza ovog uratka, dao vrijedne izvore informacija, jer neke vjerojatno nismo ni poznavali.

Popis imena i njihovih “zločina”:

Covjece, da mi je znati broj dilera "ovog ludaka". To opet CII nesto iscurilo. A mozda su se cifuti naprdili pa...

Details of secret Syrian-American security meeting in Damascus

VIDEO: "We are waiting for orders to storm Idlib" - Syrian officer

Armed groups surround the town of Al Ghadfah E of Maarat Numan #Idlib with more than 40 pick-ups and are conducting an arrest campaign for dozens of citizens accusing them of communicating with the Syrian state to sign reconciliation. - report 4 hours ago

Isilovci se opet lose proveli u napadu protiv SAA

Both Iran and Hezbollah confirmed this week that they are staying in Syria for the long term.

a i ovaj patuljak, ponovo ga travnate biljke zgeckaju po jajima

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Member since 26/10/2007

Posted - 28/08/2018 : 22:35:37  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Iran arrested ‘tens of spies’ within government - minister

NEW MAP: Military situation in E- Latakia, NW- Hama (Ghab plain) and Idlib provinces.

Government Forces Restore Control Of Hatil Dam In Sweida, Clash With Militants In Northern Hama

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Pravda, Slovakia, published on August 28, 2018

Mass Protests Over Stabbing Incident Involving Migrants Turn Violent In Germany’s Chemnitz

At least 20 people, including two police officers, have been injured in the ongoing mass protests in the Germany city of Chemnitz.

About 600 security forces were deployed to the streets to supress the estimated 6,000-strong rally separate condeming ethnic-driven crimes carried out by migrants in Germany. At the same time, about 1,500 left demonstrators also gathered to oppose the protest slamming demonstrators as “Nazis”.

Security Forces Eliminated Several ‘Terrorist’ Cells In Western Iran

MSM Finally Concedes Defeat On Yemen, Ceases Blackout Of Coverage

Egyptian Forces Still Unable To Put End To ISIS Presence In North Sinai After 7 Month Of Anti-Terrorist Operation

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Member since 26/10/2007

Posted - 29/08/2018 : 13:14:22  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Idlib Militants Receive Large Batch Of Poisonous Chemicals With Help From White Helmets: Russian Military


“Kada baza bude gotova, kineska vojska će tamo poslati najmanje nekoliko stotina ljudi vjerojatno jednu naoružanu i opremljenu bojnu od 500 vojnika”, rekao je izvor za SCMP.

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37755 Posts

Member since 26/10/2007

Posted - 29/08/2018 : 17:37:23  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Izraelski vojnik “nimalo ne žali” zbog likvidacije ranjenog Palestinca

Opet, krivo je samo to sto je netko snimio zlocine zlocinacke cifutske vojske. Ne bi on drugacije dobio osudu. Iako mu je kasnije smanjena. Ovo je hladnokrvo ubojstvo, covjek leti nepomican, nema nikakvog oruzja, a ovaj dođe i upuca ga u glavu.

A onda se neki pitaju zasto civili, zene i djeca, bacaju kamenje u vojnike.

Bivši izraelski vojnik Elor Azaria, koji je nakon navodnog napada ubio jednog Palestinca izravnim hicem u glavu, iako je potonji ležao ranjen i nenaoružan, rekao je “kako ne žali zbog onoga što je učinio”.
“Znam da sam učinio pravu stvar i gdje god idem to mi je u glavi”, rekao je Elor Azaria u intervjuu za izraelski list Hayoum, čiji su dijelovi objavljeni danas.
“Ne žalim,… i da se mogu vratiti u to vrijeme u Hebron, učinio bih točno ono što sam učinio, jer je to bilo ispravno”, rekao je Elor Azaria.

Mogu li SAD zaustaviti iranski izvoz nafte?

Syria's Permanent Representative to the UN accuse the Western governments of conspiring with the terrorist organizations in Idlib in preparation for a new Chemical Attack play.

Exclusive pictures: Huge Russian naval fleet reaches Lattakia's coast

UAE Buys World's Largest Rocket Launcher "Jobaria" From Turkey

Taliban offensive in Nusay district on the border with Tajikistan IEA controls 2/3 of this area in northern Badakhshan province. Also reports that power line was cut in Herat province. (Afghanistan)

+ bombni napad


ajde, bas me zanima da li ce stvarno cekati do kraja septembra... prije vremena se stvarno vec moglo procitati da bi ofanziva mogla krenuti tek u septembru, a kasnije se pominjao i kraj augusta.

Syrian War Report – August 29, 2018: Govt Forces Launch Final Push To Eliminate ISIS In Al-Safa

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Edited by - Poli on 29/08/2018 18:18:07
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37755 Posts

Member since 26/10/2007

Posted - 30/08/2018 : 09:35:36  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Scores of Turkish-backed rebels killed after unknown group attack convoy in Afrin

Former FSA group sends large convoy to Idlib to aid in Syrian Army's upcoming offensive (video)

Al-Qaeda led terrorists in Idlib continue mass kidnapping and abusing civilians who seek peaceful reconciliation. Entire village populations taken to unknown location.

Trumpova “genijalna” strategija i europska podrška Iranu

“Posljednja poruka” Trumpu i Putinu – McCainov lijes će nositi ruski “disident”

NATO svoje snage na Mediteranu poziva na suzdržanost – Rusija gomila flotu kod Sirije

Israeli minister says Iran-Syria deal crosses 'red line', Assad to bear the consquences

Taliban Fighters Ambush Convoy Of Government Forces In Northern Afghanistan

Houthis Capture Several Positions On Yemeni-Saudi Border (Video)

Hutiji i posljedice napada

Egyptian Army Conducts Anti-Terrorism Operations In Western And Eastern Egypt (Video)

Russian military successfully test-fires new interceptor missile

Behind the scenes: preparations for upcoming Syrian "chemical attack" accusation | August 29th 2018

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37755 Posts

Member since 26/10/2007

Posted - 30/08/2018 : 17:43:21  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Syrian War Report – August 30, 2018: Russia Says Terrorists In Idlib Have To Be Liquidated

i Ameri se ukopavaju u Siriji

Photos: US establishes military base in north Syria with size of Russian base of Hmeimim

Russian MFA Spokesperson Zakharova: Pentagon's claim that US is not building up military forces in the Middle East doesn't withstand reality check. Besides, they forgot to mention that they can build up missile capabilities with 70 delivery vehicles to strike Syria in just 24h.

Russian Naval Group in Med. Sea

Syria map: Syrian troops split ISIS pocket following swift advance in Sweida desert

i rezultat

ima i ponekog prezivjelog

Erdogan Says Turkey Is Strong Enough To Rescue Itself From Current Economic Turmoil

Russia’s Army-2018 Military Forum: New Weapons And Contracts

Investigation Shows Pentagon Is Covering Seriuos Problems With F-35

Houthi showed wreckage of downed Saudi CH-4B Armed Drone near Tuwal border crossing.

Police: Sara Netanyahu suspected of bribery in Case 4000

US soldier pleads guilty to helping #Daesh, to receive 25-year term

A soldier based in Hawaii has pleaded guilty to helping the Daesh terrorist group, admitting that he planned to join the terror outfit and attack a US base in Hawaii.

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37755 Posts

Member since 26/10/2007

Posted - 31/08/2018 : 09:06:26  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Ne daj se Indija!

SAD upozorile Indiju na sankcije zbog moguće kupuje ruskih sustava S-400

a kako kad su agresori

Kijev priznaje da u ukrajinsku ekonomiju najviše ulaže Rusija

Updates from the eastern countryside of As-Suwayda | August 30th 2018 Syria

The latest phase of the Operation Dignity in the Safa volcanic field. Remaining territory held by Daesh was split into two pockets

Syrian children kidnapped to be used in false chemical attack in Idlib: Report

Lavrov warns West ‘don’t play with fire’ in Syria

dobro, nadam da se da nam to nece trebati vidjeti

The upgraded Syrian air defense system Pechora-2M is able to shoot down US missiles - The new version can destroy targets flying at 1000 meters per second at a distance of 28 kilometers and at a height of 20 to 25 kilometers.

Al-Mayadeen source from Idlib:
The White Helmets transported drums carrying toxic materials to Saint Nicholas church and the National Hospital in Jisr al-Shughour.
The location of the chemical play was changed by foreign orders after exposing the previous location.
The place of the chemical play has been changed to the city of Idlib or Maarrat al-Nu'man.

u septembru ce krenuti ofanziva protiv preostalih Isilovaca u pustinji na podrucju al Mayadin - al Bukamal prema Sukhni

Turkey Working With Iran, Russia to Avoid Provocation in Syria's Idlib - Erdogan

ISIS Fighters Ambush Police Unit In Eastern Afghanistan

Houthis Launch “Ballistic Missile” At Millitary Camp In Southern Saudi Arabia

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Member since 26/10/2007

Posted - 31/08/2018 : 19:21:37  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Syrian War Report – August 31, 2018: Russian Navy To Hold Large Drills Near Syria

State Department upozorava Moskvu da ne smije kontrolirati vlastito more

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37755 Posts

Member since 26/10/2007

Posted - 01/09/2018 : 15:03:55  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Pregovori i napetosti u Idlibu – Je li Erdogan popustio oko suradnje u kampanji?

Iran poštuje nuklearni sporazum i odbio je zahtjev Pariza za novim pregovorima

Rijad će od Katara napraviti “otočnu državu” – Objavljen natječaj za kopanje kanala

NEW MAP: Military situation in N-Hama and S-Idlib. Its quite likely SAA will flank "rebel" held Idlib province to the North - in E-Latakia and S-Aleppo Governorates (off map) - in order to lay siege on this heavily fortified area.
Syria HD:

US-trained militants planned to carry out terrorist attacks in Palmyra – Russian MoD

Badia Jnoba east of Palmyra - Details of what happened:
At approximately 05:00, 36 km from Palmyra, a clash took place between the Syrian forces and a terrorist group that tried to cross from Tanf crossing towards the city of Palmyra. Two terrorists were killed and two others were captured. The two captives, who were captured by witnesses, confirmed that the group that tried to enter the city of Palmyra, is from the eastern lions, numbering about 500 people.

na podrucju Idliba su teroristi srusili 2 mosta da sprece napredovanje SAA, sumnjam da ce im to ista pomoci

u Azazu eksplozija

The CIA, incl. director George Tenet, conspired with Saudi Arabia to keep 9/11 info secret to the FBI & other federal officials. They knew in the summer of 2001 that Saudi hijackers arrived in the US to commit acts of terror but didn't tell anyone.

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11679 Posts

Member since 05/05/2008

Posted - 02/09/2018 : 06:37:19  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Risar_69 a Private Message
Chemnitz, zašto su ljudi na ulicama

i tim ljudima kažu "desničari"
Ide se za obične ljudi, kojima je dosta politike usiljivanja i lažnih vijesti. I ovo sa su stare fore, kako razdjeliti narod, da se "pokolje medju sobom" medtem, ko budu oni izpeljali svoju agendu. Da je sa migracijskom politikom nešto naopako vidi se iz aviona. Umesto da se o zadevi priča i razpravlja, dajmo glavu u pijesak i sve koji misle drugačije staviti medju nacije...

Kad pocneš crtati, uvek moraš imati na kraju olovke, srce, ruku i misli!

Edited by - Risar_69 on 02/09/2018 07:49:01
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16999 Posts

Member since 25/10/2001

Posted - 02/09/2018 : 14:19:57  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Kruger a Private Message
Originally posted by Poli

Koji smiješan tekst. Može se reći i da je Bjelorusija dobila neovisnost na poklon.
Zaboravili su spomenuti kako je i masa Rusa mrzila Sovjetski savez, monstrumsku nasilno stvorenu tvorenu u laboratoriju kao eksperiment ne bi li uništili Slavene.
Mada, u novije vrijeme Putin, mora se priznati, izvrsno balansira različite ruske ekstremitete i drži i h na okupu. Dobro, mora se priznati da Rusi imaju snažan domoljubni mentalitet, pa im to pripomaže da opstanu uz sve nedaće koji su im nametnuli svjetski moćnici i uništavali ih, a njih tjerali da uništavaju druge, kao na primjer Ukrajince i Poljake.
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12283 Posts

Member since 25/07/2003

Posted - 02/09/2018 : 23:11:25  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send izivko a Private Message
Druga strana Johna McCaina

na engl.

Have mercy
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37755 Posts

Member since 26/10/2007

Posted - 03/09/2018 : 09:51:20  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Hezbollah: Kome SAD, kao poražena sila, mogu postavljati uvjete?

Jesu li SAD zaista toliko moćne da mogu tlačiti cijeli svijet ili će sve završiti ratom?

SAD ukidaju svu “pomoć” Pakistanu za borbu protiv terorizma

U Bagdadu održan sastanak vojnih zapovjednika Iraka, Rusije, Irana i Sirije

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Posted - 03/09/2018 : 09:56:59  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

situacija u Siriji na dan 1. 9. 2018

Pounding Daesh positions, Tulul al-Safa front.

situacija u okolini Alepa, prema Afrinu:
SAA reinforcements reach the northern outskirts of Aleppo city. - report on 29/08/2018
Source The Syrian army gives the civilians of Al-Zahraa N. Aleppo a week to leave their homes.
A Syrian army convoy enters the town of Deir Jamal SW of Tell Rifaat.

The men of 88th Brigade SAA shot down a drone equipped with six bombs at the Al-Ghab Plain area.

The killing and wounding of a number of militants of SDF after clashes with unknown gunmen near the town of Shaddadi in the southern CS of Hasaka.
Daesh takes responsibility for killing 4 members of the YPG militia in a bomb blast near the amusement park in the city of Raqqa.

How is Israeli regime losing in Syria?

China's Dark Sword UAV Program

Memory pill: The US State Department and Syrian Chemical Weapons

Donbass leader Zakharchenko killed in a terrorist attack | August 31st 2018

Hundreds of thousands came to say goodbye to a fallen Donbass leader

Taliban captured Chahi and several other villages in Daultabad district of Balkh province

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47009 Posts

Member since 09/12/2005

Posted - 03/09/2018 : 10:28:08  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send lwood a Private Message
Iran gnječi saudijce na svim frontama

depresivni iskompleksirani primitivac i nadrkana budala kojeg financira stari i koji sa skoro 50 godina nema ni žene ni posla.Pa naravno da je ljut na sve, a narocito na one koji su uspješni.
Jbga Lwoode nisam ti ja kriv kaj nisi uspio u životu
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Member since 26/10/2007

Posted - 03/09/2018 : 17:19:53  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Spremaju vec novu false flag?

Syrian-Iraqi War Report – September 3, 2018: MSM Claims Iran Moves Missiles To Iraq

After reports that there were clashes near the Tanf garrison, the CJTF-Operation Inherent Resolve press affairs statement says "At Tanf Garrison received fire from unknown forces on Saturday. There are no reported damages or injuries, and Coalition forces did not fire back."


Turkey Finally Designates Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham As Terrorist Group (znaci, alkajdu)

Iran Zarif in Damascus - after talks with Turkey president Erdogan last week - Iran FM says militants must be “cleaned out” of Idlib in northwestern Syria and region should be placed back under the control of the Syrian people

Syrian Government Is Going To Reconstruct 4,000 Schools In Three Years

Lavrov: Situacija u Idlibu se ne može trpjeti unedogled

zanimljivo da svi zapadni mediji u vezi Idliba govore iskljucivo o "pobunjenicima" i "posljednjem uporistu pobunjenika" u Siriji... ma jebale te takvi pobunjeniki koje predvodi alkajda i ostale dzihadisticne grupe

Kaos u Libiji – Krvavi sukobi suparničkih islamističkih frakcija u Tripoliju

Ruski dragovoljci spremni za odlazak u rat u Donbas

SAD nude Palestincima konfederaciju s Jordanom

Kako prenosi Times of Israel, Washington je predložio Palestincima da odustanu od ideje stvaranja samostalne države i da stvore konfederaciju s Jordanom.
Izraelski list je o tome izvijestio citirajući predstavnike izraelskih nevladinih organizacija koji su se susreli s predsjednikom Palestine Mahmudom Abbasom.


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7774 Posts

Member since 18/05/2003

Posted - 03/09/2018 : 18:50:56  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send KRAS a Private Message
Originally posted by Kruger

Originally posted by Poli

Koji smiješan tekst. Može se reći i da je Bjelorusija dobila neovisnost na poklon.
Zaboravili su spomenuti kako je i masa Rusa mrzila Sovjetski savez, monstrumsku nasilno stvorenu tvorenu u laboratoriju kao eksperiment ne bi li uništili Slavene.
Mada, u novije vrijeme Putin, mora se priznati, izvrsno balansira različite ruske ekstremitete i drži i h na okupu. Dobro, mora se priznati da Rusi imaju snažan domoljubni mentalitet, pa im to pripomaže da opstanu uz sve nedaće koji su im nametnuli svjetski moćnici i uništavali ih, a njih tjerali da uništavaju druge, kao na primjer Ukrajince i Poljake.

Upravo su boljsevici sa velikim brkom na celu ma kako okrutni bili spasili slavene..zamisli da su nacisti krenuli na carevinu.pukla bi ko nasa kraljevina za par dana
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7774 Posts

Member since 18/05/2003

Posted - 03/09/2018 : 18:54:37  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send KRAS a Private Message
Originally posted by Risar_69

Chemnitz, zašto su ljudi na ulicama

i tim ljudima kažu "desničari"
Ide se za obične ljudi, kojima je dosta politike usiljivanja i lažnih vijesti. I ovo sa su stare fore, kako razdjeliti narod, da se "pokolje medju sobom" medtem, ko budu oni izpeljali svoju agendu. Da je sa migracijskom politikom nešto naopako vidi se iz aviona. Umesto da se o zadevi priča i razpravlja, dajmo glavu u pijesak i sve koji misle drugačije staviti medju nacije...

.ovo je go nacista do nacista do naciste.volim kad se nemci pokazu u pravom svetlu..jedva cekam kad pocnu pustinjare trpat u logore ko nekad sto bi se radovao patnji pustinjara vec da mogu ovde da kazem..jesam vam reko
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Posted - 03/09/2018 : 22:48:37  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send KRAS a Private Message
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11679 Posts

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Posted - 04/09/2018 : 07:02:05  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Risar_69 a Private Message
Dešava se baš to, što smo več davno tu pisali o migracijama iz Azije i Afrike. Ma kakva ksenofobija i rasizam. Dejstvo je samo jedno i sicer, da nekontrolirane masovne migracije donosu probleme i to velike. Protiv toga se narod upire i nijedna cenzura medija toga više ne može sakriti.
A probleme prave ubačeni "desni" ili "lijevi" koji se umješaju medju ljude

Kad pocneš crtati, uvek moraš imati na kraju olovke, srce, ruku i misli!

Edited by - Risar_69 on 04/09/2018 07:09:04
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37755 Posts

Member since 26/10/2007

Posted - 04/09/2018 : 09:19:20  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Military Situation In Syria And Iraq On September 3, 2018 (Map Update)

Ivan Pernar iz Palestine otkriva stvarno stanje s lica mjesta (Video)

The Washington Times: “Sramota! Film o letu na Mjesec bez američke zastave”

cifuti ruse, jedino sto i znaju... zanimljivo da ne ruse crnogradnje svojim zionistima da im se izrigam... genocidna tvorevina zvana Israhell

Israeli forces demolish 4 Palestinian homes in West Bank | September 3rd

Israel Claims It’s Ready To Strike Iranian Targets Across Entire Middle East

Advanced Weapons Were Supplied To Terrorists In Syria Via Bogus Companies: Lavrov

UK: Syrian Terrorists Can’t Possibly Be Planning Chemical Weapons False Flag, Because Russia Said They Are

Islamic State, Al-Qaeda may set up new ‘terrorist holding,’ Russian official

koja kretencina ovaj narancasti pajac preko bare pa luđak otvoreno podupire al Kajdu jebote, sama Murika je priznala da na podrucju Idliba kolo vodi al Kajda, ali sada su tamo sama nevinasca, svi neduzni, a zli asadisti dolaze da sve pokolju, koja đubrad zionisticka a "neduzni" u Idlibu vec pripremili vjesala za sve koji bi se pomirili sa Damaskom, a vise stotinu ljudi su vec oteli, Muriku jasno to ne briga

Muricki pajac: "President Bashar al-Assad of Syria must not recklessly attack Idlib Province. The Russians and Iranians would be making a grave humanitarian mistake to take part in this potential human tragedy. Hundreds of thousands of people could be killed. Don’t let that happen!"

Explosion in Jisr al-Shughur Idlib CS. Possibly IED attack

Jaysh al-Islam from E Ghouta inaugurates a large military headquarters in Afrin

Iran’s Foreign Minister in Damascus Meets With Bashar Assad

Zarif: "The remaining terrorists in the remaining parts of #Idlib must be cleaned out and the region should be placed back under the control of the Syrian people."

Russia and China working together to checkmate the US

Houthis recaptured some positions in Haifan district, Taiz.

Despite US Support for “Official” Gov of Libya, Competing Gov Led by CIA Asset Benefits from Chaos in Tripoli

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Posted - 04/09/2018 : 13:36:07  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

Sve zapadne kancelarije stale u obranu sirijske Al-Qaede u Idlibu

eto, i na Logicno isto vide stvari

i evo koga Zapad zeli spasiti...

Militants in Idlib to hold mass executions of civilians

navodno vojna operacija "Idlib Dawn" (Idlibska zora ili Zora nad Idlibom) samo sto nije pocela

Increased RuAF fighter jet activity over several areas in Idlib
Jisr al-Shughur, Jabal al-Zawiya, Ariha, Muhambal, Jarjnaz etc..
Syrian reporter: Russian warplanes targeting militants positions in Al Janoudiyah north of Jisr city and in Qarqur located in the northern Al-Ghab Plain south of Jisr city.

i Turci sve zesce prcaju Amere u glavu

Ankara odlučila zanemariti američke sankcije protiv Sirije

Breaking: Russian Air Force begins largest bombing campaign of the year in Idlib

Russian Air Force steps up attack despite large Turkish Army presence in Idlib

Drones launched by jihadists in Idlib threaten Russian bases - Kremlin

Kurdish forces capture key ISIS commande

Anything is possible dec d uej
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Edited by - Poli on 04/09/2018 17:39:47
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Posted - 04/09/2018 : 18:32:12  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Poli a Private Message

koji q, Ameri u iraku se ukopavaju!?

Pounding Daesh positions, Tulul al-Safa front.

moguci novi napadi cifuta na Siriju, barem jedan mrtav, cetvero ranjenih, Tartous mountains... eto ih, cifuti sto brze pomoci svojim dzihadistima

Anything is possible dec d uej
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Posted - 04/09/2018 : 18:36:18  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send KRAS a Private Message
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